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    • X
      Xyifer replied to the thread FireRed hack: Red & Blue G1S.
      I've just updated the V7 testing patches. If you want to continue using V7 early, the new patches should only improve things!
    • X
      Xyifer replied to the thread FireRed hack: Red & Blue G1S.
      Oh, I understand now! In the vanilla game, the graphics for the arrow extend to the end of the screen and sort of fade out. I modified...
    • X
      Xyifer replied to the thread FireRed hack: Red & Blue G1S.
      Thank you for the report! I'll have to go frame by frame and see what the issue is, I haven't personally noticed that when playing.
    • X
      Xyifer replied to the thread FireRed hack: Red & Blue G1S.
      With V6 now out, I will take a short break from adding new features until I can catch up on the chores I put off. I will still be making...
    • X
      Xyifer replied to the thread FireRed hack: Red & Blue G1S.
      Physical/Special split started with Diamond and Pearl, the stated goal of this project is to replicate Red and Blue.
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