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The Random Pokemon Challenge

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Guess who never played/finished Emerald? Guess who's going to try doing it with a random team???

Forum Username: UkiTheMaid
Game Version: Pok?mon Emerald
Number of Pokemon: 6
Exclude NFEs: Yes
National Dex: Yes (just gotta figure out how to hack that into the game lol)
Restrictions: I would like a balanced team, with no repeat types if possible (secondary type repeats are fine). Also, no "unique" or legendary Pok?mon like say Entei or Articuno or whatever. I don't really enjoy using them...

OK, finally got an excuse to use Tangrowth and Grumpig XD Now, if only I can figure out how to hack these pokemon proper... =does some research=

Edit: Braviary is literally unobtainable in Emerald, I need a reroll! (like really it doesn't even appear in the game's dex, so yeah).
Wait, no, Tangrowth is not in the game either. I can get a Tangela but no way to evolve it. Same with Rhyperior. I can get a Rhydon but no Rhyperior. I probably should have said "no" in the National Dex field!
I mean, I imagine it's possible to hack those into the game, but I can't even begin to imagine how you do it...
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Forum Username: tommyeatsdonuts
Game Version:HeartGold
Number of Pokemon: 5
Exclude NFEs: Yes
National Dex: No
Restrictions: I need at least one usable before the first gym, whether that be a starter or one I gotta catch. Thanks friend.
Forum Username: tommyeatsdonuts
Game Version:HeartGold
Number of Pokemon: 5
Exclude NFEs: Yes
National Dex: No
Restrictions: I need at least one usable before the first gym, whether that be a starter or one I gotta catch. Thanks friend.

Forum Username: JamesBCFC
Game Version: Black
Number of Pokemon: 6
Exclude NFE: nah
National dex: nah
Restrictions- I cant trade or hack anything, so got to be in Black Version and will need one I can get early on.
Preferably no legendaries.

Forum Username: JamesBCFC
Game Version: Black
Number of Pokemon: 6
Exclude NFE: nah
National dex: nah
Restrictions- I cant trade or hack anything, so got to be in Black Version and will need one I can get early on.
Preferably no legendaries.

Got it!

And for you

OK, finally got an excuse to use Tangrowth and Grumpig XD Now, if only I can figure out how to hack these pokemon proper... =does some research=

Edit: Braviary is literally unobtainable in Emerald, I need a reroll! (like really it doesn't even appear in the game's dex, so yeah).
Wait, no, Tangrowth is not in the game either. I can get a Tangela but no way to evolve it. Same with Rhyperior. I can get a Rhydon but no Rhyperior. I probably should have said "no" in the National Dex field!
I mean, I imagine it's possible to hack those into the game, but I can't even begin to imagine how you do it...
Oh, if you are hacking, I figured it wouldn't matter. How about these two if you can't figure it out?

Oh, if you are hacking, I figured it wouldn't matter. How about these two if you can't figure it out?


When the post mentioned "hacking" I assumed it meant just using cheats/save editors to be able to catch/hatch the pok?mon into the game, and not full on rom hacking *hah* I can't even pretend I know how to do that.

With that said, Banette and Ninetales are perfect! I'll replace Braviary and Tangrowth with them, and just keep Rhydon in my team since not being able to get Rhyperior isn't a big deal to me (aka I don't like it so not being able to get it in game is just fine).

So in the end my team is gonna be Ninetales, Banette, Rhydon, Grumpig, Jolteon and Quagsire then!
And sorry for the whole mix up!! Now I can set out on my Pok?mon adventure, finally!
Starting mine now.
Picked Snivy as my starter, currently looking for a Purrloin so I can get started on the challenge.
Aiming to do this fully before USUM release.
And lo, my challenge officially starts now! Under a spoiler because it got long-ish and in case you don't wanna be bothered XD

Starting mine now.
Picked Snivy as my starter, currently looking for a Purrloin so I can get started on the challenge.
Aiming to do this fully before USUM release.
Currently in Nacrene City. Only have one Pokemon.
To start it was a real grind as Purrloin has almost no defense so I had to over level a bit. About to take on Lenora (second attempt), Purrloin evolved into Liepard at the end of the fight against the last NPC of the gym, so that should help, but need to do some more training first.


After beating Lenora I initially skipped Castelia to try and get a Darumaka so that I wasn't stuck with one Pokemon for the third gym in a row.

Very first encounter on Route 4 was a Daruamaka, so got that and I'm up to 2 of my 6. Darumaka also a good one to get as the Castelia gym is bug, so a type advantage for the first time all game!

Beat Burgh with Darumaka at lvl20 and Liepard at 26, the battle was tight though with Darumaka fainting and Liepard having 2hp left.
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Here I come with a new update!

First things first, obtained the first badge! Phobos, living up to his name, simply OBLITERATED Roxanne. So proud of him!

Next, arrived in Dewport (after saving Briney and his PEEEEEEKO!!). Got me a Silk Scarf for my precious Mimas, reached Granite Cave to explore a bit. Phoebe is proving hard to train because she sucks exp like a SPONGE.

I have concerns for the next gym, since it's a fighting gym and two of my pok?mon have huge disadvantages to it... I can't keep on depending on Phobos, right? But going into the gym and fighting the trainers there, I realized that maybe I do need to depend on Phobos, as a simple Machop one-shotted poor Phoebe with a single Low Kick.

So, I set out to grind levels for my beautiful Phobos (and also the rest of the team so they can keep up), and lo and behold, he evolved into Quagsire! Now, he's ready to take on the Fighting gym leader! But the question is... can he do it on his own?

[PokeCommunity.com] The Random Pokemon Challenge

Phoebe, the Impish Rhyhorn // Lvl 19 // Female

[PokeCommunity.com] The Random Pokemon Challenge

Phobos, the Quiet Quagsire // Lvl 21 // Male

[PokeCommunity.com] The Random Pokemon Challenge

Mimas, the Rash Eeevee // Lvl 20 // Male
Forum Username: LRachelR5
Game Version: Emerald
Number of Pokemon: 6
Exclude NFEs: Yes
National Dex: No
Restrictions: One starter, a flyer, a surfer, preferably no shared primary types
Currently in Nacrene City. Only have one Pokemon.
To start it was a real grind as Purrloin has almost no defense so I had to over level a bit. About to take on Lenora (second attempt), Purrloin evolved into Liepard at the end of the fight against the last NPC of the gym, so that should help, but need to do some more training first.


After beating Lenora I initially skipped Castelia to try and get a Darumaka so that I wasn't stuck with one Pokemon for the third gym in a row.

Very first encounter on Route 4 was a Daruamaka, so got that and I'm up to 2 of my 6. Darumaka also a good one to get as the Castelia gym is bug, so a type advantage for the first time all game!

Beat Burgh with Darumaka at lvl20 and Liepard at 26, the battle was tight though with Darumaka fainting and Liepard having 2hp left.

Now have 5 badges, all acheived with just 2 pokemon.

Clay was proving a bit too tough for Liepard and Darumaka, so I trained a little, Darumaka evolved and then made light work of Clay.

Am now in Chargestone Cave and have just caught the third member of my team, Ferroseed.
Here I come with a new update!

First things first, obtained the first badge! Phobos, living up to his name, simply OBLITERATED Roxanne. So proud of him!

Next, arrived in Dewport (after saving Briney and his PEEEEEEKO!!). Got me a Silk Scarf for my precious Mimas, reached Granite Cave to explore a bit. Phoebe is proving hard to train because she sucks exp like a SPONGE.

I have concerns for the next gym, since it's a fighting gym and two of my pok?mon have huge disadvantages to it... I can't keep on depending on Phobos, right? But going into the gym and fighting the trainers there, I realized that maybe I do need to depend on Phobos, as a simple Machop one-shotted poor Phoebe with a single Low Kick.

So, I set out to grind levels for my beautiful Phobos (and also the rest of the team so they can keep up), and lo and behold, he evolved into Quagsire! Now, he's ready to take on the Fighting gym leader! But the question is... can he do it on his own?

Remember up there when I asked if Phobos would be capable of conquering the second gym? He did so with flying colors! I may... have overlevelled my Pok?mon when training for this gym out of sheer fear, but better overlevelled than being squashed! (still, I tried to use Phoebe against the leader and she got destroyed... poor thing)

Now, time to explore the dreaded Granite Cave. I'm using Nincada as my HM slave, because I don't want to taint my beautiful team with useless moves like FLASH.

Explored Granite Cave, delivered Steven his letter, hopped on the boat again with Mr. Briney to go to Slateport.

You know what time it is? It's time to wipe the floor with some Team Aqua goons at the museum! And deliver those Devon Goods! Which was easy because my team is awesome and Phoebe is delivering those crits left and right! CRIT QUEEN! I'm glad this isn't a nuzlocke...

So, I continue on to route 110, and enter the Trick House. Now, what does this place has in store?? =sees over 9000 trees to cut= Welp, time to use my Nincada it seems, and show these cut trainers how it's done!

However, I have a feeling my confidence will be my downfall soon enough.

[PokeCommunity.com] The Random Pokemon Challenge

Phoebe, the Impish Rhyhorn // Lvl 22 // Female // Item: Quick Claw

[PokeCommunity.com] The Random Pokemon Challenge

Phobos, the Quiet Quagsire // Lvl 22 // Male // Item: Oran Berry

[PokeCommunity.com] The Random Pokemon Challenge

Mimas, the Rash Eevee // Lvl 22 // Male // Item: Silk Scarf
Forum Username: Apophenia
Game Version: Pokemon Ultra Moon
Number of Pokemon: 6
Exclude NFEs: No more than 1 NFE
National Dex: No
Restrictions: At least one one the first island. Needs a cute mascot (see one allowed NFE).

Also I have some outstanding challenge that I need to cancel. I have long since abandoned that run. (Sorry)
Forum Username: Apophenia
Game Version: Pokemon Ultra Moon
Number of Pokemon: 6
Exclude NFEs: No more than 1 NFE
National Dex: No
Restrictions: At least one one the first island. Needs a cute mascot (see one allowed NFE).

Also I have some outstanding challenge that I need to cancel. I have long since abandoned that run. (Sorry)
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