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Twin Horizons: The War-Torn World (Ooc thread)

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The new roster is up.

Flax's RSU is accepted. You'll still be controlling Spark on the occasions when he DOES show up, I assume?
I was thinking and wanted to ask: Why are the people of Kilian rebelling? Against the war, tyrant ruler, new tyrant ruler trying to rise to power? The adventurous romance of a fight against a tyrant king would probably draw the theatric Mackenzie to their ranks. Also, are there the types of animals as in our world, or none at all in this one?
Growing disillusionment with the war. The vast majority of the fighting is Kilian's doing, and after decades of conquest, the people are just ready for peace. Unfortunately, Kilian's leadership isn't quite in agreement. On top of that, Kilian treats its conquered territory horribly; so it's only natural the plight of these tortured, oppressed people would ring out as such.

There is also a third reason, but that's explained later.

You don't know. No wild animals are encountered, but the people live off of SOMETHING, so you don't actually know. That's a major plot element that's explored later, too.
That's...not QUITE what I had in mind.

Anyways, once things get rolling, i'll help out with anything you need to know.
Unfortunately, I'd prefer startig a new thread, but I already agreed to let old members keep their initial posts (though I MAY ask them to just copy/paste them back at the front, to keep things convenient.)

Plus, the main thread got a warning just a week or so ago, so I don't think the mods would let me start a new thread...

IC's start monday!
Well, anyway, Mackenzie will probably join the rebels and attempt to enter the Kilian government and use his acting skills to try and put a stop to the injustice and war.

Well then, I think my characters can help him with that. I was thinking of doing a similar thing with Yamiko and Lupin... as evidenced by Lupin's phone conversation in my last post. They'd take a darker approach, surely, and have different skills, but...

Anyway, I guess I'll re-post my signups:

Name: Yamiko Murakage
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Job/Role: Pokemon trainer and coordinator; occasionally a dancer
Personality: The last part of Yamiko's last name means "shadow", hence why she is an overall morose character. She most often has a somber yet calm air about her, the same feeling as if she were sitting in bed and staring out the window, contemplating things. She's definitely not an outgoing or overly optimistic person, but she is definitely emotional, so much that her very existence seems to revolve around "feeling" the situation at hand. It's very easy to tell when she's feeling sad, happy, uncomfortable, etc. Yet at the same time she has a certain grace to her, especially in how she shows emotion--it is that quality that shows up in many dances she has done, usually ballet dances to moody, classical songs.

If Yamiko were a Pokemon, she would definitely be a Gardevoir. It's not only because of the above qualities, but it's also because of the close bonds she's pretty easily capable of forming with people, and Pokemon even moreso. It's also because of her tendency to be empathetic. And finally, it's because of her willingness to guard those she loves with her life. She will often try to please her friends even if it means burdening or endangering herself in the process. Generally, she's very modest about herself, and puts the needs of her friends before her. Yet, she can stand being alone--in fact, there are several times when she prefers to be alone. When she can't be alone, sometimes she'll just close herself off mentally to everyone around her to "swim in her own thoughts".

Yamiko really likes to dance because she feels that dancing is the best way she can express her emotions, because she usually can't describe them in simple words. Plus, she has a penchant for visual beauty in general, which is probably why she's so interested in being a coordinator, and why she and Laverne (her Mismagius) understand each other very well. She really appreciates the beauty of the world and of nature, and opens her mind to any type of paranormal phenomenon. When she talks, she adds a more emotional tone of voice the more she means what she says, except if she's simply giving information about what's happening or what she's about to do. She also has a respectful attitude towards people, although people often see her as rather avoidant. This is because she hardly ever looks at a person's face and never into their eyes, even if she's talking to them. In all things, she's very quiet, unless perhaps she's in a very secluded place, in which case she spends quite a bit of time talking to herself.

Appearance: Yamiko is built as gently as a faery (although she has no wings nor magical powers of course)--her skin is smooth and soft and her body is light and quite flexible, though a little on the thin side. She's 5'2" tall and has a pleasant peach tone to her skin, and her eyes are a deep indigo. Her straight, soft hair falls down to her chest and is the colour of blood--though more black on the inside. Atop her head is a black hat with a small silver buckle on it.

As far as the rest of her usual outfit goes... Yamiko wears a black shirt that's embroidered with several blue roses at the neckline. It also has deep blue sleeves that are made of a silk-like material and reach her elbows, but they can only be seen if she takes off the sweater she wears on top of it. This sweater is a deep violet in colour and has two large pockets on the sides, and is fastened by two large purple buttons near the waist and a tie around the waist. It also has sleeves that flare out and nearly cover her hands, and have a button on the end. Then she wears blue jeans which flare out similar to bell bottoms, and black sneakers underneath.Yamiko also carries a large black shoulder bag with a rectangular shape and a purple faery design on it. Appropriate eh?

Background: The Murakage family has long been called the "family of shadows". Its members were known to have a certain elusive charm to them, yet they were cloaked in ill fortune. Yamiko was no exception; she lived her life under a curse, supposedly cast upon her by Celia, her great-grandmother, although Celia referred to it as the "Murakage Curse", implying that it could have been there for several generations. All Yamiko knew was that it certainly did affect her mother, who died while giving birth to her. As for Yamiko herself, she lived her first three years in Saffron City, Kanto, with her father, Dan, who used to be a stage magician. In fact, she lived across the street from where Sabrina lived (she was still a kid then), and saw her fairly often--though never talked to her but once. That time, Sabrina denied her request to be friends, oddly enough--and even said that Dan was a poor excuse for a psychic Pokemon trainer (he had a Mime Jr). Too bad, she was the only other child on the block...

Dan had no other job--he even said that the Murakage curse rubbed off on him from Yamiko's mother and caused him to contract a disease that weakened his hands and thus made him unable to perform magic tricks, and also to prevent him from finding another job. Fortunately, he had money saved up... but that all changed. One day he and little Yamiko went to the bank to deposit all his savings, but on the way there, four young men ambushed them and beat Dan up, took the money, and left--while Yamiko hid around a corner. From that point on, the two were very poor, and eventually had to move to a homeless shelter in the outskirts of Saffron. There they stayed for a few years, until the police decided Yamiko lived in "unsafe conditions" and put her in an orphanage instead. It was at that time that Yamiko started taking ballet lessons, and started to like it quite a bit. Dancing felt good to her, especially when she got better at it. She found she did best with solo dances to sad, slow songs to musicals and such, where she could express the despair she felt in life clearly. Apparently she did very well at it; she won the talent show in school one year.

Then when Yamiko was twelve, a lesbian couple living in the Orange Islands adopted her. There she had an older sister named Penelope and her mothers were fairly wealthy. However, she didn't care for Penelope too much; she was too much of a "prissy, stuck-up athlete". Moreover, although her mothers were otherwise nice, they didn't think a Pokemon journey was a very good thing to her. Thus when she was seventeen, she snuck away and boarded a ferry for Valencia Island, where she received an Eevee from Professor Ivy (who she nicknamed Velvet). However, Ivy couldn't give her a Pokedex, so she had to obtain one later on.

Kanto brought too many bad memories for Yamiko, so she journeyed to Sinnoh instead, after learning about Hearthome City's contest hall there. Yamiko didn't really work on earning badges, but she did do quite a bit of journeying... (and finally got a Pokedex from Professor Rowan). At that time, Team Galactic wasn't as big a threat, but Team Rocket had some business there. Unfortunately, after a while of traveling, someone from Team Rocket kidnapped Velvet, devastating Yamiko. Not only was Yamiko beginning to form a close bond with Velvet; Velvet was her only Pokemon, meaning she was left Pokemon-less. In the time after that, Yamiko was left to wander aimlessly around Sinnoh, unable to catch another Pokemon, unwilling to return home. Yamiko thought all hope was lost for her, that the curse was about to take her life...

(For the rest, see her second Pokemon's background and the Combined History at the bottom.)

Skills: Hmm, I doubt dancing would do much good in a world of war... Fortunately, Yamiko does have a few more useful skills. First of all, she's very good at reading other people's emotions--even a very subtle facial expression can sometimes give it away for her. Secondly, she's good at lying, in part because she can come up with reasonable excuses for a situation--in other words, she can use common sense. Also, she's good with maps and directions, and has an excellent memory--except for names.





Name: Edwin "Lupin" Tasselbury
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Job/Role: Thief and Pokemon trainer
Personality: An outlaw at heart, Lupin has a penchant for sneaking his way around the rules. He always does so in a surreptitious manner, and goes by the motto "quickly, quietly, reasonably" so as to avoid getting caught. ("Reasonably" means "only when necessary" or "not just for the heck of it"). In general, he tends to be a rather quiet person (not to mention he never shouts or raises his voice), and is not too fond of social contact--in many cases, he prefers to do things alone. Most people would see him as being very serious, quite a bit cold-hearted, even a slight bit intimidating--he certainly does have a dark aura about him. In fact, seriousness is the "emotion" he most commonly shows, with perhaps an occasional smirk or fret added in there.

Although Lupin is not normally talkative, he can be when faced with a rival or enemy, in which case his tone of voice can sound a tiny bit pedantic, as if to win them over by wit. Moreover, if he's asked a question he doesn't want to answer, he'll try to lead the asker away from the subject. And although Lupin mantains a cold and serious attitude towards strangers and even acquaintances, he sometimes "warms up" a bit when around his closest friends, which he currently has only six of anyway (two of which are his Pokemon). Even so, it takes him quite a while to form a close bond with someone (Yamiko being the only exception), as well as to trust someone. In fact, he does have a tendency to be selfish, though there are those times in which he will go out of his way to help a friend, or in very rare cases, a non-friend. One thing he does have is a lot of willpower--he will endure or overcome a perilous situation to the absolute best of his ability.

As far as other things go, Lupin is not too fond of bright lights, and is thus nocturnal. Also, though he doesn't seem to have much respect for people's property, he does have great respect of nature. Thirdly, it's nigh impossible for him to fall in love with or be attracted to someone--I doubt even a siren or love potion would work very well. Last of all, his major weakness is his past, when it catches up to him and finds its way into his thoughts. He gets depressed about it at random times; it is these times when being alone in a remote place is his top priority. Lastly, although Lupin seems to put up a lot of blocks against people, Yamiko (and only Yamiko) seems to have the power to break through those blocks.

Appearance: Lupin is 5'9" tall. His deep brown eyes are clearly visible behind rectangular glasses, because his hair--which is wavy, straw-coloured, and reaches about to his shoulders--isn't thick enough to get in the way. His skin is quite pale due to lack of sunlight, and although he definitely looks and feels thin-figured, he's actually in pretty good shape.

Perhaps part of the reason why Lupin seems a bit intimidating is the fact that he wears all black. All his clothes hug his figure without being tight on him. His coat is especially striking in that sense--it's long enough to reach down to his thighs, and has dark purple embroidery on the bottom, neck, and ends of sleeves. It has a row of golden buttons down the front, and one on each sleeve, and it has four pockets on the outside. He wears a shirt underneath this coat, but no one ever sees it because he always buttons the coat all the way up to his neck. The sleeves of the coat are just long enough to cover part of his hands, which are covered with black fingerless gloves which revel his long, thin fingers. In addition to all that, Lupin wears a pair of black trousers and black leather shoes.

Background: Edwin lived the early years of his life in a flat in Lilycove City, Sinnoh. His father worked at a rather prestigious and expensive restaurant called the Golden Swan, although he just washed dishes and swept floors and didn't get paid much. The Tasselbury family was in fact quite poor, poor enough that Dad didn't want a child because it would be too expensive to raise. Mum managed to convince him otherwise, but she really wanted a daughter, and was thus a bit disappointed when Edwin was born. The first three or so years were pretty much okay, but Dad soon got sick of him, maybe even angry for him being a "financial burden". Thus he often took to hitting and even torturing him, in as many ways as possible. (It would probably not be wise to go into detail at this point.) That or he would lock him up in the closet while he went to spend time alone with Mum.

Fortunately, there were some good points. First of all, Edwin eventually figured out how to work his way through the lock on the closet door and his bedroom door. Secondly, he frequently snuck out of the flat at night to explore the city. It was on these ventures that he started to develop his thieving skills, as he needed them to obtain food and money (his parents certainly didn't give him much). Being nocturnal really did have its benefits. Also, as time passed, Mum noticed all the money he had stolen and was actually a bit proud of him--perhaps the family had a second source of income now. Unfortunately, Dad's behaviour and attitude didn't change--if anything, it got worse. Eventually, Edwin decided he'd endured enough of it, and ran away when he was ten, immedately hitchhiking on a ship headed out of the region.

The ship went to Kanto, where Edwin was brought to an orphanage for a while before being adopted by another family who lived in Sinnoh--so now he had new parents and two brothers--though one was also adopted. He actually got along quite well with his brothers, who found the stories of his life painful yet interesting. They were especially moved by his nighttime ventures in Lilycove. So moved, in fact, that all three of them, plus a friend who lived nearby, formed their own little gang: the Black Cat Bandits. All four members also gave themselves nicknames at this time, and of course from then on Edwin was known as Lupin.

The Black Cat Bandits spent the next six years or so wandering around Kanto and other regions (they even got their first Pokemon after a while), having fun but causing a few secret misdeeds along the way--several small acts of theft (once or twice of cars), one member's little idea of trying to hack into the database of a certain corporation, and even a successful robbery of the Game Corner. Yet after that time, they parted ways in order to get started on other careers. In Lupin's case, he was invited to join Team Rocket by one of its scouts, yet he refused to wear the uniform, saying it would "give him away", and he refused to take Pokemon from trainers. All was well there (he hardly ever failed an assignment), until Lupin saw a fellow Rocket take an Espeon from someone familiar... Yamiko! Needless to say, he dropped out of the team after that...

(For the rest, see Combined History at the bottom.)

Skills: Lupin's strongest skills are in pickpocketing and lockpicking; his high level of manual dexterity certainly helps with both. He certainly does specialise in stealing small objects frrom various places... Besides all that, he has quick reaction time and a very, very basic knowledge of hacking. Lastly, though not really a skill, he carries around a weapon called a "Firewand" which has a retractable wire "blade" surrounded by an electric current. This can be used to temporarily stun people for a certain length of time, depending on where it hits.




Combined History: (for both Yamiko and Lupin)

Both backgrounds mention Yamiko or Edwin being put in an orphanage in Kanto; in fact, they were in the same orphanage at the same time, and that was where they first met. However, they lost touch with each other when they were adopted...

Let's fast forward a bit. A month or so after Velvet was kidnapped (after Yamiko "caught" Laverne), Yamiko stayed in a hotel one night. In the middle of the night, someone broke into her hotel room, but that person turned out to be Lupin, whom she had recognised from the orphanage. What was even more surprising was what he was holding: Velvet, who he had snatched from Team Rocket's storage room the evening before. From then on, Yamiko and Lupin traveled together on a Pokemon journey, and even became boyfriend and girlfriend at that time. However, trouble struck before too long. One sunny morning, a bunch of Team Rocket people came along and took away not Velvet, but Lupin, mentioning something about him being "sent to prison" for "having an affair with a victim".

Lupin's conviction became another devastation in Yamiko's book of misfortune--in fact, at times she wondered if the situation was partially her fault, just for being with him. In her mind she punished herself for falling in love with him in the first place. At some points this left her depressed enough to think about suicide (which, ironically, Laverne prevented her from committing), but during those lighter days when she was not feeling too bad, she used this alone time to enter Pokemon contests. It was also during this time that both her Pokemon evolved. But Laverne was definitely her favourite Pokemon to use in a contest; she was really able to work with her on shaping her attacks. That ability was actually partially learned from Velvet; her training with that started off with Velvet using telekinesis to bend Laverne's attacks into different shapes and paths.

While all this was going on, Lupin was still in prison; this prison was rather unique in that it was owned by Team Rocket, and held disobedient Team Rocket members and other serious threats to the organisation. The Sinnoh branch of Team Rocket was always known for being more cruel than its (though larger) Kanto/Johto branch. They even had a habit of torturing their prisoners for information, which in Lupin's case was often things like where Yamiko lived or what her Pokedex ID number was, or what attacks Velvet knew. Fortunately, though, after about two weeks he managed to escape from this prison, which was a huge shock to not only Yamiko (she was obviously overjoyed when she ran into him a week later), but Team Rocket as well (apparently he was the first person to have escaped from there).

The Black Cat Bandits came to Lupin's assistance immediately after his escape, and soon after recruited Yamiko as well. All five of them made it their goal to take down the Sinnoh branch of Team Rocket, and thus started to come up with a plan, which centered around spying on Team Rocket's motives. However, before this plan could come to fruition, there came that fateful night. One night, Yamiko and Lupin were taking a nice walk outside, in a remote area of Floaroma Meadow. All of a sudden, they began to feel drowsy, as if some invisible Butterfree was sprinkling Sleep Powder on them. Whatever the case, they eventually got so tired that they lay down on the tall grass, and went to sleep...

When Yamiko and Lupin woke up, it was morning, and they were not in Floaroma Meadow. Instead, they were on some unfamiliar hill overlooking some unfamiliar valley, which looked like a war zone. Clearly they were not in Sinnoh anymore...
Well, I've filled in the gaps in Mackenzie's history, I hope it is enough. Unfortunately, being that tomorrow is Monday, I will be gone most of the day.
Edit: Well, since nobody seems to be here and today is supposed to be the re-starting day, I'm going to make my character's intro post. I hope that's alright.
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I've been busy most of the day, but here you go.

Jackblaze, just wanted to point out that the people from this War-world haven't seen nor heard of a pokemon in their life. They would probably be a bit freaked out, and they wouldn't know what a pokeball was. Sorry if I sound mean, but my English teacher's perfectionism seems to be being passed on to me.
Yeah, Nano's got a point. I just read over your post again.

I think I need to say this

For the moment, players from the Pokemon World are NOT PERMITTED to interact with players or NPC's from the War World. This rule is only temporary (I have a small plan in store that will reverse this rule shortly.

I realize what a pain this might be, but Jackblaze, you need to edit your post for the time being to fit the rule, alright?

Don't worry, you'll have all the action you can handle-and more- soon enough...
Yay I can fix!!!!I'll post it here when it's done.

It's still bad,but hey,I'm only a begginer

Name:Ryu jacarow

Age: 12

Gender: Male
Appearance: He is very tall and has dyed blue hair.His hair was origanally blonde but he didn't like it, so he dyed it.His ears are pointed,like an elves.He wears a blur poletech,on his wrist and he also has a pokenav.His eyebrows are very thin and are at a slant.His eyes are as black as coal and his skin is very tan.
He likes to wear a silver jacket with his three badges pinned on to it.He also wears black jeans,with two silver stripes down the side.The peaked hat he wears is gold with, a picture of the legendary birds,on it.
Personality:Ryu always sees the best in everyone and sees the best,of every situation.Ryu's friends and parents died so he dosen't have much friends,incase he would lose them,again.He loves battling and wants to become the champion,or atleast,be in the Elite Four.
Backround: Ryu lived in Twinleaf Town,until his parents died,and then moved to Pallet Town,with his aunt.Ryus parents died when he was five and he has been scarred ever since.His parents were killed on the day of his fifth birthday,a rampaging Magmortor set his house on fire, killing his parents and friends.He survived because his Poliwag,Poli, dosed the flames,but it was too late to save his parents.
That same day,a mysteious man gave Ryu a Rioulu,which he nicknamed ''Hope''.His aunt took care of him,in her house in Pallet Town.When he turned ten he set out on a journey to obtain all eight,Kanto badges,since then he has obtained two,Pewter and Cereleun.
Special skills:None

Pokemon:Nickname: Hope
Specias: Rioulu
Gender: Female
Age: 7
Personality:Likes to fight she eats only once every day because of the training her original trainer gave her.
Markings: The tip of her tail is red.
Moves: Bullet punch, iron tail, pound.
How obtained: After Ryu's parents were killed this rioulu was given to him by a strange man wearing all blue

Nickname: Poli
Specias: Poliwrath
Gender: male
History: He was caught wild as a poliwhirl swimming in a lake near his hometown.
Personality: He likes to use pysical attacks and he can take a lot of hits.His favourite food is red pokeblock and he was Ryu's first pokemon.
Markings: None
Age: 22
Moves: Surf, megapunch, hypnosis and pyscic

Nickname: Coaly
Specias: Torkoal
Markings: She has a blue shell
Gender: Female
Personality:She likes to take it slow and likes to use long range attacks.One of her stratagies is to use smokescreen and then rapid spin so the smoke gets blown at her opponent.
History: This pokemon was caught by him when he saw it fighting with a mankey.
Moves: Flamethrower,smokescreen,rapid spin and tackle.
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@ luke: It's an improvement, at least. Try putting a bit of space between each pokemon's entry, it makes it hard to read.

@ shelby: Why? Is it going too slow?
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