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Elite Overlord LeSabre™

On that 'Non stop road'
  • Team Aqua (GT 2024)
  • 10,165
    I must say that the Get-Together was perfectly timed. If it were a week later, I would be slammed with anime convention preparation. I'm doing two in a row, this weekend and next, which is something I haven't done since 2010, and since one of the cons involved is the beast known as Otakon (30,000+ people last year)...

    Didn't care for the Olympic theme, or that teams were forced upon us and that there was little actual teamwork, but I still count it a success since (a) I did more events than last year and (b) I actually placed in one of the events haha

    Oh yeah, if you're going to Otakon and see a short Asian guy crossplaying as Serena on Friday and Saturday, that's me. I won't have the sunglasses on my hat and I'll be wearing black flats and black tights instead of her regular shoes and legwear. Just so you can tell me apart from any other short Asian guys who may or may not be crossplaying as Serena there. Figured I'd throw this out there since there's a fair chance someone on PC might be going to Otakon because of its size.

    My trademark cosplay, Sailor Mercury, will not be at Otakon because limited space on Greyhound buses and their crappy record of losing stuff placed under the bus. Gonna try to limit my stuff to carry-on only :P That also limits what I can buy in the Dealer's Room, but I'm mostly gonna be in panels and taking photos.

    And I'll end my rambling on Otakon (and Greyhound) before y'all get bored :P