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!!!!!the [unofficial] club of Tha Pkmn Prodigy!!!!!

YAY!!!! thankies....wow, your threa has gotten a long way...
Lol...thats great how you can have soo many friends!!!!!!!!!!! ^_^
haha i know.....my friend list was actually getting too long, and it couldnt fit in my sig along with the other stuff! :laugh:
XD!!!! Thats sooo hilarious!!! <('.'<)
Really? My friend's list could be about that long, too. X3 Possibly longer...Eh, I think I'm over-rated. -_-;;

You went out drinking, Prodigy? o O;; Don't hurt yourself...
wow...I can't drink....not because I'm afraid 'n stuff,but cuz if I do like the last three times,...I'll get either REALLY happy,(I'll start gambling[winning]and befriending everyone...)....REALLY,........"happy"(hey,...I don't want a son or daughter at the moment..),and I'll REALLY get my fighting spirit....(if you're no fighter,....ya'd better watch out....)

but I've only drank,and only got drunk three times......
You guys aren't supposed to be drinking at this age. _ _; And for the Community's sake, I say we get off this topic. -nods-

We shall talk about your favourite game/gaming system. ^ ^
in terms of handheld its my GBA....perfect for long car rides and road trips. in terms of the bigger stuff, i like my Playstation 2
Raiyna said:
You guys aren't supposed to be drinking at this age. _ _; And for the Community's sake, I say we get off this topic. -nods-

We shall talk about your favourite game/gaming system. ^ ^
I know....I was gonna say forget it....

anywho,...mine is th PSP,and.....the Ps2...
I ditched PS2 about three months ago..I wanted to start playing GC. I just got DDR: Mario Mix the other day and beat it in three hours getting all the songs and clearing the story mode. X3 It was too easy. D:
I have a GC too!!and I heard abot the mario DDR....mario has some wierd and funny dances!!!!!:laugh:
who doesnt?!!!!I tried one of his games on an emu...it was ok...it was the ninja council one....have you played any of the naruto games?..
Sooo~~...how were they? X3;;

I liked the second and fourth ones. <3 Well, the second and fourth ones posted in order. o o; The Naruto Fan Flash 1 and 3. ^ ^ They're the best. =D