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[Showcase] The Tahemo Region Project

  • 19
    • He / Him
    • Seen today
    This is a pokemon regiom I'm making called Tahemo. by combining unreleased Pokemon / Pokemon designs from the games plus adding in (hopefully) a good amount of new pokemon. It's nowhere near done but i thought I'd share a list of what i have so far for Pokemon. Keep in mind, some of these will probably get axed for new Pokemon…

    Tahemo Reigon
    1. Casho*
    2. Cajusho*
    3. Camango*
    4. Kurusu
    5. Akua
    6. Akueria
    7. Honooguma
    8. Borubeaa
    9. Dainabea
    10. Kotora
    11. Raitora
    12. Dairtora
    13. Norowara
    14. Kyonpan
    15. Wolfman
    16. Warwolf
    17. Freezeti
    18. Jaag
    19. Koonya
    20. Gorochu
    21. Madame
    22. Guardia
    23. Plux
    24. Psyduck (Tahem Variant)
    25. Octillery (Tahem Variant)
    26. Hitmontop (Tahem Variant)
    27. Smoochum (Tahem Variant)
    28. Raikou (Tahem Variant)
    29. Entei (Tahem Variant)
    30. Suicune (Tahem Variant)
    *= it's a new Pokemon I've made up. It's the grass starter of this region, a garden snake. It's starts of small then goes into a giant snake then into a Giant Python.

    If anyone has any feedback big or small do let me know and I'll gladly take it into consideration. :)
    This is a pokemon regiom I'm making called Tahemo. by combining unreleased Pokemon / Pokemon designs from the games plus adding in (hopefully) a good amount of new pokemon. It's nowhere near done but i thought I'd share a list of what i have so far for Pokemon. Keep in mind, some of these will probably get axed for new Pokemon…

    Tahemo Reigon
    1. Casho*
    2. Cajusho*
    3. Camango*
    4. Kurusu
    5. Akua
    6. Akueria
    7. Honooguma
    8. Borubeaa
    9. Dainabea
    10. Kotora
    11. Raitora
    12. Dairtora
    13. Norowara
    14. Kyonpan
    15. Wolfman
    16. Warwolf
    17. Freezeti
    18. Jaag
    19. Koonya
    20. Gorochu
    21. Madame
    22. Guardia
    23. Plux
    24. Psyduck (Tahem Variant)
    25. Octillery (Tahem Variant)
    26. Hitmontop (Tahem Variant)
    27. Smoochum (Tahem Variant)
    28. Raikou (Tahem Variant)
    29. Entei (Tahem Variant)
    30. Suicune (Tahem Variant)
    *= it's a new Pokemon I've made up. It's the grass starter of this region, a garden snake. It's starts of small then goes into a giant snake then into a Giant Python.

    If anyone has any feedback big or small do let me know and I'll gladly take it into consideration. :)
    Smoochum (Tahemo Variant) havent decides on colors yet. (credit to the smoochum beta sprite by game freak in pokemon gold and silver demo)


    • [PokeCommunity.com] The Tahemo Region Project
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