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What now?


  • 11,205
    • he / they
    • USA
    • Seen Apr 2, 2024
    I love PC, I love it's members, I love it's staff, I love that Steve created this place so many years ago. Even regardless of what's going on, I would stick around to see what kind of changes happened - if they happened for the better. I'm preoccupied elsewhere, and yet I always knew PC was there, and would stay, and would be there when I wanted a place to lurk, or read up on news, or see how old friends were doing - even though I wasn't active. This year I made a return post, and over the year I thought I would come back around. If PC dies from this; which I'll be honest, I hope it doesn't, I hope it blows over, but if it does I hope another forum will take it's place and form it's own home for hopefully longer than the few short years most forums tend to last. Maybe I'm being over dramatic, because we dunno what will happen, so I shouldn't really be saying all this? But I wanted to say it just in case something does happen when I'm not around.

    It sucks that so many people are leaving, and getting mad, and though I understand why, it's still a shame.

    Editing: Aaaah, my personal opinion is that Steve is no danger to anyone now. That was so long ago. I just read more info on it, and yeah.. still sad if the site goes down, and I'm iffy on if I'll leave or stay, but. Hmmm. How to think of this, now..
    Yeah, it's a shame... but I'm not sorry for telling you about this. You definitely needed to know what was going down.
    Master Kwesi Nkromah created it fwiw :)
    Requility;bt106839 said:
    Master Kwesi Nkromah created it fwiw :)
    wow I haven't heard his name or seen him on in years.
    But Steve wasn't long after, and he maintains it mostly now, so it's still a little valid. lol