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[PKMN OPEN] The Retaliators and The Downfall of Team Rocket [M] (OOC/SU)

Actually, remind me, what season is it IC? Kaede's kinda curious about Christina's clothing choice...

if Kaede gets too curious about Christina's clothing choice, she might discover a terrifying secret. go for it let's see where this goes

also I don't remember if we discussed what season it is or not IC wise at least
if Kaede gets too curious about Christina's clothing choice, she might discover a terrifying secret. go for it let's see where this goes
The thing is, Kaede's own sense of temperature is kinda... skewed due to the environment she grew up in (i.e. a modernized Nixtorm, the ice-type kingdom located in northern Ransei). She's much more resistant to cold than average people, which is one of the reasons she wondered if it was that cold out there.

And the other reason? This:
I'd say early spring
Maybe there's some leftover coldness from the previous winter, but still...
I just realized that Christina's Retaliator form reminds me of Shadow the hedgehog, just a little bit due to coloring... maybe I should make her battle theme 'All of Me' just for giggles

or have multiples? is that a thing?
Just to check, is there an (even vague) turn order? I've mostly just been trying to make sure to give time for others to respond, but if there's something more structured I'd appreciate knowing.
I think there was one, but that might not be as much the case, but yea I'm sure a pattern will surface as we progress, till then I guess see if anyone wants to start, so maybe a couple days and then respond or something... unless someone wants to establish a pattern we follow from here on out?
I also had a wild idea that might facilitate some teambuilding and some conversation amid the characters if folks are interested... roommates. Though that might be difficult or a shared common area between the suites so they all are going to the same place.
"Well, hello to you, Ms. Yukimura, or would you prefer Kaede?" He then moves his free hand to his chest and says, "I am called Keaton, or John, if you'd like. Either is fine with me." He then outstreches his arm and bows like a magician would on stage, nearly throwing Shade off of his shoulder in the process.
Man, can't help but to lmao at John nearly yeeting Shade off his shoulder. 😂

At last, people seemed to be properly introducing themselves. Tal wasn't used to bowing. But when both Kaede and Keaton bowed, Tal thought perhaps he should. Maybe that was the norm here, and it was generally better to respect people's customs. Though then Christina only waved, so perhaps bowing wasn't necessary after all? He ended up giving a sort of deep nod vaguely reminiscent of a shallow bow.
Little did Tal know that none of the three (Kaede, Keaton, Christina) are even from Unova...

After the new recruits has gotten acquainted with each other, Eric had them sit down. He heard Kaede call him "Damon-sama" which didn't bother, him but definitely caught him off guard a little bit.
A little new for Eric, I see? 🙃

"It's a pleasure to meet everyone. I'm Tal Schafer, Ranger Rank 5, based in Cocona Village, currently assigned to the Driftveil ranger base. My partner pokemon is called Proton".
Speaking of ranger ranks, is Kaede above or below Tal considering she's younger than him by 3 years? Or are they both in the same rank?

I just realized that Christina's Retaliator form reminds me of Shadow the hedgehog, just a little bit due to coloring... maybe I should make her battle theme 'All of Me' just for giggles

or have multiples? is that a thing?
Well, there's @Alex_Among_Foxes's character. He has different themes for different forms: two as Marcus, two as John. So... knock yourself out, I guess?

I also had a wild idea that might facilitate some teambuilding and some conversation amid the characters if folks are interested... roommates. Though that might be difficult or a shared common area between the suites so they all are going to the same place.
Sounds cool and all, but Kaede rooming with a Pokemon and a half-Pokemon is a bit...
a bit odd? yea, and considering the ratios of people, pokemon and other factors, it might make more sense to say they all have a private suite but they all share a commonroom / central living space / living room dining room and kitchen, to facilitate interactions.

I'm imagining like everyone's having dinner, people having people food and pokemon having pokemon food and Christina, first eating the people food but later sneaks some pokemon food into her coat to snack on later
Speaking of ranger ranks, is Kaede above or below Tal considering she's younger than him by 3 years? Or are they both in the same rank?
I just picked a rank at random that seemed vaguely reasonable (not a complete newbie but not a Top Rank super Ranger either). You can feel free to pick whatever rank for Kade feels best, whether higher, lower or the same.
I also had a wild idea that might facilitate some teambuilding and some conversation amid the characters if folks are interested... roommates. Though that might be difficult or a shared common area between the suites so they all are going to the same place.

I am against the roommate idea personally (though I don't care if others decide to pair up). My character would never agree to bunk with another human (at least at this stage), and while I don't think he'd normally care about sharing a room with another Pokemon, he's not at all in a good headspace right now to consider it (though that could also change if he were able to recover more of his family).

Man, can't help but to lmao at John nearly yeeting Shade off his shoulder. 😂

Funnily enough, that was a last-second addition that I only considered after rereading my post. I thought, 'wait, wouldn't she be effected by him suddenly bowing to the point of an L shape from standing straight up?' so I decided to include that little detail lol. :p

Well, there's @Alex_Among_Foxes's character. He has different themes for different forms: two as Marcus, two as John. So... knock yourself out, I guess?

That is because Marcus pretty much 'becomes' John when he puts on his mask. It's not just a halloween decoration. It also suppresses his ability to hear Psychic Type Pokemon's telepathic communications (with the exception of very powerful Pokemon like Mewtwo), gives him limited night vision, and almost completely changes his personality. That's why I have two different songs for him, because something dark and sorrowful doesn't suit Keaton's personality, and neither does something peppier suit Marcus.
Oh! And one more thing. @Kung Fu Ferret Will my character be able to talk to yours breafly before we all leave the situation room? I feel like it might be important to clear up the fact that my guy wasn't actually invited lol. (I did that because there's no real plausible way with Marcus's backstory that there was any real way for anyone to even find him, much less knw to ask for help, or to even assume he'd give it considering his personality)
Oh! And one more thing. @Kung Fu Ferret Will my character be able to talk to yours breafly before we all leave the situation room? I feel like it might be important to clear up the fact that my guy wasn't actually invited lol. (I did that because there's no real plausible way with Marcus's backstory that there was any real way for anyone to even find him, much less knw to ask for help, or to even assume he'd give it considering his personality)
Sure thing!
And here I am, contemplating on two things:
  • Which ranger base Kaede was recently assigned to (mainly either Viperia or Wintown but I'm also open to other places); and
  • Whether it would make sense to give Sherry the ability to control ice akin to Elsa or whether it's just... too OP for her.
And here I am, contemplating on two things:
  • Which ranger base Kaede was recently assigned to (mainly either Viperia or Wintown but I'm also open to other places); and
  • Whether it would make sense to give Sherry the ability to control ice akin to Elsa or whether it's just... too OP for her.

  • it might depend on the region Kaede is assigned to, I mean if she's showing up in Unova maybe partially the reason why she showed up was on the Retaliator's radar was because of an assignment to the Unova region or something similar?
  • as for controlling ice... it might depend on how it's flavored or the mechanics on how you wish to accomplish it, like is it of her own power entirely? like it just appears, maybe a bit OP but if it's maybe through Shiron, like due to their bond Shiron's natural affinity for ice type abilities and attacks, I could see it being possible, just wouldn't be as strong or any stronger than the ice type abilities an Alolan vulpix would be able to accomplish. so she could maybe use some of Shiron's ice type (or movesets that Shiron could use) moves but they emanate from her rather than the pokemon, or something similar, but doesn't get the abilities that an Alolan Neintails would have.... at least that's my thought, you could possibly flavor it within reason, or maybe just have it that for some reason sherry is less effected by the cold even more than normal 'the cold never bothered me anyway' kind of deal, maybe even Sherry finds the cold, very cold environments more comfortable? Ultimately it's probably up to the boss with what is feasible or not.
as for controlling ice... it might depend on how it's flavored or the mechanics on how you wish to accomplish it, like is it of her own power entirely? like it just appears, maybe a bit OP but if it's maybe through Shiron, like due to their bond Shiron's natural affinity for ice type abilities and attacks, I could see it being possible, just wouldn't be as strong or any stronger than the ice type abilities an Alolan vulpix would be able to accomplish. so she could maybe use some of Shiron's ice type (or movesets that Shiron could use) moves but they emanate from her rather than the pokemon, or something similar, but doesn't get the abilities that an Alolan Neintails would have.... at least that's my thought, you could possibly flavor it within reason, or maybe just have it that for some reason sherry is less effected by the cold even more than normal 'the cold never bothered me anyway' kind of deal, maybe even Sherry finds the cold, very cold environments more comfortable? Ultimately it's probably up to the boss with what is feasible or not.
Welp. Back to this for me, I guess:
The thing is, Kaede's own sense of temperature is kinda... skewed due to the environment she grew up in (i.e. a modernized Nixtorm, the ice-type kingdom located in northern Ransei). She's much more resistant to cold than average people, which is one of the reasons she wondered if it was that cold out there.

As for this:
Which ranger base Kaede was recently assigned to (mainly either Viperia or Wintown but I'm also open to other places)
it might depend on the region Kaede is assigned to, I mean if she's showing up in Unova maybe partially the reason why she showed up was on the Retaliator's radar was because of an assignment to the Unova region or something similar?
Iirc host @Kung Fu Ferret and I had somewhat established that Kaede and Peggy (Eric's late girlfriend who's also a ranger) used to work together in the past. I'd imagine Peggy might have told Eric about Kaede at some point, hence Eric more or less recognizing Kaede at Peggy's funeral about 2 years prior to the RP. Do correct me if I get something wrong, though.

Also, after Peggy's funeral, Kaede got reassigned somewhere else. Haven't decided where, but should be safe to say that she just recently came to Unova.
heh, I'm excited, I think I've found a few images to represent Christina's disguises when disguising as a Team Rocket member or something similar. I'll likely find more over time but I'm excited to use her illusions to change her appearance in the middle of an operation