A post about making 6 IV mons
On maybe my 4th playthrough and I just love making 6 IV mons with Super Splicers. The major advantage they have over regular Splicers is that they prioritize the highest IV between the two mons for the fusion. And if you unfuse a mon the body retains those same IV's. I know I wanna make a full 6 IV team, so my goal is to hatch a bunch of high IV mons, fuse and unfuse them, then fuse those hopefully perfect mons with the Pokemon I actually want on my team
I went through my whole box of mons, and saved and used the Saffron IV checker to see what has 30 or 31 IV's, then wrote down who has what IV's. (You can reset after you check a bunch of mons so you haven't spent so much in-game money.)
With Fusions, if you unfuse the head is randomly generated. So you can also unfuse all the mons you can, and check the heads to see what they turn into
I arbitrarily choose Marill to make 2 mons with 6 IV's to breed together, so that I can use Super Splicers on the babies to ensure each of them are 6 IV's.
With my box, I knew I could make 4 IV's at 31 between both mons I wanna breed with, with 2 of the stats at 30 (between the 12 total stats, if that makes sense). I'd prolly settle if I had to but I really wanted a full 6 IV's at 31 each.
Using the Destiny Knot ensures you get 5 IV's between the parents, so got a Slugma (has Flame Body or Magma Armor) and started using the Racing Bicycle, going up and down Saffron about 5 times to generate new eggs. Since I wanted to make sure I have at least six 6 IV mons for my team, you need a minimum of 12 eggs, and can hope to get lucky to hatch a mon where the 6th stat is luckily 31.
Took me about 16 eggs while going for 6 31 IV's, and one of them was a natural 6 IV's 🔥🔥 so I just wrote down what each of them lacked, "30 Atk, Speed" or "30 HP, Sp Def", and so on. Made sure to deposit them in their own box in the PC to make it easier to account for them, then I wrote down what pairs would work out. Then in another box I dragged the pairs together until I had them lined up, then I used Super Splicers and unfused them, saved and checked the Saffron IV checker make sure, and all 6 of my lil Azurill's had a full set of 31 IV's 😭😭