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Dies Irae (Judgement Day) Upon Us

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and his son, Layne (Buizel).
  • 730
    From what Raziel posted, he grabbed you by the shirt. But maybe this will all make sense in a minute...
  • 369
    OOC: Don't wait for the edit then >.< Also, eh, not too sure where I'm going with this bit.





    The monotonous noise, always on time, never changing. Luce opened her eyes.
    Where am I? What happened? She felt calm. There was no fear, no anxiety, no anger. She gazed at her surroundings; it was dark. Dark all around her. But she wasn't scared. Nothing could hurt her if there was nothing around, so why be scared?

    But wait...there is something. How had she missed it before? A huge crystal shape, glowing gently, What is it? A flower? Yes, that's right. She could see it now. It was closed, just a bud. What colour was it? Pink, purple, red, blue, green? Every time she tried to check it changed again. She could see veins in the petals, white and thin. It looked so fragile. Was it really crystal? It looked it, but at the same time looked like the petals of a real flower. What did it feel like?

    Who are you?

    Me? I'm Lucia Seren Mellia. Who are you?

    I know your name. I did not ask for it. Who are you?

    I don't quite understand you.

    Who are you?

    I told you! I'm-

    Who are you?

    Who am I?

    Who are you?

    The flower really was very pretty. It stood just out of her reach, tauntingly. She stepped forward. As she did so, she felt some resistance, pushing against her leg. She heard the noise of that resistance, a splash. Water. She was standing in water.
    She looked down.

    She was standing in the eye.
    It roared back at her, setting the water into motion. Flooding around her, rising, snatching at her clothes, pulling her down. She was sinking. Desperately, she tried to pull her legs out, but the water held on tight. The pitch black pupil was dragging her into its abyss.

    No! I don't want to go there! She screamed silently. No! Help me! Help me! But no matter how hard she cried and thrashed, no-one came. After all, if there is nothing there, what can save her?

    Who are you?


    Her body jerked back to life with a gasp for breath. Her surroundings didn't surprise her; she had been conscious. She knew what was happening. But she didn't know what just happened. She twisted to look up at her saviour. Raizel. She was staring him straight in the eye. What did she see?

    Her body jerked again, but this time not by itself. She slipped. There was that moment that all fallers experience. Complete weightlessness. For a single moment, she was flying.

    Then gravity came to claim its next victim. It started with the wind, first singingly softly in her ear, but then howling with exuberance. She watched as Raizel and his Dragonite grew further and further away...


  • 1,308
    Foolish humans. Fighting a battle you cannot win. Can't believe I bothered with these idiots,Raizel thought to himself. At this point the prospect of joining the winning side, the "villains", seemed to be promising. At least on their side, he would survive. He rather live to tell to the tale, then die for a cause he doesn't believe in. Watching the vain attempts of Travis to be the noble hero solidified this notion. The fiery explosion of the bridge, the deaths of the innocent crew members whose only goal was to reach the shore did not move Raizel in the way expected of him. A man with a soul would desire revenge for the crimes; a man with a mind would flee to safety and seek some road of survival, a chance to make his days longer and more satisfying. Perched in the sky, Raizel examined his surroundings, focusing on the boat. He saw most of the trainers pull out Pokemon for one reason or another, not realizing that their summoning probably pissed off Kygore more and their Pokemon would become nothing sacrifices to the God of Water. Fenton's dip into the unforgiving ocean was pleasing to him, mostly because of the justice of it all. She would pay for her crimes against him, one way or another. The last piece of information he gained from the situation was the boat's orientation. He deduced that the final direction of the ship was likely the direction that her destination was in. Not wanting to get lost on a return trip to Kanto, he figured it was safer and probably shorter to continue on thier voyage with Dragonite being the form of transportation.

    Then Luce fell. At first he didn't notice and really didn't care. She didn't scream or make any noise, not signaling distress in any form. There wasn't some beam of light coming from her eyes demanding help; there wasn't some ear-piercing call for help. Nothing. The first train of thought to plow through his now demented mind was that Luce was a childish waste of space that deserved a fate only the Lords above could deliver. She was helpless. Useless. Unworthy. Attempting to think more rationally, Raizel figured she was a child seeking attention. Children do stupid things and get plenty of attention for it. Good or bad. It didn't matter. You don't need a psychology course to tell you that much. People strive for attention, so Luce diving to her death would get her attention from someone. However, Raizel did not want guilt. He wanted out. Not death. At least not yet. He had considered blasting the holy hell out the ship with Dragonite's hyper beam with Kygore maybe sparing him in the form of a trade. He despised everyone there so it wouldn't harm him, but the fact he killed in cold blood wasn't appealing and he would be the first suspect since he knew Lance was a sell-out and Raizel has too much of a public lifestyle and image. Raizel figured he would either save Luce and leave or just leave. One way or another he would leave. Only way to the decide quickly was a coin flip. Pulling out a simple coin he established the sides:

    Heads- Save Luce, ditch the group and conitune in the direction of the boat. Upon reaching land, he will figure out his next move while Luce will probably nag him. Also they could finish their conversation since if a child bothered to talk him, leaving out the prospect of an autograph it was probably somewhat important.

    Tails- Screw the group completely and wander the seas attempting to find land. The boat's direction may have been shifted at some point so getting lost was likely a factor, however over time he would have likely found one of the major continents. Then he could go home and possibly confront his parents for the first time in 5 years.

    Destiny was up to chance. Raizel flipped the coin. Lucky for him it returned to his hand in a few moments of constant flipping. Each flip symbolized indecision. The inability to commit to one form of action. Switching the coin to his other fist, the choice was clear. A decision was made and he couldn't divert away from it.

    Dragonite dived with incredible speed. Catching and seizing the body of Luce, Raizel retreated from the battle. The boat's final direction was Dragonite's first direction. Raizel waved bye bye to his former comrades as well as flipped them off. If only they could see that.

    "Enjoy your watery grave. F******."

    The Jewel of Life

    A Gift From Arceus
  • 434
    OOC: Sorry, didn't have time to read all of it, just skimmed. Everyone can just forget that part. Lol.

    Carolyn barely made out Travis telling her to go to their destination, and saw him take off on a pigeot with Kamten and Fenton. Sky sped ahead up to Raizel, and snorted at the trainer on the dragonite. To Carolyn's relief, he was holding Luce. After grumbling that dragonite should just drop Raizel into the sea for flipping the others off (which Carolyn didn't see but Sky certainly did), Sky flew on. His wings were bigger in comparison to his body, and he was a lot lighter, so he passed dragonite with ease. All was looking up. Carolyn was safe, and so were her pokemon. She checked just to make sure. The lables were clear and Carolyn read them off, "Slash, Sky, but you're out, Luna, Fang, Roti and..." Carolyn's voice trailed off as she saw Tiny's pokeball hanging open. He must have accidentally come out.

    "Tiny! TINY!" Carolyn called and called, tiring out her voice. Then she saw him, back a ways, curled in fear on Kyogre's back. Sky noticed this too and dove down landing smoothly on the pokemon's large, blue head. From here Carolyn returned Tiny. As they took off, Carolyn realized how lucky she was to be unharmed. When they were about ten feet from Kyogre's head, he roared something at her, but Carolyn didn't take the time to think about it. Continuing to the destination, she was only focused on reaching the beach.


    After some time of monotonus flying, Sky landed on the shore, about eighty yards from the harbor where the ship was supposed to dock. "We made it." Sky let out a cry of triumph. Carolyn then thought back to Kyogre's roar, and began to analyze the meaning. She clearly remembered the roar in her head, and with a jolt it occurred to her what Kyogre had said. His roar was not out of anger, but one simple word.
  • 369
    OOC: No-one is posting? Tsk fine, I'll keep things going.

    The large orange blur streaked down after her. Luce wondered what it must be like to do that with such control. Perhaps someday in the future she would own a Pokemon that she could sail the skies on. I wonder if Tyl can evolve... she found herself thinking.

    With a soft thump she landed in Raizel's arms as his Pokemon sped off. She blinked with surprise, she hadn't really expected him to save her. So that meant that despite his attitude, his arrogance, his loneliness, he must be good, somewhere.

    "Thank you...Raizel." she half spoke, half whispered. But she wasn't sure if he heard her over his waving, shouting and the speeding wind.


  • 1,308
    OOC: Yay for direct interaction. I can make a short post. By the way, I am making Raizel follow Carolyn to keep the group kind of together and he hates her.

    Even a man with road rage can her his wife demand him to calm down. Blind fury doesn't equal deaf fury. Raizel indeed disliked anyone associated with the rag tag group of wannabe Power Rangers. So cursing them off was natural. However, Carolyn leaped up the list. Her nasty little Charizard gave Dragonite attitude. So as a result, he followed her to shore hoping to earn some well-deserved revenge.

    "Thank you...Raizel."

    Mid-flight, the first words Luce spoke was an expression of thanks. Naturally, he expected it. If not, dropping her into the ocean was always a nice alternative. "Don't thank me. Thank the coin. It favored you," he replied refusing to lock eyes with the same child. Landing didn't take long. The small beach was in the middle of nowhere with woods to the north. However, the sands were nearly white and it was actually a fairly beautiful spot. Nothing really exciting. He recognized the area from his brief time in Hoenn. No one was on the shore with the exception of a moody Charizard and some worthless child who still believed she could talk to Pokemon. "We are close to civilization. Short flight in any direction will get somewhere," Raizel said aloud. It wasn't really directed at anyone. It was more a thought that escaped his mouth like a prisoner from a low-security prison. "Ah, yes. Luce. You were saying something before we were attacked. Might as well spit it off before I leave with annoying child number 2 over there," he stated pointing at the so-called Pokemon Whisperer.
  • 369
    "Don't thank me. Thank the coin. It favoured you."
    She didn't know what he meant by this, but let is past. The rest of the flight passed in silence, save for the now-familiar wind. Raizel seemed to be agitated by something, but Luce decided not to ask. As they fled from the raging Pokemon of the seas, the clouds seem to retreat and the midday sun peeped through again.

    Finally, land.
    She dismounted, staggering disorientated. She noted Carolyn Greentree nearby with a smile.
    "Ms. Greentree! Are you okay?" she called.

    "We are close to civilization. Short flight in any direction will get somewhere," Raizel was explaining to the air. As she gazed around herself, she noticed a forest to the north and spied a town in the east. Were they in Hoenn? "Ah, yes. Luce."


    "You were saying something before we were attacked. Might as well spit it off before I leave with annoying child number 2 over there." he continued, indicating Carolyn Greentree. Her mind flashed back to the boat, when everything was calm and simple. The thoughts that had raced through her mind back then returned to her. But after what had just happened her confidence had all but vanished. She looked at him,

    "Why...Why won't you look me in the eye?"


  • 1,308
    One of the many things that bother Raizel are questions. Especially stupid ones, or the rhetorical fancy ones that have no real answer. They are just there to annoy the reader, or force the reader to adopt the same viewpoint as the obnoxious, haughty author who must likely has an inflated ego of some sort. Of course, Luce had to pull out one of those from her mind just to bother him. It is like she knows or something.

    Raizel recalled Dragonite, allowing him a few moments rest before summoning him later in order to flee from the group. He had done his need and has no regrets. No reason to feel guilty. He had no job left to do: answer the small child's question.

    "Why...Why won't you look me in the eye?"

    The tone bothered him. It was insecure. Unworthy of directly responding, reality struck him over the course of a few days. He gave humans the benefit of the doubt and came out of hiding just to experience society again (and kick some Kanto ass. We see how well that went). And it was thanks to him, he realized what he hated. Stupidity. The question itself was unimportant, unneeded. It wasted time. After a quick spit and a clearing out the throat, he stared at Luce just to appease her. Make her forget his "rude" behavior. The reality was he refused to stare at her because she was a helpless little girl who didn't deserve her sight. At least that what was he kept telling himself.

    "Happy now? I am looking at you. Now answer my damn question! What did you want?!" he demanded. His anger was obvious. He was losing his temper. Every second wasted added to his frustration. One wrong word and he would explode. There was no doubt of that.


    ✿ border of life
  • 444
    It seemed only a few had heard Zora's voice coming from the small ghost. From Zora's eyes, from Fia's eyes, it was the same thing happening. Zora watched Fia pace back and forth, waiting for the right moment to strike. But, she then saw Raizel fly off with one of the girls (Luce, she thought). Sh*t, Zora thought, why the hell aren't you saving anyone else? Why do you freakin' hate them so much? She shook her head and sighed, knowing Fia couldn't see that. After pondering what to do for a few minutes, Zora turned the camera off.

    "Alright! Chiru!" The Altaria gracefully came out (she held on to her for safekeeping). Hopping on the glorious bird, Zora commanded a couple of Dragon Dances out of her. After she felt the Altaria was fast enough, Zora took off, holding on tightly to the speedy Chiru. As she reached the waters, she saw signs of a fight. She knew what it was. Hang in there, Fia, she thought to herself.

    Just then, they approached a Dragonite. There was no doubt about it. It was Raizel's. Damn bastard, I'l show him... Zora thought. Flying closer, Zora smiled. She had no choice but to attack. Of course, she would make sure Luce wouldn't be injured, but at the same time, she wanted Raizel to get back in there and fight.

    It was too late, though. He had already reached land, and had recalled his Dragonite. Still, there was plenty of time to recover.

    "Chiru, Perish Song. On that boy." The Altaria nodded, a bit confused, but sang a haunting melody. At once she seemed weaker to Zora (well, it was Perish Song, after all), and she hoped the same would befall the traitor.

    -End Zora-

    -Begin Fia-

    The time was right. Her master wasn't watching her, but she knew it was time. The ghost frantically came foward and unleashed a Confuse Ray at the great beast. No effect. Then, a Shadow Ball. Still no effect. She started to give up, but knew that this battle was lost if she would stop. 'Course, the others seemed pretty strong. They'd probably win on their own. But as Fia prepared to run away, she saw high in the sky her master, riding an Altaria and close to the Dragonite belonging to the traitor. She knew that giving up would be pointless, and continued launching a flurry of Shadow Balls at the Kyogre, hoping there would be some positive outcome to all her attacks. She then noticed both the Altaria and Dragonite disappear, and figured her master had gone off somewhere else.

    (Yup, Fia has great eyes.)

    The Jewel of Life

    A Gift From Arceus
  • 434
    OOC: Plan B, Carolyn was riding a flygon, just to clear things up.

    Carolyn noticed that Luce and Raizel had landed. She hoped the others were safe. Then she remembered that Travis had said that he had a flying type that was strong enough to carry a few people. They were probably escaping from Kyogre right now. Carolyn figured that they would meet up at the volcanoe and decided to head off.

    "Ms. Greentree! Are you okay?"

    Luce called to her as Carolyn once again mounted her flygon. "I'm fine, and please, call me Carolyn." Carolyn called from Sky's back. She was about to take off when... grumble. In all the excitement Carolyn had not realized how hungryshe was. The apple she ate earlier had not completely satisfied her stomach. It was time for lunch. Carolyn hopped back off Sky and pulled out a small styrofoam cup containing microwavable noodles. She poured some water from one of her water bottles into the bowl and called out Roti. "Hey Ro, can you please heat up these noodles." "Ro ro rotom, ro roto tom ro ro." I will, but only if I can have some noodles too. "Can't you just live with pokemon food? Oh well, deal. Everyone else will have pokemon food though."

    Carolyn's team ate happily while she and Roti slurped up the hot noodles. Now that she was full, Carolyn was ready for adventure, and she was sure they would get that at Mt. Chimney. She walked over to Raizel and Luce. "Hey, I'm probably going to leave toward Mt. Chimney. Since Raizel apparantly quit, you can come with me if you want Luce. First I'm going to heal my pokemon. I'll be at the pokecenter if you need me."

    Carolyn walked to the pokecenter after returning all of her pokemon. On the way she couldn't help but wonder what Kyogre wanted help from.
  • 369
    "Happy now? I am looking at you. Now answer my damn question! What did you want?!" he almost yelled, a rising temper evident. She flinched and almost automatically bowed her head, but caught herself. This wasn't Sootopolis. She hadn't done anything wrong. Why was he so angry at her? Spreading her feet, she stood her ground, glaring back at Raizel. Her own unsettling anger began to rear up.

    This man...this man... She clenched her fists, struggling to control herself. Reaching behind her belt, she whipped out a Pokeball, the one containing Ko, aiming it at her opponent.
    "Raizel!" she shouted back, "I challenge you to a Battle! Fight me!"

    What am I doing? I- He- He's far too strong!

    Then be stronger.

    I can't! I-

    Who are you?

    A soft, dark melody suddenly washed over the beach. A sudden feeling of nausea seized Luce.

    I feel sick...

    Who are you?

    Glancing up, she saw a large white and blue Pokemon gliding towards them, singing its doom song. Riding was the missing girl, Zora was it?

    "Stay back!" she growled, unable to muster enough energy to shout, "This is my fight!" Why did she have to show up now? It was all so irritating, so irritating!


    Scientist Salarian
  • 3,531
    ((This is probably going to end up really lame. XD So I apologise, my muse is slightly askew at the moment. D; Damn back pain. ;-; And I've made her inner monologue/ thoughts/speech bold, because yeah. You'll see))

    A maelstrom of white barraged the jetty as the nets were hauled from the water, along with strange contraptions which imprisoned the unfortunate crustaceans that had been foolish enough to enter them. The aromas of fish, algae and salt saturated the air with a combined, overbearing stench that was far too potent for those unaccustomed to it. Further down the bay the waves were gentle, caressing the sand as water seeped into the imprints that had been created by shells and pebbles that had lodged themselves between the tiny particles and since been plucked away by children, tourists and Pokemon. The beach was not the only thing to be embraced by the aqueous mass, the swash was obstructed by a human, splayed out upon the dampened, darker sand. The sun was suspended high overheard, warming the girl 's pallid skin and causing her to stir.

    "Mmmm..." Fenton groaned, sitting upright and rubbing her eyes with sand-dappled fingers, soon regretting it. Upon clearing her eyes of the grains, she leant back on her hands and stared up at the few clouds occupying the azure sky, ruminating the possibility of all the Dies Irae nonsense being a mere fabrication. This was... One Island, just as it usually was at this hour, during this particular season. The fishermen were locked in their daily battle to retain all of their hard-earned fish from the ravenous beaks of Wingull and Pelipper downshore, and when she tipped her head backwards, she could just about view the peak of Mt. Ember, as silent as it had always been since the family moved there. I guess... It must have been a dream. Which means... All those people weren't real... And falling into the sea wasn't real either... Though how the heck someone like Raizel ended up in my mind, I don't know...She shuddered at the thought, rising to her feet and ambling up the beach with flip flops in hand, brushing the sand from the soles of her feet upon reaching the stone steps that led to another set, which in turn scaled the distance between the town and the Sinclair residence. Ugh... I guess I must have... Sleep walked again... Oh well. I wonder what Da's cooking today...

    She was greeted with the hiss of butter meeting a hot frying pan, the clashing of metal against metal, the bang of a cupboard door being slammed shut. Inhaling the rich scent of coffee that bubbled from the maker in the corner as she passed the kitchen and traversed in the direction of her bedroom, Fenton decided it was paramount that she showered and changed her clothes in the en suite bathroom adjoined to her chamber.

    Wait a second... I thought I told Da' I didn't mind sharing a bathroom with him and Tris... I thought he... Holy crap, what happened to my room?!

    It was if aliens had visited during her somnambulistic jaunt to the beach and exchanged her room for that of another girl. Gone was the mountain of laundry overflowing her allocated basket, gone was the desk, laden with old drawings (and sweet wrappers) that she hadn't ever had the heart to discard, and gone was the giant map of the world affixed to the western wall (which had been decorated with Polaroids of her brothers depending on which town or city they dwelt in upon calling home; a tradition upheld ever since Lake became a trainer thirteen years prior to the occasion). Instead, it was a minimalist's paradise. A four-postered, queen-size bed was the centrepiece of the room, adorned with floaty white drapes and soft pink blankets. A dressing table now hugged the left-hand wall, devoid of anything but a shiny white surface from obvious cleaning. There were a few places for storing trinkets and possessions- Fenton discovered that even these were arranged neatly upon inspecting the drawers and the doors.

    This... This isn't my house...

    "You bet it's not your house," a singsong voice chimed from nowhere; Fenton spun around, eyes wide with incredulity as the owner stepped forward.

    "You... You're... But how?"

    The girl giggled, brown eyes identical to those of Fenton (sans disbelief) not leaving her as she moved from the aperture and traipsed lackadaisically around the bed, a look of boredom upon her child-like face.

    "Wow, you're good. Then again, it's not surprising. I am you, after all."

    "Yeah, me after the local beauty salon exploded..." It was true, this doppelganger only differed from her other self via her long hair, made-up face and elegant ensemble. "Where the Hell am I then?"

    "Sweetie, you're not in Kanto anymore! Well, techinally you are, but you're really not."

    "For the Wizard of Oz reference, I'm going to call you Glinda."

    "But my name's Fenton. Fenton Laurel Sinclair. Sister of Lake and Tristan, daughter of Caden Sinclair and Channeller Cerleene. I was born on the fifth of April, at nine twenty-nine at night, weighing six pounds and four ounces," the other girl protested with a pout, though her oration still sustained ennui, as if she were reciting from a list.

    "Glinda is less surreal to me," Fenton growled, her stance shifting into one of hostility as her mother's name reached her ears. "Seriously. What in Hell is going on here? And why are you being more useless than a Magikarp?"

    "I'm only trying to be like you," Glinda sighed, strumming her manicured nails upon the dressing table as she passed it. "After all. You're nothing special. No wonder she didn't want you..."

    "Stop talking to me as if I'm a piece of crap stuck to the bottom of your shoe! I'm not useless!" Fenton seethed, darting towards her parellel self but discovering that she was merely swiping at air as the image of the girl vanished. A beast-like growl rumbled within the back of her throat upon losing her target.

    "You can't hurt me here, silly, just as how I couldn't hurt you if we were in your world. You know. The world where everyone sees you as a child. Where you act like a psychopath every time something doesn't go your way. Where you drove your own mother away because she saw how useless you were."

    "I am not, for the second freakin' time, useless!"

    "Oh no? But... Let's see... There's nothing special about you. No one outside of your family has ever cared about you. You'll probably turn into one of those insane Skitty ladies when you get old, and die all alone."

    "And you stuff your bra with tissue paper! I'd rather be unloved than a b*tch like you!"

    "I'm not a b*tch Fenton, I'm just reminding you of the truth. But hey, you could stuff your bra too if you wanted, but oooh," she grimaced. "Raizel would get disappointed when he found out that the only thing he could do with your 'assets' would be to wipe his nose with them." Fenton's face turned from crimson rage to a furious variant of purple (as purple as skin could turn, anyhow). Glinda only continued, now relatively amused from the provocation her mocking instilled within the girl. "You thought Lance was hot too, didn't you? How about Travis? No? Kamten's a little young for you, I can see why you don't consider him attractive... But hmmm... I can also see why you're in denial."

    "I don't like any of 'em!" Fenton roared hotly, oblivious to the fair-haired woman who had popped her head around the door to learn what all the vociferation was about. "Okay? Lance just has charisma! I've never actually seen Travis' face because he's so damn tall, Kamten creeps me out with that smile of his, and as for that stupid, idiotic bastard city-boy... I hate him more than I hate my mother!"

    "Fenton?" A quiet, soothing voice washed over the silence that afflicted the girl and her doppelganger, the sort that the tomboy had secretly yearned to hear all her life. She had seen pictures- Dad hadn't been very good at concealing them from her inquisitive nature. Though they had always been enshrouded in some fog or other, or the woman's face had been obscured by a medium's veil, Fenton had often sat with the pictures in hand and created her own version of what Ma looked like, despite only having vague ideas thanks to her brothers' descriptions. This was the version that appeared before her now. Light brown hair, a face that deceived her true age and large brown eyes... An older version of the feminine Fenton, save for the hair colour.

    Glinda rushed to her side, smiling at the woman (who was on equal level to her) and then nodding to Fenton, who had adopted the qualities of a statue.

    "It's time for you to get the spirits to send her back, Ma. Else we'll have to put up with her here."

    "I see," Cerleene said musically, returning the expression weariedly. "I don't know what we'll tell your father, mind you."

    Fenton couldn't speak- she knew it wasn't her real mother, but something still formed a lump at the back of her throat. She turned away from them, willing to keep her sadness buried inside her, not wanting to display weakness. Around her, the room began to melt, becoming a mass of clear liquid. A whirlpool formed beneath her flip-flopped feet, though gravity did not drag her through it at that moment. Glinda had something to say first.

    "Fen, if you don't want to end up a mad Skitty lady, you'll have to trust the people you're with. And work on the temper, I guess, but I mean it. There are many worlds created by the possibilities that were extinguished by the choices people make, or avoid. A lot of Psychic, Dark and Ghost Pokemon have the power to send people to these worlds when their soul comes close to perishing, and some humans too, like my mother in this world... But I don't think you came here by coincidence or a random occurrence. Then again, you're so useless that I guess someone must have pitied you and tried to make you special, like the rest of them in that group."

    Fenton was unresponsive. Her fists were still clenched.

    "Just get me outta here." She mumbled, after a while. Cerleene complied, and the Pokemon trainer descended into the watery vortex, back to the realm of the conscious.

    Fenton spluttered, eyes bursting open as she inhaled sharply and suddenly. Rain still pelted her from all sides, her body was shuddering from being subjected to the torrent and the cold sea, but she was alive. In her own world.

    "T-Travis?" She groaned, staring blearily up at the man. "Do you think that girls with flat chests should stuff their bras with tissue?"

    ((YAY LAMENESS THAT DOESN'T FLOW. And for being slightly out of it, in Fenton's case 8D Time for bed. <3 ))


  • 1,308
    OOC: MY COMPLETE BAD lol. I have no idea where Charizard came from. I apologize. Just replace them with Flygon. Well we both made mistakes then lol. I do this at least once an RP, so hopefully it wont happan again. Time for truly evil Raizel. Zora made him angry.

    Pain. Anguish. Suffering. Qualities Raizel had endured, but never got used. Could withstand but never conquer. In a single moment, he went from invincibility to weakness; something he couldn't stand. He hated being weak, helpless, unable. Without a single warning, the qualities overflowed him like a tidal wave. Suddenly, strength left his body and replaced with utter pathetic weakness. He collapsed, striking the ground with great speed. His face drenched with sweat, with pools being created on the ground. Every breath of air became an endeavor. His hands, by natural reaction, grasped his chest as if he was having a heart attack in that every moment. His face winced with every struggle of motion.

    Regaining some strength, Raizel returned to a standing position. His posture was broken with him hunching over, becoming level with the small children around him. His face flooded in sweat and gasping for air in every moment, he noticed a face of near opposite faction. Luce seemed ready and determined, as if she absorbed his very essence. This girl. She stole my strength. She made me weak. But how?

    "I challenge you to a Battle! Fight me!"

    Now she was making demands. Impossible. How she did so much confidence in the matter of mere moments? Did balls suddenly drop? Raizel didn't want to know in reality. He was too focused on the intense pain coursing through his body like some plague. She was battle ready, grasping a Pokeball with such grit and heart that he couldn't say no. But then the pain reached another spike. He nearly collapsed, catching himself in the last moment. Raizel reached for a Pokeball...the one he thought he would never use. The pain caused Raizel to lose all self-control. All sense of restraint. All sense of mercy.

    "You......will pay...for what you've done!!!" he growled with enough fury that even dragons would flee for their lives. His voice was demonic, possessed possibly by the very lord of hell himself. His eyes became hot with the cold sting before become replaced with a burning flame. The aura of collected energy transformed into one of blind fury. He was no longer than same man from before and only the blind and deaf would be unaffected by the transformation (OOC: Think Nightmare from the Soul Series for the precise effect I was trying to achieve. His voice and personality are very similar at this very moment. It is only a comparable example as I told SamuraiMaster since he can't see it. I don't blame him lol. Just a reference. I like references as you can tell lol. . It was a radical change from his collected, selfish composure. It appeared that his sudden inability to even stand pressed some dusty button hidden in the corridors of his mind. One that causes the simplest of things to unleash a hellish madness upon the earth.

    The single Pokeball he snatched from before was launched from his hand, despite his weakness but the strain caused him to fall to his knees. With a flash of light, a Pokemon of such magnitude was summoned before the small Luce. A Metagross. One that demanded respect. His appearance was emphasized by his dramatic entrance, complete with several stomps causing small tremors. The eyes beamed with a blood red glow. The armor was a shining blue. It was definitely a proud Pokmeon, aware of its power and ability. It turned to its master, revealing acknowledgement of Raizel's condition. Raizel simply gasped for air several times before returning to his feet, holding his chest tighter than before. A mental channel was opened: "Metagross, there is no way I can order you trough speaking. I have no strength left. So we are going to handle this tournament style. So keep a mental channel open." The Metagross nodded and stared Luce down, preparing itself for battle.
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    and his son, Layne (Buizel).
  • 730
    OOC Sorry, been waiting for X-Files to post. X-Files, you gotta post a bit more often man. I know you have a life, but we don't want characters to get dragged. I'm just gonna god your character a little despite my rules. Not trying to be a hypocrite, but I think we wanna get this rolling a bit more. I'm just gonna get you on Aerials and that's it. Hope that's cool with you.

    Katem called over his pikachu and got on Aerials. (That's all I'm doing sorry) With that Travis took one final glance at Kyogre, who was beginning to drag the stern down and drag the boat down to it's final resting place. I promise...even if no one stands by me anymore...I swear I will find out what has happened...I will find the source of your insannity...and stop it...

    With that, Travis hopped on Aerials. "Let's go!" Then the Pidgeot flapped it's wings and took to the sky. They rose higher and higher. Travis kept his eyes straighht ahead. The others, Carolyn and Raziel, were fading off into the distance. Travis kept his eyes fixed ahead. He didn't look back as Kyogre let loose one last roar before jumping out of the water and slamming into the ruined yacht. The majority of the boat then sank below the surface and was not seen again. Only bits of wood and other furniture and debris floated back up. Thankfully...no bodies floated up in a dead man's pose.

    Aerials had transported multiple trainers before and therefore it wasn't a hassle. Would it take a little longer to reach the coast? Yes. But not that long. But Travis had pt his team through a lot today. Travis therefore said to his pidgeot. "Aerials, you may slow down and take your time." He felt the pidgeot slow a little, but not that much. Travis made himself a mental note to give his team a good long rest that night. They all deserved one already.

    Fenton was still unconsious and was lying in front of Travis. Katem sat behind Travis with his pikachu. Travis remembered St. Anger's days as a Pikachu...he was one hell of a pokemon to get along with. The Pikachu would attack him the first few days whenever Travis called it out to try and bond with it. Time was what it took to finally gain St. Anger's full trust, and that was ecently gained. His full trust. Travis loved St. Anger, because he was his first caught pokemon. Gill was his first companion and best friend, but St. Anger was almost like a son to Travis. Gill saw this and was just as happy. Travis loved each of his pokemon equally and made sure to show it.

    There was nothing much to do, so Travis got out one headphone yet again and pressed the play button.

    Take me down to the Paradise City
    Where the grass is green and the girls are pretty
    Oh won't you please take me home?

    Fenton stirred. She awoke.

    Woke up earlier than I thought...

    Yep she was awake alright. However the first thing she said was not at all something Travis expected her first phrase to be, or would he really want to answer it...
    "T-Travis? Do you think that girls with flat chests should stuff their bras with tissue?"

    Upon hearing this...Travis simply gave her a stare of one simple look, 'what?'

    Ignore the question, ignore the question, ignore the question...

    "Uhhh...how are you feeling...you took a nasty fall off the yacht..." was all Travis managed to say.

    Dammit, Travis you couldn't get it all out like a normal sentence could you now?
  • 369
    OOC: I really don't like to say this but you MAY have to kick X-Files if he isn't more active because it holds back the RP. Just something for you to consider. (Plan-B, doing stuff like this is what makes people hate you >.<)

    Luce didn't let herself falter as Raizel's body lurched in pain.
    It must be the song, she guessed, She must be aiming for Raizel. If she had aimed at me, would I be like that? The sick, draining feeling was still present, but it wasn't so bad that she could not push through it. But then something strange came over Raizel.

    "You......will pay...for what you've done!!!" he rumbled, his voice taking on a sinister, darker tone. He sounded like a completely different person now, the term "person" being used lightly. His face twisted in anger, Luce couldn't help but notice the sudden absence of his good looks.

    A Pokeball.

    A flash of brilliant white light signalled the arrival of his Pokemon. Deep red eyes, a disc-like steel body, four powerful arms with viscous looking claws and a grey metal cross on its face... Luce hadn't seen anything that looked less like a Pokemon and more like a monster. Even the huge grey snake-like Pokemon that had belonged to Travis looked nicer than this. Cold, cruel and calculating, this Pokemon absolutely terrified her.
    But she didn't show it. The frightened her had taken a back seat. Adrenaline was pumping around her system; her body tingling with excitement. She couldn't imagine herself losing, even to something like this. She was going to win and make him acknowledge her.

    "Let's go, Ko!" she cried, tossing the Pokeball in her hand out onto the battlefield. The little Aron let out an invigorated bark as he materialised. However, when he sighted his opponent, he found himself suddenly drenched in fear. He knew what this Pokemon was, even if his trainer didn't. He knew just how powerful a Metagross was. But he held firm. It was clearly a threat to Lucia and he wouldn't allow that. "Ko, let's begin!" Luce called.
    Barking out again, Ko charged straight forward launching itself at the tank-like Pokemon for a Headbutt...


  • 1,308

    The steel Pokemon clashed together and their armor connecting with such force from the impressive attack created a sound not heard since the Medieval Knights fought to utter standstills on blood soaked fields. The weakened Raizel looked on the clash chosing to remain on his knees as the simple act of standing took much of a strain on his body. It had felt as if the gravity had been tuned up to nearly 10x the standard level. Moving his arms became a chore, breathing an eternal struggle. He couldn't imagine traveling in this condition. His eventual escape would have to wait. Since he had time to calm down and regain some control, he was able to think clearly and construct a logical explanation of what exactly reduced him to a state of pure weakness. There was no possible way it was Fenton, the creepy smiling child, or Travis since they were not in the immediate area and were far too busy playing Hero. Carolyn wasn't likely either as the only remotely useful aspect to her was the Flygon that looks like a Charizard apparently and her possible but not likely ability to speak Pokemon. Personally, he thought she had the overreactive imaginiation of a typical child her age. That closed the gap to Luce, the most likely culprit. She was strange enough to have special powers to be able to muster some dark magic to absorb his strength and use it herself after all. The other was Zora, despite not being around. Apparently the evil ***** likes messing with him. I am going to punch her so hard the next time I see her. That or maybe I will send Houndoom on her. He seems hungry lately. Till the moment he can resolve his current issues, he could entertain himself with the battle, however Metagross wasn't one to play around.

    The standard course of action with Metagross is to gauge their strength to know his exact challenge. The best way is too hopefully see his opponent beforehand, or experience a battle with one of the same species. This allows him to gain prior knowledge to compile a viable and effective battle plan. Having the intelligence of a supercomputer like the rest of his species, Metagross is aware that the Aron line of Pokemon are generally physical attackers with solid defense and impressive attack strength. However, Metagross was legitimately impressed and shocked by the certain example he was facing. The headbutt was one with great velocity and force behind, enough to make the heavy Metagross slide back. However, the attack only made the poorly tempered Pokemon more frustrated. Metagross resorted to barbaric tactics, ones that insulted his own intelligence. Metagross snatched the tiny Aron in his claws with a tight grip, enough to probably crack the small Pokemon's armor despite the solid construction. Combining his efforts with gravity, Metagross proceeded to force his claws down into the ground. Adding the factors of Metagross' weight, strength, and gravity, the attack would not only destroy Aron but also the ground beneath him. Metagross' eyes beamed with psychotic joy as he tightened his grip and began his attack.

    "Bye bye," Raizel laughed as Metagross launched his crushing below. In a matter of seconds, Aron was mere inches from impact.

    The Jewel of Life

    A Gift From Arceus
  • 434
    Carolyn stepped out of the pokecenter and onto the cool, sandy beachwhere she had previously been. She was startled by the appearance of Raizel. He was writhing on the ground with anger in his face so fierce Carolyn considered turning and running. Then she realized the problem. Having many pokemon, Carolyn new the effects of many pokem on moves, and this was one of them. Perish song. The gloomy tune would faint any pokemon in a matter of minutes. Carolyn had never seen it preformed on a human, but she guessed that Raizel would faint. Without her noticing until a ways in, a battle started between Raizel and Luce. Carolyn watched from the sidelines as Luce's tiny aron preformed a powerful headbutt on Raizel's metagross. This did not seem to please the large, blue pokemon, so metagross unleashed its full fury on the aron. It seemed only seconds before aron would let out its last cry of life.

    -End Carolyn, begin Sky-

    Sky stared at the battle before him, deeply intrigued by the power displayed by either side. He cheered for Luce, she was a nice person and cared for pokemon, unlike what he had seen of Raizel. His mood changed abruptly when metagross started to push the aron into the ground. Forget pokemon battles, this could be fatal! "FLYGON!" Sky dashed foreward at amazing speed and rammed into metagrosses arm, freeing aron. He scooped up the little pokemon in his claws and pulled it awayfrom the now furious opponent. Sky gently landed and stood defiently between metagross and aron. He wouldn't let this innocent pokemon be harmed further.

    -End Sky, begin Carolyn-

    Everything happened so fast Carolyn could have blinked and missed it. Sky had rescued little aron and seemed to be protecting it from the much larger metagross. Sky stood rigid, ready for any move metagross would make, but Carolyn called to him and he was unable to retain this position. "Sky, this is Luce's battle, so let her fight it." The flygon did not back down but instead stood taller and turned away from Carolyn. She let out a gasp of surprise, he never disobeyed her. "Sky, what is up with you?" "Gon fly flygon, gonflygon gon fly." Luce is a good trainer, and her pokemon was going to be killed. Carolyn understood. Sky cared deeply about other pokemon, but only very special trainers earned his respect, but Carolyn remembered the way Luce's pokemon had protected her on the beach. For them to do that, she must be very kind to pokemon, and get a bond that tight that fast. Sky was aware of this heavy bond so he trusted her,

    "Okay, Sky, I see your logic. Now if you won't let these trainers have a proper battle then I'll make you." Carolyn swiftly pulled Sky back into his pokeball and tucked it into her backpack. Sky was an escape artist so she would take no chances. "Sorry about that interuption, Raizel and Luce. You may as well continue your battle now."
  • 369
    The two steel Pokemon clashed like ancient swords. The huge Metagross slid back from the power of its tiny foe.

    Yes! Thought Luce triumphantly, I can win this! Suddenly however, the Aron was snatched out of midair.
    "Ko!" she cried.

    "Bye-Bye!" came the cruel laugh of Raizel as his vicious Pokemon made to drive Ko into the ground. A split-second from impact however, the large green Pokemon from the ship launched itself into the side of the blue Pokemon. In surprise, Ko was released from the vice-like grip, but was soon grabbed again by the green Pokemon. Annoyance flared up in Luce,

    "Hey! What do you think you're doing!?" she yelled. Why was Greentree interfering? Why did everyone insist on interfering? The green Pokemon vanished in a flash of red back into its Pokeball.

    "Sorry about that interruption, Raizel and Luce. You may as well continue your battle now." the younger trainer called. Luce glared back at her,
    "Don't you ever do that again!" she growled. The anger that slept within her was stirring.

    I don't need help! I don't need help! I'm strong!

    Who are you?

    Oh be quiet! She snapped inwardly. Ko looked back at her apolitically. In her anger, she subconsciously blamed him for the interference. Who told him to get put in that situation anyway? Ko sighed to himself as Luce held out his Pokemon. His trainer was losing her cool. She was too young really...

    "Okay Yoma! You can do this!" Luce called, more forceful than encouraging. Her head was pounding. Breathe, breathe, she told herself as the Duskull materialised itself. "Sorry Raizel," she said with a grin almost savage, "Let's fight for real now! No interruptions!"


    Scientist Salarian
  • 3,531
    ((Rawr. Feeling like crap, so I'm afraid this one'll be short and sweet, just like Fenton. :3 Okay, perhaps not the sweet part... ))

    "Tch, I dunno, Glinda the Good Fenton said something about it, and aliens took my room away," she shrugged, and was then subjected to a second coughing fit; this roused her from any lingering delirium and made her more aware of her soundings. Why was he staring at her as if she had just uttered something completely bizarre? Where were they? Blinking several more times and raising her hand to her mouth as another coughing fit struck her, Fenton considered him slyly- after all, this was the first time that she had been able to see his face.

    "Uhhh... How are you feeling... You took a nasty fall off the yacht..."

    "No duh..." Was all she managed to say, thoughts dashing away from their analysis of his facial features and swarming her memory banks, so that the female could recollect the series of events that had occurred prior to her waking up on the back of a giant bird (the bare skin of her arms and legs could feel the feathers tickling her, and the momentum of flight allowed the girl to realise this).

    Kyogre. Fear.

    "Sorry..." Fenton winced. "I... I'm okay... A little... Drenched... And I can taste sea water in my mouth, which is pretty disgusting..."

    Waves. A struggle.

    "But other than that... I'm okay." She coughed once more, trying to inject a reassuring smile into her testimony.

    The impact of hitting the water. The arctic chill of the current...

    "Mmm... What happened... To the others? I bet... I bet Raizel threw a big party when he saw me fall in..." She scowled, but the expression was rather weak.

    Suffocation. Then, the place in her dream.

    Fenton sobered, and surveyed Travis unblinkingly. "A-and my Pokemon... Are they okay? My bag... It... It's safe... Right? Without them... I'm useless- you wouldn't need me in the group, would you? You'd all leave me too, because... She was right... I'm not special like everyone else is... Girls like me don't become heroes, they become mad Skitty ladies..." A sigh escaped her lips, Fenton turning away.. "She knew that, that's why she left," Fenton murmured quietly, but as she looked at him again, her soft voice quivered with desperation. "Please... Just tell me that you managed to rescue my Pokemon."

    ((Edit: You can decide whether or not the bag was lost in the attack, right now, I'm really not bothered. XD))
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