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What I would like to see for Book 2 of Korra.

  • 78
    • Seen Sep 30, 2016
    In Book 1, Korra was given most screen-time with her bending and as thus we got to see a lot of it and she mostly uses fire bending and earth bending. I'd like to see her use her new air bending and water bending more . She rarely uses the water bending outside of the pro-bending matches and since she's a member of the water tribe she should be using it more even if she is meant to be perfecting the other two elements.

    Also, on Team New Avatar there is a fire bender and a earth bender, Bolin and Mako. There bending is hardly touched upon outside of pro-bending as its just normal ordinary bending. I'd like to see some kind of special bending techniques like what Toph and Katara got in there bending development.

    Finally, I think that Makorra even though it is adorable and the cutest couple evahhhh, I think it was maybe brought in a little too early for development and the story that follows properly won't go well. Although it depends on what kind of story, the second book has.

    Tell me what you think about the Korra and what you would like to see in Book 2!

    Oh and in my apparent new tradition, here is a cute gif!

    Asami was thrown to the side like she was chopped liver. Though I am looking forward to Book 2 and what will happen with the spirit world(I hope Koh makes a return).
    I agree, none of the minor members of team avatar got any screen time barely. Its a shame and I hope they touch on that in the future books.
    I know they felt like they would only get one season so that's why it was like this... but now we know we're getting four books total it'll have more character development.