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[Best Veteran March/May 2011] A new professor in town - Kanto Adventure PG13

Stroling into town once more Rini stopped when she noticed a few vendors on the streets. "This looks interesting." she detoured from her original path to check it out.

There were a few selling jewlery, one with all sorts of paper fans and hats, another advertised fresh lemonade, and there were also a few that claimed to sell items and tm's.

Rini stopped at one booth and bought a double cone of chocolate mint icecream, before moving on to check out the other wares.

Eevee, who was still at her side sniffed at the strange things they came across.

Finally Rini stopped at the vendor who claimed to have tm's.

Looking aroud to one she pointed. "What is that one?"

"Good eye." the man rose from his seat hoping to make a sale. "That tm contains solar beam. A great one for grass types."

Rini pointed at another.

"That one containes thunderbolt."

"And this one?" she pointed at yet another.

"Dig. Would you care to make a purchase?"

OOC: I didn't actually put her buying one yet just in case you say she can't. If you don't want her to buy one I'll just put down they were too expensive. lol
@Rii - Dig would be fine. Also Thunderbolt is okay, but I'd prefer if you didn't use it on Pichu right away. Or if you did, have Pichu struggling to control such a powerful attack, or something...
"How much for the dig tm?" Rini asked, as she dug around in her purse.

"2000 poke." the man replied. "But if you buy another tm I'll cut the cost in half for both."

Rini suddenly grinned, and looked down at Eevee. "What do you think Eevee?"

"Vee." she grinned.

"Good thing I bugged dad to give me more money last night." she pulled out the money.

"Did you want the deal?"

"Yup." Rini smiled. "The dig tm and the thunderbolt tm."

"That'll be 2000 poke even then." Rini dug around and pulled out the cash.

The two tm's were placed into a small paper bag with a smily face, and handed to Rini. Before she left she bought a few bags of treats for her pokemon as well as a few breeders supplies.

Once back in the Poke Center she wasted no time, quickly scarfing down a cheesburger and fries and running up to her room.

Once there she released Sandshrew, who happily lept into her arms, his tail waving back and forth.

"Ugh, Sandshrew......I'm glad to see you too. But get off." she shoved the shrew back, and sat on the floor in front of him. "I know you've been working really hard, and I need you for my next gym battle so I bought you a small gift."

"Shrew sandshrew." he jumped up, and before Rini could react he smooched her again.

"Do you want me to get rid of it?" Rini made a disgusted face.

"Shrew...." he laughed nerviously.

Rini shook her head and pulled out the dig tm.


"This will hopefully give us an edge at Surge's gym." She held the tm over Sandshrew, who shuddered slightly and seemed to glow. Afterwards she tossed the tm in the trash. "How do you feel? Did it work?"

"Sandshrew." he shrugged.

"They really should put instructions on these things."

"Sand sandshrew?" he pointed to the other tm, which had fallen from the bag.

"Oh that?" Rini held it up, and looked over at Pichu who was napping. "It's a present for when Pichu evolves. But don't tell her ok?"

"Sand." he saluted like a soldier, and Rini laughed.

"Well le's go try out you new tec ok?" Rini stood and slowly lifted Pichu into her arms, being careful not to wake her.
OOC: Ugh, I need to post more regularly. It's been too long...

"Hello there, scum!" Warren groaned as that snide, arrogant voice drilled right through his good mood.
"What do you want, Guy?" he moaned as the red-head emerged in front of him, then froze as he realised that Needle was floating beside Guy. Electrike was standing at his feet, but unlike last time, it seemed dejected and depressed, rather than angry.
"I want to know why you think you're so much better than me." Guy spat and Warren laughed.
"I'm better than you Guy, because I have more badges, I've beaten you in battle and I don't treat my Pokémon like objects!"
"You say that, but you don't think it! You're a damn liar!" Warren frowned. What was Guy getting at?
"You go on about how you should get the best out of whatever Pokémon you have, but you still spurned Electrike, didn't you? It wasn't good enough for you, was it?" Warren almost laughed at that. Guy thought he'd left Electrike with him because he didn't want it?
"I didn't take Electrike from you because you're his trainer!" he shouted incredulously, "I didn't want to just steal him from you!"
"That didn't stop you from taking Mankey and Bite, though, did it? That's why I'm here, Warren, I'm here to get them back!"
"Well that's going to be pretty difficult seeing as I've sent Bite to Professor Maple and traded Mankey!" Guy stopped as though he had been punched.
"I don't have either of your Pokémon, Guy, so just get lost!" Guy stopped, dropping his head.
"You shouldn't have done that..." he muttered, his voice low and threatening. Warren grimaced. Guy did not sound happy. He wasn't.
"Spark, take him down!" Warren just had time to think that Spark was actually the most original name Guy had yet to come up with before the Pokémon in question hit him in the gut with a Quick Attack.
"Ouch..." Warren gasped as he lay on the ground, Guy sniggering over him.
"String Shot, Needle." Warren groaned in pain as Guy pulled him up while Needle fired thick, sticky white goo from its abdomen. Shaking his head to try and clear it, he looked up at Guy.
"What the hell are you doing?" he snarled as he tugged on the silk that was enveloping his body. Guy laughed.
"I'm going to get my Pokémon back, and to make sure that you don't get in my way, you can stay here until Mankey and Bite are back in my possession!" Now it was Warren's turn to laugh.
"What, you don't think that I'll be able to get out of this? We might be a little way from the beaten track, but this route is pretty busy and its not gonna take long for someone to find me."
"But who would walk right into a Beedrill's nest, Warren? After all, they'll see Needle flying around here and that's what they'll think. Plus, with him here, you might not want to consider shouting out for help." Warren's eyes doubled in size as he realised just how mad Guy was.
"You don't want to do this!" he bellowed as the red-head walked off, "This is a huge mistake!" Warren abruptly stopped shouting as Needle's needle jabbed him in the stomach; not hard enough to pierced the skin but hard enough to get the point across. Warren groaned. How the hell was he going to get out of this one?

OOC: wow, I didn't originally plan for Guy to be this crazy...but he works better like this :P
Sean was awaiting Diane's plans to take down Sean's Zubat and take back what she thought she should have got, her victory. To Sean, there was no telling what kind of Pokemon Diane would use, but it could have been something poor and weak that would not have such a good chance of taking down his Zubat which had strength in itself. Diane made her mind up on what Pokemon she would use, and put her small hands in her pocket, taking out a PokeBall. "Let's see you take down Rattata!" she threw the PokeBall to the ground with great force, since she was angry and just wanted herself to prove that she was better than him. Once the ball bounced over the ground, Rattata was forced out as the ball opened. It was small looking, and didn't look like so much of a problem at all to Sean since he had seen several of these and knew in the guide that they were so comman and weak, but he tried to keep his mouth shut about that before she would get started about herself yet again.

It was about time Sean would take away Diane's chance to strike first while he could do it, unless of course she wanted him to. The look was in his eyes that he was going to snatch Diane's first turn, and attack first so that Zubat would be weaker and less strong when attacking against her Rattata. Both Pokemon on the field were looking fierce; Rattata had its small, and purple eyes focused on Zubat, while its tail kept twitching. Zubat had no eyes, so it could not give an intimidating look back but it looked intimidating enough with its sharp ears and sharp teeth. Now was the time Sean would make his order. "Now now! Zubat, use Astonish!" it was a good move, but little did he know that it was a Ghost type move, and it would actually not affect Rattata, but Diane didn't know this either so she couldn't brag about it. While Zubat was trying to prepare, Diane had a trick up her sleeve that she'd use once Zubat was ready, so she did want it to strike first after all. Just then, Zubat was flapping its wings slowly, and Diane put her plan into action. "You feel for it! Use Quick Attack, Rattata!" Sean didn't see that coming, and just slapped himself on the forehead at the fact that he missed one of her plans. Rattata was very fast to respond, and on its small legs, it dashed up before any more movements. Zubat stopped flapping its wings, and was distracted by Rattatas swift movement. Rattata was sharply focused, both its two small purple eyes were locked on Zubat, as the dashes on its legs got speedier until Rattata then jumped up across the air, with its claws striking Zubat, so Astonish could not be performed. "Ha!" Diane bragged as her Rattata was successful at attacking Zubat, and her tactics actually worked for once, but Sean knew that she would mess up so bad some time. Since Zubat was struck out of suprise, Quick Attack did hurt slightly but was not such a concern to it. "You might have got that one, Diane, but you won't win! Zubat, use Leech Life!" he did not think about what he was about to do, so he just used Leech Life to get back some health that Rattata took away. Like Rattata, Zubat was quick to act due to its sharp senses, and flapped its small wings at fast speed. Diane had no cares about what he would use, she was sure it would backfire, but this was infact happened to her alot. Rattata was on all fours, and was not suspecting an attack from Zubat and just waited for it. And in that second, Zubat struck Rattata out of mega fast speed and sucked out a small fraction of its energy, and felt slightly energized after that. Rattata was a weak and comman Pokemon, so it was definetely not the best Pokemon out there, this put Diane in the red.

Since Sean had already seen Diane's sneak attack by taking the first shot, he thought he'd try and do the same by waiting for her to attack first. Unfortunately for him though, he had no way to strike fast and quick, so he just had to try using a normal attack and hope that it would take the first shot. He was waiting for the moment for Diane to command her Rattata, but both of the Pokemon were busy taking a small rest, sensing their action. They weren't going to get anywhere by doing nothing though, so Diane was about to choose which one of her moves that Rattata would use. Finally, before Sean was about to screw up his plans and have a go, Diane finally opened her mouth. "Use Hyper Fang!" Sean enver heard of this attack because rarely any Pokemon learn it, but somehow he knew it would be pretty tough so he was going to keep his eye open for when the attack would come close up. Infact, he knew right, because Hyper Fang was the strongest move that Rattata had and Diane knew it, so Sean had to watch out. As a response, Rattata opened its small mouth, with its two flat teeth showing, and looking very threatening. However, it was very different looking to Bite, as the fangs were not bared, just its two big teeth which were more frightening than they looked. Sean was suprised and had to think of something good to compare with that, but there was not much to choose. To make things worse for him, Diane signalled Rattata to start moving on its short legs, and it had ran very fast indeed. As it got faster, its mouth opened wider, and Zubat just watched and waited. Rattata was getting closer and closer, and was just a meter away from Zubat, so sean had to think fast and just say anything in order to counter an attack back. "Zubat!" he didn't get a command in there because it was too late to try anything, as Rattata had jumped up from the ground, with its two front teeth nailing Zubat sharply. The attack had intimidated Sean, and hurt Zubat hard, making it a whole lot weaker. Rattata had took footsteps back over to Diane, and sat on the ground waiting for Sean and Zubat to get ready again. The Hyper Fang attack was very painful, and left Zubat struggling to fly properly, but it was still flying safe. Sean did not want to see that move used again, or it could finish Zubat off. Just then, he realized that he sould do something about that, he remembered that Zubat had the move Torment learned on it back all the way in Cerulean. So, Sean decided to give that a go in hope that Diane could not use Hyper Fang again, which she was not actually planning on doing. When Zubat was lookign ready again, Sean sent out his command. "Show it your Torment!" Diane had no idea what this move was, but Sean remembered that Torment was a useful move that the waiter in the restraunt explained that it prevernts the same move being used consecutively, which would not stop Rattata using Hyper Fang but it would cause it to be used less. Zubat did not do much, but it opened its mouth up and down, and let out a starnge voice as if it were chatting. Diane shrugged and looked puzzled at what it was doing, same with Sean, but Rattata was getting disorientated by the annoying speak. Finally, once Rattata looked stressed enough, Zubat stopped chattering and closed its mouth. Rattata looked as if it were sweating and shook its ehad several times. Diane was not at all sure what was going on, and tried to sound as if she had no fear. "Okay, I have no clue what that was all about, but if you think that will stop me from winning you do not know how wrong you are." she explained, sounding fearless when she really was and was not sure what Torment could have done. Sean responded with a smirk, as he liked the fact that she had no clue what was going on.​

Rattata was looking very weak, and did not look like it would take so long to be finished off, but Zubat wasn't exactly perfectly up either. Both of them were struggling to stay healthy, Rattata mostly as Leech Life had took quite a bit of energy and Torment frustrated it. However, Sean's confidence for Zubat was never going to leave him, and he knew that it was his second most successful Pokemon on his side. Diane was going to take the first shot off him, since she did not know what he could use next, as Zubat could know more moves that Diane did not know about. She was going to choose another move to Hyper Fang, since she thought that Torment must ahve been used for a reason connected to Hyper Fang. "I know what you're trying to do!" althoguh this is what Diane had said, Sean could tell by her freaked out face that she was clueless, "But it's not gunna be that easy! Use Bite, Rattata!" this was another strong move learned by Rattata, but Zubat knew it too so if it were to cause a problem, Zubat would just use it on Rattata. Sean did not care, all he was going to try and do is just get Zubat to dodge the attack and hope that Diane would be even more angry to see her Rattata miss. After a few seconds, since Rattata was angered by Torment, Rattata finally got the message and opened its mouth, with only its two front theeth showing again, but it was not in the same form as Hyper Fang. As soon as Rattata's teeth were ready to take a harsh Bite, Rattata scurried across the land, getting over towards Zuabt who was flying more slowly dues to a sore wing. Rattata's feet were running really fast, and it was a fast mouse, so Sean had to make Zubat dodge Bite quick before Rattata would end up taking another munch on Zubat's wings. Once Rattata was a couple of yards away, Sean was ready to make Zubat avoid the attack. "Zubat! Dodge it and quick!" Zubat had quite sharp hearing skills, so it only took a second to listen. Rattata was then just 5 feet away, so Zubat flapped its sore wings, screeching quietly as its one wing had a painful toothmark. Rattata the leapt over to Zubat, who then turned up its flying speed greatly, with Rattata just missing Zubat's tail inbetween its teeth which were still bared. Since Rattata had missed, but still had teeth pointed out, Ratta came down crashing into a large rock, taking a massive Bite on it. Rattata then screeched, as the bottom of it's teeth were cracked and it was so painful. Diane went over to assist, and become a drama queen yet again. "Look what you did!" she pointed her head over to Sean, who had his arms folded as if it were what he wanted, since it was. Rattata could not take any more pain, and ended up fainted on its back. "No!!" Diane shouted since she was deeply losing now, while Sean gave a thumbs up to Zubat, who was struggling to fly on its sore wing. "Don't you worry Rattata, you'll be sorted out later." she returned Rattata in a PokeBall, and got back up onto her feet. "Well then, Diane? Which is next?" he had got kicks after the battle that he had won yet again with Zubat, but little did Sean know that her next two were her strongest and were at a high standard.
OOC: This is a joint post made via PM

"Vulpix". Out from her Pokeball emerged Vulpix for once again. Sam looked suprised that James was using the same Pokemon twice in a row.

" Well seeing you're using Vulpix again I choose you Pika!" Sam said, sending out his pokemon. Pika came out shocking the air around it. "Okay! Use Thunder wave to stop it, then use Thundershock to finish it off!" Sam commanded. Pika sent out a wave of static electricity. That stopped Vulpix in its tracks. "Now finish it!" Sam commanded. Pika shot out its deadly electricity.

"Finish her huh, not quite yet, my Vulpix is a willing fighter, Vulpix use Roar to stop her electricity". Vulpix roared out loud and Pikachu stopped sending out sparks.

"Think you've got me? Think again! Pika! Charge! Quick Attack!" Sam said. Pika started charging. "Now! Thundershock!" Sam said. Pika released sparks that combined with the quick attack. "Now! Let's do it! Our best combo..." Sam said. Pika hit Vulpix, hitting it with high power electricity, "Spark Charge!" Sam said, naming the combo. Vulpix was being shocked continuously.

"Vulpix hang in there, give them a taste of their own medicene, use Confuse Ray so Pikachu can no longer attack then use Will-o-Wisp to set him on fire". Vulpix's eyes turned a sharp red then suddenly Pikachu was walking around in odd directions, then Vulpix shot fire balls at Pikachu and Pikachu was confused and on fire.

"Okay Pika. Now its time. Eat this!" Sam said, tossing a berry. It instantly healed all status effects. "Hahaha. You're done! Quick attack for the win!" Sam said. Pika charged, knocking Vulpix into the building. "Stay down!" Sam joked.

"Vulpix are you okay". James looked worried, he placed Munchlax and the floor and looked at his injured Pokemon.

"Vul Pix Vul". Vulpix struggled to get to her feet but eventually she did but in a matter of seconds of standing up she feel down again but this time she fainted, James pulled out Vulpix's Pokeball ready to return her, but what he didn't notice was that Munchlax was running off.

"Hm...good work, Pika! You're doing great. Now...this isn't gonna be easy. This guy's probably got a strong pokemon. We should be careful with how we fight it." Sam said. Pika nodded in response, lowering itself into a ready position.

"Well, Vulpix is still hanging in there so, Vulpix use Ember". A small ball of fire flew out of Vulpix's throat and straight towards Pikachu, it hit Pikachu's tail and set it on fire, Pikachu started running round in circles, trying to put it out.

"Hm...this...is perfect. PIKA! LET'S FINISH IT OFF! USE YOUR TAIL WHIP ATTACK ON VULPIX! THEN THUNDER SHOCK!" Sam yelled. Pika charged up and hit Vulpix square on the head, then it shocked it. Vulpix screeched in pain. It was going to go down this time.

"Vul Pix Vul". Vulpix fell to the ground with black crosses in her eyes, this time she had fainted.

"Vulpix, return". With a flash of red Vulpix returned to her Pokeball. "Okay, now your in for it I choose you Nidoking". Out from his Pokeball emerged James' strongest Pokemon, Sam was in trouble now.
Warren grimaced as Needle flitted around in front of him. They were right in the middle of a clump of trees and with the giant bug's yellow and black stripes, it would be spotted long before he was, in his dark green coat and trousers. So, he was going to have to get himself out of this. He eyed up Needle cautiously. It had taken the liberty of moving his belt of Pokeballs to the other side of the tree, where he was unable to reach them. If he could reach them, escaping would be a doddle. But if Needle spotted him, things could get ugly. So, he was going to need a distraction, to give him time to get out of the String Shot. But what?

His distraction wandered in about five minutes later in the form of a rather naive looking small brown bird that entered the small clearing and looked around cheerfully, not even noticing that Warren appeared to be tied to a tree. Needle watched in amusement as the Pidgey hopped onto Warren's shoulder, then turned away and went back to patrolling the area, glancing back at Warren every few seconds.
"Hey!" the Pidgey turned in surprise as it finally realised that its perch was alive and even talking to it.
"Look, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you need to hear this," whispered Warren lightly, "That Beedrill over there, see him? Well...I don't want to repeat exactly what he said, but it involved your mother and some farmyard animals." Pidgey gaped in shock at the bug, still not looking at it. Why should it, after all? It wasn't like it was a threat. That was exactly what Needle was thinking seconds before a huge gust of wind bodily lifted it from the ground and threw it into a tree.
"Pipi!" cried Pidgey as it charged forwards. Warren grinned at the diversion, already pulling at his bonds. Without Needle guarding him, warren quickly stretched the silk until he could slip out, then ducked behind the tree and grabbed his belt, complete with badges and Pokeballs. Opting for the stealthy approach, Warren slipped into the surrounding foliage, picking up speed as he got further away and breaking out into an all out sprint as an unbelievably loud shriek of rage pierced the air behind him. It would seem that Needle was unhappy that its captive had escaped so easily.

Finally slowing to a stop, Warren thought back over what Guy had said, a cold feeling settling in his stomach. He'd said he was going to get back Bite and Mankey, so what would that mean for their guardians - Professor Maple and Danny. Warren swore as he realised just how bad this could be, then pulled out his mobile and dialled Danny's number, thankful that he had at least got this from the younger trainer after their trade. Professor Maple was an adult and could look after herself, but Danny was just a child.
"Damn it, PICK UP!" Warren yelled as he got a pre-recorded message, then thumped in the number again. This time, it was answered on the third ring.
"Warren? Why are you calling? Is it Gastly?"
"No, he's fine. Look Danny, where are you?"
"Umm, in the Celadon Pokecentre, about to head to the gym. Why?" The confusion was evident in his voice, tinged with fear.
"Don't go to the gym, okay? I'm nearing Celadon, so just stay in the Centre until I get there. I should get there tomorrow. And if you see a kid with red hair and a mean look, keep away from him, okay?"
"But...Liv's here too. I'll be fine with her, won't I?" Warren swore again. If she got caught up in this too...
"No, Danny, listen to me. Both of you, just stay put in your rooms for one more day. I'll go through all the details when I get there, but please, just stay where you're safe!" There was silence for a minute on the other end of the line.
"...Okay, I can do that...are you okay, Warren?" Fear was the only thing showing through now.
"I'm fine. I'll be with you soon, 'kay?" Warren pocketed his phone again. Things were probably going to get worse before they got better, but something life-changing was on its way. He could feel it.
@FlareonFan - Congratulations Zubat grew to Level 16

@Sasuneuchiha - Congratulations Pikachu grew to Level 16

@ILAYM - Dun, Dun, Dun. Warren's got a lot of cleaning up to do...
Celadon city was big. More than that - it was huge, enormous, incomprehensibly gigantic. That was the first thing that struck Warren as he staggered into Celadon. He hadn't stopped for rest or sleep, but it had still taken several hours to get here and the moon had replaced the sun above Warren's head. His head spinning from exhaustion, Warren entered the Pokémon centre. As far as he could tell, he'd got here ahead of Guy. The only person in sight was Nurse Joy, sitting behind the counter.
"Hey," Warren called, wandering over to her, "I'm looking for a trainer called Danny. He's a little younger than me; I think he's staying in one of your rooms?" Nurse Joy nodded mechanically.
"He's in room 12. Would you also like a room?" Warren nodded, accepting the key to room 13 and handing over his Pokémon as well. They hadn't had a rest since facing Tyron. Yawning, Warren smiled at the thought of bed, but he had to check on Danny first. Stumbling to the door with a twelve painted on it, Warren raised his hand and knocked sharply. Normally, he would have just hammered on the door until someone answered, but right now he was way too tired. Finally the door opened, revealing Danny standing there, a scared look on his face. As soon as he saw Warren, he sighed.
"Its okay," he called to someone out of sight, "Its just Warren." Liv stepped out from behind the door where she had been standing, lowering the lamp that she'd grabbed upon hearing the knock. Warren grinned as he saw this.
"What, planning on clobbering Guy to death, were you?" she smiled, but the tension was obvious on her face.
"Something like that...it is him, then? I guessed so after Danny relayed your description, but we're still pretty much in the dark." Sighing, she locked the door behind Warren as he walked into the room and fell onto one of the chairs around a table. Danny and Liv sat down opposite him, expressions of worry on their faces.
"So, Warren. What's going on?" Though he would have liked nothing more than go to sleep there and then, he slowly relayed the story, watching the changing expressions of the two siblings in front of him.

"Wow...just...wow..." Danny gasped, when Warren finished, "This guy sounds seriously nuts. Maybe we should let the police know, or something." Warren just laughed.
"Yeah, right. I'm sure they'd just love it if I strolled in there with a record of vandalism and petty theft, and then told them that I was being threatened by a boy who I technically stole two Pokémon from, and punched in the face. Even if they do believe us, I'd be in just as much trouble as him." The three of them, feeling downtrodden and more than a little anxious, decided to turn in for the night. After all, the doors did have locks on them and Guy was still nowhere to be seen.
"Hey, Warren," Liv called as he walked towards the door, "Would you...um...mind, er, sleeping in this room tonight? There's only two beds, but you can have mine...." she trailed off as Warren started to smile.
"It's just that Danny's really scared," she added quickly, "And he might just feel a bit safer if you're there too. Please?" Warren grinned, then nodded.
"Alright....for Danny," he said in a voice which clearly implied that he wasn't buying any of this, "I'll just get the bedding from next door." Liv smiled a little, blushing and ducked back inside room twelve. Warren shook his head in disbelief. Nobody was going to sleep, he was sure of that. They'd all be sitting there, wide awake, listening out for footsteps outside the door. It was going to be a long night...
This is a joint post made via PM:

"Pika! His Nidoking's strong...you sure you're up for this?" Sam asked. "Pika!!!" Pika said in reply, signaling that it was totally ready for this. "Okay then. Use...Tail Whip!" Sam commanded, forming a strategy. Pika started shaking its tail.

"There's an easy way out of this one; Nidoking jump then use Double Kick!" As Pikachu swung his tail at Nidoking, the giant Pokemon jumped above it then with two swift kicks to the face Pikachu left groaning on the floor.

"Hehehehehe...here goes. USE YOUR QUICK ATTACK!" Sam yelled. Pika's first attack had been used for a reason. It lowered the defense of its opponent. Pika quickly jumped up and charged. First running around Nidoking to confuse it, then charging straight at the head, just barly missing the horn that Sam knew held poison. The Nidoking backed off, dazed. "Now again!" Sam said. This time Pika wasted no time. It charged at Nidoking, hitting it in the stomach.

"Quick, Nidoking before he gets away grab him then use Poison Sting right in his face!" Before Pikachu could move away Nidoking used his big fists to grab the plump mouse, he moved Pikachu towards his face he then let out a hoard of poisoned needles; each one connecting. The Pikachu looked all battered up and bruised so Nidoking threw him away into the bushes.

"Shoot. Pika! We've gotta step it up a notch...I know its a ground type, so it might not do anything, but we've gotta try! Pika! Dash and hit its horn with thunder shock!" Sam commanded. His pikachu charged, constantly shocking the Nidoking. Nidoking was shocked a bit. The damage got through, just weakened by a large amount. "Now use Quick Attack!" Sam commanded. Pika charged, grabbing the horn as it charged. It had figured out what Sam meant. Pika grabbed its horn and pulled Nidoking over with its force. "Now shock it again!" Sam commanded. Pika lit up the area with the fury of its sparks. It still did very little damage, but at least it did something...

"Perfect, now your on the floor use Peck on the ground mulitple times." Nidoking started to smash his horn into the ground and soon enough he'd made a hole. He jumped inside and moved around underground nowhere to be seen. Pikachu was looking around in a directions obviously startled by this new approach. "Nidoking now jump out and use Double Kick!" Suddenly Nidoking jumped out of the ground and not once but twice smashed his feet into Pikachu's side, sending him rolling along the floor.

"You underestimate us. AGAIN! GET UP AND SHOCK IT!" Sam said. Pika jumped up and shocked his opponent. Sam could tell Pika couldn't take many more hits. "Quick Attack!" Sam commanded. Pika went up and down, hitting Nidoking. Nidoking was taking a lot of damage, but not as much as Pika..."Once more...Quick Attack..." Sam started. Pika charged. "And Thunder Shock!" Sam finished. Pika charged and hit Nidoking with the sparking quick attack. Nidoking couldn't avoid too much of this damage. The two attacks combined well.

"Nidoking, we can finish this right here right now. Use Poison Sting." Nidoking started to fire multiple poisoned needles towards Pikachu. Pikachu tried to move out of the way but was too tired to do so, therefore all the needles connected leaving Pikachu standing on one knee; obviously very hurt. "Okay Nidoking show no mercy finish this off with Double Kick!" Nidoking jumped towards Pikachu and with two swift kicks left the little mouse unconcious on the floor.

"Return Pikachu, James your nidoking may be strong but not as strong as my next Pokemon I choose you...Umbre!" Sam said, throwing out another pokeball. His strongest Pokemon, Umbreon came out. "This is why I suggested we battle. So you can see just how strong my Eevee has become since the adventure's start and how strong your Eevee can be. Pursuit!" Sam commanded. Umbre, moving much faster than Pika, circled Nidoking. Then, covered in total dark energy, charged and knocked Nidoking straight to the down with a downward dive. "Your Nidoking may be tough...your Eevee probably has moves Umbre can only learn through TM like yours, but you can't get this kind of power through just giving your pokemon a TM. You need two things: Evolution and Perfect Training," Sam said.
Rini totting Sandshrew in her arms was standing outside the gym, had been standing there since an hour earlier.

"Shrew sandshrew?"

"Of course I'm gonna go in." she suddenly took a deep breath. "It's just Srge is so intimaditng.....well from what I've heard anyway."

"Shrew......" he patted her arm.

"Don't worry Growlithe! I'll get you to the pokemon center!" A young boy rushed from the gym and past her, a fainted Growlithe in his arms.

Sandshrew's eyes widened.

"Sandshrew sand sandshrew!" he pointed to the gym.

"Don't worry your a ground type. Ground resists electricity."

"Sand...." he didn't look convinced.

She took another deep breath and marched into the gym.

And right into someone.

"What do we have here?" a deep male voice asked.

Rini looked up, and up, and up. Boy was this guy tall, and built like a tank.

"Another challanger?"

"Are you Surge?" Rini hesistantly asked.

"That's Lt. Surge." he smirked. "You want to fight me with that am I right?" he pointed to the curled up bundle in her arms.

"Sandshrew?" Rini glanced down. Sandshre had curled up the moment Lt. Surge spoke. A defensive tatic. "Are you ok?"

"He's shaking. Maybe you should come back in a few years." he suddenly laughed, a booming sound. Like thunder.

"We're ready." she tried to pry open Sandshrew. "Come on buddy, I'm counting on you."

"Shrew?" he peeked out slightly.

"Look....I'll take you out to eat tonight....just me and you if you win." Rini suddenly grumbled, and rolled her eyes.

Sandshrew suddenly perked up. "Shrew sandshrew shrew!"

"No, I havent fallen in love with you."

Lt. Surge looked like he was going to die, he was laughing so hard.
OOC: Lol, slls, you gotta lot of reading to do. i dont even know why I wrote this much :D :P :) and every other amused smilie that I can't think of right now.

Warren's eyes snapped open as the ground shook beneath him. What was that? Slowly, he sat up and looked around. Danny and Liv were still asleep over on the beds. The door was still locked and shut. Maybe he had imagined the tremors. Any doubts were banished, however, when the door burst open, the lock breaking into pieces. Warren scrambled upright as Liv and Danny fell onto the floor in one flailing, synchronized motion. Blinking in the sudden light, Warren glanced to the door, already knowing what he would see there.

"Well isn't this a pleasant surprise?" drawled a voice from the doorway, though the mouth that spoke the words was hidden by a screen of blood-red hair. "It was so nice of you to join us, Warren. I almost thought that you might not make it." Growling, Warren scrambled to his feet, reaching for his waist, but finding only empty air where his Pokeballs normally were. He'd left them with Nurse Joy. As Warren silently berated himself, Guy flicked the light switch and took advantage of the temporary blindness to step into the room. Next to him stood Electrike and Needle.
"That shaking...what did you do?" Warren gasped. Guy just smiled.
"Well, that pesky Nurse Joy simply wouldn't let me past. Apparently, some little brat had told her to look out for a red-head with an Electrike. So, I told my Voltorb to take care of her. And you know what Voltorb have a tendency to do..." Warren blanched.
"It blew up? What about Nurse Joy? Is she..." Guy smirked at Warren's face.
"You have changed considerably since I first met you. Back then, you were trying to be such a hard man, but now you actually seem to care about people. You've become softer...nicer...weaker. But I wouldn't worry about Nurse Joy if I were you. I'd be far more concerned for my own safety. So I'd naturally accept any offer that the nice boy was offering..."
"What kind of offer are you talking about?" Warren asked warily, though he could guess the sort of thing that was coming.
"Simple. Surrender Mankey, then call that professor of yours and tell her to send over the rat. In return, none of you suffer grievous bodily injuries. Fair deal, hmm?" Warren laughed.
"Yeah, that's fair. We surrender everything and get 'protection'. It wouldn't be so laughable if you weren't suggesting that its you we need protection from." Guy sighed heavily, a fake look of pity on his face.
"I was hoping it would be easier than this, but if you will leave me no alternative...Needle, grab the young boy." All three of them gasped as the giant insect darted forwards with its huge spears raised.
"No way!" Warren shouted, stepping smartly in front of Danny. Guy raised an eyebrow.
"If you want to get to Danny, Guy, you're going to have to go through me first!" The other eyebrow followed the first.
"Very well. Take him instead, Needle." Warren barely had time to widen his eyes before a large stinger tapped him right between the eyes. Trying to seem co-operative, Warren raised his hands.
"Okay. Chill there, Guy. No need to get violent." Danny stepped forwards but Warren held out a hand. "No. Keep hold of Mankey." Guy smirked.
"As you wish. You two can keep Mankey until you decide that you want Warren back. Its one or the other, I'm afraid. But, seeing as you blew your chance now, its gonna be a little while before you get another opportunity to trade" He turned to Warren. "Move it. We're losing time here." His arms still in the air, he backed out of the door, his heart sinking as Guy ordered Electrike to fry the lock. He glanced around desperately for another trainer, but either they were the only ones in the Centre, or the others were hiding in their rooms after the explosion.

As Warren backed into the lobby, he gasped. A Voltorb was lying there, unconscious. Nurse Joy was still standing by the counter, but there was a hole in her side the size of a football. This would have been more disgusting if Warren hadn't been able to see the cogs and gears sticking out where most people would have had muscles and bones. More machinery parts littered the floor. Step by step, the pair crossed the floor, Needle's stinger never moving more than an inch from Warren's face. Then, against all odds, Nurse Joy moved. Some electric light flickered behind her glass eyes and a garbled voice began to play, though her lips weren't moving.
"Welcome to...centre...please may I...Pokémon. Would you...room?" In shock, Guy and Needle both looked round and Warren took the opportunity to act. Charging forwards, he kicked Needle squarely in the abdomen. Before it could recover, he smashed his fist into the side of its head, knocking it out cold. Guy turned back, gaping in shock as Warren turned to him, before crying out in glee as Electrike leapt from its master's side and sank its sharp teeth into his enemy's arm. Stumbling backwards, Warren's hand fell onto something round and smooth. A Pokeball. One of his own, given to Nurse Joy mere hours ago. They were littering the floor of the reception, decimated by the blast. Grinning, Warren threw off Electrike, then hurled his Pokeball after it. Unlike the electric dog, his ball did not hit the floor, but rather burst open to reveal...Rattata. Warren grinned again. Rattata might not be his strongest fighter, but it had real motivation to fight against Guy. Without even waiting for an order, she nodded to Warren, then leapt at Electrike, teeth glinting in the flickering electric light.

Guy stepped forwards, growling, but headed straight for Warren, ignoring the scrapping pair completely. An ungodly look on his face, he raised another Pokeball and Warren gulped. He still had no idea what Pokémon made up the rest of Guy's party. Worried, he stepped back as the light burst from the ball, forming into a medium sized black dog with a steel plate on its head and a red belly. A Houndour.
"Ember!" Guy ordered, delirious with rage as Warren leapt to the side, the fiery pellets singing his shirt but missing his skin by millimetres. His scrabbling fingers closing around another ball, Warren threw, desperately hoping that this wasn't Bellsprout or Beedrill. He was in luck.
"Poliiiiii!" came the cry as a small blue tadpole formed from the Pokeball.
"Water Gun!" Warren shouted and Poliwag stepped forwards, releasing a torrent of water from its mouth that barely missed Houndour. Growling, the black dog leapt forwards, its teeth glinting. Poliwag threw itself to the side and the duo lunged at each other, trading attacks in a battle of fire and water.

Warren, too busy watching the duelling pair, only just saw Guy running at him out of the corner of his eye. Ducking just a little too late, Guy's fist clipped the side of Warren's head, not hard enough to knock him down but hard enough to send him reeling. Warren hadn't earned his bullying reputation for being a wimp, though. Grimacing, he threw another punch at Guy, who spun out of the way, only to have a misguided Ember attack fly into his hair. Screaming in pain, he stumbled and Warren took his chance, delivering a vicious uppercut that snapped Guy's head back with an audible crack. Shocked, Houndour and Electrike looked round, distracted from their own battles. In a similar manner to their trainer, both Rattata and Poliwag finished their opponents, catching them off-guard.

Slowly, Warren sank to the ground. Four Pokémon and one brat littered the floor, all unconscious. Slowly gathering his strength, Warren stumbled to one of the phones in the corner. His own would be in the locked room, where Danny and Liv would be sitting, wondering what the hell was happening upstairs. Sighing, Warren collapsed onto the stool in front of the video-phone, dialling the police number. An officer answered, his eyes widening in shock as he saw the scene of devastation behind Warren.
"Where are you and what the hell happened?" he barked sharply. Warren moaned in exhaustion and pain.
"I'm in...the Celadon Centre..." he gasped. And then he fainted.
"This will be a one on one battle." Lt. Surge said as he led Rini to the battle area.

Sandshrew now walked on the ground behind his trainer, a determined look in his eyes

The arena was huge, possibly bigger then Misty's pool battle field, which she had considered humongious at the time.

The interior was dim, lit only by a few lights.

"You ready to lose?" Lt. Surge twirled a pokeball on his finger.

"Ha! You should be asking yourself that, cause I'm gonna win. Right Sandshrew?"


Both trainer and pokemon slapped each other a high five, Sandshrew having to leap into the air.

"You talk big. But can you back it up?" Lt. Surge smirked and tossed the pokeball into the air. "Go Raichu!"


"A Raichu?" Rini held out her pokedex.

*image removed*

"Raichu. A mouse pokemon of the electric element. The evolved form of Pikachu. Raichu can shock up to 10,000 volts, enough to render a Dragonite unconscious."

"Wow, I'd hate to get on his bad side." Rini looked worried. A small shiver made it's way up her spine. "Sandshrew, start off with sand attack!"

"Raichu, quick attack!"

Before Sandshrew could even react Raichu dived forward and slammed his weight into him, driving the shrew back.

"Sand-shrew...." he winced, getting to his feet quickly.

"Now, thunderbolt!" Surge smiled.

"Sandshrew, use dig!" Rini called quickly.

"Shrew!" Sandshrew dove under the floor of the gym.

"Hey!" Lt. Surge protested. "Don't tear up my gym!"

"All's fair in love, war, and pokemon battles." Rini smiled. "Isn't that what you go by yourself?"

"We'll see...." Lt. Surge pointed at her. "Can you finish what you've started though?"

"Sandshrew now!" Rini yelled, her annoyance building.

"Raichu, aim a mega punch straight down!"

Just as Sandshrew emerged below Raichu he was slammed back down by a strong punch to the jaw.

"Sandshrew!" Rini yelped.

"And that is how the cookie crumbles." Lt. Surge shrugged. "You really don't believe that I'd think an electric attack would cut it against a ground type. That attack was a fake, in prepration for my real strike."

"Why you..." Rini gritted her teeth. "Sandshrew, scratch!"

"Shrew...." he struggled to his feet, and speed forward claws out. "SANDSHREW!"

"Mega punch!"

Raichu suddenly drove his fist into Sandshrew's face, making the ground type see stars.

"Shrew....." he stumbled back, made a slight scratch motion and fell over.

All in all it had ended fairly quickly.

"Sandshrew!" Rini scooped her pokemon into her arms. "Say something!"

"Don't expect to win just because you think you have an advantage." Lt. Surge walked over, and strolled past, his hands in his pockets. "Come back when you've grown up." he laughed.

Rini stood as well, and made her way from the gym, but not before quitely flipping the electric type leader off. "Jerk...." she mumbled and made her way to the pokemon center.
@ILAYM -Wow, epic scene right there...

Congratulations Rattata grew to Level 14
Congratulations Poliwag grew to Level 14

@Rii - Nice post, it's nice to see a Gym Leader that is actually a challenge...
OOC: Just thought I'd put this in for reference. Lt. Surge is my fav gym leader. :P

"Your Sandshrew will be fine in no time." Nurse Joy smiled. "So don't worry."

Rini sighed and exited the center, not sure what to do with herself.

"I need a new stratigy...." she mumbled.

"Pi pichu?" Pichu nuzzled her cheek.

"Oh, I'm fine Pichu. No worries." she smiled and pointed off to her far left. "We haven't caught any new pokemon for awhile. You up for it?"


Rini walked down route 11 with Pichu hopping around on her shoulder.

After an hour of looking though Rini had resigned herself to not finding anything.

"It's like the pokemon can sense my bad mood and are staying away or something." Rini suddenly smiled. "There's a beach near here!"

It was as if she had suddenly remembered this little fact.

"I haven't been to the beach since I was little."

After a quick run back to the pokemon center to change, Rini strolled along the cost line in a red and blue flower bikini top and jean shorts, with a pair of lose sandles.

Pichu actually had on her dark sunglasses on her own face.

Rini walked into the surf, feeling the waves between her toes. "Ah, it's a little cold." she shivered.

"Pi pichu." Pichu leaned back on her shoulder, and waved a paw.

Rini suddenly leaned to the side and Pichu rolled off into the surf.

"PI!" she lept up as the cold ocean water hit her butt.

"Haha....that's what you get." Rini poked out her tonge and ran down the coast with Pichu in hot persuit.

They both came to a complete stop at the sight of a huge shadow before them, sunbathing on the rocks.

Rini shelded her eyes and looked closer.

The shape moved slightly, and looked in her direction. It was smaller then she had thought with two claws and a hard shell.

"Hmm...." Rini reached into her shorts pocket and pulled out her pokedex.

*image removed*

"Krabby. It lives near the shore. It's avarage hight is about 16 inches."

Suddenly while Rini was going over her pokedex Krabby lept at her, pincers out.

"Yipe!" she dodged to the side and Krabby landed behind her. "Pichu! Get it!"

Pichu raced to stand in front of Rini and she and Krabby faced off.
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