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Years of Lies [IC] [Best Veteran Q2 '12]

Kerin frowned again and looked down at Marisa as she gripped his hand. He put his other arm around her into a hug. How... how could Marisa say something like that with ease? Someone was going to die tonight? She seemed so bright about it. Fausto was the human kid, yeah? How could he just die... he hadn't really done anything except be possessed by an angry god guy thing. He dropped his eyes to the floor. Well, Kerin didn't really know what to think. His eyes flickered back as her she stuttered.

"What do you mean yeah? What's happening?" He arched his head around to look into her eyes. Hopefully she didn't mean something... would happen to them? To her?
Chapter 3 - Mammon - Underworld

"Claws and wings? Are you trying to kill me?" I raise my eyebrows at him. It was possible to make those things, but... "It would take a week of my training to get claws, Raike. Wings? More around two. I'm not a legendary trainer in magic arts. Bernkastel is as close as you can get to that. You don't have two weeks, Raike. You have two days at most for training." I understood his concern for Ryuu's strength. Even if his punches didn't hurt me, I could still feel the strength of each blow. Not to mention, he would be able to pin down Raike with that body of his. No wonder he was called the rhyno... If he could, he'd stomp you to death.

"Honestly, I think learning magic just to put him on fire would be enough. It seems to me that he's more into physical fighting, so why would he know much magic? I'd say, keep your distance from the freak, and throw fireballs at his butt." I grinned, even though Raike's tone was serious. "No, if you're with Bern, you won't survive. You'll thrive. Did you see the games last year? That proves it."

I approach Raike calmly, but what I do next, is unexpected. I take his chin, and lower it slightly so his eyes look at mine. "I will not help you with any fights, if that's what you think. You may be a friend, but even I wouldn't go that far." I laugh a little, before leaning forward. We're inches away from eachother now. "If you want my help. My power... You'll need to make a contract."

Chapter 3 - Bernkastel Vermillia - Demon District

The poor little girl is shivering now inside Kerin's grip. What was she seeing? Obviously something bad. My eyes lower calmly to her face, but she can't make eye contact. Not even with Kerin. She stares at her lap like she has a dead body there. She swallows roughly, and begins rubbing around her right wrist.

"I-I only see seven other people in the arena with me... In front of a clock tower..." She squeaks out. There were sixteen of us right now... Eight there? That's only half! From the corner of my eye, I see Vergil push his lips together. "I-I see... Two people I've never seen before... Two adults... Shiro and Shizuka...And Ryuu." Her voice his hoarse; as if she can't breathe. Wait... That meant me, Fang, and Kerin were not there. Where were we, then?

She continues to rub at her wrist, almost as if she's trying to take something off. Her golden eyes are wide in fear. "R-ryuu..." What she means, hits me full force. I stand up, move around the table, and kneel beside Kerin's chair. I stroke her head soothingly, as she speaks.

"....I'm chained to Ryuu."
Kerin went wide eyed as Marisa explained what she saw. He frowned, then shifted his gaze as he tried to put the numbers together in his head. There were... four from each district, so sixteen people all up. Okay, so from what Marisa said, there were only four left. Four? That can't be right, this was the start. From what he saw from last year's games, weren't they all meant to start together? He held Marisa firmly and he started to breathe quite heavily. No, no, she can't be right. The way she said it, no, she would have mentioned if he was there. She must be mistaken, maybe this future thing must be wrong. Kerin promised he wouldn't let anything hurt her, he wouldn't just go and break a promise, just like that. At the start of the games. He would make sure. He shook his head. He refused to believe.

"No, no, no," he said, closing his eyes. "No, that can't be right. No, that's just gotta be one scenario of a thousand different ones. The future is always changing. That wouldn't happen." He gently tightened his grip on her. Kerin didn't break promises. He... he wouldn't.
Chapter 3 - Bernkastel Vermillia - Demon District


My hand slowly touches Marisa's cheek in a soothing motion. Her... Chained to Ryuu? Natruo was being rather cruel this year... This little girl could probably keep up with him, but he'd kill her in an instant. He would do anything to get her away from him. He'd probably cut her hand off so he could do his thing. My other hand went over my mouth as I felt a gross sensation come up my throat.

"Shhh.... Marisa... It's alright... The game designer must have something else planned. If he killed you right away, then the Gods watching the program won't be too happy. And just because we're not there, doesn't mean we never will be." I smile warmly at her, which makes Vergil flinch.

The little girl squeezes tight against Kerin, looking at me cautiously. Did she trust me? Could she trust me? She reached out her tiny hand, and touched my smile. Her own, weak smile appeared. "Okay...." She nuzzles up into Kerin, thinking deeply. "......Is Bern-sama an ally now...?"

I smile a little more, and I can literally feel Vergil's urge to hit me. "Only if Kerin lets me," I answer, looking up at him. Fang, who has been silent the entire time, has his face inside his hands. With what little I could see, he looked to be in distress. Quietly, I began digging through the pockets of my jacket.
No, no Kerin wouldn't let her be chained to a stupid, psychotic moron like that. What kind of idiot would do that to a poor girl like Marisa? He shook his head a little. Bernkastel seemed... optimistic? Why, there was no reason to be. But what if Marisa's vision was true? Kerin bit his lip and furrowed his brow again, trying to figure this out. He sighed and closed his eyes as Marisa squeezed tightly against him. So, if Marisa really could see into the future, did that mean she could see her own death? Could she see any problem that was close to come?

"Can the future change? We can change it, right? If we burn down the clock tower or... or, uh, if we were to get rid of Ryuu, would that change it?" He really had no idea what he was saying. He breathed. No, Kerin, you have to be strong. This was not about you and why you aren't there, this was about Marisa.

Kerin's eyes flickered to Bernkastel's as she said his name. He could see into her eyes. There was truth in there, mixed with some other emotions. Like regret or something, he didn't know. But, Marisa trusted Bernkastel. And Kerin trusted Marisa. So, ergo...

"Yeah," he breathed. "I trust you."
Chapter 3 - Bernkastel Vermillia - Demon District

"In order to burn it down, the games would have to have started.... As for Ryuu, if we attempt to kill him beforehand and we are unsuccessful, it'll make Marisa's situation worse. We just got to prepare Marisa for this." I said quietly. "When people go into the arena, they're allowed to take one symbol for themselves. Take these," I pull out three necklaces. Not those cheap ones, but handmade ones. A gold string that holds together a binding of different stones. Each is different.... I am careful with which necklace I give to everyone. I handed Marisa the one with darker stones. Kerin got the one with shiny, transparent stones. Finally, Fang got the necklace with a glittering stone. These necklaces... I had three more to give out. I still had one for Xavier, but I wouldn't be giving his until later. I stood, and brushed myself off.

"W-well... The future can, but sometimes it won't change... Uu. Thankies, Bern-sama." She smiles brightly at me, and looks the necklace over in her hand. She won't find anything dangerous about it. It's just a necklace. But, it tugged at my heart to see her acting so strong, when there was a good possibility that she would die. I guess you had to be optimistic, in her case.

Vergil's eyes flickered to the necklace in Kerin's hand in particular, and gave me a questioning look. I just gave him a shrug. Fang raised his eyebrows, and asked. "Do these have some sort of weird power?" Alright, he got me. All I answered with, was "It'll help you."
"No, if you're with Bern, you won't survive. You'll thrive. Did you see the games last year? That proves it." Says Mammon, and I turn my face away thinking over my choices. It was true... anyone that fought with Bern, almost always lived through the games, but still... I turned my face back to ask another question, but I was caught off guard by her moving this close to me. "I will not help you with any fights, if that's what you think. You may be a friend, but even I wouldn't go that far... If you want my help...my power, you will need to make a contract." D-did she just say... a contract?

I felt the blood rushing to my face as her smooth hand took hold of my chin, drawing it so that my own eyes looked into her own. I felt my own pulse quicken ever so slightly as she leaned even closer, saying he would need to make a contract in order to gain her powers. I paused... trying to think of options like usually did, but I didn't find any others... her powers could help to ensure my own survival. I didn't have...much of a choice... But what would the consequences be?

"What.... What do I have to do Mammon..." I said as I clenched my fists.
"We could try," Kerin studied the necklace in his palm. It was... quite pretty to look at, the transparent stones seemed to glisten under the lamp lights. The gold chain holding it together was also quite nice. Hmm. He rubbed his fingers on the stones, they made a pristine ring as they tapped eachother. Well, if it was going to be useful, no time like the present. He unlinked the chain, then relinked it around his neck, letting it fall on his chest. "Thanks."

The effect was almost immediate, he could feel something... warm. It gradually grew hotter and seemed to... expand in his chest. It got hot, but not uncomfortable. He scratched at the skin above it and couldn't help but cough. Well, it didn't feel like it was killing him, so it must be doing something good. Maybe. Hopefully.

"Help us how?" Kerin wheezed a little and coughed again. It was so queer, this feeling. Was something growing in his chest? Maybe it was like Bernkastel's familiars and he could make a huge dragon come out and-- okay, now he was being stupid.
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Chapter 3 - Mammon - Underworld

I grin widely at the question, and my grip slips away from his chin. "Oh, but you have options! Don't you like having options towards the things you need?" I spun on my heels and began pacing the room; recalling the different forms the payment could take. "Option one, and the most stereotypical, we take your soul when you die. This can go either way, really. If Ashura is still Ashura when you die, you'll go to the Underworld. But~" I clasp my hands behind my back; stopping to look at the machete hung up on the wall. "If it's Eashura, you'll go to the Shadowworld. Even more stereotypical!" I turn my head from the wall, to look at him. "While the Underworld has freedom, the Shadowworld will make you a caged bird. I'll get further into that later."

I continue walking with my eyes trained to the floor. "Sacrifice... People tend to choose this one since it's the easiest. Sacrifice a person every three weeks. People also tend to cheat on this one; sacrificing people who are going to die soon anyways. Once, I had a contractor waltz into a hospital, and he was set for a good ten years."

Suddenly, I appear back in front of Raike; my eyes glistening. "Option three used to be a simple enchange when Asmodeus and Levira were here. An eyeball for power. Pretty painful. Option three, is now something exciting..." I shift around Raike; my clothing slightly blurred with a red smoke before I am centimeters from his face. "For every inch of emotion you show...Hm... You'll experience the pain equal. Smiling... Laughter... Touch. Converted into a horrific pain to your soul and body. Some have managed to hide the pain they're in, but there is always people who are drived to complete insanity~ Can you think of what Bernkastel chose?"

I reappear over by the door, back to the floor as I form an arch. It's as if I'm falling in slow motion. "If I were you, I'd pick option two~ The Shadowworld is a horrible place to be for an eternity. And that whole emotion into pain? I forbid you from choosing that." I pause, and for the final time, I appear on my bed; criss-cross. "Besides, there will be plenty of opportunities to do the sacrifices. You have an easy one tonight, too!" I giggle lightly. "I'm not the one who can see the future. Vergil can, though! So, what will it be?"

Chapter 3 - Bernkastel Vermillia - Demon District

"Help you survive," I mumble, quick to regain my emotionless expression. Vergil was definitely going to nag at me after this... I inhaled as the burning in my throat ceased to exist... For a few seconds. "Please keep it on at all times. Including for sleep. I don't have to remind you about the Natruo incident, correct?" Marisa nods shyly, and places the stones around her neck. She seemed to be fine with it. Fang, on the other hand, looked totally uncomfortable with the surging heat eminating from the necklace. "Marisa, when and if you can, I would like a description of the four strangers that are to be present with you. Kerin, practice magic at training. Fang, I would like you to pay attention to Fausto's replacement when they arrive. Thank you." I take a handful of chips, and eat silently. Marisa raises her hand.


I look at Marisa, with only the slightest darkness in my tone when I say; "Because. There is a good chance those four are going to kill you. Better of a chance than Ryuu, really. The necklaces are for that reason. They protect your insecurities. Whatever... They may be." I look at Kerin for the last bit of my speech, and then Fang. "Training starts early. I'll assist if the need arises...Sleep." I kiss the top of Marisa's head, and make my way over to the ledge facing the Demon's Tower. "...If you can." And that is when I fall off the edge like a plank of wood; disappearing outside the light and into the darkness.

Vergil sighs lowly, rubbing his eyebrows. "Good luck dealing with her. But she's right. You'll live longer with those necklaces. Just keep them away from us, alright?" He mumbles to himself about 'stupid Bern and her creepy witchcraft' and stands. In an awkward fashion, he snatches the moth out of the air, grabs the cat by the collar, and goes over to Shiro. "You just inherited a cat. Congrats."

He plops the cat into the girl's lap. He then, with great difficulty, peels the pissed-off lizard off of the greenhouse. "Shut up, Zane. Stay and you'll give the entire city nightmares." He then, nochalantly, chucks the lizard off in a random direction. A few metres away, a glowly-black square opens up out of nowhere, and swallows the lizard out of existance. Keeping hold of the struggling moth by the wings, Vergil steps over to the break in reality. "No, Alice. You cannot stay and party.... Yes, you can party in your room... No. I'm not com-...Fine." And he disappears into the square. And just as quickly, it's gone.

"....What the heck just happened?" Fang asks.
"Practise magic? I don't even know how to do it," Kerin rubbed at his chest again. Then looked up as Bernkastel mentioned the necklaces. They locked eyes for a second then she pulled away to look at Fang. Kerin frowned. Insecurities? What did she mean by that? What did she know about Kerin and his so called "insecurities"? She didn't know him. Unless... okay, so this Vergil guy knew everything, right? So maybe he- no, don't even think about it. Bernkastel said a few things, gave some advice and... fell off the ledge. What an exit.

"A cat?" Kerin frowned at it as Vergil dumped the cat with Shiro then takes all the other animals and yeah, disappears. He rubbed his chest again. God, this felt real funny. He turned to Fang and coughed again. "I have no idea, but there goes our party."
Chapter 3 - Fang Yumigami - Vampire District

"Well, she didn't seem like a 'partying' kind of person anyways....It was more like a get-together. A very awkward one...." I grin weakly. Although, I wasn't one to say that it was awkward... I had hardly talked at all, so that made me just as awkward as Bern's random disappearance. "She's a busy person... People to kill, people to talk to... She must be planning other alliances than with us." Well, yeah. She was probably the most wanted person for an alliance.... It must be hard having to figure out, out of fifteen people, who you want on your side. Heck, she could probably get away with no allies, and she would still win. She didn't even have these summonings last year, and she was practically in luxury... This year, she could probably camp out in plain sight and the crown of victor would be on her head. Bernkastel Vermillia was a professional at this, for whatever reason. She apparently lived a normal life aside from the whole 'demon servant inside her body' kind of thing. She wasn't all that mean and ruthless.... She was actually kind of caring. Just really awkward about it.

The media always pictured her as some dark witch who lusted for blood. The witch thing was correct. Dark, maybe.... Lust for blood? Not so much. My fingers coiled themselves around the stones around my neck. She knew alchemy. Alchemy which was commonly used in the Human District. Except, this was some pretty powerful stuff. My eyes looked at each of the stones enwrapped in the gold string. I could name a few of these stones just by a glance. My own necklace was a combination of black agate, aquamarine, bloodstone, and fluorite. Others I couldn't recongnize, but they must have been the ties between the four main stones. I looked over at Marisa's necklace. Purple amethyst, orange carnelian, and aventurine. Those were the main stones there.... Then finally, I looked at Kerin's necklace. Bloodstone.... Citrine..... And jade. A combination of yellow and green stones. Hm.

Ryuu went down the stairs, missing steps, and on a few occasions almost tripping. He was having trouble seeing anything very clearly. He knew what he had to do, and he had to do it quickly. His head felt immense pain from his head, as if a lot of blood had rushed to it.

Ryuu finally made it down and reached another area, but he couldn't tell exactly where he was at the moment. He screamed loudly, his roar echoing across, as he struggled to find his way to the agreed place of meeting. He reached another door. Like before, he broke it down. He took a look through it, but he couldn't actually "see" what was inside it, his mind wouldn't let him. All he knew is that it wasn't the place he was supposed to meet. He had done this with a few more doors around, breaking them, and checking the inside, and then moving on once he figured out they weren't the places to go. Ryuu would scream a bit after every door broken down, loudly.

Finally, Ryuu broke through one last door, and instantly, his mind recognized the room. He felt his body relax, and his head cool down. It seemed once the presence of a fight was near to him, he automatically got his focus completely back. Ryuu walked slowly around the room, but didn't notice if his opponent was there yet. Of course, he hadn't actually taken a good look around the room yet.
"Is that a good or a bad thing?" Kerin made a face. Bernkastel would probably prove to be an excellent ally but if she went around making friends with everyone, there wouldn't be any competition, now would there? Of course, there was probably a few people she would refuse to make allies with or wouldn't even bother trying; like Ryuu. She had her spat with him before, Kerin didn't think there was another way of getting on her good side. Wait, if he maybe... nope. No way Kerin could think of.

Kerin watched Fang as he studied his own necklace, then Marisa's, then looked over at Kerin's. Kerin couldn't help rubbing his chest and coughing. Again. Seriously, how was he meant to get used to this? He had had a thirst for blood for... no, he really hadn't gotten used to that either. Speaking of which, as he thought about it, his throat began to feel dry. Which wasn't that great, with all his coughing and everything. He moved his hand from his chest to his neck and massaged it, then leaned over Marisa to grab a handful of whatever was in front of him. The food wouldn't get rid of the thirst, just move his attention away from it.

"Do you know what these are?" Kerin pulled up the pendants on his necklace and waved them a little. "And what they do? Because I have no idea."
Chapter 3 - Fang Yumigami - Vampire District

"Hm?" I look over at Kerin curiously, as he asks about the necklaces. Okay, easy enough. "It's Alchemy."

"Alchemy?" Marisa's gold eyes roll over me questioningly, as she nibbles on a chip. I nod at her.

"Yea, alchemy. Me and my mother did alchemy together a few years back. Stone alchemy like this." I raise my own necklace off from my chest. "Each stone holds different properties. Normally, we just sold the stones seperately, but we did have some recipes to make charms. Stone alchemy is pretty complicated, ya know? Bern must be some kind of professional, because these things are high-quality." I look the stones over from within their web of gold string. "My necklace here? It deals with emotional departure and physical balance. This thing would cost about... Twenty hundreds?" I reach over, and hold out Marisa's necklace. "Marisa's necklace works on psychic grounding, and physical protection. Hers is extremely rare because it's so difficult to make. Ninety hundreds is the price for it." I let it go, and nod at Kerin's necklace. "Yours is a little more common. It deals with the life-death circle. About twenty hundred for that, too. All of ours also protect our weak points. So, mine would be the center of bad choices and sacrifice, which is my left shoulder."
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"Alchemy..." Kerin made a face. He knew next to nothing about it. Well, a little. His own adoptive father had used it a little, being a priest and all. Kerin had watched him once or twice make small charms to keep away bad luck and evil spirits but they didn't even look as interesting nor as impressive as these rocks. Okay, so the life-death cycle? That must refer to... wait. Kerin leaned back from Marisa and looked down at his stomach. Where was that feeling, that twisting sensation in his gut he got when he thought about his family? There... there was a small feeling there, but it was nothing like that awkward, anxious feeling. Hmm. Weird.

"Well, that sounds... cool," Kerin looked back at his own necklace. What else could Bernkastel do then? Summon monsters, make protection stones, kill people with ease. She was like a witch or something. Wait, had somebody said that before? "So what do you guys want to do now?"
Chapter 3 - Fang Yumigami - Vampire District

It WAS cool. These would look like pretty rocks to one person. To another, these were priceless. They weren't even centered on dark magic. They were cleansed and everything! Alchemy was my best friend...

"I was thinking of hitting the hay. Rest up for training. Because, anything can happen tomorr-" I pause, checking my watch. "Well, rest up for today. Ryuu is probably having his butt handed to him by that game designer. Did you get the vibe that he has the hots for Amelia? Must suck for her..." I eat a handful of chips, before standing up. As much as I wanted to watch Ryuu getting owned, I was exhausted. So much, in one day...

Marisa hopped herself off of Kerin's lap, and pulled his parka closer around her. "Brrrr~" She was right. It was getting darn cold up here. I shivered, pulling my hands to fit under my armpits. Ugh... I was thirsty, too... "Kerin-sama! Sleep with me, okaii?" She beamed, taking the boy's hand. She was so adorable... And she could see the future, apparently.
Kerin arched his head back. He had no idea what time it was, but from the way Fang had said, it was probably after midnight. Great. What time was training again? Early, probably. Kerin blinked bleakly and scratched his face. Sleeping was probably a fantastic idea. A lot had happened today too. First the presentation, then Shiro's outburst, then the pact with Fang and Marisa, Shiro getting drugged, the helicopter, the kitchen, the games and this. He had made three friends in a day! Kerin had really never had that many at one time. He smiled a little.

"Kerin-sama! Sleep with me, okaii?" Kerin flopped his head back and looked at Marisa. How could he say no? She was probably afraid something was gonna come out of the floorboards or something. Kerin smiled back at her and nodded. Then he coughed again. Aah, his throat. Dammit.

"Yeah, okay," he lazily blinked and shifted his eyes to Fang. "Are you going to take Shiro down and the cat? Or is the cat staying here?" He turned back to Marisa. "Do you want the cat to stay here?"
Chapter 3 - Natruo The Game Designer - God District

"Ow... Damn demon..."

I rolled my stiff shoulders in pain; hearing them click and crack as the bones adjusted themselves back into place. Note to self; don't hit Bern when she's on schedule... Right. Damnit... I wiped my bloodied nose in disgust. I really wasn't expecting her to release Lucifier on me. I thought maybe I'd get a fireball or two, and that was it... That damned demon was so freaking huge! What was embarrassing, was that my punches had hardly no effect on him. Like he was immune to pain or something. And he pulverized me. I click my tongue as I recalled what had knocked me out. It infuriated me that I was belittled like that. The game designer! That Bernkastel was going to get Hell when she ventured into the arena next! Ugh.....

I had just finished regenerating myself, when the crashing sounds started. Great. Now what?! I sat off by the vampire district's elevator; chilling and listening to the screams of anger and the crashing off doors being broken off their hinges. It humored me that we had some hot-heads this year. Now thinking about it, it was probably Ryuu rampaging the place down.... It wasn't even midnight! Sighing heavily, I listened as the crashing came closer, until finally the demon crashed into the training center. When he looked around, his body stature relaxed, and he began pacing the room; not even noticing me. I snorted, and watched this. Okay. I had a bunch of crazy people this year.... I suppose I better teach him he wasn't king, huh? Still sitting, I called out to him.

"Oi, you're early. By like, an hour. Aren't you an excited one...."
Ryuu's senses were calm, but that calm was instantly broken when he heard a voice from inside the room.

"Oi, you're early. By like, an hour. Aren't you an excited one...."

Ryuu turned towards the direction of the voice, but his blood seemed to be pumping too much into his head again. He had trouble identifying immediately where the voice actually came from. Ryuu did some searching around the room, trying to locate the sound of the voice,before his eyes finally saw the figure of Natruo sitting on the far side of the room.

Ryuu controlled his body to move forward, but the resulting adrenaline made him almost break into a run. Finally, though, he seemed to be in total control again, as he realized he would soon be in combat once again.

"You're here as well, which means you either were expecting me to be early, or you were training here. Either way, that means you were looking forward to this almost as much as I was, so, if you don't f*cking mind, I'd prefer to get started before that midnight mark!"

Ryuu took in a deep breath, and then exhaled. As he did, he turned his body to face Natruo, and clenched his fists. Ryuu had a heightened sense of things now. He could hear Natruo breathing, even from this distance. He saw all the noticable object in the room, and even some that weren't worth noticing. He could feel the night air rush in, possibly through a small crack in a window somewhere. He could feel the rain still drizzling outside.

Ryuu was ready to fight.
The first method of… payment, was the basic stereotypical thing most of my race would expect from making contracts with demons; she would take my soul when I died. Depending on what personality or form that Ashura was in, I'd either go to the Underworld or the Shadowworld. I'd heard enough from the quacks in my district to know that in the Underworld, souls had some measure of freedom, whereas in the Shadowworld, you were no better off than a bird in an adamantium cage. I wasn't too familiar with the man named Ashura in first the first place, for all I know, he might just send me to the Shadowworld anyway. I waved this option off, dismissing it as a bit too risky, and I just wasn't about to leave the rest of my eternity up to chance.

Another one was that I wouldn't be able to show any emotion for the rest of my life, which would have been fine for me, since I don't really smile around people I don't know, and I barely knew anyone here, save for Mammon. Still, there were other things such as anger, suprise, and a whole mess of other stuff, which would eventually trip me up. Before I could even write it off though, she already said that she wouldn't let me choose it, which was fine for me. It kinda made me wonder though, because of the way she said it, and how quick she was to do so. Who knew? Maybe she wasn't kidding when she said that she was immortal, and that she had plenty of time to fall for me...

The last choice... and really my only reasonable option was to make a sacrifice every three weeks. This could be a problem, considering the fact that, unlike her other "client" there was no hospital that he could just walk into and sacrifice the already half dead people. I would be in the arena, and even if there was someone that was about to die that I could sacrifice, I might not even get there in time, because either the beasts of that jungle or that corpse hovercraft would have taken it away. There was still Fausto, who apparently would be dead by the end of the night, and who I would have to sacrifice to get the contract going... "Whatever" I thought, sighing lightly and moving to lean against the wall behind me.
"I guess I'll be choosing the sacrifice option... I'm beginning to get the feeling I'm going to earn the title, "Corpse Collector" just like another man in human history... I believe his name was Rammie... whatever, lets just do this thing already..."
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