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[Showcase] Welcome to Olusia!


  • 10
    • Age 21
    • they/various neos
    • Florida
    • Seen Nov 11, 2023
    Hello! I don't know how to do this, but I made my account here to talk about my Fakemon! Welcome to Pokemon Peony and Petunia, region Olusia, and it's based on my home state of Florida. It's still in its early stages, but here's my starters!

    Stage 1

    Stage 2

    Stage 3

    I have many more Pokemon, with many many more in the works, but I needed a place to start and a place to stop, so here!
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    I like how the grass starter on its first stage is just looking like:
    "Does he bite?"
    "Worse, he judges you"
    An assorted batch of the rest of the canon-typed Fakes I have so far!

    Raining cats and dogs ha ha ha.

    Pupperita & Canimint
    Peppermint bark ha ha ha.

    There's a thing out there called the Pikachu nudibranch, named so for its notable resemblance to Pikachu. I kind of had to.

    Flapamise & Gresibeat
    So fun fact: According to Bulbapedia, the firefly pair are also visually based on flappers (Illumise) and greasers (Volbeat). Why they're paired like that when they're from different decades entirely, I wouldn't know, I'm just the messenger. But as soon as I found this out while planning my evos for them, I immediately decided to play it to the hilt.
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    And here's the main draw of this region. You know how Curse's type was listed as ??? before Generation 5? I brought that type back. It's pronounced "Unknown," if you're wondering, and here's why.

    Olusian Unown
    It all started here, a few years ago, with an odd Unown variant...

    A Pokemon of the same teal color as that used to represent Curse back in the day, shaped like three question marks, with no weaknesses or resistances... what other type were the researchers to assign it? Soon after, more ??? type began manifesting within Olusia, integrating themselves into the ecosystem as though they'd always been a part of it. Examples include...

    Ketsu and the Zuu line
    My only excuse is that I love glitch Pokemon.

    Nazeeni & Nazonomi
    Maybe I should have made them Grass type, both because berries and because the Enigma Berry's effect kicks in upon a super effective hit, which a ??? type can never suffer from. Eh, I'll just think of a different ability... eventually.

    The Pawnmo line
    The first ??? types I conceptualized, in fact!

    I wasn't sure about making an Eeveelution, but eh.
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