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Pokémon Odyssey: A New Beginning [T] [Best Veteran 4Q '12]

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The Swift was exhausted. The battle had drained all of his strength. He flew over to the gathering and landed in front of Vigil. "Sir, allow me to formally introduce myself. I'm Jirmonji Slynt. My title is The Swift. I've been a member of the Gold Tribe for six years along with my brother. He was a loyal member as well...before Gold City." He shuddered at the memory of his brother dying. "I deserted...I ****ing deserted!" He shouted an punched a nearby building. "I left for years, but I came back once I was strong enough, and I would be honored if you would accept me back into service. I'm not very powerful, but I'm the fastest there is. I would serve loyally and effectively...If you would have me." He got on a knee and crossed his chest with his claw. "I am the Gold Tribe's." That was corny. I could've just asked him then and there. Now I look weak! The Swift was a little angry at that moment. He was angry, humiliated, and injured.
Genevieve L'esprit

The mighty roar of Sovereign charging into battle was a wondrous noise. He truly was a tool of destruction and his sandstorm was evidence of that. Genevieve hesitated and watched behind the ranks of ancients as they all charged into battle, they were following her orders to the letter. A craftsman was only as skilled as the tools at his disposal, but a craftsman also had to know each one's proper use. The Ancients, they served as an effective multitool, flexible, changing to the needs of its wielder. Creatures like Sovereign, they served a more singular purpose, like a hammer. When things needed to be beat into submission, he was probably the most effective tool for the job. He was indeed a very good hammer.

The sandstorm whirled, its composition viscous and suffocating over the enemy. The panic of the enemy was wholly evident, this was their pay for daring to challenge those who have the right to rule. Just as the Caterpie runs in fear from the Pidegeotto, so too would their enemies. "Scatter, little creatures," Genevieve whispered to herself quietly. The Ancients flanked the Gold Tribe as instructed, her plan so far coming to fruition. This needed to be a quick battle, it had to. They had orders to get back and she had no intention of making Auron angry by their tardiness.

Slowly she followed behind Sovereign, her pace like that of an evening stroll among the fields. The Alpha Alliance began to run for the tree line after their bluff being called. Such is the downfall of incompetent beings and their pathetic hubris. Oh how Genevieve longed for a challenge. Did she really have to go in search of one herself? Surely these so-called "liberators" or whatever name they were going by these days, terrorists, rebels, anarchists, radicals, could have come up with something a little more inventive. Because history has shown that fighting people fair would always change things. No, if you wanted change, real change, you had to fight dirty. You had to roll in the same mud and fight in the same quagmire as those you are trying to overthrow. That was the problem with these Pokemon, they were too clean. They refused to commit actions that are necessary to prevail. Had she really been like them before? It seemed so long ago now. Integrity, nobility, and self-sacrifice. These words she used to know so well, now they didn't even compute properly in her head.

She would never lay down her life for Sovereign, or any of these other Sentinels really. In return, they probably wouldn't do the same for her either. Nobody would shed tears at her death, in fact, most Pokemon would probably be relieved. Was it always this way? It was hard to remember. It was probably for the best. Were she to be captured or defeated, unless Auron had other uses for her, she would be cast to the Mightyenas, probably never to be heard from again. But this is what gave the Silver Tribe strength. Just like a statue of iron and clay is weakened by the mixture, rather than iron alone. So too is a ruling body when it succumbs to the whims and whines of its populace.

A Hitmonchan leapt in front of her path, his fists flying so quickly that they seemed like a blur to the naked eye. His obvious goal was to scare her and catch her defenses off guard. Genevieve lifted her arm and caught him with her psychic grip, when would these fighting type Pokemon learn?

"If you so desire the shelter of trees, let me help you." With a flick of her wrist, the Hitmonchan went flying, his body flipping and rolling over on itself midair. His body hit with an audible thump as he reached the thick wood of a large tree, a branch skewering him and causing death instantly. Her satisfaction was short lived however. Cursing her feeble body, she fell to the ground in pain. The wounds she suffered from earlier in the day continued to take its toll. As much as it pained her, she forced herself to her feet. Laying prone on the ground in the middle of battle was a death wish.

With a monumental effort, she dragged her weak form to the outskirts of battle. She could see the skirmish in its entirety from here, a spectator with front row seats. As much as she would have loved to join her comrades in the reprimand of the peasants, limitations had to be respected. That obnoxious Sawk's close combat technique must have been a critical hit without her realizing it. No matter, a days rest and the attention of the best healers in Silver City, she would be right as rain. This one, however, would require her sitting out.​
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Sovereign & Vera

As Sovereign charged into battle, the earth began to shake. Each step seemed to intensify the effect. He trampled straight through the first few enemies, then let forth the full force of his Earthquake! Almost simultaneously, a voice could be heard on the other side of the Army yelling, "Blast Burn!!!" A massive storm of flames erupted from all around Vera, who had slipped into the enemy force's ranks. An easy feat since no one expected a Blaziken to be working with the Silver Tribe. Sometimes it paid not to be a Sentinel.

"Show me what you got! I don't want to get bored now!" Sovereign yelled. He liked one on one fights with powerful opponents, but this was just as fun. He started ripping apart anyone he could get his hands on, using his mighty jaws to finish them off.

Once Vera had recovered from her Blast Burn, she spoke. "Who amongst you will fight me? These small fry are clearly no match, and it has been too long since I had a real challenge."

Zane noticed Defender head off into the city somewhere. He debated if he should go after him, and ultimately concluded that it was best if he just let him be for now. The Golduck had been through a lot. The Swift stepped forward and formally introduced himself to the group.

"Sir, allow me to formally introduce myself. I'm Jirmonji Slynt. My title is The Swift. I've been a member of the Gold Tribe for six years along with my brother. He was a loyal member as well...before Gold City."

Apparently, the Swift claimed he 'deserted', most likely referring to Gold City. But if he did, then that meant everyone in the Gold Tribe who retreated that day did. Zane didn't buy that. The city had fallen by then, and Rey gave the order to retreat. It was necessary, for the few to live to fight another day, instead of pointlessly tossing away their lives.

Zane recalled reading about similar events in the Gold Tribe's past. About 100 years ago, when the sadistic organization known as the Order of Neoverse was invading Valkaria, then-leader "Kaiser" Kent Reed was also forced to retreat on multiple occasions before they finally were able to claim a victory. They had to lose first to begin winning. It was a similar situation with them. The Silver Tribe came and took city after city. Hundreds of his brothers and sisters perished in their defense, but the few who retreated were able to make this counterattack, and now the Gold Tribe had two crucial victories under their belt.

"Swift, you always were, and will always be a member of the Gold Tribe, and my brother. But do not worry about your so-called desertion. We will take back Gold City one day, for those we lost, and for those still standing. This I swear, to all of you."

It may not have meant much other than words, but this was the very first time that Zane actually said with assurance that they would succeed. Whether it would turn out to be true remained to be seen, but with another victory under their belt, Zane grew ever more confident. It could be done.


Zane spent the remainder of the day resting and recovering any wounds he had in the battle before. He spoke with the Generals about the Gold Tribe's intent on going into the Golden Catacombs in three days. Though they were puzzled by the request, they agreed, and the date had been set. Night came quickly, and Zane turned in early, knowing himself and the others needed, and probably wanted, a good rest. But unfortunately for Zane, he wouldn't have one.

Zane couldn't tell at which point in the night that it had started to occur, but eventually, Zane found himself in an intense and vivid dream. He was in a room, it was almost familiar to him, as if he had been there before. Many different Pokemon were in this room, though two in the middle, a bit further from everyone else, were the ones that caught Zane's eye. A Zangoose, and a Snorlax. Zane was certain the Zangoose was the same one he had seen in previous dreams, the Gold Tribe leader from 100 years ago, "Kaiser" Kent Reed.

"Give it to me straight, General. I've heard all kinds of rumors of possible attacks by the Order. Are they true? What are we dealing with?" Kent asked the Snorlax, apparently the General at the time. Zane had trouble remembering his name at the moment.

"Do you remember Albia?' The General asked Kent, which was responded in a nod. "The force that will attack Eternity City is twice that size. They will be here by the end of the week."

Even in this dream, Zane felt his stomach churn. He couldn't even understand the size and scope, but even then, it felt as if he was about to participate in the battle himself, and knew the force he was facing. The Zangoose Kent went to go prepare form the battle, and just like that, the dream stopped.

Zane awoke. It was still dark out, with the break of dawn most likely not on the way for another hour or so, yet after such a vivid dream as this, he couldn't have any sleep. He strode off into the city, many Pokemon still asleep, so it was quite quiet. If one did not look at the damage that was in parts of the city, one could never tell that there was a great battle here just yesterday. In this peaceful setting, Zane tried to make sense of the dream. It seemed like more than a dream, though. It was so vivid. Zane had been experience these since a little after they had established Liberty Town. But this one in particular, as he woke up and reflected on it, he knew from his studies that this was something that had actually happened. It was like a memory. Though this particular event may not have been recorded in the history books, Zane could tell when and where it was. It was 100 years ago, in Eternity City, just on the eve of battle against the Order of Neoverse.

Zane continued thinking about the dream for the rest of the day. The others in the Gold Tribe did duties around Albia, helping in any way they could, while others continued to rest and recover from their injuries. Zane kept his distance from the others for the most part, though he did continue to notice Noctus lingering around. Zane thought for sure by now he would have left, but here he remained.

As night came, Zane lay awake, wondering if he would have another dream like that. But wrapped up in these thoughts, he didn't noticed that he had fallen asleep. Again in the midst of the night, visions passed through his mind. The setting was in a battle, so vivid and intense that Zane felt as thought he could feel the flames and attacks that came from Pokemon nearby. Zane noticed to his left as two Gold Tribe members, the Zangoose Kaiser, and another Pokemon, an Empoleon. The two engaged with another Pokemon, a large Garchomp. Zane didn't have to guess who the Pokemon was. He had seen his picture, his distinct sadistic smile in countless history books. It was Galleon the Garchomp, the most feared General in the Order of Neoverse. At least, that was the official story...the Gold Tribe discovered later that there was much more to it.

The two seemed to be holding off the Garchomp, but only barely. Zane saw the Kaiser block an incoming Hyper Beam from the Garchomp by forming the Reed famous Thunder wall, where a bolt of Thunder shot down in between the user and an attack, acting as a defense. Zane had seen the attack done countless times by Rey and his daughter, Guardia. It was the family's famous trademark ability, one that had begun even long before Kaiser. Two continued to engage, the Empoleon Gold Tribe member managing to hit Galleon directly on the chest with an ice beam, propelling him back a distance, enough for the two to catch their breath. Galleon was nowhere to be seen, and the pair of Gold Tribe members began to engage with Order of Neoverse Pokemon instead. But Zane noticed something in the corner of his eye, Galleon walking off from the current battle to the direction of the Capital Building in the center of Eternity City. Zane attempted to signal someone about it, before remembering that this was a dream, and nothing he could say about it. If this truly was something that happened in history and not just a dream, then nobody did stop Galleon that day, and whatever reason he had gone to that location, he had most likely succeeded...

Again, Zane had awoken. The sky was bright, though, so he must have slept for quite some time. Activity around Albia was increased, with many Pokemon beginning in the rebuilding, while many also were still recovering from the battle. As Zane walked through the city, he continued to think about the dreams, as if they were a sequence of events. It almost felt like they were telling him something. Something important. But Zane had to continue the story. Night came all too quickly for the Bisharp lost in his own thoughts.

A battle entangled in cavern of all places, yet inside these caverns was city all on its own. The site below Cape City was familiar to Zane. Here, he saw as armies clashed with one another, but an even more impressive fight occurred between a Roserade, one Zane saw in his dreams maybe a week ago, the one who spoke of the Gold Tribe as tools, a Luxray, also of the Gold Tribe, and General Galleon. This was the supposed battle where 'General Galleon' had fallen, and was believed to be killed. As the Roserade and Luxray struck him down, he fell to the infinite caverns below, his screams filling the air. The two rejoiced for brief moments before having to return to the fighting. Zane felt something wrong with his body, unable to control it, as he was suddenly thrust down the same way Galleon had just fallen. Zane struggled to move, but nothing happened. He tried to scream, but no voice came out of his mouth. And then, Zane felt himself on solid ground, touching down softly and without any injury. Zane spotted Galleon casually walking across the bottom of the caverns, clearly a set destination in mind for him. Zane followed him through every corridor, every path, until they came upon a clearing. A bright room, unlike any of the others in the dark caves. The source of the brightness came from an object in the center of the room. Zane couldn't tell from this distance what it was, but even as he got closer, the intense light caused him to be unable to make it out.

Galleon walked towards the object, every step he took made Zane feel like he was doing something terrible. Yet Zane, in this state, could do nothing to stop it. Eventually, Galleon grabbed hold of the object, and held it up. Zane tried to get closer, and see what it was, yet some sort of invisible force seemed to keep him a certain distance away. Galleon turned his body, covering Zane's view from that angle. He tried to get around, just to get a glimpse, one glimpse at what he was holding. He just wanted to see it. See what all of this was about. Just a single...

Zane awoke once more, this time sweating and panting. He stayed in his tent, thinking about the entire situation over and over in his mind. He didn't want to go out at all. He couldn't understand why. It just seemed like all of this could leave his mind at any moment if he chose to leave. He waited in there, as the hours passed. At one point, the light of the sun shone in his eyes, and he mistook it for the gleam of the object from his dream. Zane shot up and went out his tent to see the sun instead. Zane covered his eyes with his hands, and retreated back into his tent. He sat on the floor, and simply wish for time to go by faster now. This sequence of...dreams, or whatever they were, they were telling him something, and Zane had to figure out what it was. He had to finish the story.

Night came, but Zane couldn't bring himself to sleep for the longest time. He simply lay in bed, tossing and turning, trying to make himself go to sleep. Eventually, sleep came without him realizing, and soon after, another dream began to materialize. This time, Zane recognized the site immediately. He was in Eternity City again. A group of Pokemon, Gold Tribe symbols on their bodies went into the Capital Building. There, they were to face the Emperor of the Order of Neoverse, a final battle to determine the fate of the Alpha Alliance. The history books told of the identity of the Emperor, but none knew at the time. As Zane went through the building with the others, he saw him, Emperor Galleon, who masqueraded as one of his own Generals. He saw the shock on the faces of the others as they realized this as well. The Luxray, who fought Galleon in the caverns, voiced his disbelief.

"Ah...yes...I remember you. You were quite powerful before. You and Alex. Quite a tag team. But, I was just toying with you, like I toy with all of my meat. In truth, I allowed you to beat me, and therefore, harm me. Of course I had to make it look real. I was after something else. First, there was that time in this city, when we first fought. I allowed myself to be propelled by your ice attack, Tidechanger, and in turn, acquire this." He said, holding up...something. Zane couldn't see what it was because of the incredible light it was producing at him specifically. None of the others in the room were affected by, or probably even aware of the light's presence. Galleon continued.

Then in Cape, after I "fell" down the caverns, I was able to take this." He held up another object, similar to the first, and to Zane, similar in the bright light it produce, except the color was a bit different, this second one being a bit brighter to Zane. "What they do together, well, that's none of your concern, gentlemen and ladies. What is your concern is-"

But before Galleon could go on, the fight had begun. Zane watched, feeling powerless as his brothers and sisters of the past fought against the beast. Even though this was supposedly an event that had already happened, Zane still felt uncomfortable not being able to do anything in a battle. Countless Gold Tribe members fell before the Emperor's might, including the Empoleon who battled him in an earlier dream. But eventually, the Emperor had fallen after much fighting. The surviving Gold Tribe members tiredly savored their victory. They gave their congratulations to each other, and began to slowly leave the building as time passed. But Zane noticed on the ashes of the Emperor the two objects still there. No one had picked them up. Zane tried to motioned to some of the Gold Tribe members who passed through the door.

Wait! He yelled at them, but none responded. You have to get those objects! That's what he was after! Wait! WAIT! The Gold Tribe left the building, with none grabbing them. There Zane stood alone in the Capital Building, none in there but the ashes of the Emperor and the object on the floor beside them. Slowly, Zane could feel himself fading away from the scene, as if the dream was ending. But that couldn't be it, could it? Whatever happened to those object? What were they? Why was Galleon after them? As Zane faded away from the scene, one of the two objects stopped shining as much, and Zane could see, for brief seconds, the outline of what it was, though it was becoming far too blurry to make it out. It was silver in color. But something was odd about it. It was as if this wasn't the first time he had seen it. No, he was certain he had seen it somewhere before. Not in these dreams...in the real world. He knew he had seen it, but where...?

Zane awoke once more. Sweat poured from his face. This was the third day, the day that they had agreed to go to the Golden Catacombs. Zane had told his brothers three days ago that those who wished to go with him voluntarily would meet with him in front of the Albian city gates. But he had not spoken to his brothers or sisters for the passed three days, much less interacted with them at all. He wondered if they even still remembered, or believed that they were still going on with the plan. For Zane, now more than ever, he knew he had to go. This feeling of being called to those Catacombs was the same one he felt when he was experiencing these intense visions. He was going, and he knew he needed his brothers and sisters with him.

Zane arrived at the gates of Albia. It was all still a mystery to him, but for the first time in a while, he felt he was finally going to get some answers. Whatever lay in the Golden Catacombs could very well be the most important discovery of this war. It could very well be the thing that ties all this together. The war, the betrayal, everything. The Secret of the Silver Tribe.
Ignus, The Prince of Light. Albia

Three days after the fall of Albia, Ignus stood outside the gates, ready to depart for the catacombs. Zane, who seemed to be in charge (for the most part) had suggested it, and most took to his idea quickly. The Zoroark didn't know if Zane knew it, but a lot of people here looked to him. It was actually quite humorous when others spoke with him, especially when "The Puppy" (Swift) apologized to him for deserting. Mainly Ignus had been lurking around, not really interacting much. He wanted to get a hold on the different pokemon here before he made a big impression. Although, this may have not been avoided, since most have been eyeing him suspiciously already.

Anyway, as previously stated, Ignus waited outside for Zane and the others to come. He was there very early, the sky still pitch black above him; the sun had not risen. Ignus always watched the sun rise, it was part of his customs. Strange, how someone as black as he could be the light of the world. (Or, at least he believes to be). He chuckled to himself, remembering how he thought the Way of Light was silly. But now it was him, and he was it. He was probably the last of his kind alive, as most of his fellow cults-men had perished in the betrayal of Auron.

As dawn approached, Ignus felt the sun start to rise. He had always been able to tell when the sun was rising, mainly because his parents beat it into his head by waking him up everyday at dawn when he was a child.

So...the Golden Catacombs? I'm surely going to miss the sunrise and sunset each day. But, I will be in the dark, where I can finally work without being noticed.

Ignus leaned against on of the walls as Zane walked through, the first person to join him. Ignus figured now was a good as a time as ever to be friendly.

"Hello Zane. I'm very excited to join you in the catacombs, and I hope we find what you are looking for." Ignus was careful the elecute his words carefully and precisely.

Ah crap. That just made me sound creepy. I should have just talked normally...
Jirmonji grinned. "Sir. Yes sir." The Bisharp was a natural leader. That's why he was in charge of everything. "I will do anything within my power to help restore the peace, and I will do everything that's not within my power anyways." Slynt was a Scizor of his word, so he would do almost anything to beat the Silver Tribe....I might die...but if we're to defeat them...I must die. The thought echoed throughout his head. I...I can't be afraid anymore...I can't fear death. I have to fight, and I have to die. I have to! Jirmonji decided then and there, death would scare him no longer. He had to fight. He had to do it for Rey, for Gold City, for his brothers...for his blood brother.


The next three days were a blur for him. The Swift spent most of the first day learning the stranger brothers' names. The Salamance, Bloodthirster, seemed like a fearful adversary, Defender seemed to be feeling better, Healer seemed friendly. The entire group seemed to be nice, if not weary. He had spent the first have of the second day recovering from the normally-deadly wounds that he recieved from the tower collapsing on him. His leg had major fracture, but Healer fixed it to where it would heal faster. He spent the second half sleeping. On the third day, he just wandered around the battlefield, looking at the damage. The next morning, Jirmonji met the rest of the group outside the gates.​
Penance 'Defender' Malum​

Penance stared up at the sky once more as light poured into the city. He hadn't really tried to find shelter in the city. He wasn't one for turning out someone for a spot in a bed, instead he found a place near the walls to sleep. He wouldn't have minded sleeping in the city but... his so called 'brothers' were sleeping there. Brothers... yeah right. Brothers who didn't mind lying to one's face! If he considered anything as the worst act a pokemon could commit, it would be lying. Lying twisted one's reality, made one feel betrayed, and even made good pokemon go bad within minutes. The need to lie was so great in all mortals that once one pokemon lied it was just bad practice to go to them for advice ever again. Guardia... Vigil... Sword and Shield... Hoodhide... Bloodthirster... Wildfire... Speculum... Dryad... even Noctus. All of them were cold blooded liars!

The more he through about them during the three days the more angry he got. He didn't want to really talk to any of them, instead opting to head out to the graves he had dug out and sitting down there. Even though Calamity had also been a liar... he still saved his life back there with Ignitus, so he could consider the Absol to have paid for his lies, and Dark Lightning hadn't lied to him at all! He would only go to the city to eat his fill and then just stay away from the others. He didn't talk to them, acknowledge them, or any of the other sort. The only ones he would speak to were those that had just met up with them. That Scizor, the Zoroark, and the Chansey. Other than that he was cold to the others.

Once more he got up and stretched and made his way this time to the gates of the city. He nodded toward the Zoroark and Scizor, and ignored Vigil as he stood against the gates and crossed his arms as he awaited the others to arrive.

Vera Fayos vs. Kivir Sveenis

"Keep using the same tactics!" Kivir shouted to the others among the trees, as they went out for another round of hit and run attacks on the Ancients. They were doing relatively well at the moment, but as the Sentinels began to get entangled in the fight, Kivir found it much more difficult to continue to target them in the same way. He knew their strength, and he knew only with the Gold Tribe could they bring them down. Unfortunately, none were around to lend a hand. The other Pokemon were depending on him to show leadership and bravery. He had to put on a strong face for them.

A certain Blaziken among the Silver Tribe caught his eye. He wasn't familiar with a Blaziken among the Sentinels, but he also knew that only Ancients followed the Silver Tribe, right? Kivir deduced that this was either a freelancer, or another Sentinel. Either way, he decided to make his move against her. Popping out among the trees suddenly, Kivir jumped high into the air, and positioned himself to try and land a Sky Uppercut right on the Blaziken.

Almost as soon as her challenge was issued, a Breloom swept in to strike Vera. She quickly took her fighting pose, the very same one she had been taught to use by her family, a fighting style which would likely die with her. She just barely managed to catch the blow with her left hand. "Finally." Vera was quite intrigued by what she saw, for this Breloom seemed to be as tall as she was!

"Blaze," said Vera as her right leg burst into flames. She swung it around to strike the Breloom while she still had hold of him. "KICK!" The sandstorm was harsh, but would not last forever. She knew she would need to take advantage of it while she could.

Kivir could do nothing to escape the Blaze Kick attack as the Blaziken firmly held his leg. He had not choice by to take the attack. However, Kivir, being the strategist he was, decided that if he was to take some damage, he would make sure the opponent also took some. As the kick hit him, Kivir extended back his arm and struck with a Brick Break at the Blaziken. Kivir was at a disadvantage in type, so he had to be careful about how much damage he was willing to allow himself to take.

Kivir moved with the flow of the kick struck upon him. He was sent back a meter, but recovered and maintained his distance as he eyed the Blaziken. He decided to try another tactic, attacking from a range, as he launched a Spore on the opponent.

The whipping sandstorm made it difficult to spot the spores, and Vera did not notice until it was too late. She managed to cover her mouth before the full effect could take hold, but her head began to feel woozy. She needed to wear out the effect somehow. "Hmph. That's an awfully cheap trick. Did you learn that from the Gold Tribe or are you just a coward?" A loaded question, and hopefully one that would buy some time. "The Alpha Alliance is a failure you know. They couldn't protect me and they certainly couldn't protect Albia."

Kivir maintained his distance for now, unsure if the spores were able to take affect on the Blaziken from the through the sandstorm. Judging by her ability to still speak, he assumed that they did not, and therefore decided to keep his distance for now. He did, however, begin focusing his energy on his fist, prepared to engage the Blaziken when his attack was ready.

"I'm not with the Gold Tribe. I am an Alpha Alliance soldier, and from where I stand, it hasn't failed anything. We're going to rebuild the damage you Silver Tribe had done."

"Hypocrites! Every last one of you! If you want to take a city you don't leave part of your army behind. You bring all the force you can muster to completely crush the opponent. Instead, you were here while innocent bystanders lost their homes, or possibly their lives!" She had lost her cool, and she realized it. "I gave the order you know. And I'd do it again. Your kind couldn't stop me from becoming what I am now. I will end this with a single strike."

Vera's entire body burst into flames, a frightful image in it's own right. When the flames cleared she was wearing a brilliant suit of glass armor, created form the combination of Sovereign's sand and Vera's flame. She held out her right hand, generating a long, slim flame. She then grasped hold of a long curved blade, also made of glass. Streams of air flowed from the tips of her body and the end of her blade as she took her stance. She whispered under her breath, "Brave Bird."

Taken aback by this sudden transformation, Kivir did not immediately know how to respond. He held up his arms in preparation of what he thought would come at him, but what he expected was way off on what actually hit him. Kivir prepped his own attack, a Focus Punch he was preparing while he waited for Vera in the Sandstorm. The attacks clashed.

Vera's blade cut deep into the Breloom as he struck Vera with a mighty punch. The combined force of her attack and the punch caused her armor to shatter. She hoped it had been enough because she really didn't have much more. The sandstorm began to dissipate at last, taking with it Vera's weapon. "You're not the only one with resolve you know." Vera spoke somberly as she watched the Breloom. "I do not do this for Auron. My friend needs me. He will destroy himself if I can't save him. Please know that what I do is not personal, despite what I said. Before you die, tell me, what is your name?"

Kivir's Focus Punch had connected, but worse, the puncture of her weapon has pierced through him. He could feel the sting of the blade in his stomach, most likely hitting something vital. His hands trembled. His vision began to blur. He had been in focus long enough to hear the Blaziken's question. But he didn't feel he wanted to provide an answer, so as not to satisfy him. He knew from the start that putting together this group of people may very well be the death of him. It was for the greater good, and now it seems the greater good was calling for him. Struggling, Kivir extended his arm back, and then attempted to hit her with one last Brick Break.

Vera blocked the blow with her arm, but it still hurt. Ones last stand is often the most dangerous. "How unfortunate," she said before finishing him off with one more slash, this time with her own claws. "I hope you find more peace than I have. I am sure to burn for the things I've done."

Vera looked around to see Sovereign had made quite a mess. She couldn't quite see him during the fight. She would need to get near him now before someone else decides they want to fight.

Kivir struggled on the floor, his stomach bleeding out onto the grass plains next to the forest. He struggled to pick himself up, but no such strength resided in his body anymore. All he could do was watch in his final moments as the Sentinels tore his force apart. A sudden explosion of flames erupted from the center of the battlefield, as Kivir witnessed The Inferno demolishing the soldiers with his flames. If they cried out in pain, Kivir couldn't tell in his state, all sound seeming to bounce off of him. Thoughts ran through his mind. His final thoughts. He knew when he came up with this plan that he was most likely going on a one-way trip. The soldiers that followed him bravely volunteered to be apart of this so that the Alpha Alliance as a whole would get their chance. The few would be sacrificed, so that the many could continue to live on. And that made their sacrifice all the more acceptable, and necessary.


As Zane arrived in the location, he was a bit surprised to see someone there. He was usually one of the first to arrive, the only other person that ever came before him was Dark Lightning usually...

"Hello Zane. I'm very excited to join you in the catacombs, and I hope we find what you are looking for."

This time around, it was the newcomer to the group, Ignus, known by his title of the Prince of Light. It was a curious title, one he didn't know the exact reason for its conception. The Gold Tribe usually refer to each other by their titles. That was how they operated. Yet Ignus chose to use Zane's actual name instead. It was strange, but it gave Zane an excuse to refer to the newcomer by his real name as well, instead of by his long title every time.

"Thanks...Ignus." Zane said, feeling a bit awkward referring to a brother not by his title.

The Swift arrived soon after, followed by Defender. Zane noticed that Defender did not acknowledge him in the usual way. He assumed he was still upset at him for lying, and probably rightly so. Zane only hoped they could remedy the situation eventually. Perhaps after their trip into the Catacombs. The rest of the Gold Tribe arrived soon after, ready to go. Though missing from the group now was Noctus. Zane waited a few more minutes just to make sure, and then decided it was time to leave. Apparently, Noctus had decided that it was time to leave the group as well.

"Alright, looks like everyone is here. We'll be heading off now. Our destination is the Golden Catacombs. I can't tell you exactly what we'll find there, but I hope it'll be some answers. Maybe a way to beat this. Either way, be ready. The Catacombs are about a few hours walk to the north, so it shouldn't be too long. Let's move out."

With that, the Gold Tribe moved out.

Almost immediately after they began their walk, Guardia spoke.

"Hey, so, we don't really know the new guys too well." He said, motioning to the Swift, Ignus, and the Healer. "What do you say guys? Care to share a bit about yourselves?"


Silver City

The smoke from the devastation the Silver Tribe had caused could have been seen for miles. But eventually, as they got closer to their destination, the sight was no longer visible. But what did come into focus now was the familiar sight of Silver City.

This was once a place of indisputable beauty and creativity. It was said that when Gold City was created, it was blessed to be a place of peace and prosperity for all time. The once shining halls and streets were paved gold, they say. It was truly a place to behold, a place in which all Alpha Alliance citizens wanted to see at least once in their life.

Now, it is a shadow of it's former self. During the final battle between the Gold and Silver Tribes, many of the buildings and roads were destroyed, or very near to. The banners of gold that shone brightly in the sun were replaced with those of the Silver Tribe and the Ancients. The once bustling city streets filled with happy Pokemon going about their business were largely empty, except for the mass amounts of Ancients that patrolled the streets. Many of the Alpha Alliance citizens are now too afraid to leave their homes, scared that they will be attacked, or killed.

Right in the middle of the city was the Citadel, a building of immense size and beauty, once the home to the Gold Tribe members. Decorations were all around it, and people claimed it as the jewel of Gold City. The Citadel still stands where it once was, but it was largely damaged, and wasn't bothered to be repaired. Instead, it now serves as the "Palace" for the Silver Tribe.

The army of Ancients dispersed among several areas of the city and outside uniformly, as if orders were just placed upon them without a word being spoken. The Sentinels and Vera, however, continued on into the palace. Ancients gave a salute as they passed, recognizing their rank and importance. Doors were open to them at each next room, until they were in the room just outside of the throne room. This is were the Sentinels waited. All except Sentry, who had departed from the group earlier to go on ahead and 'see to things', as he put it.

Eventually, the throne room doors were opened, and the Sentinels proceeded inside. Scar saw three figures at the end of the room. One was Sentry, standing close to the throne. The other was a different Pokemon, one Scar didn't get a look out as they proceeded out of a different door to the side of the room. And of course, there sitting upon the throne of the world was Auron. Scar bowed before him before rising, and staring right at him. Auron did not return his stare, but instead seemed to gaze right past the group, as if his attention was set on something beyond them.

After a moment of silence, Auron spoke in a cold, low tone. "...Report." He said, awaiting for their responses. Scar instinctively look at Genevieve, Sovereign, and Vera, who were at the sight of the last battle, and therefore knew the most of the situation.
Genevieve L'esprit

The battle had concluded just as Genevieve predicted; it was a resounding victory for the Silver Tribe. The devastation was both widespread and jaw-dropping by the scope of its ferocity. Even though Genevieve had simply watched as a spectator, she felt fully invested and accomplished as the maestro of its composition. They didn't linger at the battle spot long, there was no need to bury the Ancients as the enemy has wallowed over their dead in the past. The Ancients were a tool, and nobody cried or buried a broken screwdriver.

Eventually they escaped from the wake of their own destruction, the lingering smoke began to subdue as they drew further and further away. Their sight no longer filled with empty plains and trees, but with the familiar sight of Silver City. Destruction was visible here too; leftover from the final battle with which the Silver Tribe wrestled victory from the Gold Tribe. Many of the streets were largely empty upon their approach. Genevieve had remembered a time when they were packed with others going about their business. It was less hectic this way, the civilians cowered in fear and secluded themselves like crazed hermits. What better way to die than by natural selection? The weak only serve to feed the strong. They had nothing to fear, they were merely serving their purpose.

The palace came upon them quicker than she had judged. She had been too busy surveying the surroundings. The Ancients saluted at their passing, almost robotic in manner towards their status. They ushered them forth, the great throne room doors opening to reveal the inner sanctum. Three Pokemon presented themselves in Genevieve's view, an unknown that quickly disappeared, Sentry and of course, Auron. A chill slithered its way up Genevieve's back, her natural defense to flinch was fought every step of the way. "You mustn't look weak," she chastised herself mentally. Auron had a permeating aura that Genevieve shuddered at. Few, if any, had ever had such an effect on her before.

His gaze seemed to not be looking at her, but through her. As if he was looking at something in the back of the throne room and ignoring them completely. She fought the urge to cast her sight upon that direction. She sensed nothing back there and she did not dream of breaking her reciprocal gaze. A hushed silence fell upon the group, the tension seemed to thicken and form a knot in Genevieve's gut.

"...Report," Auron uttered from his throne, his tone both frigid and low.

Scar turned to look at Genevieve, Sovereign and his little pet, Vera. Yes, of course he looked to them for their report. Genevieve swallowed hard and took a few elegant steps forward, her mannerisms betraying none of her inward personal conflict, almost as if nothing was discomforting her. They had obviously known the situation, it was their job to report. Her pain still lingered from the battles prior, regardless however, she curtsied and lowered herself as far as she could bear.

"My lord, Auron," She answered, her gaze trying to lock itself into his perceiving eyes. "I will not try to belittle your importance or your time by mincing words." She paused as she prepared to continue. "As regards to the battle of Albia, the city is lost and in the hands of the Alpha Alliance. Before our departure, we attempted to ravage the city and make them pay for their petulance. The city still stands, although they achieved their victory at great cost." Genevieve secretly hoped that the last bit of information would be enough to appease Auron as a result for the battle. "We were informed of a second assemblage of Alpha Alliance troops that supposedly had been laying in wait to ambush us. Upon our hearing this and with closer inspection, it was decided that this force was nothing but a ruse. Quickly, we engaged the enemy and with resounding success, achieved victory."

Genevieve prostrated herself again, her gaze breaking as she turned it to the floor. She had reported, a slightly hurried but accurate retelling of events. The pain in her side resonated within her body. Her stifled moan of agony continued to be trapped within her being. She had to wait for the others to report before any hope of medical attention could be had. Hopefully this wouldn't take too long.​
"Hey, so, we don't really know the new guys too well. What do you say guys? Care to share a bit about yourselves?" Guardia asked them.

This shocked Jirmonji. He was kinda hoping to find out about the other Gold Tribe members, but he was willing to share a few tidbits of his past with his brothers and sister. What should I start with? The Swift began to explain himself. "There isn't really that much to me, but I'll say what I need to say." He cleared his mind. It had been a daily activity since he left the Koral Mountains.

"I was a young Scyther long ago. It seems like millineas ago now, in all honesty. My parents abandoned me as a child because of a soothesayer's fortune, but my brother stuck around to prove them wrong, that I could amount to something. He was a member of the Gold Tribe long before I was. He would take me on some his missions that he really shouldn't have, but it made me stronger. We would travel throughout the Theive's Forest cutting down any sign of evil that we could for a long time. I eventually...changed when we took on a large party of the Theif Lord's men. I strengthened myself for a long time until my brother believed I was ready to join." He took a deep breath again, wracking his mind for any information that would be useful for his backstory. "I applied, and was accepted. Rey bestowed my pendant to seal the membership himself. I remember it as if it were only yesterday." Jirmonji thought of the light shining on his face as the Zangoose gave him the golden heart. "I served faithfully for one year....Then the Silver Tribe attacked Gold City." He shuddered at the memory of the screams, the blood, the death. "My brother and I fought, back to back, till the end, but he ended up dying. I was mortified, so I slaughtered his killers and ran off to the Koral Mountains. After years and years of training, I came to Albia. While I was there, I met Gallant." Slynt had basically caught up with the present. "I challenged Frost and that beast, Sovereign. You know the rest."
It hadn't taken long for Hanso's broken arm to be checked, treated, and splinted. It helped that he'd fallen unconscious sometime after the battle, so he hadn't registered all of the pain afterwards. Once Hanso was awake and the healers were done treating his arm, he was scolded for fighting with a broken arm. Then they told him that if he let his arm rest, with emphasis on "rest", then the splint could be taken off within the next three to seven days. They still emphasized letting it rest afterwards.

Fat chance of that.

Hanso was forced, partly by the healers and partly by his own exhaustion and pain, to eat and rest for the first day after the battle, though he wasn't at all excited. The next day, Hanso had awoken and left his resting place to walk around the city, attempting to help with several different ongoing projects. Much of what he was able to do, or allowed to do, was help carry things with his good right arm. Hanso found himself...lacking. He was part psychic, yet he didn't know much about moving objects with his mind.

Throughout the second day, Hanso entertained these and other thoughts. He hadn't bothered to shield his telepathic network the day before, until Genevieve had intruded. Sovereign had three different personalities or minds or somethings, one of which was more or less battle-mode; Hanso wondered if a powerful or skilled psychic could get into the Tyranitar's mind and keep that battle-mode from escaping. Having a broken arm showed Hanso that he was lacking in psychic powers, so he thought. He'd focused all along on physical prowess with his two arm-blades, with some evasion tactics thrown into the mix. Take away one or both blades, though, and Hanso found himself somewhat useless.

As Hanso sat and waited for the Chansey to finish checking his arm, the afternoon before the Gold Tribe was due to leave, he thought, I need to find a mentor. Who, though? "You have a fast recovery, Mr. Gold Tribe," the Chansey noted, replacing Hanso's splint. "Come back tomorrow morning, and I think we can take that off. Don't go off and rush it, though."

Hanso merely nodded. His question bugged him for the rest of that day and the next morning as he got the splint removed for good. His left arm was still fairly raw from the last few days, and the semicircles of teeth marks stood out as very pale scars on his forearm. Hanso thought that they might remain for the rest of his life. However short it might be... He was silent as he joined the rest of the Gold Tribe for the walk to the Golden Catacombs.

It wasn't long before Guardia spoke. "Hey, so, we don't really know the new guys too well." She said, motioning to the Swift, Ignus, and the Healer. "What do you say guys? Care to share a bit about yourselves?"

The Swift, a Scizor, was the first to speak. Hanso didn't pay much attention, his own thoughts drifting. He was hanging near the back of the group, and his eyes glanced over at Penance. He hadn't heard the Golduck say a single word since the battle, at least during the times that Hanso found the both of them eating in the same place at the same time. That hadn't been often. I don't blame him. The newcomers and Gallant are pretty much the only ones who weren't present during the lie. The question, on this subject, was whether Penance would ever trust any of them again.

Too early to say so right now, Hanso thought to himself, but I know for myself that I won't repeat that guilty silence.
Penance 'Defender' Malum​

As the others gathered around Penance kept his body language close to himself, he was just letting enough out to let them know that 'yeah, he was still pissed'. The only, mark, only one who had redeemed himself was actually TrueStriker. Sure, he had lied in the beginning, but he was also the one to actually correct his mistake and tell Penance just what had happened. He could tell the Gallade was at least still feeling guilty, but that was his right! He knew he did something wrong and made up for it! The others had no right to feel guilty at all! They not only lied but also had pride in that they did lie! As Guardia asked for the others to talk Penance just snorted. It was like her to get others to tell the truth, but not tell the truth herself. Penance glanced over at TrueStriker and moved over to walk next to him.

"I appreciate your honesty brother. It's something that others lack apparently, but I did notice during the battle that you left the telepathic network open, and you seemed distressed about it. If you want, I can teach you how to make it more secure and give you a surefire way to also detect whether or not your mind is being intruded by another psychic." He said with a friendly smile. "It's not hard, but it does require performing the exercise every day to get better at it. You up for it?"

During the whole time he had been talking Penance simply acted like TrueStriker was the only one there, well, besides the newcomers, but other than that Penance didn't react when the liars said something or did something else. He was just good enough talking to TrueStriker.
Last edited:
The Dark Unknowing...
A fire was burning, the only light on a moonless night. A father and his son sitting close by to escape the cold that the mountain air often brought. Sovereign stared up at the stars. He suddenly felt himself filled with an emotion he was not familiar with. He suddenly felt so insignifigant compared to the boundless heavens above. Erratt could tell his son was unnerved, and sought to give him comfort. "There's no need to fear them, my son. You will find that the gods are quite generous to those who follow tradition. You have been blessed with incredible power, but never forget where that power comes from. Our ancestors, the ancient dragons of legend, bestowed upon the ancient dragons of our world, a power which can rival the gods themselves. Never forget my son." As Sovereign turned his head to look up at Erratt, the image suddenly froze. A single moment in time, that Erratt wished would never have ended. As he looked upon this scene, he yearned for that innocent time to return. But, instead, he was trapped by the darkness, which plagued Sovereign's soul. "He's not progressing fast enough." Erratt was not speaking to anyone in particular, he just liked to think out loud sometimes.

"I think he's moving along quite nicely!" The horrid voice of Varren cut through the silence. "I honestly don't know why you feel the need to turn your own son into a monster. Do you honestly think that making him into a thing with no personality will free you from this place? If it were so easy I would have done that myself." Erratt was wary of Varren. He clearly had very sinister intentions. "Stay away from Sovereign, Varren. We don't need you filling his head with your crazy ideas." Varren smiled that terrible smile as he always did. "Just try and stop me. You may be stronger than me, but I've been here longer, and the darkness is my domain..." He said as he faded into the vast infinite void that was their prison. Erratt pondered a moment. "She's a problem" he said as he came to a memory of Sovereign and Vera fighting together on the battlefield. "She must be dealt with..."

Sovereign & Vera
"We lost Ignitus to the Gold Tribe, and Frost to her own selfish arrogance," Sovereign said in follow up to Genevieve's report. He had nothing else to say on the matter. He wanted nothing more than to get back out on the battlefield as soon as possible. He was not comfortable in the comfort of such a lavish building.

Vera could see that Genevieve was in a lot of pain. Though she tried to hold it in, it was pretty obvious. "In regards to the battle in Albia..." Vera then proceeded to give a very intricate, and detailed report on the exact details of the battle. She had had an exceptional vantage point during most of the battle. Almost as if to taunt Genevieve, she decided to end the report as such: "In regards to the battle on the way to Silver City, I killed the leader of the enemy force, a Breloom. That is all."
Silver City

After Genevieve and Sovereign had given their reports, Scar looked at Auron, awaiting his reaction. For a while, he did not speak. He found the silence unsettling. Scar was able to read others relatively well, but was never able to with Auron. He couldn't tell was he was thinking at the moment, wondering if he was contemplating what they had said, or perhaps forming some sort of plan, or perhaps a punishment for them, since they had technically failed in the defense of Albia, and lost two Sentinels in the process. Scar knew Auron was capable of many things, some he could understand and perceive, like using him immense strength to rip him in half, and others he could not, like what he had done to Ignitus in Albia. It was that which he knew not how Auron did it that was the more frightening.

In the silence, Scar's eyes wandered down to an object hanging around Auron's neck by a necklace. It was strange that, given the size of the object, Scar had not noticed it before. It was as if it was...invisible to him, or as if it was merely part of Auron's body. The strange thing was that Scar was beginning to try to identify what this object was, but he couldn't find the words for it. He knew what it was, it was obvious, but it was as if it was inexplicable. He couldn't understand. But the more he tried, the more his head began to hurt. Scar suddenly saw Auron no longer looking passed him, but rather right at him. The two Pokemon's eyes met, and in an instant, any discomfort Scar experienced was gone, and Scar completely forgot about whatever it was he was looking at.

"Scar..." Auron began. "You will take the Inferno, the Siren, the Crusher, and a regiment of Ancients and go to Eden Forest."

"May I ask, Lord Auron, what it is you want us to do there?" Scar asked normally, as if nothing had happened only a few moments earlier.

"...It is time for the thieves' end..." he said, and the Sentinels understood. Scar nodded eagerly with a smile. He had wanted to see the forest burned for a long time. Previous, smaller attempts had been fruitless, the thieves masterfully using the trees to escape their pursuers. This time, it seemed, Auron intended to use superior force to completely eradicate them.

"...Deluge...go to Cape City. You will receive the rest of your orders there..."

"By your will, Lord Auron." Deluge said with a deep bow.

"...Sentry...see to the task I assigned to you earlier..."

"As you command, Lord Auron." Sentry said with a bow as well.

"...You may depart." Auron concluded, no more was to be said among them. Such was the meetings between Auron and his Sentinels. He never spoke to them for very long, even to give out orders. As the Sentinels headed for the exit, Scar walked closer to Genevieve, Sovereign, and Vera. The Inferno walked slightly ahead of the others.

"I sort of expected him to acknowledge any of the past actions." Scar began to tell the others. "He didn't even mention Albia, or the other army we destroyed."

Scar looked up ahead to see the Inferno heading left deeper into the city instead of towards the barracks to gather up the armies for the invasion. "Hey, where do you think you are going?"

"To the infirmary." He called back.

"You injured?" Scar yelled back at him.

"No, but I'd rather you four be at your top shape. I don't want you slowing me down during the invasion."


Plains of Valkaria

The Swift spoke first, and Zane listened eagerly, learning of his brother's passed struggles within the Korhal Mountains and the Thieves Forest. He had a brother in the tribe as well, it appeared. Even though he was about the same age as Zane, he had been through a lot. The Healer spoke briefly about her early life in Eternity City, and her mother, and then her sending off to Gold City to be trained for the tribe.

"Well..." Gallant said, rubbing his chin as he thought back. "...a lot of you actually already know me. I was your teacher for a long time, after all. At least, for those of you who attended the Heroes Alliance School when you were training to be Gold Tribe members. I have to say, I'm pretty proud of myself for the way you all turned out. Imagine if you all would have been put under a different instructor...you'd all be dead by now for sure!"

Zane grinned. He was happy that, even in the midst of all of this, he at least had not changed much. He was still the same grumpy, tough Sawk, and the years have only made him tougher, and apparently grumpier. While he was happy to be conversing with the newer members of the group, he noticed Defender not wishing to talk to anyone else besides the newer members, except TrueStriker. He realized he may have still been quite upset because they lied to him. Zane understood why he was angry. It would be the natural way for a Pokemon to react. However, it was not quite the natural way for a member of the Gold Tribe to react. The Gold Tribe were taught early on in their training that the good of the entire Alpha Alliance came before the good of any one of them. This was a concept supposed to be embraced by the Gold Tribe. Defender was in a tough situation, and if Guardia had not lied to him, he would have gone back to that insane way he was before, and they needed his planning in the battle. The good of the many for the price of the well being of one. It should make sense. Yet in the Gold Tribe itself is an unwritten rule among each member. There is a reason, after all, that each of them refer to each other as brothers and sisters. It is supposed to be because, although not bonded by blood, they were bonded by something much deeper, a code that was as old as the Alpha Alliance itself. In this way, they truly were brothers and sisters. And in this way, he could see how Defender would be angry with them. It was a tough choice to pick, between the two paths. Guardia chose as any Gold Tribe member would. But she didn't choose as any sister would, and neither did the rest of them, except TrueStriker.

The others went around telling a few stories about themselves as well. Guardia spoke of her time with her father, Rey, and the tough training he put her through growing up. She also talked about her time in Eternity City as the rebel leader in their last battle there. Sword and Shield talked about his parents, who happened to be two renowned explorers before they became members of the Gold Tribe. Zane had no knowledge of that beforehand, although he was aware of them. Speculum talked a bit about his time in H.A.S. under Gallant with his brother Xavier. He mentioned how brutal a lot of Gallant's old exercises were. Zane didn't need to be reminded. He remembered all of the pain he went through. Bringing the things up again made the old Sawk grin even brighter, pleased that his wounds still resided in his students. Zane supposed this meant that he had succeeded in what he had intended to do. Though, in honesty, them being alive now was enough for that.

Others talked, while others stayed silent, but eventually, the group crept closer to their location. Zane didn't actually even think much about their destination because of the conversations, but as they began to get closer, all the memories and the dreams were rushing back. They were right next to the Korhal Mountains, the large mountainside extended as far as his eyes could carry them, and rising high into the clouds. Zane could hear rain and possibly snow on the top of the mountains, and recalled that one of their desired paths was to cross over there. Thankfully, they didn't have to cross there. It would have been brutal.

Directly in front of them was slowly coming into view a pair of large, old doors connected to the root of the mountains. They were still a bit distance away, and yet they were quite easily visible. This was due to the incredible size of the doors themselves, standing a good 10 meters (about 32 feet) off the ground. The size became even more apparent as they came closer. Once they were directly in front, Zane got a good look at the door itself. Gold it was once, supposedly a long time ago shining brightly as it would be reflected off of the sun. It was said in the ancient times to be quite a marvel, a jewel of Valkaria. Though now it had lost a lot of its luster, it still was a tremendous sight. Moss and rust covered the doors, but bits of gold still resonated off of it.

Zane took one more look at the door, and then looked around the area. There was no sign of trouble around, and by the tranquility he saw around, it looked like this was an area not often disturbed, if at all. Zane was starting to wonder if there truly was anything worth knowing in here. Maybe there was, but maybe it was all for nothing. Or maybe even worse, something nasty lingered inside.

"Well, let's not just stand here like idiots." Gallant said abruptly. His sudden voice actually took Zane a bit by surprise. "We made the journey here. Now let's finish it!"

Zane nodded at him, taking off his emblem and displaying it in front of the door. The others did the same. The emblems of the Gold Tribe were said to be the keys that granted a member access to the inside. Zane didn't know exactly how it worked, but he knew the general ritual as described in early texts he read in school. The Gold Tribe stood there with their emblems sticking out, waiting for something to happen, and nothing did. Eventually, Speculum spoke.

"Maybe it's broken..." He said, half jokingly.

"Aww dangit!" Hoodhide added. But just as he finished speaking, the doors started to shake, pieces of attached vines and moss falling off the door. Then it began to slowly open, and eventually the doors opened wide to the Gold Tribe. Inside, Zane could see nothing but darkness. He didn't know what to expect on the inside.

"Come on." Zane said, reattaching his emblem back to his shoulder. "Let's go inside. Be ready for anything."
Come on. Let's go inside. Be ready for anything." Zane told the Gold Tribe. The cryptic doors opened. So...This is the Golden Catacombs. I'm surprised that I didn't see these during my time here. Suddenly, memories flooded into his mind. A Scizor was wandering around a rocky valley with his guard up. He was alone, just taking his time and whispering a song. After a good amount of time, he stopped. Something echoed off in the distance. The Swift, a few years younger than usual, jumped onto a nearby rock. "Come at me fiend!" Seconds later, a group of rouge Sandslash's leapt out and slashed at him in quick moves. Jirmonji had a difficult time, but he eventually defeated them. "You have been forgiven." He killed them. Now that he thought of it, that ambush hadn't occured very far from here.

The Swift reattached his golden heart. Something didn't seem right, but who was he to argue with the Bisharp? "I don't like this. It smells of death." He glanced around. "I'll take point, if nobody objects." Jirmonji used Quick Attack to get as far in as possible in a short amount of time. He looked both left and right, only to see great stone walls. "We're clear everybody!"
Given the recent events, Hanso was surprised, though it didn't show in his face, when Penance moved closer and began talking to him. "I appreciate your honesty brother. It's something that others lack apparently, but I did notice during the battle that you left the telepathic network open, and you seemed distressed about it. If you want, I can teach you how to make it more secure and give you a surefire way to also detect whether or not your mind is being intruded by another psychic." He said with a friendly smile. "It's not hard, but it does require performing the exercise every day to get better at it. You up for it?"

The Golduck was pointedly ignoring most of the others at the same time. Okay, he's at least partly forgiven me, but not the others. So far. Penance was also offering to tutor him in telepathy and mind-defense. Hanso slowly nodded, ignoring the fact that the Golduck was several years younger. "Sure," he answered, not rushing his words. "It was...the first time in a long time I'd met a strong psychic, so I wasn't in top shape." After hesitating, Hanso added, "I'm not sure if you'd noticed me leaving the fight with Ignitus. 'Distressed' is the right word, and...I pretty much abandoned the fight to go find that psychic." Honesty was especially important now, yet Hanso wasn't willing to share details that were very specific or personal, or both.

Looking back at Penance, Hanso said, "Of course, I'm not sure how much you remember, but it's your decision to share what you want. I'd be glad to learn what you could teach me."

It was good that Gallant had lived after Frost's surprise shot, and that the Gold Tribe in general were conversing. As they came closer to the Golden Catacombs, Hanso looked up at the Korhal Mountains a few times. Roswell, the King of Thieves, had to know they'd been on their way to the Thieves' Forest in order to settle a deal with the Silver Tribe. Either that, or the Silver Tribe knew beforehand and approached Roswell. Hanso wasn't about to forget the few times that Penance mentioned a spy in the city, or army, whichever it might turn out to be. If the Gold Tribe had decided to go through the Korhal Mountains instead of the forest, would they have been met with some other obstacle?

As they approached the doors to the Golden Catacombs, and they opened to the Gold Tribe's emblems, Hanso brought his mind back to the present. After putting his armband back on, he glanced at Penance again. Despite the Swift's words, the Gallade wasn't so ready to suggest a telepathic network. There were two reasons for that. First, if looks were correct, no one had come through these doors in a long time, so there might not be danger. Second, Hanso wasn't sure how Penance would feel about joining such a network with the others at this time.

As the Swift entered, Hanso made his way up front to be second in line. In his opinion, the Scizor was probably going to miss some details. We need to be able to spot danger before it strikes.
Penance 'Defender' Malum​

Penance nodded at TrueStriker's words. It was plain truth he felt in those words. While the battle was still a bit blurry in his mind he could tell by TrueStriker's body language and choice of words that he was only speaking the truth. "Yes, we were rather ill prepared for it. Like I said, it isn't a difficult exercise. All it requires is discipline and energy." The others continued to converse around them, but Penance really didn't care for their idle chatter. It was the chatter of liars after all, no telling what lies they were telling themselves or to others. He just hoped the newcomers weren't as bad as the others and actually had a sense of morals. The road was rather long but what made the journey even better was hearing Gallant speaking. Penance knew the Sawk could be rather fearsome, but also protective and friendly as well. He had seen more of the Sawk than the others had, he knew that much. Gallant had made him energized for becoming a Gold Tribe member and what he said was true, without his teachings they probably all would have died way earlier in the war.

Penance took the time to look back at TrueStriker. The Gallade could be a rather capable warrior if he just put his mind to it. Oddly enough, TrueStriker's words from before seemed to garner Penance's thoughts. He had willingly come forward with information about his own faults, maybe... maybe it was time for the others to know? Penance struggled with that questions up until they got to the Catacombs. There didn't seem to be any Ancients around the area and in fact no Sentinels either. That meant that the Silver Tribe was busy with other areas... or that something big was already waiting for them in there. Perhaps a trap or some powerful foe waiting for a specific door to open and to unleash hell upon his or her first target.

"TrueStriker, I want you to practice this exercise while we explore. Picture a white room, with nothing in it. No color, no furniture, no people, nothing. Just a white room. It can be big or small, but it must be empty. It will take some time to perfect the image since your mind will naturally want to populate it with various images, but fight that instinct. It took me close to two months to get the exercise down, but as you get better with it you'll find yourself occupying the room with less and less images until it is completely empty and you will not only be able to focus on a empty room, but also on doing other tasks while you keep your defenses up."

Penance walked in right behind TrueStriker and for the first time since the battle even spoke to the liars. "Everyone, keep your eyes sharp. Look out for traps, wires on the ground, holes in the wall, slabs sticking up from the ground, doors that once opened could alert a foe to our presence. Just because we don't see anyone now doesn't mean that our enemies haven't already infiltrated the area."
Ignus, Prince of Light. Albia --> Golden Catacombs

Ignus' greeting was returned by a very hesitant thanks from Zane. Maybe Ignus should've just said hello.

It was not very long at all before the others arrived. Many spoke about their past, but a few stood silent. Of those was Ignus. Sure, he would have gladly taken the opportunity to educate the others on his beliefs, but he had a hard time fitting in such a lenghtly conversation between others' histories. He mainly listened the whole way.

As they approached the entrance, everbody grew silent. Ignus opened his mouth to speak, only to have Gallant beat him to it.

"Well, let's not just stand here like idiots. We made the journey here. Now let's finish it!"

Well said, old guy. Well said.

As each member held out their Gold tribe Emblems, Ignus remembered that he had left his in Albia. In a panic, he made an illusion of one and held his up to the doors. Nothing happened. A few voices from within the group spoke out.

"Maybe its broken..."

"Aww, dang it!

Aww, crap. I bet my fake emblem is screwing this up. This is gonna get awkward.

But before anyone else could speak, or even question why the doors remained shut, the moss and vines began to peel off.

Zane led the way with words, while The Swift with body.

"Come on. Let's go inside. Be ready for anything."

The Swift took that moment to zip inside, after remarking that he was point.

"All clear!" He called from inside.

What an energetic fellow... Ignus took a last look at the sun before descending. He performed the sign of the sun, and then departed into the catacombs. He overheard Penance and Hanso talking. It seemed like Penance had been giving Hanso advice of psychic capabilities. Ignus new a thing or two about psychic attacks, but this conversation seemed to be about maintaining psychic connections and whatnot. The zoroark had little to no experience with that.

"TrueStriker, I want you to practice this exercise while we explore. Picture a white room, with nothing in it. No color, no furniture, no people, nothing. Just a white room. It can be big or small, but it must be empty. It will take some time to perfect the image since your mind will naturally want to populate it with various images, but fight that instinct. It took me close to two months to get the exercise down, but as you get better with it you'll find yourself occupying the room with less and less images until it is completely empty and you will not only be able to focus on a empty room, but also on doing other tasks while you keep your defenses up." Huh. Seemed legit. Maybe Ignus should try that once in a while.

Then, to everyone, the golduck said, "Everyone, keep your eyes sharp. Look out for traps, wires on the ground, holes in the wall, slabs sticking up from the ground, doors that once opened could alert a foe to our presence. Just because we don't see anyone now doesn't mean that our enemies haven't already infiltrated the area."

The truth. Our brother knows well. Thought Ignus. Out loud, he said, "Listen to him, he speaks wisely. The world here has been disconnected from ours for quite a while, and something unknown may be lurking within the shadows." This reminded Ignus to do something. He used a very weakened Extrasensory to the party, effectively enhancing hearing and vision, as well as the other senses. He was careful not to do too much, as that would overload their brains and give them very terrible migranes.

"In case you haven't noticed," said the Prince,"I've taken the liberty to enhance our senses, it could get very dark in here. If you start having headaches, tell me and I'll stop the extrasensory. You shouldn't have any problems, though. Its not too bright or loud in here."​
Genevieve L'esprit

Genevieve breathed a sigh of relief at their dismissal. New orders in hand and a trip to the infirmary were on her immediate to-do list. She stifled her secret displeasure at yet another assault. The battle and body count was really skyrocketing as of late. Then again, the thieves did have it coming, hopefully things would go smoothly. She would just have to ensure that they did.

"We shall rendezvous later," Genevieve spoke to the other Sentinels, as she followed the path to the infirmary and left the others behind. Genevieve stumbled less than gracefully into the infirmary, her side seemingly on fire and painful to the touch. The staff looked at her with inquisitive and perplexed gazes. She made her way to a private room, her psychic power pulling a hapless member of the medical staff behind her against his will.

The room wasn't much to look at, a crude table for her to lay out on and a window on the far wall that was opened to the outside world. Genevieve sat herself down with a wince and slammed the door with her mind once she had dragged in the Audino completely. She couldn't dare let the other Sentinels see her in such pain. It didn't matter if they had a suspicion, but they could not see her so exposed.

"Fix me, now!" Her voice rang out sternly to the Audino. The creature only nodded its head in terror as he approached and placed a hand appraisingly on her body. He quickly ran it up and down, probing for causes of pain and glancing at her to confirm. His hand touched her inflamed side and a shock of pain went writhing through her body. Reflexes kicked in automatically, her hand swinging in a gesture and with a wave of energy, he went flying against the wall with an audible thump. Small clouds of debris and dust fell from the ceiling upon impact. The Audino regained his composure, quickly scrambling to his feet and making his way back to her bedside.

He had fear in his eyes, as any of the healers would when working on a Sentinel. Genevieve had no desire to hurt him, it made no sense to do so when he served a purpose at this moment. His hands went quickly back to work, and ushering her into a reclined position. A strange glow surrounded him and waves rippled forth from his body; Genevieve recognized it as a heal pulse. A psychic move to heal comrades and mend wounds ranging from minor to major.

Genevieve felt much better as he continued. Strain formed on his face as he kept up the move, and pain continued to ease its way out of Genevieve's body. Eventually the move stopped, his face taking on a look of consternation. Genevieve left him to his work as he disappeared and quickly resurfaced with a thick woven bandage.

"That should take care of most of the pain," he spoke his first words since her dragging him in. His voice was much deeper than she had anticipated, almost raspy. "Just as a precaution, I want to wrap this bandage around you."

Genevieve understood and simply nodded in acknowledgment as she raised herself back into a seated position. The bandage ended up being wrapped around her midsection several times before he was done. It proved to be tight, not enough to cause further pain, but maybe enough to inhibit her breathing. The Audino stood back with a pleased look on his face, his tending to the Sentinel hadn't resulted in his death. He was most assuredly relieved by that fact, especially considering the persnickety reputation of Genevieve.

"Thank you," Genevieve nodded. "Now, leave....no wait. Before you go," an idea crossed her mind at that second. "Inform the others not to wait for me, I will meet them at the thieves' forest. I will be traveling alone for right now. They don't need to know why." The Audino bowed and left the room, no doubt to carry out her instructions to the letter.

Genevieve crossed her legs beneath her, her body situated firmly on the examination table. Her eyes ran over the view outside the window, her mind deep in thought.​
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