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League of Legends


[font=Cambria]Hidden From Mind[/font]
  • 1,080
    My build order for Rango now is pretty much static, up till mid-late game.
    Hunter's Machete, 4 pots --First back (Lv5)-->Madred's Razor's, Spirit Stone, Vision Ward, Stealth Ward, How however many health pots I can afford --> The Brutalizer, Spirit of the Elder Lizard, Health Pots, Wards, Boots of Mobi --> Youmuu's GB/Tiamat --> Youmuu's GB/Tiamat --> Cleaver --> LW --> Brut --> IE/TF/Bloodthirster/Merc. Scim./GA

    My final build is generally something like: Brut., LW, Cleaver, Hydra, GB, IE/TF/BT/MS/GA

    That's just a simple One-Shot build. I take Scaling Damage Quints, and flat damage marks.
  • 1,405
    I was thinking of buying Rengar. Everyone i seen got incredibly fed and was nearly impossible to stop.

    I don't really have anybody else to buy anyway, i could buy Fizz or Talon, but both are incredibly mana hungry and are both noob stompers(and my old mains) so it will make level 20 games to easy for me :p


    [font=Cambria]Hidden From Mind[/font]
  • 1,080
    If you enjoy playing champions that just shred down enemies in an instant, and then run away, you'll love Rango. He probably has second or third highest burst in game, but he is kinda hard to play. Easy to pick up and learn the basics, but to really get even DECENT at him, it's kinda hard. I'm barely decent with him, and I've been playing him for like 4 months straight now.
  • 1,405
    I bought him but still need to have a normal game with him. The first one was 1v2 top, the second one was 2v1 top because Jayce didn't want to go support.

    I saw this and decided to try it, no idea how this is even working, but it works VERY well
  • 447
    Had a wierd game yesterday on yoloq. I picked ryze top first pick and I was against a Nidalee. Completely forgetting that ad Nidalee exists, I thought it'd be a great idea to try my +833 mana at 18 rune page, but I got absolutely destroyed top lane, 1/6 in the end, but then there was an extended teamfight, in which hi picked up 6 kills. They thought they had me shut down. But fact was, despite being only level 12, I had a fully sttacked Seraphs, rod of ages, and an iceborn gauntlet, I was hitting like a truck against all of them because none of then bought any magic resist. But after that fight I just bought sorc boots and a void staff so even if they started to get mr, it was too late. I ended up carrying, and in the end I had 4453 mana at level 18. A bad but sucessful game
  • 1,405
    I plan on playing only ARAM for a while, i get too many retards on my team lately and i can't play properly anymore.
  • 447
    and this was AFTER it was nerfed. but basically all your damage is Spinning Slash (1:1 AP ratio) that still deals physical damage. but the dumbest thing about the kit is the heal, like, oh my god, if if the heal wasnt annoying enough, how about a 5 second immunity to death then becoming untargetable straight afterwards with Zhonya's Hourglass, then using Spinning slash to get back out again. on 40% CDR, spinning slash has jsut under a 5 second cooldown.

    AD Trynd is superior, but AP tryn is just fun to play
  • 447
    It isn't really, an AP Tryndamere needs at least 200-300 AP to start being effective. That is why the dorans blade is a necessary starting item on him, because early game, low ap on the heal is not going to sustain you anywhere near enough. But a few crits will heal you somewhat nicely.

    I'm still working on a few build paths for him, but what I can say for certain is Hourglass, Deathcap and CDR Boots are a must. I've been toying around with items like Nashors Tooth, Hextech Gunblade, they're good, but I never know when to get them. I still need to try Lich bane on him for the move speed and the additional burst. You can pretty one shot a creep wave with spinning slash once ou get hourglass and a NLR, and you are still a split pushing machine. Not to mention tower diving becomes significantly safer, spinning slash generates more fury for each enemy you hit with it, and your ultimate will give ou 75 fury instantly so if you can't kill them during the dive after your ult runs out, you can either heal, or use zhonyas to buy more time. I think he's more about stalling for time if anything
  • 404
    Order of the Lotus Karma
    New Karma skin

    New Viktor splash

    There's also some other new stuff about Soraka reword I think and other cool stuff
  • 1,405
    So i tried the new game mode.


    It's pretty much dominion with a few changes that makes champs like Kat (which you will see every game of this game mdoe) broken.
  • 9,535
    • Age 29
    • Seen May 11, 2023
    So i tried the new game mode.


    It's pretty much dominion with a few changes that makes champs like Kat (which you will see every game of this game mdoe) broken.
    Oh wow, really? I found it incredibly fun! It's so fast paced and intense with people dying all over the place and it's a really nice change from the standard slow SR games. I must admit it seems to drag on a tad too long, a game mode focussed on being so fast paced shouldn't last for nearly as long as these games seem to, but on the whole I'm really enjoying it. Not sure how much I'll be playing it due to time constraints but I'm having a lot of fun testing which champs shine out. So far I've found that Akali and Katarina are instaban worthy, Udyr is a huuuuge pain to kill, Volibear is fun as heck to play, and Jayce is surprisingly OP - still a lot left to test though!

    Which champs have you guys been trying out and do you like the new game mode?
  • 1,405
    Oh wow, really? I found it incredibly fun! It's so fast paced and intense with people dying all over the place and it's a really nice change from the standard slow SR games.
    You mean just like normal Dominion?

    I must admit it seems to drag on a tad too long, a game mode focussed on being so fast paced shouldn't last for nearly as long as these games seem to, but on the whole I'm really enjoying it. Not sure how much I'll be playing it due to time constraints but I'm having a lot of fun testing which champs shine out. So far I've found that Akali and Katarina are instaban worthy, Udyr is a huuuuge pain to kill, Volibear is fun as heck to play, and Jayce is surprisingly OP - still a lot left to test though!

    Which champs have you guys been trying out and do you like the new game mode?

    I don't like the game mode at all. If somebody picks Teemo, Akali, Nidalee, Katarina, Kennen, Fiddlestick, Heimer, Yasuo or Yi and is even decently good at them, it's instawin for them. The major problem of this gamemode is that it's impossible to stop champions from being absurdly strong because everybody is always at the same level and has the same amount of gold as everybody else. The only way you have a chance against teamfight or hyper carry champions is too pick them yourself, then pray to good your team knows how to play them better than the enemy team. If the said hyper carry/teamfight champion asecends and the enemy team knows teamwork, it's again an instawin.

    Also early Xerath rush = free win
    Not only is he super easy to kill early on(you can kill with only 2 champions so just kill it while enemy team is fighting the rest of your team), he gives you more than 100 AD and AP, reduces your cooldowns by 35% and your spells cost nothing. That's a HUGE advantage especially since other people have only 2 items at start. If a champion like Poppy that is usually gated by high mana costs and weak stats without items ascends really early, then it's GG.

    Can't wait for the Nid nerfs next patch though, can't wait to not walk into lane, be hit by 1 spear then be one shotted by her cougar Q after she pounces on me.
  • 9,535
    • Age 29
    • Seen May 11, 2023
    Can't wait for the Nid nerfs next patch though, can't wait to not walk into lane, be hit by 1 spear then be one shotted by her cougar Q after she pounces on me.
    Oh god tell me about it. I mained top lane for the longest time but in the recent meta it's just been so frustrating to play, champions like Gragas, Nidalee and Maokai have been taking over with such little chance for counterplay and such effortless lane dominance, it's really made top lane a rock-paper-scissors kind of game. Gragas and Maokai have already been hit nicely (and the latter is being hit even more), so it's about time Nidalee had the same fate.
  • 1,405
    or you could do what I do and just use stealth to sneak objectives.
    Twitch on enemy team tried to do that last game. Sadly 3 points for each rune did not give his team enough points to beat our 4 points every teamfight, possibly more if the ascended got kills, and 5 points everytime we killed Xerath. Also it's really easy to just fight around a point so he can't sneak take it.
    Oh god tell me about it. I mained top lane for the longest time but in the recent meta it's just been so frustrating to play, champions like Gragas, Nidalee and Maokai have been taking over with such little chance for counterplay and such effortless lane dominance, it's really made top lane a rock-paper-scissors kind of game. Gragas and Maokai have already been hit nicely (and the latter is being hit even more), so it's about time Nidalee had the same fate.
    The problem with Nidalee is that while Gragas and Maokai have atleast a small amount of counterplay (Gragas skills can be dodged, Maokai can mana starve), Nidalee just needs to be level 2, hit a spammable spear and then proceed to gapclose and kill you, with her low cd gapcloser, tankiness and damge there is nothing you can do. Not to mention she has a pretty good heal in her kit, so don't bother trading with her, and she has 0 mana issues at all.


    [font=Cambria]Hidden From Mind[/font]
  • 1,080
    I've found that Riven is actually really good for this gamemode. If she gets ascended, then well.... uhhh.. you can try to kill her, I guess. She'll just rqaawaaqaaqaaeaar you're whole team at once and kinda get a penta. Rengar is decent, due to his stupidly strong heal and insane q. His bolas get pretty crazy too. If you thought that instagib Rango on SR was stupid, in this, oh my god..... If you get caught ought alone by him when he's ascended, you lose. If the ascended gets caught ought by him, Xerath is respwaning. He can sneak around the map and kill everything and take all the objectives. He's just a really good champ to use. Those are the main two I've been using.

    I've found that Aatrox is a very dominate top laner. Went against a Teemo, only lost because he got ganks and I didn't. Even then, I pushed him to inhibitor, but he did the same to me. All in laning phase. Then I started roaming, ended up doing pretty well, but still lost game because one Aatrox can only carry bad teams so much -.- Honestly, I love playing with people I can communicate with, like over skype, because it just makes the game so much easier to play. Communication, Teamwork, Pings, and Wards. They win games.

    I still don't see how people can actually try as hard as they can, and still get into b5. How do you do that bad when actually playing? I should be in gold, but I can't carry bad teams. Same with my friend, we're both gold level players, but we can't carry silvers hard enough. I'm in s5 because of it, on the verge of going into b1. I need to play with someone to help me get back up into s3 and s2 where people aren't as bad, and I don't have to carry as much. Honestly, I go negative almost every game, but I take the dragons, turrets, barons, etc. etc. I end with most farm, highest level, most kills, but most deaths. I have to gank 24/7 to make sure lanes don't lose. I can't do enough to carry these teams.

    I was in a game not too long ago, and in chat someone said "I hate Rengar mains." and I simply had to reply with "And we hate you over arrogant, insolent, dick-weed adc mains. Get off your lazy ass and win lane by yourself. Don't blame me if you lose lane. I can't carry your ass to a victory with Rengar. I ain't no hyper carry. You have to carry yourself. You adcs say "ADC IS SO HARD. YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW.", junglers know. We play the hardest role. ADC isn't that hard. Mechanically it's pretty hard, but the rest is common knowledge. Jungling however, you have some champions that are super easy hyper carries, some that are instagib lane dominaters, and some that simply tank all the damage for you. Some junglers are hard to play, some are easy. Let me ask you a question about jungling, see if you can answer correctly: What camps do you smite, and which do you not smite?"
    Of course, that was all split up into a bunch of littler message, because character limit, but he answered me with: "Whenever you can. Smite to kill all the big monsters in camps. Everyone knows that."
    Me: "Every coherent jungler knows that you only smite Blue, Wight, and Red. Never smite wolves, not worth the 40 seconds. Same with wraiths. And golems."
    ADC: "Jungling isn't hard. You don't have another champion to lane against."
    Me: "Nope. I go against everyone at once."
    ADC: "Why do junglers always miss smites? You all suck."
    Me: "**** happens bruh, people miss smites. It happens. You know, if we are trying to take baron, and the enemies come up, and their jungler is a higher level than me, his smite does more than mine."
    ADC: "If I lose lane, it's junglers fault. Not enough ganks."
    Me: "Look man, I'll gank for you, but you shouldn't need my ganks to win lane."
    ADC: "If they get ganks and we don't then...."
    Me: "They don't need them either, they just get them because their pussies."
    ADC: "You're using one of the easiest champs in game. You can't say **** about adcs."
    ADC: "QWE Dead."
    Me: "lolnope"
    ADC: "Yes it is. That's how you kill someone with him."
    Me: "lolnope."
    "More like RQ(Emp)WTiamatEQQ(Emp)"
    ADC: "What the **** does that even mean."
    Me: "I quit."

    Later that game.....
    *KItty kat is bush, awaiting a victim, while ganking for dick head adc"
    *Rengar leaps enemy from bush. Gets kill"
    ADC: "Why did you waste ult on that?"
    Me: "I didn't?"
    ADC: "Yes you did, you leaped them."
    Me: "Why do I gank for you in the first place?"
    ADC: "Because it's your job."
    Me: "Look at mid, been ganked by enemies by 6 times now, and STILL winning lane. Why can't you do that?"
    ADC: "Because I'm ranged."
    Me: "Right, because Malz isn't ranged."
    ADC: "He's melee."
    Me: "I'm done."

    I just ignored him the rest of game after that. That was ****ing stupid. We lost. I went 19/4/12. Full build. Took like 5 turrets that game. 4 dragons with team, 3 solo. I hate teammates. So much.
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