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Wormow's Events and Shinies

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  • 58
    Wormow's Events and Shinies- With BABA Flygon and Movie Shaymin!

    I have the rights to take away your points or declining your trade. If you have 100 points but I end up taking them away, then you must've done something wrong. Also, don't spam up the thread because I already have 4 people spamming it in 1 day, which is a new record. Your points will be updated within 24 hours. Also, I clone these so you can get as many as long as you have enough points.[/B]

    I don't like to trade, I just like to give people my Pokemon for free, with points. This isn't like all the other points systems, it's different. You have to to certain tasks for points. I have loads more events, but I'll only post some for now because I have alot of game carts to check. All events are UT . If you have enough points for these, trade me a Starly or Bidoof

    Absol [10]
    Alakazam [10]
    Articuno [14]
    Blastoise [10]
    Blaziken [10]
    Bulbasaur [10]
    Celebi [14]
    Charizard [10]
    Dragonite [10]
    Entei [14]
    Espeon [10]
    Latias [14]
    Latios [14]
    Moltres [14]
    Pikachu [10]
    Raikou [14]
    Suicune [14]
    Typhlosion [10]
    Tyranitar [10]
    Unbreon [10]
    Zapdos [14]


    Buneary [13]
    Combee [13]
    Croagunk [13]
    Eevee [13]
    Finneon [13]
    Lickitung [13]
    Mew [17]
    Miltank [13]
    Octillery [13]
    Pachirisu [13]
    Phione [17]
    Pikachu [13]
    Ponyta [13]
    Shellos [13]
    Shroomish [13]
    Snover [13]
    Staravia [13]
    Tangela [13]
    Vulpix [13]
    Wailmer [13]
    Wynaut [13]
    Yanma [13]


    Buneary [13]
    Combee [13
    Croagunk [13]
    Eevee [13]
    Finneon [13]
    Lickitung [13]
    Mew [17]
    Miltank [13]
    Pachirisu [13]
    Phione [17]
    Pikachu [13]
    Ponyta [13]
    Shellos [13]
    Shroomish [13]
    Snover [13]
    Staravia [13]
    Tangela [13]
    Vulpix [13]
    Wailmer [13]
    Wynaut [13]
    Yanma [13]

    Flygon [17]
    Kingdra [17]
    Milotic [17]
    Seadra [17]
    Seviper [17]

    Manaphy Eggs:
    France [18]
    Germany [18]
    Italy [18]
    Japan [14]
    Spain [18]
    USA [10]

    Golgo Octilerry [14]
    BABA Flygon [40]
    JBHF Manaphy [12]
    Mattle Ho-Oh [10]
    Mystery Mew [10]
    Rocks Metang [12]
    Space-C Deoxys [14]
    Wishmaker Jirachi [12]
    Hadou Regice [12]
    Hadou Registeel [12]
    Hadou Regirock [12]
    ANA Pikachi [16]
    GW Pikachu [16]
    Ruby Zigzagoon J [14]
    Sapphire Zigzagoon J [14]
    Pokepark Celebi [12]
    Pokepark Mew [12]
    Hadou Mew [10]
    Birthday Charmander [12]
    Gamestop Deoxys [11]
    Alamos Darkrai [11]
    TRU Manaphy [14]
    PBR Electivire [15]
    PBR Magmortar [15]
    PBR Pikachu [15]
    McDonald Pikachu [16]
    NoA Heracross [17]
    Yamamoto Whiscash [19]
    Saikyou Milotic [17]
    Saikyou Dragonite [17]
    Saikyou Salamance [17]
    Saikyou Mamortar [17]
    Saikyou ELectivire [17]

    Movie Shaymin [60]
    Shiny Rocks Metang [50]
    Shiny Ditto (I have Timid, Modest, Sassy, Lash, Mild and Quiet) [20]
    Movie Regigigas [60]
    Batonnage Darkrai [40]
    Batonnage Riolu [40]
    NEW!!! Shiny Movie Shaymin (Hacked checked) [500]


    Get 2 Pokemon at a time in the trade
    Receive: 5 Points
    Usage: As many

    Be the 5/10/15/20/25/30 poster
    Receive: 9 Points
    Usage: As many (If you got 5, you can try out for 10, 15 etc)

    When posting, say I liek Mudkipz
    Receive: 4
    Usage: Once per day

    Don't spam the thread
    Receive: 10
    Usage: Forever. I'll give you the points when I feel like it

    Donate me a event
    Receive: 20
    Usage: Once

    Guess a Wii game I have
    Receive: 8
    Usage: Guess 2 times per person (PM me!)

    When trading, give me a shiny Pokemon
    Receive: 12
    Usage: Anytime if you have enough posts ;p

    Put a link to this thread in your sig
    Receive: 10
    Usage: Once and if you remove it, -10


    the_angelic_master [8]
    Schala_25 [65]
    jceval350 [87]
    shady1886 [24]
    Elevemage [62]
    kirk1412 [4]
    Al.Long [9]
    eagles158 [35]
    T-C [20]
    Pinkiepops [9]
    ysover [5]
    Shadow Of Fears [28]
    Sonic smash down [9]
    Darth_Quaver [26]
    richdevildog559 [12]
    Cyan Goggles [20]
    ash_110697 [18]
    Zierant [17]
    Bloodbane [8]
    Pkmn Trainer Kona-chan [28]
    Majay-hi [17]
    luifer39 [12]
    shiny_Riolu [47]
    SRKid [34]
    Lafate [8]
    Shinylover [8]
    aceglen [4]
    toushiroH95 [4]
    Jaxx [4]
    redletters [4]
    SuperGamingBros [4]
    Zorloc [17]
    Livinglegend [31]
    lilyevans0 [4]
    ѕℓσωвяσ [25]
    Ichaste Pekoni [66]
    Rich Boy Rob [23]
    3m3r [4]
    Ater_Ventus [30]
    latiosmaster [8]
    BeeTooYuLou [28]
    Rubii Naruto [13]
    hydramon [21]
    Shiny pachirisu [12]
    「トランスIIDX」x♪ [8]
    ShadowPocky [4]

    Last edited by a moderator:
    when you gat a chance can I get that Baba Flygon 5th post also 20th post!!!
    so if I add my points up

    PM Wormow saying 5 Points please
    Receive: 5 Points

    Be the 5/10/15/20/25/30 poster
    Receive: 9 Points (x3)

    When posting, say I liek Mudkipz
    Receive: 4

    Post here 5 times (Don't spam)
    Receive: 10

    PM Wormow saying ter was e monser in teh box
    Receive: 7

    Guess a Wii game I have
    Receive: 8

    5+9+9+9+4+10+7+8=61 yay ^_^
    Last edited:
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