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was it bianca or latias that kissed ash in 5th movie?

was it latias or bianca that kissed ash?

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Latias I say. She has the hots for Ash, he IS the god of all Pokemon after all. lol.
Bianca. It's so obvious if you look into it.

1. Before she kissed Ash, it showed the easel with her hat on it. Which means she took it off..maybe because she didn't want him to know.

2. She gave him the painting of him. Bianca was the artist. (Of course, Latias could have just took it and gave it to him.) But why would Bianca draw Ash anyways, if she didn't like him? ;D
I think it's intentionally ambigious. However, did Bianca show any interest in Ash? At least, 4Kids' revisions didn't eff this up. Whoo.
One of the most disturbing moments I've seen in the Anime... That much is for sure. Not the most dusturbing moment in ANIME, but definitely in Pokemon.
Latias doesn't talk, it was obviously Latias
I think it was Latias. Just the fact she didn't talk and that earlier in the movie when Bianca was last seen with a painting it turned out to be Latias. Bianca never showed any feelings towards to Ash I don't think while Latias did.

I say it was Latias.
1.Latias didn't speak the human language.
2.She doesn't wear Biancas hat(does she?).
3.Who knows maybe Latias does have an artist side?
4.Just because Bianca might've drawn the picture, doesn't mean she like him she could've just did that to be nice, and Latias could've just have given the painting to Ash because Bianca had left.
One of the most disturbing moments I've seen in the Anime... That much is for sure. Not the most dusturbing moment in ANIME, but definitely in Pokemon.

To a degree, definitely. But as a counterpoint/devil's advocate, what about Jynx, or Gardevoir or any other of the humanoid Pokemon used in such a manner? Suffice it to say, Pokemorphs are popular online. My theory being, people have less of a knee-jerk reaction to certain forms of furry depending on the humanoid aspect. If it's alien in design, obviously, our fear of the unknown would stir a possible visceral reaction. Whereas, if it's human-looking enough, the familiarity to our mind's eye would make us comfortable enough.

Look at the Latias design: she's not ugly, no, but not humanoid.

It's stupid, but that's how the human mind works. And after 5 some years, someone might have thought about it. Heh. And it was a fresh direction, even if bizarre. So, if you want to argue from the bestiality issue, uh, go for it. Heh.

I'm not sure why I decided to bring it up here. I guess my brain was on. Heh.
Maybe, poison. Maybe.

Cource, Ash was too stunned and Misty and Brock were there too... ooooh god... eww.

I think it was Latias.
Latias. Why would Bianca suddenly decide to kiss Ash if she didn't even like him that much? Because <3 Latias.

EDIT: Also, the last part of the movie song background was "Latias in Disguise". Why would the CREATORS call it that?
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Latias... but it had nothing to do with love. XP As a Pokemon, she can't say thanks, the only way was to kiss. D8

That is what I think.
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