(geez...lol you're feisty....)I really don't know what a template is.....(please don't yell....)xXFallenXx said:leipo52: You're pushing it. You're REALLY pushing it. You already requested something early, which I couldn't read at all, and now you're requesting something else. I HATE to see your English grade and I pity your English teacher. Once you learn how to type, try again.
Rioku_Zanketa: Please give me a template.
Rioku_Zanketa said:(geez...lol you're feisty....)I really don't know what a template is.....(please don't yell....)
EDIT: oh! ok!here....wait...I found it,but I don't know how to put it here....it's the really red one at the bottum of the first page of the link in the first post....I'm sorry...
YEA! that's the one!ok! I wanna have this one!!!enyce said:this one???
whenever you want to, get an image.
right click>properties>copy and paste where it says image location or address.
wrap it in IMG tags, like