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[Pokémon] The Spirit Sanctuary (Ghost types Club)

  • Team Aqua (GT 2024)
  • 49,941
    Welcome to the Spirit Sanctuary!

    If you fancy Ghost types, do enter... at your own peril! :devilish:

    [PokeCommunity.com] The Spirit Sanctuary (Ghost types Club)

    This club is for any and all discussion relating to Ghost type Pokemon. If there's any Ghost types you love, be sure to come talk about them! =D

    To join, all you need to do is say what your favorite Ghost type(s) are and possibly why =3
    Additionally, I think it would be fun if you could either suggest one Pokemon for me to draw and add to the image above, or if you're willing to you could also draw something yourself and pass it on to me and I'll just add it to the image (might need to scale it to fit in with the rest) =D
    It might take me a while to draw the Pokemon if you want me to draw it, depending on how busy I am.

    So to join:
    Favorite Ghost type Pokemon and why:
    (optional)The Pokemon you want added to the Sanctuary image:

    As for an initial topic: Which Ghost type Pokemon would you love to have in your house and why? Let's say a maximum of 6.
    Be it as a friend or a guard or just as a help around the house. Why you'd want these Ghost types in your house is all up to you!

    Club Members:

    👻 ReKoil 👻 Favorite Ghost type(s): Banette & Mismagius. Lunala, Marshadow, Spectrier, Chandelure, Basculegion, Froslass.
    👻 Ben Resolute 👻 Favorite Ghost type(s): Pumpkaboo.
    👻 VisionofMilotic 👻 Favorite Ghost type(s): Gengar, Mimikyu, Alolan Marowak and Dragapult.
    👻 Explorer of Time 👻 Favorite Ghost type(s): Giratina.
    👻 Ninetales 👻 Favorite Ghost type(s): Mismagius, Chandelure, Gengar, Lunala, & Giratina.
    👻 Delta Crowned Sword 👻 Favorite Ghost type(s): Giratina, Aegislash and Dragapult.
    👻 Megan 👻 Favorite Ghost type(s): Haunter, Rotom, Marshadow, Misdreavus, Mismagius and Flutter Mane.
    👻 Lavender 👻 Favorite Ghost type(s): Dhelmise, Drifblim.
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    Count me in! I adore ghost pokemon. My favorite of all time is gengar, so I'd like to see him added to image, if you don't mind drawing him too much! Other honorable mentions for favorite ghosts include mimikyu, alolan marowak and dragapault.

    What do I like about the og ghost line? I think his design is endearing. He seems to think everyone will tremble in fear of him- judging by that giant smirk on his face, and while he has murdered others, or so the pokedex says, he is closer to campy than fear-inspiring. He is mostly just a big tummy with a face, and being gaseous makes me think a strong wind might blow him away. Those stubby feet and hands also always make me do a double take at just how little they are. I don't remember the poketuber who said it, but someone once said that gengar combines Ghost with clown, and it teaches kids not to let death scare them too much. That's a great message!

    He is also such a powerful pokemon to bring to a battle. He is very quick on his feet, and will outrun enough things to deal devastating damage throwing those sludge bombs, thunderbolts and shadow balls at enemies. He even had a mega evoluton and gmax form. I wish they hadn't nerfed him by taking away his levitate ability, but he is still a pretty awesome glass canon.

    Which Ghost type Pokemon would you love to have in your house and why? Let's say a maximum of 6.
    Be it as a friend or a guard or just as a help around the house.

    This is a tricky one because ghost pokemon typically range from being pranksters to plain evil, so I better be careful what I wish for. Gholdengho seems like a solid choice though because he supposedly gets along well with others, and his move pool would come in handy- he could use make it rain when I am in trouble, and help me out with some cash.

    Phantump seems to have a sweet disposition also, he is said to be just the spirit of a lost child who wants a friend, and the leaves this baby tree sheds can be brewed to make a medicine said to cure any illness. We could help so many with this gift.

    I also would like a Houndstone, I like dogs, and since this pokemon is said to have been born out of loving memory of a deceased companion, I'd like to think that having this pokemon might be one of my late dogs returned, maybe have a few grevard and houndstone just in case :)
    Favorite Ghost type Pokemon and why: Pumpkaboo - idk he's just a chonky boy

    (optional)The Pokemon you want added to the Sanctuary image: Pumpkaboo

    I'm in! This looks like fun.

    Welcome to the Spirit Sanctuary! =D
    Pumpkaboo is a nice choice! It's size gimmick is pretty unique and it's pretty cute!

    I assume you want me to draw one? I did already put a Pumpkaboo on the image, but I don't mind doubling down at all =3
    I probably would make it a shiny Pumpkaboo though, just so I can draw it differently this time. Unless you'd prefer it to have normal colors ?

    Count me in! I adore ghost pokemon. My favorite of all time is gengar, so I'd like to see him added to image, if you don't mind drawing him too much! Other honorable mentions for favorite ghosts include mimikyu, alolan marowak and dragapault.

    What do I like about the og ghost line? I think his design is endearing. He seems to think everyone will tremble in fear of him- judging by that giant smirk on his face, and while he is murder others, he is closer to campy than fear-inspiring. He is mostly just a big tummy with a face, and being gaseous makes me think a strong wind might blow him away. Those stubby feet and hands also always make me do a double take at just how little they are. I don't remember the poketuber who said it, but someone once said that gengar combines Ghost with clown, and it teaches kids not to let death scare them too much. That's a great message!

    He is also such a powerful pokemon to bring to a battle. He is very quick on his feet, and will outrun enough things to deal devastating damage throwing those sludge bombs, thunderbolts and shadow balls at enemies. He even had a mega evoluton and gmax form. I wish they hadn't nerfed him by taking away his levitate ability, but he is still a pretty awesome glass canon.

    Which Ghost type Pokemon would you love to have in your house and why? Let's say a maximum of 6.
    Be it as a friend or a guard or just as a help around the house.

    This is a tricky one because ghost pokemon typically range from being pranksters to plain evil, so I better be careful what I wish for. Gholdengho seems like a solid choice though because he supposedly gets along well with others, and his move pool would come in handy- he could use make it rain when I am trouble, and help me out with some cash.

    Phantump seems to have a sweet disposition also, he is said to be just the spirit of a lost child who wants a friend, and the leaves this baby tree sheds can be brewed to make a medicine said to cure any illness. We could help so many with this gift.

    I also would like a Houndstone, I like dogs, and since this pokemon is said to have been out of loving memory of a deceased companion, I'd like to think that having this pokemon might be one of my late dogs returned, maybe have a few grevard and houndstone just in case :)

    Welcome to the Spirit Sanctuary! 👻
    Those are great picks as well. Gengar is just a mischievous classic and I love how Dragapult interacts with it's Dreepy, so playful! =D

    Ngl I was expecting you to pick Giratina or Dragapult as the Ghost type to be added =P
    I don't mind drawing Gengar at all though!

    I do have a busy weekend ahead, but I'm fully expecting to draw at least one of these two in the week after! =D
    It's up to you! Maybe a blue Pumpkaboo would be cool?

    Well... I drew Shiny Pumpkaboo first and then tried to make a blue alternative for it by playing with the Hue & Saturation for a while. Kept the dark grey/black from the shiny for the top half though as it pairs better imo. Any preference between the two? =3


    Ngl I kinda like the blue one =3
    Kinda tempted to just add both =P

    Edit Friday 8 March:

    One Gengar has arrived... ready to pull some serious pranks! :fufu:


    I've updated the ghost house with the Pumpkaboos and Gengar =3


    • [PokeCommunity.com] The Spirit Sanctuary (Ghost types Club)
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    • [PokeCommunity.com] The Spirit Sanctuary (Ghost types Club)
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    I didn't see this club until now but I want to join too!

    Favorite Ghost type Pokemon and why: It's sooo hard to pick a single favorite, but I'm going to pick Giratina, since it's my first ever Ghost-type and my Giratina from Pearl is the strongest Pokemon I've ever trained.

    (optional)The Pokemon you want added to the Sanctuary image: Shuppet and Pumpkaboo are already here, so how about Litwick? It's really cute and would fit right in with the rest.
    I didn't see this club until now but I want to join too!

    Favorite Ghost type Pokemon and why: It's sooo hard to pick a single favorite, but I'm going to pick Giratina, since it's my first ever Ghost-type and my Giratina from Pearl is the strongest Pokemon I've ever trained.

    (optional)The Pokemon you want added to the Sanctuary image: Shuppet and Pumpkaboo are already here, so how about Litwick? It's really cute and would fit right in with the rest.

    Welcome to the Spirit Sanctuary! 👻
    Giratina is a strong Pokemon and they certainly made it look very cool in the fight against it in Legends Arceus, a good pick!
    It didn't have to be a singular one tbh, you could go with like a top 5 or top 10 as well, though preferably no more than 10.
    I listed 8 favorites myself =P

    I had hoped to be able to get around to drawing Litwick today, so that I could include it in this post, but I got too busy with other things PC related.
    I should be able to get it drawn somewhere during the week though =3
    (optional)The Pokemon you want added to the Sanctuary image: Shuppet and Pumpkaboo are already here, so how about Litwick? It's really cute and would fit right in with the rest.

    One Litwick has arrived at the Spirit Sanctuary.
    I rather struggled with it's nose a bit tbh, but I think it came out pretty solid.


    • [PokeCommunity.com] The Spirit Sanctuary (Ghost types Club)
      25.9 KB · Views: 9
    I have to say, I just love the new artwork for Spirit Sanctuary. We have the most beautiful club in the house. I love my Gengar! You captured it's personality so well, he looks like he is snickering about some naughty thing he is about to do. All of them look good, I love the idea of this blue alternate shiny for Pumpkaboo. First, the color looks just gorgeous and mystical, it also conveys heat, like a really hot flame. I think Litwick also looks perfect. Awesome choices of pokemon everyone :D

    Note: If you don't want to be pinged just say so and I'll remove you from the list next time.

    Which of the Ghost type specialists do you like the most? In the spoiler below are the E4 and Gym leaders from the games, but you could also go with a Ghost type trainer from the Anime if you want, for example. It can be for any reason you want; maybe you like their team or perhaps you think the specialist instead is cool/strong/whatever.

    There's a couple trainer classes that for the most part use Ghost types or have a Ghost type on their teams: Medium, Channeler & Hex Maniac. Though there's also a bunch of trainers in these classes that use other Pokemon as well. They also aren't available in every game.

    What trainer class do you think would be fitting for a Ghost type only trainer? Is there an existing one you think fits or would you make a new class for it?

    Own answers and I should probably properly answer the opening stuff myself as well =P
    Which Ghost type Pokemon would you love to have in your house and why?: This is easy: Shuppet. It literally eats negative emotions so just having one around the house would easily improve my mental health.

    Which of the Ghost type specialists do you like the most?: I really like Shauntal. Great design and personality, and her team is one of my favorites to fight against. Morty is really cool too but sadly his team is not very good because he only uses the Gengar line.

    What trainer class do you think would be fitting for a Ghost type only trainer? Is there an existing one you think fits or would you make a new class for it?: Hex Maniacs are good for female Ghost specialists, but we really need a male counterpart trainer class that specializes in Ghosts too. Or just split Hex Maniacs into a male and female variant like Ace Trainers have.

    What is/are the most recent Ghost type Pokemon that you've had on your team during a playthrough? (feel free to go with your last several playthroughs if applicable)

    Are there any Ghost type Pokemon you've been wanting to try out on a playthrough, but haven't gotten around to yet?

    own answers:
    What is/are the most recent Ghost type Pokemon that you've had on your team during a playthrough? The most recent Ghost I've used was a Gengar in a solo run of Yellow. The run ended up being disappointing because it was too easy. After beating Erika, I can count the number of times it took damage on one hand. As far as actual teams go, I used a Sableye in a mono-Dark run of Pokemon XD, which ended up as a great counter to Fighting-types.

    I also used a Banette for a little while in the last GT's event, a Rotom and Drifblim in a Valentine's Day event, and a Gengar in my mono-poison run of Crystal that was much more fun to use than the overpowered one from my solo run.

    Are there any Ghost type Pokemon you've been wanting to try out on a playthrough, but haven't gotten around to yet? Mimikyu, easily, since I love it but I haven't played a Gen 7 game yet. I'm going to play a mono-Ghost run first thing once I get around to it. I even have a team planned already: Decidueye, Drifblim, Chandelure, Palossand, Mimikyu, and Froslass, with all of these except Chandelure (a favorite of mine that I've used three times before) and Drifblim being new. I've got around six other planned runs to do first, though.
    I would love be to join! Ghost is among my favourite types! I've always had an affinity for them! <3

    My favourite ghost type is Mismagius! I'm just absolutely enthralled by her design and use her as often as possible in playthroughs.

    Though my other favourites include: Chandelure, Gengar, Lunala, & Giratina.

    If I were to advise you to recommend a Pokemon to the drawing above, I would suggest Chandelure!! Such a gorgeous and unique Pokemon would make a wonderful addition to your lovely illustration!!

    In Legends of Arceus, I have 3 ghost type Pokemon on my team, including Hisuian Typhosion, Gengar, and a shiny Dusknoir that I randomly encountered. I've never used a Dusknoir in a playthrough before and I must say, it's quite an impressive Pokemon!
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    Favorite Ghost type Pokemon and why:

    Giratina-Origin. Personally for me, no can replace him. The design is mesmerizing and it does looks how a Legendary Pokémon should look.

    Having Levitate ability means immunity to ground, plus avoiding all spikes setups, sticky web, etc.

    I remember that I used Giratina to clear the Sinnoh League, despite getting him late in the game.

    If non-legendary, then it should be Aegislash and Dragapult !!

    Which Ghost type Pokemon would you love to have in your house and why?

    Calyrex-Shadow Rider for commutation, Dragapult for safety, Giratina-O because he is favorite and I will sleep next to it, or go into Distortion World to play !!

    Runerigus for cursing those people who have bad feelings against me, and allowing Runerigus add it's grudge on those people !!

    Which of the Ghost type specialists do you like the most?

    I will say Unova E4 Shauntal. She is studious kind of person and I will enjoy her company to learn something new !!

    What is/are the most recent Ghost type Pokemon that you've had on your team during a playthrough?

    Since I only Pokémon GO for few minutes daily, hence my answer is Houndstone. I was amused when I was evolving him, because I had not played switch games, hence getting Pokémon from those games are wonderful experience for me.

    My last mainline game was Ultra Sun, so the answer there is Dhelmise.

    Are there any Ghost type Pokemon you've been wanting to try out on a playthrough, but haven't gotten around to yet?

    Calyrex-Shadow Rider. I had used it in Pokémon Showdown extensively, but am waiting to get it in Pokémon GO.

    And also want to add Dragapult as well !!

    What trainer class do you think would be fitting for a Ghost type only trainer? Is there an existing one you think fits or would you make a new class for it?

    I will also go for Ace Trainer. Otherwise E4.

    Making a new class is also not that bad, maybe something like Ghost Catcher as in TV shows who run here and there with EM-Sensing devices ?
    I would love be to join! Ghost is among my favourite types! I've always had an affinity for them! <3

    My favourite ghost type is Mismagius! I'm just absolutely enthralled by her design and use her as often as possibly in playthroughs.

    Though my other favourites include: Chandelure, Gengar, Lunala, & Giratina.

    If I were to advise you to recommend a Pokemon to the drawing above, I would suggest Chandelure!! Such a gorgeous and unique Pokemon would make a wonderful addition to your lovely illustration!!

    In Legends of Arceus, I have 3 ghost type Pokemon on my team, including Hisuian Typhosion, Gengar, and a shiny Dusknoir that I randomly encountered. I've never used a Dusknoir in a playthrough before and I must say, it's quite an impressive Pokemon!

    Welcome to the Spirit Sanctuary! 👻
    Great selection of favorites! Mismagius is tied for my favorite Ghost type =D

    Apologies for the delayed response... I wanted to draw Chandelure before responding, but ended up not starting my drawing of it until yesterday and finishing it today due to being busy with other things :sadwick:

    Here's just the Chandelure:

    And I'll be updating the image in the opening post shortly! =3

    Giratina-Origin. Personally for me, no can replace him. The design is mesmerizing and it does looks how a Legendary Pokémon should look.

    Having Levitate ability means immunity to ground, plus avoiding all spikes setups, sticky web, etc.

    I remember that I used Giratina to clear the Sinnoh League, despite getting him late in the game.

    If non-legendary, then it should be Aegislash and Dragapult !!

    Calyrex-Shadow Rider for commutation, Dragapult for safety, Giratina-O because he is favorite and I will sleep next to it, or go into Distortion World to play !!

    Runerigus for cursing those people who have bad feelings against me, and allowing Runerigus add it's grudge on those people !!

    I will say Unova E4 Shauntal. She is studious kind of person and I will enjoy her company to learn something new !!

    Since I only Pokémon GO for few minutes daily, hence my answer is Houndstone. I was amused when I was evolving him, because I had not played switch games, hence getting Pokémon from those games are wonderful experience for me.

    My last mainline game was Ultra Sun, so the answer there is Dhelmise.

    Calyrex-Shadow Rider. I had used it in Pokémon Showdown extensively, but am waiting to get it in Pokémon GO.

    And also want to add Dragapult as well !!

    I will also go for Ace Trainer. Otherwise E4.

    Making a new class is also not that bad, maybe something like Ghost Catcher as in TV shows who run here and there with EM-Sensing devices ?

    Welcome to the Spirit Sanctuary! 👻
    Great selection of favorites! Giratina is very strong, and Aegislash and Dragapult are pretty unique Pokemon =3

    I take it there aren't any Ghost types you wanted to see added to the image? =3
    which is fine, just double checking if you perhaps forgot =3
    I had written it, but you were not able to spot the "Shadow Force" in the sheer darkness !!

    As far as I can tell there's no response to the '(optional)The Pokemon you want added to the Sanctuary image' prompt anywhere.
    It also got omitted from your quotes so the first bit about Giratina reads as only a reply to the 'favorite Pokemon and why' part.

    I take it you'd like Giratina to be added then?