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The Ultimate Monotype Challenge

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Username: Pokemonpal7
Single or Ultimate: Ultimate
Game(s): LG -> SS -> R -> D -> B
Monotype: Grass
Team: Venusaur, Vileplume, Victreebel, Parasect, Jumpluff and Exeggutor
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Ghost UMC
Sinnoh Update #2


Current Team:
[PokeCommunity.com] The Ultimate Monotype Challenge

Siren (Misdreavus) Lv. 40
Levitate, Timid Nature
Pain Split, Payback, Psybeam, Shadow Ball
[PokeCommunity.com] The Ultimate Monotype Challenge

Shroud (Drifblim) Lv. 40
Unburden, Quirky Nature
Payback, Astonish, Fly, Ominous Wind
[PokeCommunity.com] The Ultimate Monotype Challenge

Doom (Haunter) Lv. 26
Levitate, Relaxed Nature
Payback, Shadow Ball, Curse, Night Shade
[PokeCommunity.com] The Ultimate Monotype Challenge

Volt (Rotom) Lv. 42
Levitate, Serious Nature
Thundershock, Confuse Ray, Ominous Wind, Shock Wave
[PokeCommunity.com] The Ultimate Monotype Challenge

Discord (Dusclops) Lv. 40
Pressure, Sassy Nature
Shadow Punch, Pursuit, Curse, Will-O-Wisp

HM Slaves: Turtwig (Rock Smash, Cut), Staravia (Defog), Goldeen (Surf)
UMC Water LeafGreen 2nd and FINAL Update

-Got all the way to Cinnibar before I realized I forgot to take out Sabrina, so backtracked to do that. She was taken out easily with Brooke and Horace
-Got back to Cinnibar, did the whole Mansion thing, and then (completely unsurprisingly) took out Blaine with zero issue
-Did the stuff on the Side Quest Islands for the XP
-Giovanni was even easier than Blaine. Taught Brooke Earthquake
-Had enough money to buy the TM for Thunderbolt from the Game Corner to teach to Lionel
-Taught Greyjoy Rain Dance and Blizzard because if the fight against Clay right before Victory Road is any indication, his Venusaur is going to be tough to beat when he's champion
-Grinded everyone up to Lv. 55, then took on the E4!

-Lionel, Horace, and Davos took out Lorelei with no issue at all
-Horace almost swept Bruno but got taken out by Machamp so Davos came in and finished the job
-Brooke, Lionel, and Greyjoy took out Agatha
-Lionel dominated Lance (with a little help from Horace)
-Clay wasn't TOO bad. There were some revives and full restores thrown around but not too too many. Greyjoy was the obvious star, with his weather war with Venusaur


The Team:
Entry 01

I have recieved Bulbasaur from Professor Oak, and am now heading to Viridian.

Current Team: Fleur - Bulbasaur - Girl
Username: dango989
Single or Ultimate: Ultimate
Game(s): R -> C -> E -> P -> B
Monotype: Fighting
R -

C -

E -

P -

B -
Username: Eelektrossfan
Type: Grass
Challenge: Ultimate
Completed: None
Currently on LG

This is a previous challenge form
I cannot play right now, due to my studies. I request that my challenge be put on hold until I can post my new updates. Anyway, these are the only thing I'd done after beating Weakling Four:

-Found out that the program hasn't edited yet Magneton's evolution so I edited it personally and promptly evolved Magneto Jr to Magnezone.
-Called by Baoba and tried the Object thingy in the Safari Zone.
-Rode the ship and kicked the passengers' collective ugly faces.
-What? A girl wants to play hide and seek with me? I'm not a kid anymore, ain't I?
-Got off the ship and kicked my way into Vermilion City.
-A Pokemon on the water? Oh, it's the wild dog.
-Got frustrated that Baoba didn't called me again. I need more items! I still need to capture a Riolu!
-What's better? A Bronzong or a Metagross?
Here is yet another update on the Platinum Ground Challenge! This will (hopefully) be the second-to-last one before moving on to Unova!

- Rescued Dawn's Pokedex from that pesky team Galactic.
- Grinded on down to Pastoria City, finding items along the beach (HEART SCALES)
- Taught Thunder Fang to Gliscor, Wood Hammer to Torterra
- Went in and beat Crasher Wake fairly easily. Gliscor and Torterra were handy with their newly learned moves
- Chased that annoying Galactic Grunt all over the place.
- Grinded through the routes from Pastoria to Hearthome, and then from Solaceon to Celestic.
- Beat Cyrus in Celestic Town, and followed Cynthia's orders to head to Canalave City.
- Beat Barry and cleared Iron Island.
- Beat Byron in the sixth gym. This one was probably the easiest yet - Gastrodon swept through with Surf and Mud Bomb.
- Went to Lake Valor and dispatched of Saturn; beat Mars at Lake Verity
- Grinded on through to Snowpoint City
- Beating Candice... This was ridiculously hard. Rhydon took care of Sneasel with Hammer Arm and got a hit in on Abomasnow when its Focus Blast (...) missed. Gliscor finished it off, and then Gastrodon took care of Froslass and Piloswine with Surf. Had to revive Gastrodon in the middle though.. This battle took me about five tries to finish. That Froslass is way faster than I thought, and Blizzard is 100% accurate after Abomasnow comes in...

So, it's off to Lake Acuity to deal with more Team Galactic!

Team: Rhydon, Gliscor, Torterra, Gastrodon, Gabite (All at Lv. 42-44)
Entry 02
We delivered Oak's Parcel, and recieved the Town Map from Daisy. We continued back to Viridian, and defeated Blue. We continued through into Viridian Forest, where Fleur ran out of PP for Tackle and Vine Whip. We managed to survive through the final battle by laying a Leech Seed down and growling. We rushed into the Pokemon Center to get back our PP, despite having full health, then challenged the Pewter Gym.

After pulverizing Brock in 3 turns, Fleur evolved into an Ivysaur. With the Boulder Badge in our possession, we carry on to Mt. Moon, starting to feel lonely. I still believe there should have been Grass-types in Viridian Forest. Oh well, apparently there are Paras in Mt.Moon I can use.

Current Team
Fleur - Ivysaur - Female - Lvl 16
Update Time
- Level grinded my team to lv40
- Beat Koga for the soul badge
- Got to Saffron City
- Evolved Exeggcute after teaching it Pshyic
- Beat Team Rocket in Silph Co
- Beat Sabrina for the Marsh Badge
- On my way to Cinnabar


Venusaur Lv45
- Leech Seeed
- Razor Leaf
- Sleep Powder
- Poison Powder

Weepinbell Lv45
- Vine Whip
- Acid
- Razor Leaf
- Poison Powder

Parasect Lv45
- Slash
- Dig
- Bullet Seed
- Leech Life

Exeggutor Lv45
- Pshyic
- Leech Seed
- Sleep Powder
- Poison Powder
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Username: TheElegantSnivy
Single or Ultimate: Ultimate
Game(s):B -> C -> E -> PT -> W
Monotype: Fire
Will have my first update later today.
I probably should've updated more frequently but, I started my challenge in fire red a few days back and just a few minutes ago a beat Blaine and headed over to the sevi islands to level my team up a bit before taking on Giovanni (which is gonna suck for me btw).

[PokeCommunity.com] The Ultimate Monotype Challenge

Raichu Lv.49
~Hidden Power (Water)
~Quick Attack
~Iron Tail

[PokeCommunity.com] The Ultimate Monotype Challenge

Magneton Lv.49
~Thunder Wave

[PokeCommunity.com] The Ultimate Monotype Challenge

Jolteon Lv.52
~Thunder Wave
~Shadow Ball
~Double Kick
-What's better? A Bronzong or a Metagross?

You're better off with Metagross, in Single Player. Unless you are looking for a dedicated Wall.
To put it simply : Metagross can dish out the damage / Brozong can stomach the damage. Your pick :)
Please add me in the counting as I dust off my emulators and begin my challenge, kind sir.

Username: mistertendo
Single or Ultimate: Ultimate
Game(s): FR-> HG ->S ->D -> B
Monotype: Fighting
Team: Mankey (will update of course)

Here is my very first update


-As I Tried to foolishly undertake this errand with no Pokemon, Professor Oak both laughed at my brazen attitude and shed a solitary tear for my overbearing ignorance, he directed me to his lab whereupon he allowed my to select from three very rare species not found in a single patch of grass in Kanto.
-I tried telling him that I was destined to be the greatest fighting-type user in all the land but he would have none of it!
-I settled on selecting the one closest to me (Bulbasaur).
-As I attempted to leave to catch a Pokemon that I actually intended on using, Oak's dreadful cad of a grandson stopped me for a battle.
-I tried explaining that he was "Messin' on my mojo, brah", and proceeded to say "Yo dawg, I'll school ya proper once I get a fighting type, so cant ya just let me leave? seriously I'll see you on Route 22 and by then I'll have a Mankey, I swear I'll battle you then, bro!"
-He would have none of it.
-Painstakingly, I battled him with my destined-for-PC-Box-1 Bulbasaur.
-Smashing victory, that blasted chap had it coming I dare say!
-I proceeded to run Oak's dreadfully boring errand and netted myself 5 Pokeballs from his aide! Smashing!
-Mankey was first on my list, so I travelled on foot to Route 22, whereupon I stumbled across a Spearow, which I swiftly caught and nicknamed "FLY" after the only purpose I caught the blasted thing for.
-Of course I caught a Mankey from the same field of grass whom I had intended on calling "Jab-Cross", had I not have accidentally selected NO when asked if I would have my Pokemon nicknamed...
-Mumbling to myself about how I would have to wait until Lavender town to rename my lovely Mankey, I continue to grind in order to soon lay waste to the young man whom I promised a challenge on this route.
An update on my ultimate dark mono:

-After what feels like ages, I got Eevee.
-Since the next gym to challenge is Ecruteak, much grinding is needed. I wish eevees learned bite a bit earlier... ah well.
-I skipped most of the avoidable trainers earlier in my journey, so now I can go back to fight them with Eevee, raising exp and happiness!

Next update will hopefully be soon.
Username: Bizebest
Challengec: Water
Completed : I, II, III
Current : IV
Update #1


Current Team : Prinplup Lv 21 / Shellos Lv 20 / Bidoof (HM slave)
Badges : 1
Diamond Water MonoType Challenge Log
Update #4:

Grinded all my pokemon to lvl 55
Kept trying the elite four and getting stuck on Lucian (Bronzong annoying)
Decided to take a break before I got mad at the game, because I suck at it

Team so far:
Snail the level 58 Gastrodon
Squidly the level 56 Tentacruel
Rock the level 57 Gyarados
Goose the level 56 Empleon
Entry 03
I've done a lot since I updated. Toad the Paras was caught at Lv8 in Mt.Moon, and I trained him up for a while. After getting rid of the Team Rocket infection, we left Mt.Moon to go to Cerulean City. Before challenging the Gym Leader, we went north to go and see Bill. We found a Lv14 Bellsprout named Vickee on the way to Bill's House, and Bill gave us the S.S Anne Ticket after we helped him. Back in Cerulean, we fought through the gym, and Vickee evolved into a Weepinbell. Oh, how time flys. We then headed south towards Viridian, and in the Diglett Cave, Toad evolved into a Parasect! We went to the Pokemon Fan Club to get a Bike Voucher, and now we're on the S.S Anne.

Fleur - Ivysaur - Female - Lv27
Toad - Parasect - Male - Lv24
Vickee - Weepinbell - Female - Lv22
Leveled all my Pokémon to 60

Was able to defeat the elite four with no problems, but Cynthia took a little luck, but I was able to defeat her because of revives and crits

Final Team:

Will do a Kanto game next (going to see version exclusives)
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