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Themed Challenge


  • 50

    [themed challenge]

    by facekeyboarding
    The themed challenge is a great way to use new Pokémon, and to breathe new life into your old games! Basically, you follow the sign up, and you choose a theme. Each theme has a list of Pokémon in it, and using that list I will randomly generate a six Pokémon team for you. I will take care to ensure that these Pokémon are accessible not only in your game, but at a good time in your game. Edit: Am I alone in this challenge? :P Also, thanks to Sydian for approving this, I had some deep rooted fear I'd be rejected.

    1. No hacks ever, unless I specifically say it's allowed.
    2. Trades are banned.
    3. Breeding is a no-no.
    4. HM Slaves are totally allowed.
    5. You're *not* done until the credits roll, and even then you get brownie points for beating the post-game. Tell me if you plan on doing the challenge mode, so I can include it in the challenger listing.
    6. Please do not change your team without notifying me first.
    7. Bold the fifth word in your sign up so I know you've read these rules.

    These will go in order of who completes the challenge first. Every participant will get a little signature ribbon (yet to be made.) If you're in the lead, and then have to leave for a valid reason, PM me and we can talk about you still getting your prize.
    1. I'll edit any image for you. A link to your tumblr/DA/blog/whatever will be featured prominently on my tumblr, which gets about 30 unique hits a day. Additionally, you'll be in my signature.
    2. You'll be on my tumblr, and in my signature.
    3. You'll be in my signature.
    4 and under. You get insane street creds.

    All themes include a starter as a second option, which you aren't forced to use.
    1. Grunt Theme, which includes (but is not limited to) Rattata, Zubat, Drowzee, Grimer, Ekans, Machop, Stunky, Purrloin, Patrat, Sandile, Trubbish, Scraggy, Seviper, Pawniard, Deino, Whirlipede, Croagunk, Houndour, Murkrow, Poochyena, Numel, Baltoy, Carvahna, and Crawdaunt.
    2. Psychout Theme , which includes (but is not limited to) Abra, Wobbufett, Mr. Mime, Ralts, Spoink, Solosis, Gothita, Elgyem, Cresselia, Chingling, Lunatone, Solrock, Staryu, Bronzor, Shuppet, Duskull, Yamask, Litwick, Frillish, Froslass, Golett. These are Pokémon that are psychic-seeming, not just psychic and ghost types.
    3. Earth Fire Water Air Theme - Elemental and temporal Pokemon only!
    4. Serpentine Theme - All of the generated Pokemon will be snakes, or have something to do with snakes.
    5. Gym Theme - Your generated Pokemon will be one from each of the first six gyms in the region.
    6. Cute Theme - All Pokemon will be considered cute by the game (drifloon, plusle, minun, pichu, etc)
    7. Halloween Theme - Creepy crawly, hooky spooky...
    8. Fairy Theme - All Pokemon will be fairy and space related.
    9. Multicolor Theme - All Pokemon will be incredibly colorful.
    10. Random Theme - One of these themes will be chosen at random.
    11. Marathoner's Theme - Speed oriented Pokemon.
    12. Japanese Monsters Theme - Pokemon based off of Japanese Monsters.

    Sign Up + Challengers
    I'll do sign up, and then others can simply emulate it:
    Username: facekeyboarding
    Game: Pokemon White Version
    Theme:Psychout Theme
    Challenge Edition: Yes
    facekeyboarding (challenge mode)
    • Solosis (Snivy) - Caught
    • Cofagrigus - Caught
    • Munna - Caught
    • Golett
    • Chandelure
    • Jellicent
    Last edited:
    Looks interesting. I'll give it a whirl.

    Theme:Random theme
    Challenge mode: No thanks

    Alright I gotta run and do some homework so here's a pretty quick team:
    Theme: Random - Gym Theme
    • Watchog (Tepig)
    • Druddigon
    • Cryogonal
    • Swoobat
    • Seismitoad
    • Whirlipede
    Username: Janp
    Game: Sapphire
    Theme: Marathoner's Theme
    Challenge Edition: No
    Last edited:
    Hi y'all! I've been a little swamped, so sorry for the late update!

    Username: xseed
    Game: emerald
    Theme:cute theme
    Challenge Edition: no

    Feel free to evolve theme. Or not. It's up to you.
    • Skitty
    • Minun
    • Pikachu
    • Jigglypuff
    • Wynaut
    • Torchic

    Username: Janp
    Game: Sapphire
    Theme: Marathoner's Theme
    Challenge Edition: No

    • Ninjask
    • Electrode
    • Jolteon
    • Crobat
    • Swellow
    • Alakazam (Sceptile)
    Last edited:
    Thanks for team, but there is a little problem... In Sapphire version, it's impossible to get Eevee, so I couldn't get Jolteon... Also, as trades are banned, I can't get Alakazam, because he needs trade to evolve...
    Thanks for team, but there is a little problem... In Sapphire version, it's impossible to get Eevee, so I couldn't get Jolteon... Also, as trades are banned, I can't get Alakazam, because he needs trade to evolve...

    My bad! You can play Kadabra as NFE, or use your starter, which was put against Alakazam for that reason. Replace Jolteon with Starmie :)
    Hi y'all! I've been a little swamped, so sorry for the late update!

    Feel free to evolve theme. Or not. It's up to you.
    • Skitty
    • Minun
    • Pikachu
    • Jigglypuff
      [*] Wynaut
    • Torchic

    okay thanks. may start this weekend or tomorrow. the only problem though is that I have never caught a wynaut before nor have seen the island before so I may never catch him lol.do you think its possible if I can get another pokemon instead of him or will I just have to tough it out and try lol
    Ok, so my final team will be:

    • Ninjask
    • Electrode
    • Starmie
    • Crobat
    • Swellow
    • Sceptile

    Thanks, starting tomorrow...
    Hi y'all! I've been a little swamped, so sorry for the late update!

    Feel free to evolve theme. Or not. It's up to you.
    • Skitty
    • Minun
    • Pikachu
    • Jigglypuff
      [*] Wynaut
    • Torchic

    okay thanks. may start this weekend or tomorrow. the only problem though is that I have never caught a wynaut before nor have seen the island before so I may never catch him lol.do you think its possible if I can get another pokemon instead of him or will I just have to tough it out and try lol

    There's a Wynaut egg built into Emerald! Talk to an old lady in front of the spa in lavaridge town.

    Ok, so my final team will be:

    • Ninjask
    • Electrode
    • Starmie
    • Crobat
    • Swellow
    • Sceptile

    Thanks, starting tomorrow...

    No problem! :)
    I thought that I posted update few days ago, but it looks like I totally didn't. So here it is:


    Also, I'm not on my PC (and I won't be for few days) and I don't remember my team :)
    Username: Duncey
    Game: Pokemon White 2 Version
    Theme: Random Theme
    Challenge Edition: What is it...?
    Am I only one doing this challenge?



    Yeah, this was good challenge, thanks facekeyboarding :)
    Sounds interesting. But I have a question. Could you choose six Pokemon from a variation of one of the 12 themes? In fact, I would like to try a team made of cats only, or of something related to them. I could you use some cheats or the program which changes the starter, in order the build a team. In any case, here are the required informations.

    Username: DT
    Game: Pokemon White Version
    Theme: Cat Theme (a suggested variation of "Cute Theme")
    Challenge Edition: Yes
    Theme: Japanese Monsters
    Version: White
    Challenge type: Single