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[Released] Touhoumon Faith & Prayer Version

Derxwna Kapsyla

Derxwna "The Badman" Kapsyla
  • 437
    Demo 7 is slowly being worked on - 2/2/2016

    Hello everybody. My name is DerxwnaKapsyla. For roughly 6 years now, I've aspired to create a Pokemon fangame, starting with hacking the rom. Unfortunately, even after years passed, my patience wasn't strong enough, and my determination to finish wasn't persistent. I'd occasionally break the roms and lose all interest. The scripting language made no sense to my younger mind (and still, to this day doesn't). I gave up on hacking when my game just broke for no reason I could figure out. That's when I remembered that RPG Maker XP existed, as well as Pokemon Essentials.

    For about two years, I've been working with Pokemon Essentials to try and develop the game that I had been envisioning for the past 6 years. While it never came to fruition and is currently undergoing revival, I didn't remain discouraged. I set out to create a new game, Pokemon Inferno Red - a Gen II remake of Gen I. This was going along relatively smoothly, little-to-no complications. While I waited for people who offered to help bug test to actually bug test it, I had discovered that I wanted to make a Touhoumon game, since I was (and still am) currently hooked onto the Touhou series. I realized that, since the only Touhoumon games were GBA-made, I'd have to work to extract all the assets myself and then port them into Pokemon Essentials. That's where the Touhoumon Development Starter Kit got its start.

    The DevKit was originally to be a side project to Pokemon Inferno Red, but as time drew on, I found myself much less interested in a simple Pokemon Fangame, and put full effort and devotion into the DevKit. After undergoing constant revisions, a change in generation mechanics, and numerous people yelling at me, I managed to finish and release the Touhoumon Development Starter Kit.

    While I was working on that DevKit, I was working on my own Touhoumon game on the side - Touhoumon Faith & Prayer Version. To me, I always felt that there was a story that the Touhoumon world should have, instead of just a generic Pokemon replacement. This game is my attempt at conveying my vision of Touhoumon, as I see it. I can only hope that you all will enjoy it.

    [PokeCommunity.com] Touhoumon Faith & Prayer Version

    [Notice: The Introduction phase (Act 0) is based off of the fanfic "Touhou Puppet Play: A Viewpoint, by Lone Wolf Neo. I do not take credit for writing it, and have received his permission to use its likeness as the Introduction phase of the game.]
    Act 0: The Invaders


    Main Characters:

    Touhoumon Faith & Prayer Version comes with numerous features both similar and different to Vanilla Pokemon. Some prominent examples are:


    I really need to keep a better track of the credits, but from what I remember:

    For more information about the game, future news and updates, the following blogs are where I post more information about the game. You can usually hit me with a message there when it comes to bug reports or feedback.
    Changes in the current release:

    Those two blogs are where you can keep up-to-date on all the information regarding Faith & Prayer Version.

    Something to address before the download link. This is relevant if you are updating from Demo 1 or 2. Demo 3 should be fine
    If you're updating from Demo 4 to Demo 5 or onward, please read this:

    Touhoumon Faith & Prayer Version Demo 6 - Mediafire Link

    Quick Patch Fixes:
    The following links apply ONLY to Demo 6.
    The rest are for legacy purposes, and will not work in later versions. The download links are set to private.

    This demo picks up where Demo 4 and 5 left off, at New Bark Town, and goes into Johto Proper, taking you all the way to Route 32's end. Ruins of Alph is explorable, the east half of Route 36 is explorable. Dark Cave is not explorable.
    I hope you all enjoy the game, just as much as I enjoy making it. I've hammered out a majority of the bugs that my testers have reported. If you find a bug or inconsistency, please contact me with where the bug is, so I can get on fixing it. The same goes for typos and grammatical errors. I've done my best to iron out as many kinks as I have for the public release.

    - DerxwnaKapsyla
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    I've often wonder why touhoumon hasn't appeared outside of hacking. Also, your download thing is set to private it appears.
    I've often wonder why touhoumon hasn't appeared outside of hacking. Also, your download thing is set to private it appears.

    Ah, forgive me for that. Since the process of submitting a thread for approval on Pokecommunity takes a few days, I didn't have time to edit the download link, which contains some bug fixes and the sort.
    And yeah, there really isn't much done outside of the GBA Rom hack department. There were efforts to do a Duamond and Pearl hack, but it eventually fell through.
    how far does this go.. i wanna give it a try.

    Could have swore I added that into the topic post. Ah well.
    The current demo release goes up to Pewter City, ends after the First Gym battle. You are not allowed access onto Route 3 just yet.
    Figured I should make a quick addendum to this thread, and the first post.
    I post more frequently about updates to the game on my three blogs

    Those three blogs are where you can keep up-to-date on all the information regarding Faith & Prayer Version.
    hey this beta is awesome thougth there are two bugs i found:
    1-you cant enter green his house
    2- if you go down stairs before chossing your starter the game freeze
    P.D.:sorry for my bad english
    Good luck on the game. I hope to see this thread get more activity and popularity soon. I loved Touhoumon hacks a long time ago, and it was probably one of the first times I've experienced 'custom' pokemon or 'fakemon.'
    hey this beta is awesome thougth there are two bugs i found:
    1-you cant enter green his house
    2- if you go down stairs before chossing your starter the game freeze
    P.D.:sorry for my bad english
    Thank you for the compliment. As for the bugs.
    1. Green's House, as well as a large majority of NPC houses, are all inaccessable. There is no interiors currently, and those will be done for the next version.
    2. Ah yes, I forgot to reenable that after I disabled it a while back to check something. I will go and reenable that right now, it'll be fixed in the next release. Thank you for pointing it out!

    Good luck on the game. I hope to see this thread get more activity and popularity soon. I loved Touhoumon hacks a long time ago, and it was probably one of the first times I've experienced 'custom' pokemon or 'fakemon.'
    Haha, I dunno, if the thread becomes more active and popular, I may have a harder time keeping up with it! Touhoumon was one of the few Fakemon hacks I could say I enjoyed, mostly because of the dyanmic, and how there seemed to be a small community behind it, various hacks that were (almost) all different. Not to mention that Touhou is one of my favorite series.
    Minor bump in the thread for a moment to link something.
    The other day, someone asked me if I had compiled a locations text file. Unfortunately, at the time, I did not have that file. So I went and compiled one just now.

    This link contains Locations.txt

    It will be part of all future updates, and completely up to date with locations in the current release. If you don't want to wait till the next update to get it, you can download it now.
    Figured I'd make a quick update to the thread, even if there isn't that much activity, and this'll be triple posting.

    Items that do the job of HMs are currently implemented into the game.

    Here are screenshots showing off the currently working ones. I'll add them to the first post.
    Quadposting? What is this! I'm not sure if it's against the rules is what it is, but I digress. I'm making a quick update to the thread to show that I'm not dead yet and neither is the project.

    Demo 2 is trucking along at a decent pace. All the content in it is almost done. I have just a few more trainers that need to be placed, and the conclusion of Demo 2. After that, it's bug testing. Demo 2 will go up to a bit past Vermilion City. There will be some noticeable changes, as well as some. new features and things which are from other games.

    I'm going to aim to have Demo 2 out sometime before the end of May, and I'd hope to have it out before the end of April. To be honest, if I worked diligently enough for the remainder of today, I could finish off all the stuff needed and be in bug-test mode by nightfall, and presumably have the demo out by the 15th, but it's unlikely that this'll happen. But hey, if it does, that's cool beans bro! Till the release, see you next time folks!
    C-C-C-Combo Breaking your Quad posting!

    I like this. It's good to see Touhoumon no longer restricted to emulation.

    Loving every bit of ti just playing through it, my only query is, if Puppets came along and wiped out all wild pokemon, what happened to the ones caught by trainers?
    C-C-C-Combo Breaking your Quad posting!

    I like this. It's good to see Touhoumon no longer restricted to emulation.

    Loving every bit of ti just playing through it, my only query is, if Puppets came along and wiped out all wild pokemon, what happened to the ones caught by trainers?
    thank you for stopping my post chain i was getting worried there for a moment

    Anyways, The Puppets/Touhoumon didn't eradicate the Pokemon Species. While it doesn't happen in the game, within this incarnation of the Pokemon World, Pokemon and Puppets eventually end up existing side-by-side. As of present, a lot of them are in hiding, or at the Pokemon Preservation on the Kikoto continent (The Kikoto Continent is something I don't want to go into on here, so if you have further questions about concepts of the game like this, feel free to direct them at this link).
    As for ones captured by trainers, a lot of them don't battle much with Pokemon anymore, mostly out of fear. There are some trainers that still do, however. I have it planned that, once you enter Johto in the game's plot, Pokemon start showing up more frequently. in fact, the first appearance of one is in the planned rival battle with Red, who uses his Pikachu, alongside a trained team of puppets.
    I'll restate it, Pokemon were not "wiped out" by the puppets, merely driven into hiding.
    Like I said on Tumblr, I have finished Demo 2 of Faith & Prayer Version and released it. There is a change log provided with the download, so I won't be posting it here. I'll be posting the download link in this post, and attaching it to the first post for easier downloading.
    Touhoumon Faith & Prayer Version Demo 2

    One more thing I will address:
    While this isn't a bug, i have not yet programmed NPCs into the Vermilion City houses, and there are some item balls across the game that are not able to be picked up. I have not yet programmed in the items, that will probably come in a stealth release or Demo 3.
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    Woah this is great I always wondered what those little cute people like pokemon were called :) good luck with this project :) pretty cute :)
    Do you have the type chart for this?

    Every touhoumon game use different type chart, that makes me confused.

    edit: oh I got it. Sorry, will test the game out more.

    anyway will you use the dex I can find here for this game?


    Finish this demo (up to power plant right?) and I noticed

    - No evolution shard in the game up until now. At least not what I can pick up or buy. Or maybe I just don't know.
    - Many items is there that you can't pick up at all (all items in power plant, the item on Route 25, and many more...)
    - The house near the west entrance of diglett cave is just wrong, I can walk all over its tiles.

    One old balance issue from every touhoumon game (okay... every touhoumon game so it's not really your game's problem): Choose Marisa as starter and you play the game in easy mode basically :) I'm joking. But you know... seriously.

    I will stop here and wait for Demo 3. My team are: Chibi Marisa, Cirno, Momiji, all level 32.
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    Update on the progress of Faith & Prayer Version, November Edition.
    [PokeCommunity.com] Touhoumon Faith & Prayer Version

    All maps for Demo 3 are done, all tethering of warps and connections are done. I need to finish Wild Encounters. After that are generic and special NPCs. Generic Trainers come next, after that is the Rival Battle that'll be in Demo 3. After that is Plot-Relevant Events (Trainers, game progression, etc).
    The game is not dead. I just got a new computer. I am back to working full time on it.
    I just created an account to purely support you.

    Go Go Go!

    This might be the best game ever
    I just created an account to purely support you.

    Go Go Go!

    This might be the best game ever

    The support is appreciated, very much so.

    As for status on the game, I've gone through a few computer changes, but I'm back on stable grounds and can play and bugtest properly. Unfortunately, I ran into a minor bump - nothing too severe, but it is a bit of a future setback: My text file which contained all my script files for future Essentials updates got corrupted and is likely impossible to recover. I do have two backups, but they are minorly outdated. I will have to, at some point, go through my script files and manually recompile the entire list. That shouldn't be until Essentials V14, though. For now, I can work with a dated scripts text file.

    Game status is still the same as last time, though. I haven't added any new trainers since the last post here due to other priorities (Working on another game on another, entirely different engine and different genre), and I felt I deserved a break from working on this for a little while. Can't burn out all in one go, it'd be bad. Nevertheless, I'm ready to get back to work on the game. I'm hoping for a release sometime in February or March, but I wouldn't slate it for then.