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Thunder Dome Rules and Regulation

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Master Kwesi Nkromah

"Pokéfan Kwesi"
  • 992
    Thunder Dome Rules and Regulations

    The T-Dome is special forum that you must request access to. It is a PG-13 rated forum for mature discussions by the members who'd like to take place in such discussions. Please be warned of explicit and mature content written in it. Review the information below before deciding to participate in the discussions.

    Even though the T-Dome is to be a place where it will openly accept discussions of ideas that other parts of the forum disallow, the T-Dome will not be a forum of complete lawlessness. We have decided that the T-Dome shall mainly compose of 4 different categories of ideas.

    1. Politics
    Politics have always been a popular topic to discuss upon in real life or online. In the past, the community has also allowed the discussion of politics, and it was one of the most active parts of the community.

    2. Religion
    This is also a classical type of topic that existed in Pokemon Community side by side with politics in the past. However, with the proper attention and care from T-Dome, discussions about religion can also safely take place. Threads such as the infamous "Creation vs. Evolution" will be taking place in T-Dome should the T-Dome ever come into existence.

    3. Current Events
    Though some news are accepted to be part of the Other Chat forum, some of the current events are rather a bit explicit and mature for some of the members in Pokemon Community, who may not feel very comfortable seeing such a topic from taking place. The T-Dome is the most suitable forum for the discussions of some of the current events taking place in the world, such as the Michael Jackson's scandals.

    4. Mature audience Discussion
    Discussions around relationships, puberty etc. may be posted here, but please remember that censor bypassing is not allowed regardless of the PG-13 Rating.

    Rules and Restrictions Within the T-Dome
    1. Special Rules for the T-Dome
    Special rules will be applied to the T-Dome. Though this may not please the majority of the members of Pokemon Community with the excessive amount of rules for the T-Dome, but they are necessary in order to ensure the freedom of expressions for all members within the T-Dome, as well as protecting fellow members from unacceptable revilement.

    • All basic and general rules and guidelines of Pokemon Community are to be followed
    • All members' opinions and beliefs are to be respected at all times, regardless of how absurd it might be to another member.
    • There is absolutely no tolerance for flames, and the mockery of another member within the T-Dome
    • Within debates, a member cannot try to refute another member's opinion without support and evidence
    • All advices given must be practical and helpful for the member asking for help
    • In accordance to the T-Dome, the forum shall not be held responsible for its contents and as a result entering the T-Dome is a decision made solely by the individual and all members entering the T-Dome do so at their own risk.
    If too many rules are broken, flamewars arisen then forum will be removed.

    With best regards,
    The Pok?mon Community Forum Leaders

    >> Please note that the Rating of PG-13 does not mean that only 13 and older are allowed. Anyone is welcome to request access to the T-Dome.
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    Rules and Regulation - Extended Version

    The T-Dome Forum
    There has always been a popular demand within the Pokemon Community that a new forum is needed *?? a mature audience forum. We believe that establishing a special forum dedicated to teens for more mature and serious discussions will be very beneficial for Pokemon Community. Not only will it help the community to further expand in size, as this new forum will attract a new array of members, but it will also satisfy the growing demands of the current members within the community. In one of our super moderator, Dakota?s honor, the members of Pokemon Community will be overjoyed seeing the ?T-Dome? (Thunder Dome) made our newest forum within the community.

    Of course, we fully understand the difficulty of retaining the peaceful and friendly atmosphere when heated debates are taking place and serious topics are being discussed upon within the T-Dome, so we members of the community has come up with this small proposal in order to share the burden of the staff members, and to ensure that the T-Dome will be a friendly place open to all forms of discussions.

    Welcoming Mature Members
    The T-Dome will be a new addition to Pokemon Community that is open for all members Born on or before December 31, 1990. Members requesting access (temporary) will have free access to the T-Dome unless he or she is banned from the forum.

    Contents of the T-Dome

    Even though the T-Dome is to be a place where it will openly accept discussions of ideas that other parts of the forum disallow, the T-Dome will not be a forum of complete lawlessness. We have decided that the T-Dome shall mainly compose of 4 different categories of ideas.

    1. Politics

    Politics have always been a popular topic to discuss upon in real life or online. In the past, the community has also allowed the discussion of politics, and it was one of the most active parts of the community. Under the safe and protective environment of the T-Dome where freedom of ideas is completely supported, political discussions can once again be enjoyed by Pokemon Community members.

    2. Religion

    This is also a classical type of topic that existed in Pokemon Community side by side with politics in the past. However, with the proper attention and care from T-Dome, discussions about religion can also safely take place. Threads such as the infamous ?Creation vs. Evolution? will be taking place in T-Dome should the T-Dome ever come into existence.

    3.Current Events

    Though some news are accepted to be part of the Other Chat forum, some of the current events are rather a bit explicit and mature for some of the members in Pokemon Community, who may not feel very comfortable seeing such a topic from taking place. The T-Dome is the most suitable forum for the discussions of some of the current events taking place in the world, such as the Michael Jackson?s scandals.

    4. Mature audience Discussion

    Teenagers make up a massive amount of members within Pokemon Community. It will be the most helpful if there is a forum where fellow mature audiences can discuss some of the things they face in their daily lives. Issues ranging from serious and/or mature relationship problems to puberty can be discussed among fellow mature audiences and give advices to help each other in this forum, along with older members who can give further advices as someone who has experienced such problems. With proper care, this will not only be an interesting but also a helpful topic for all to discuss upon.

    The T-Dome will only accept threads that are normally banned from any other forums within Pokemon Community. The T-Dome shall not be a simple forum that is identical to the Other Chat forum. All threads within the T-Dome cannot exceed a maturity rating of PG-13. Swearing and censor bypass are prohibited within the T-Dome regardless of the PG-13 rating because they are one method to insult another member, showing great disrespect.

    Rules and Restrictions Within the T-Dome

    Being a new forum where such sensitive topics are concentrated together, the T-Dome must be carefully monitored in order to provide the safe forum it is meant to be. Here are a few of the many suggestions from various members regarding how the T-Dome will be monitored in the future.

    1.Special Rules for the T-Dome

    Special rules will be applied to the T-Dome. Though this may not please the majority of the members of Pokemon Community with the excessive amount of rules for the T-Dome, but they are necessary in order to ensure the freedom of expressions for all members within the T-Dome, as well as protecting fellow members from unacceptable revilement.

    All basic and general rules and guidelines of Pokemon Community are to be followed
    All rules that apply to the entire community will also be applied to the T-Dome as well, such as no double posting.
    All members? opinions and beliefs are to be respected at all times, regardless of how absurd it might be to another member.
    This rule is established to protect and reinforce the fact that all opinions and ideas are respected.

    There is absolutely no tolerance for flames, and the mockery of another member within the T-Dome
    Absolutely no revilement, metaphorical insults or mockery is allowed in the T-Dome. Even the slightest hint of uncontrolled anger, or other negative attitudes expressed towards another member within the T-Dome will result in punishment to the member. Members who are banned from the T-Dome (reasonably) will have no second chances at re-entering the T-Dome.

    Within debates, a member cannot try to refute another member?s opinion without support and evidence
    Debates will be common within T-Dome, and this rule is necessary in order for debates to take place under a civil and mature manner.
    All advices given must be practical and helpful for the member asking for help
    Some of the questions within the T-Dome are no joking matter, and it is disrespectful to joke at another members? misfortune or worries.
    In accordance to the T-Dome, the forum shall not be held responsible for its contents and as a result entering the T-Dome is a decision made solely by the individual and all members entering the T-Dome do so at their own risk.
    A rule dedicated to those whiners who will be complaining about ?inappropriate? PG-13 materials within the T-Dome (such as Michael Jackson scandals for example).

    All Thunder Dome topics, postings, and subject matter is to remain ONLY within the T-Dome.
    Items posted in the T-Dome can not be disscussed, mentioned, referenced, and/or posted anywhere else on Pokemon Community. Whats said in here, stays in here. Should any T-Dome related topics be found anywhere else on PC, the user involved may be punished according to the standards set out below. The T-Dome may be closed down and deleted permanently as well.​
    No one is to be above the rules. Members and staffs (including administrators) must follow the rules set for T-Dome. Why do people even waste their time with rules if there?s one person who is ?allowed? to ignore them? If one person (especially staff members, and even more for administrators) disobeys the rule and remains unpunished, then all other members will follow suite. Every member within the T-Dome shall be judged alike in the same manner.

    2. Punishment for all Rules? Violators

    When a report has been sent by a member regarding another member?s misbehavior, moderators will immediately decide upon the matter, and the severity of the case (especially for violation of the italicized rules.)

    If the first three staff, who have expressed his or her opinions about the misbehavior, have agreed that the reported post has violated one of the italicized rules, will further the report to a higher staff member in the Community Headquarter. Either an Administrator, Praetor, or qualified Super Moderator will briefly review through the reported issue as a final check, and then he or she will ban the member whom has been misbehaving from T-Dome. (This can be done by moving a member to a new member group that allows all members within the member group to access all parts of the forum except for the T-Dome.)

    If the first three moderators failed to all agree upon the misbehavior, then a warning will be given to the member instead. Any members who are getting warnings on a frequent basis will also be banned from T-Dome, regardless if this member has never got 3 moderators to all agree upon a ban on this member.

    3. Empowered by Selected Moderators

    Selected moderators will moderate the T-Dome in case of any arguments among members, or flame war. Moderators of the T-Dome will be selected and appointed by the Community Headquarters, instead of self-selection and application. Also, T-Dome will not be accepting ?volunteers to help? so please do not send in ?application forms? to be moderators of T-Dome.

    The T-Dome will be closed down and deleted permanently should the T-Dome cause an unacceptable amount of rule violation and distress for staff members.

    We hope that with these proper guidelines, the T-Dome will be the newest addition to the Pokemon community. We look forward to the staff members? response about this issue. Thank you for your time and patience with our request.

    With best regards,
    Pokemon Community Members
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