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[PKMN OPEN] The Pokémon Trainer Academy (T) [Best Veteran 4Q '11]


"Nuh-nice to meh-meet you," Skye told Genevieve with a small nod and a smile. Seeing Maxwell was walking away, he waved with a free hand and walked back inside the Pokemon Center. He smiled at the various people he passed, healing them with help of the Audino and Chansey. Nodding at the Pokemon in thanks, he went to visit Ciel, who smiled at the sight of him. "Duh-doing beh-hetter?"

"Tired," Ciel replied softly, still petting the Absol. "But they give me pain meds sometimes so it doesn't hurt that much."

Skye nodded gently. "Wheh-when wih-will you geh-geh-" He was getting tired. Normally the sentence would have been out of his mouth by now.

Luckily Ciel was skilled in the reading of minds or guessing. "I don't know. I mean they want me to stay tonight at least... hopefully only a couple of days." Skye nodded and yawned a bit, Rama still sleeping after the healing. Skye pet him with a grin as Pala yawned cutely and plopped over on the ground. Skye chuckled.

"Beh-bed," The boy decided, picking up Pala in his bag and waving at Ciel. He carried Rama out of the room. Passing Maxwell and Genevieve he smiled and waved, walking past toward his dorm. He did need some sleep in the end.
Maxwell looked at Genevieve, she wanted to catch a Meowth? Fair enough. Maxwell waved goodbye to Skye as he started moving towards the Pokémon Center,

"Yes, you can find Meowths in Kanto as well as Jotho, and in some rare occations they have been sighted in Sinnoh! I actually happen to have some knowledge about them. Meowths are pretty small and agile and they have sharp claws that can really mess you up if you're not careful around them. However, they like round and shiny objects very much and will usually pick up stuff like coins and such if they come across them. So the best bet would be to find something round and shiny..." he said.

He remembered one time when he was little, a Meowth had started to go around Ecruteak City stealing stuff from other people. Mostly coins. Of course everyone got mad at the Meowth and tried to hunt it down and capture it. But all their efforts had been for naught as the Meowth had proven quite difficult to capture. But in the end, Maxwell's father had successfully been able to fight the Meowth and catch it. Thus everyone got back their stolen items and the Meowth became a potent member of Maxwell's dad's team.

They eventually reached the Pokémon Center, Maxwell still had no idea of what to use in order to lure a Meowth out. He gave Nurse Joy the Pokéballs containing Wilson, Katam and Quillie with the words,

"Full healing please."

"Certainly!" the nurse said with a smile and went into the back room.

"You don't mind waiting a bit, do you?" Maxwell asked Genevieve as he put his arm around her. He looked around- Ah! Skye again, Hello! Maxwell waved again. He looked around to see if there was something to do around here, he spotted two people sitting across the room with thier Pokémon out. One of them was a girl in an Umbreon costume, and quite fittingly, she had an Umbreon with her. The other person, a guy, was dressed up as something Maxwell had never seen before, it was blue and had sort of blade looking things on it's arms. He had a Pokémon that Maxwell had never seen before, it was relatively small, had a cyan body, it's arms and head were colored white, the feet of this Pokémon had a navy-blue palette going for them and on it's stomach was a shell-like thingy. The other Pokémon was of the same species as Rama and Toto, hah, Quillie was gonna LOOOVE this. Maxwell smirked at the thought of his Quilava's reaction if he ever faced that Pokémon in battle.
Alice Crenshaw

Alice waved goodbye to Mark without saying a word as he left. He had more Halloween stuff to do? This kid must be a big fan of that particular day. Thinking about that made Alice stop thinking about the soul stealing human for a little while. And I say little because seconds after she was petting Jello again while staring at him. One does not simply forget stuff like that.

"Alice. I really like you petting me, but I think you have to calm down." Jello said telepathically to her, "I know it must be really tough for you to get over that, but you just have to think of something else."

"L-Like what?" Alice whispered.

"I don't know. Try talking to Valorie over there." he replied.

Alice nodded and looked at Valorie. "So, um, what now?" she asked.

Rosalyn sniffled a but holding her hurt wrist. "please don't be broken" she thought before moving her wrist slightly as Jimmy fought the Mankey. "y-yupp definantly broken or sprained" she thought with a small yelp of pain. She was drawn out of her thoughts by Jimmy extending an arm down to help her up. She grabbed his arm with her left hand and murmured "Thank you"


Genevieve smiled at him as they entered the Pokemon center "I've always wanted a Meowth, ever since I was little. A trainer came passing through where I lived and they had a Meowth. When I started traveling I was disappointed that they weren't found in the Unova region" she said blushing a bit as he put his arm around her "I don't mine waiting Maxy" she giggled smiling.
Jimmy Vincent

As Jimmy helped Rosalyn get back on her feet, holding his Egg with just one arm, Mankey charged at Smokey and hit him with Scratch. It didn't do much damage howver, and then the Fighting-type screamed in pain as the poison hurt him more.

"Humph. Whatever." Jimmy said after Rosalyn thanked him. He...didn't know what to respond, this time he had no excuse. Still holding the egg in his left arm, he looked back at the battle.

"Alright, Psybeam once more! Take him out!" he commanded.

Then, the Egg made Jimmy open his eyes wide. Not only it moved, but now it...made a sound. Like a very quiet roar. He looked at Rosalyn. "What the..."

Rosalyn sighed again as he just said whatever to her thanking him. She blinked away tears forming in her eyes from the pain in her wrist as she watched the Mankey attack Smokey. She planned on going to the Pokemon Center soon to have her wrist looked at when she heard a sound come from the egg "it's starting to hatch" she whispered with a slight smile "any minute now, and you'll have a new Pokemon" she added softly shivering from the cold at the same time she winced in pain.
Jimmy Vincent

Smokey's Psybeam sent Mankey flying against the tree was was hanging from, and the impact, coupled with the poison, ended up knocking it out. Then the Koffing flew back to Jimmy.

Jimmy, meanwhile, smiled when Rosalyn told him that the egg was about to hatch. He looked at her, and then at the Egg. He would have thanked Rosalyn for everything if it wasn't for his tough guy attitude. Then he looked around. It was dark and they were in the middle of a forest.

"Humph." he said, his smile disappearing. "We should go back to the Academy. It's...getting dark. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but..." Then he yawned and looked around. Great, he didn't know which way to go. Next time he would pay attention to the road instead of walking with his mind somewhere else.

Rosalyn nodded in agreement "w-we could try walking back the way we came, if we get out of the forest I can get Silver to take us to the Pokemon center at the academy." she said wincing again "I really need to get to the Pokemon Center, my wrist is most likely broken." she added having seen him smile at the egg for a moment but saying nothing about it. "p-plus, the Pokemon Center is near the dorms"
Byron MacTavish

Austin gave Combusken a blank look. Byron could tell that Austin hadn't seen this kind of Pokemon before. It was hard for Byron to believe. How could someone not know what a Combusken was? The second evolution to one of the three starting Pokemon given out by Professor Birch. It was common knowledge! But then Byron got to thinking.

Maybe this guy isn't from the Hoenn region or had never really followed the region itself.

"Wh-What is that again?" Austin asked, not even looking at Byron but at Combusken. "A Combusk-what? Where did you get this?"

"A Combusken. He is the evolved form of Torchic," Byron explained, hiding the fact that he didn't think the boy was one the ball. "I got him from the famous Professor Birch in my home region of Hoenn."
Daniel Sabrak​

Daniel glanced down at his wristwatch, a small frown creeping up on his face, lowering it afterwards as he looked up at Linc' once more.

"Ah, crap… it –is- actually starting to get a little late. I think I better head to my dorm and get settled in. I've got a bit of unpacking to do."

He grinned cheerfully as he gave the backpack on his… well, back, a shake. He then lifted a hand and gave him a hearty pat on the shoulder.

"But hey! I'll see you around tomorrow at some point, yeah? Would be cool if you'd wanna go have a look around the place with me and Alexis."

Smiling warmly at the boy, he glanced back at Alexis, who in turn looked up at him with her ears twitching slightly.

"Come on Alex', let's see where we're staying. Maybe we'll stop by a shop somewhere, where we can buy you a snack."

"Rai aichhh…" 'I'm not all that hungry, honestly… but, let's go.'

Daniel gave Linc' a nod, turning to wave at Hiro as he walked backwards for a bit while calling out.

"Have fun getting your butt kicked by your Pokémon! See you around Hiro', Luco!"

Giving another wave, he then turned around and began heading out of the arena, Alexis glancing back at the training session in progress as well, flicking her tail.

"Chuu arai." 'Good luck Luco.'

Daniel and Alexis continued down the hallways, following the signs that pointed in the direction of the suicune dorm, his hands grasped tightly around the straps of his backpack as he looked around. This was such an amazing place. He couldn't wait to see all of the different Pokémon here and begin learning about them.

A wide smile started spreading on his face as they continued down the hallway, Alexis starting to blink a little tiredly, a yawn escaping her. "Raai…" 'I'm tired…'

"I know, I know, we're almost there, by what the signs say. We just need to get out through this door and head over to… uh, that… direction. Ish." He said, waving a hand slightly forwards. Alexis rolled her eyes, but none the less continued her trek with him.

He pushed open the door and stepped out into the cold night air. It had suddenly become –really- dark. Guess he was in there for longer than he'd thought. He peered a little around, trying to spot where the Suicune dorm was.

Eventually, he noticed what he thought to be the Suicune dorm with two people standing outside of it.

Hmh. That must be it. Odd to not place the entrance to it within the academy itself… guess everyone can use a bit of fresh air.

He began moving towards the building, and as they were in the dark, Alexis attained the faint glow once more, the witness of the Raichu's constant miniscule discharging, which wasn't even enough to shock somebody.
As they got closer, he started squinting, noticing a small, pink Pokémon he hadn't seen before, two boys, one of which was… Byron! What a coincidence! And next to Byron was…

"… Whoa. Is that a…?"

Daniel stopped for a moment, staring at the Pokémon, the people having caught Alexis' attention as well. Daniel bit his lower lip for a moment while trying to recall it. He wasn't too well-known with the names for the Pokémon outside of Kanto and Johto, but he –had- seen this one before.

He snapped his fingers and nodded his head, moving closer to the people as he lifted a hand, waving with a smile.

"Hey, Byron! Fancy seeing you again! Sorry if I'm interrupting anything… uh, again."

He said this as he came to a stop, glancing from Byron to the other boy, giving him a wave as well.

"Hey. I'm Daniel."

Alexis stepped up next to him, her head tilting as she glanced from the Combusken to the Mime Jr., however not saying anything yet.
Jimmy Vincent

Jimmy nodded at what Rosalyn said. But he didn't want to admit that he didn't know which way they came from. He could either try his luck and go through a random path that would hopefully lead them out of there, or...

"What? Can't Silver fly us out of here?" Jimmy said, raising his right eyebrow, "That would save us from a tiring walk in which we might get attacked by more Pokémon."

That wasn't the actual reason of his question, but, once again, he wouldn't say he was lost.

Rosalyn shook her head and looked up. "all above us are tree branches. If we can find an area were there aren't as many trees he could fly us out, but not here, it's be to risky. It could end with Silver getting hurt, you getting hurt again, and me getting hurt more than I already am" she said looking at him. "if we just turn around and walk the opposite way on this path, we should be able to find a safe spot to fly from" she added "as for a tiring walk, we're both already tired, so that doesn't matter" she snapped her face flushing as she looked away, the pain she was in getting to her causing her to get annoyed.
Jimmy Vincent

"Humph. We could make a huge hole, then get rid of those stupid branches and fly away!" Jimmy said, sounding annoyed.

He was tired. He was upset. And he didn't like that she snapped. He kind of had it coming to him, but it still made him a bit mad. And then, all of a sudden, his stomach growled.

"But, whatever, let's have it your way." he said defiantly, "You lead."

Valorie Ryder​

Valorie wondered what Mark had meant by telling them to watch the skies. All she could think of was fireworks, and that didn't make much sense. She stood there and watched Mark leave for a bit, relevant thoughts running through her head. Abruply Shu interrupted by speaking to Valorie specifically via telepathy, so that others could not hear.

Shu (Valorie's Yamask; Private Telepathy): "Is he your husband?"

Valorie's thoughts just sort of stopped in a train wreck as a particularly obnoxious question graced her attention span. She just sort of turned her head to look at Shu with a silent, irritated expression.

Shu (Valorie's Yamask; Private Telepathy): "...What?"

Valorie turned her gaze back to the distance, not willing to dignify the question. Her cheeks were a bit red, as she wasn't sure if anyone else had heard that. If it had been a human saying it, or around more people, she probably would've been more concerned.

It was then that the girl that had been with them, Alice, got her attention by asking a question. Since there was nobody else around, Valorie could only assume it had been directed at her. Turning to Alice, Valorie blinked several times in an attempt to see better, though it was ineffective. She didn't know why she'd even tried, really. It was far from the first time she'd been out late ate night. A brief flashback to freezing cold nights spent training Charmander and Dratini and an emotional crit as she remembered where that'd gotten her. Valorie's eyes visibly narrowed a bit, though she seemed to be staring off into space rather than directly at Alice. This did not last long however, as she didn't want to be rude. Turning her gaze to meet Alice's face Valorie spoke up, doing her best to hide the sharp pain she'd just felt in her heart, as well as a dull longing for the company of several someone's.

Valorie: "I'm not sure..."

Valorie paused briefly before continuing.

Valorie: "Did you have anything you wanted to do before we headed back..?"

Shu made a brief coughing noise and Valorie was reminded of something.

Valorie: "I was going to fly over to Oak Town and pick up an everstone for Shu."

Shu seemed to accept this, otherwise fearing that he might evolve without one.

Olivia Wolf​

Olivia just sort looked around for a moment after Kenshin finished asking the question. She then checked her watch for the time and seemed a bit startled by what she saw.

"Oh..! Time really flows fast when you're having fun. It's almost time to start turning in for the night."

She then seemed to consider something previously unseen or unthought of, looking at Kenshin thoughtfully.

"Unless you had something you wanted to do~"

She seemed expectant now. Was she flirting? --...Probably. Was she implying she wanted to do something? Only her tone made it sound anything /but/ innocent. Perhaps it was a test? Goodness help Kenshin if he promptly jumped the shark. Before Kenshin could reply though, she actually went on to clarify.

"I bet there are some teachers giving out candy!~

Rosalyn turned her head and glared at him "that would just hurt the trees" she snapped shaking her head and looking away from him. It had been a long day and she was tired of him treating her just like her family had "and if your going to be like that, you can find your own way out, I'm done helping you just leave me alone" she hissed before walking away from him. She may have been harsh but at the moment she was in to much pain and to upset to care at all.
Linc nodded, he had been about to suggest heading back to their rooms for the night anyway.

"That's cool bro, I really need to check in with my pops. Hopefully I'll catch you tomorrow, yeah? Have a good one." He waved back to Daniel
as he left and turned to Hiromu and his pokemon.

"I'm gonna call it a night dude, but thanks for the tour! Means tomorrow I won't be, like, totally clueless. Once I've got settled in and done some more training we've totally gotta battle though, you know it! Enjoy your training dudes."

Linc grinned and left Hiro and his pokemon to it, heading off to call his dad and find out where they were staying. He was going to like it here, seeing all the different pokemon people had with them and catching new ones of his own.

A little time here and I'll be able to take the first steps on my journey. Brock. Roxanne. Roark. Better watch your backs dudes, there's a new rock master on the rise.
Jimmy Vincent

"Humph, fine." Jimmy yelled, and stood there as Rosalyn walked away from him. But this wasn't like all those times he said something like that to someone. He actually felt bad about it. The guilt and regret increased, and he just couldn't push them to the back of his mind anymore. He looked at the egg, which roared again and moved.

Then he remembered how nice Rosalyn had been to him. Teaching him about evolution, about eggs, and especially how whe got him out of the mountain. And now he was back where he would have been if it wasn't for her. He shook his head, hesitant. He didn't want to follow, because he would have to apologise, and he has never done that.

"Humph. I can't freaking believe it." Jimmy muttered, and then walked towards where Rosalyn had left. He was...actually going for it. He sent Smokey inside his Pokéball, he didn't want him to hear that.

He walked at a fast pace, now both of his arms holding the egg. Once he saw the shadow of Rosalyn in the distance, he opened his mouth.

"Wait. Wait up!" he said loudly, so that she could hear him.

Alice Crenshaw

Alice looked down for a breif moment before her eyes turned to Valorie. She didn't ahve any plans, as it was her first day and Valorie and Mark were the only ones she had met. She would have gone to sleep if she wasn't so insomniac. She then stood up, with Jello still in her arms.

"Oh...Do you mind if I..." Alice then said, "go with you? I-I don't wanna be all alone with Jello right now..."

"Hey!" Jello said telepathically.

"Sorry." she said to him, "Didn't mean to offend you."

Rosalyn sighed as she walked away from Jimmy and heard him yell after her. She figured she had been a little harsh but she kept walking, having no plans on talking to him until he apologized to her. As she got farther away she heard his voice yell for her to wait up. Rosalyn stopped walking, she didn't know why but she did thinking "maybe he's actually going to apologize... hmph.. I doubt it"
Docks... Docks... where were the docks... The plan was to use the docks closest to the academy and fly the boat over to the docks near oak town. It was going to be a long ride... but by god it was going to be worth it. He just hoped that the ghosts were still up for it in the end. After a long walk, Mark and Snype made it to the docks. There it was... Gary Oak's private ship... It wasn't really all that guarded. Not like Gary was holding any weapons of mass destruction in there. Besides, the kids wouldn't know how to drive a boat.

"Comon Snype, quietly..." Mark said as they started to sneak on board the ship...
''Ah...'' Oscar trailed after Rafael, who the boy had introduced himself as, explained the whole situation. ''What a rough start at a school, getting picked on on your first day...well, good thing that's over then.'' Oscar continued, giving Rafael a smile. Then, Oscar felt himself receiving a small shock, making his hair stand up. Looking around in confusion, he then saw that the electric shock came from Rafael's Pikachu. Oscar just stared at it for a second before letting out a small laugh.

''Oh...'' Rafael suddenly extended his hand and handed Oscar an Oran berry. A berry...it was a long time since he had seen one of those. They were very convenient, being very useful because some could heal Pokemon or get rid of status ailments and one could find berries out in the open. He received the berry and slowly gave it to Arya, watching as she oddly looked at it before taking a small bite and then eating the rest of the berry with a satisfied grin. ''Wow, thanks!''

Hearing someone mentioning her name, the Misdreavus turned to Pikachu with a curious look. It was the first time she had seen one.

''Oh, it was no problem at all. Just glad that you are okay now.'' She responded with a big smile.
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