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The world is gone, and I am free-falling. For an instant, I panic, but only to find the ground materialize beneath my feet. I'm still surrounded by sand, but my house is gone. Instead there are huge cliffs above me, somewhat blocking me from the sand in the wind. I squint my eyes, trying to block out the rest of the sand.


I take off my outer shirt, stripping down to my tee. I half-*ss wrap my shirt around my head, like a shemagh. Boom instant windblocker. Okay its sorta better, but I should really get to shelter.

Looking around, I spot something that looks like ruins of an old village. I start to head that way, but I hear laighter. It kinda sounds like...oh god*mnit Kefka.

"HAHAHA! You thought you could sneak out on your own? WITHOUT ME? You thought wrong! That old house of yours got so boring when you left - BORING! Hahahaha. But that..." he points at the ruins and says, "... that looks FUN! Where there's life, there's KILLING to do!

"Whoa whoa whoa, hold the phone. Before we start massacring helpless villagers, tell me whats going on. Why am I here? Where is here? And what is the damn point of this game?" Its about time somebody told me that.

"Witch!" a growling voice suddenly echoes from behind you. When you turn around, you see a peculiar creature stand 10 meters away, pointing with a spear at you. It looks like a short little brown bear on two legs, with a warm hat and a leather vest. "Don't come here and defile the Obsidiruins by mentioning the heiress! I'll show you!"

He tumbles in your direction, clearly meaning to attack you. But mostly, he looks like a teddy bear that you just want to cuddle up with. It's probably best if you don't really harm him. I mean, in comparison to the creepy imps and basilisks, this one actually talks.


KEFKASPRITE laughs a little, but gets sand stuck in his throat and has to cough it up before he sighs at how boring you are to him and accepts defeat for now. Well, not defeat, but at least he doesn't seem to want to fly off and kill things just yet.

"I guess I have to tell you some things... before we massacre! Hahahaha. Let's see then... Didn't I tell you already? You are on your very own LAND. A planetoid in the MEDIUM, which is like space only better - if I'd fly up there, I could probably fly ANYWHERE and breathe without problem!"

He seems to really consider this idea for a moment, before something makes him sigh and hesitate again, but clicking his strange, long beak annoyedly. Maybe the game forces him to behave since, after all, he is your SPRITE now.

"You have a quest and I CAN HELP YOU DEVASTATE YOUR LAND! If you should choose to do that. But it could be a better idea to explore your land bit for bit, find the local population and learn from them more about your mission. MISSION, HAHAHA! More like a SUICIDAL OPERATION! Actually. Or if you want my help, I can kill you FOR YOU!"

He shudders and closes his eyes for a brief moment. KEFKASPRITE seems rather conflicted and not really coherent when he talks. Yeah, that further kind of points at the game forcing him to be useful to you even though he would rather just make you explode into a thousand beautiful corns of bloody sand.

"Aaaahsjdk. Anyways, your friends are on their own planetoids, LANDS, spread around the center of the MEDIUM, called SKAIA. And SKAIA, baby, is where we ALL WANT TO GO!! Eventually. But if you end up there without understanding your ROLE, it won't do any good. So try to find out from the locals... who you are!"

[S-HIGHLIGHT]==> Unless you have a better idea, approach the village. You are now allowed to bunny KEFKASPRITE. It's not like he's got anything more decent to tell you, he's pretty disgusted with himself already.[/S-HIGHLIGHT]​
Vieve Gotle

Shielding my eyes from the lights that I pass through, why are there always bright lights? I open my eyes and notice that there's still sky and a forest and I've basically am where I previously was. This is too strange… That's when I start noticing that everything around me is actually coming to life. A tree being cut down, someone is destroying the forest! Typical mankind! I step forward when a voice catches my attention telling me that I don't belong. Who treats their fellow human being like that? It's been a while since I've seen anyone besides Gavin.

"Oinker?" I slowly mutter wondering what- I take an immediate step back realizing that thing isn't human. Is that what I'm thinking it is? A PIG!?! "I am just leaving, sir! But why are you cutting down all these beautiful trees?" The trees are a sight to see, their large trunks and branches full of life it's a shame to see them like this. There's a glimmering sight all around the rest of the pigs, seriously, pigs? I'm hesitating to go invest because somehow I knowingly going to get myself into trouble at the expense of my curiosity. Suddenly as if on cue an imp appears out of the forest and is coming straight at me as if I have a tracking device on me!

"HEY! Can't you do something? Steamroller these guys?" Waiting for a response from these guys is pointless so I fumble around with my new LIGHTWRATHER. I'm swinging wildly and completely missing the imp due to my forgetting that my axe is now ten times lighter. The imp taking advantages of my mistake and bulldozes me onto the relatively soft forest floor. Then dropping my axe in order to shove it's gnawing teeth away from my face and various body parts. Making a swift upwards kicking motion I manage to stun it in time for me to recollect my LIGHTWRATHER. With one hand I'm franticly slashing trying to make some damage. I accomplish success when the imp begins rolling off me and I looking at its arm which is now severely cut. Without hesitating this time I'm getting to my feet and with correct precision slamming my LIGHTWRATHER into it's face causing it to start shattering into grist. Where in the hell are Pussysprite and Gavin? With my luck they're probably in some cage and I'll be rescuing them shortly.

I captchalogued the sign. Why not? I had plenty of space left since I made more sylladex cards. Then I heard a noise behind me. As if someone was sneaking up on me. I didn't turn around immediately though; that would be too obvious and kind of nooby. A cool guy kept his cool.

The one sneaking up on me interpreted my sudden stiffness for what it was though - that I'd noticed her.

"Big monstah, hanging around crashed places, picking up dirt, eh?" a strangely piercing and yet silky at the same time voice said.

I sighed and turned around. Had imps learned to talk or was this another sprite? Nope. Neither.

"Ugh, you're even uglier than your behind told me you was!" a cat on two legs said with a look of disgust, pointing a sharp, thin sword at me. Her fur was gray with black stripes and her eyes were glowingly green.

"A cat?" I spat out. "What is a cat doing here?"

"What's a hairless pig doing here?" she asked back, whipping the sword a little. "On mah treasure island."

"What. Pigs don't have hair! I have hair right here!" I said, pointing at my behaired head.

"So you're a guy who likes to discuss silly, unimportant stuff? Alright." She suddenly jumped away from where she had stood, made a little loop above my head as if gravitation simply wasn't a thing that existed, and landed between me and the house. "What's up with you getting all confused over the word PRINCE anyways. It's not like everyone here doesn't know about the Prince."

"Eh, I sure don't know him," I said grumpily, wanting to mark that I didn't enjoy our conversation and thought he wasn't showing me the respect that I deserved. I was the friggin player. She was a cat. Why was she a cat? Was she even a she? I just got the feeling that she was.

"What are you, a horrorterror from the Furthest Ring or something? Everyone knows about that stupid prophecy. The Priest sure nevah shut up about it."

One and two connected in my brain. This was a game where we were the protagonists, right? Me and Vinnie and Vieve and Candice. So maybe it wasn't too far fetched to believe that any prophecy in SBURB could relate to us. No, should relate to us.

"Not that I've listened much. I actually hardly know nothin' 'bout it."

She talked really ugly. Sounded like no dialect I'd heard before. "What does that prophecy say, then? Maybe I have heard it, just forgot about it."

"Yeah, that's likely," the cat said and sat down on a fallen log, still pointing her tiny sword at me though. "I'm not telling that stuff, you've gotta ask the Priest about it. That is, you could, if you were a cat. But you sure aren't What are you?"

"I'm a human," I said, something I never thought I'd utter. This was stupid. But then again, it was a game.

"Eh, pigs and cats and carapacians I know of, but no humans. Sound to me like you're a slightly more intelligent than average IMP. And that I'd be better off killing you off now."

"Are there IMPS everywhere?"

"S'far as I know. They're invading every islet with no regards for personal privacy."

"Tell me about it. They've rummaged through my whole house, stealing stuff."

"Nope, not falling for it. Down you go, matey!" she suddenly said and sprung up, sword ready. I barely managed to stumble backwards, accidentally falling over and making her shoot over my head instead of through my torso. So she meant business. She'd regret it. I'd gained several levels fighting IMPS already and my injuries were healing, strangely enough.

I pulled the FLAREBONK- no wait. Jungle. Fire. No good combination. While the catlady were getting back up on her feet and throwing herself forward again, I pulled out the POINTYTHINGY, luckily still having my LOSERGLOVES on me to shield from the stupid handle on the weapon. The mallet blocked the tiny sword, forcing the cat to jump back and act quicker to get past my weapon. She sure was quick, and I didn't manage to block every blow. I felt pain as she scraped my arms on several places and my legs as well. In the periphery, I saw some kind of health meter sink as she hit me. So this was so much of a game that I had one of those? I hadn't really noticed before.

Finally, she gave me a break (well, she fell over) and I took the chance to swing my mallet at her. She jumped away of course, but was pretty impressed at how hard I slammed the POINTYTHINGY into the ground. Maybe I should change into the FLAREBONKER just to scare her... I did so. The flaming mallet came out from the green wallet as I put away the other weapon. It made the catlady raise an eyebrow.

"Oh yeah. Burn!" I said, starting to swing it.

"Hang on," she said, raising her hand instead of her sword. "Do you play malletkind?"

"I, uh, what?" I stopped the FLAREBONKER in its path, leaving it hanging above the gray furry.

"That's a trademark from the prophecy. That's kinda strange, you know. Not that I believe that stuff. But."

I sighed and put away my weapon completely. "Look," I said. "Here's what I think. You tell me your name and take me to this Priest. And then we'll see who I am. Because now, I'm feeling kind of lost here. And the only creature who's not an IMP in this world also wants to kill me, so I'm not really happy right now."

The cat smiled now and finally put her sword away. She eyed me up and down with a suspicious face before she let out a little laugh and said: "Name's Camrada. And if you promise to not touch anymore loot here - 'cause I did find this islet first - then I guess I can take you back to town. What's your name?"

I let out a little sound of relief, hoping she wouldn't hear it too well. Even though she was a cat with presumably good hearing. "Ricardo."

It turned out that she had a boat. Not a cool ship, but a little sailboat of the kind that Jack Sparrow comes into the harbor with in the first Pirates movie. A rather silly ship, in other words. Apparently we were on a tiny island not too far from another island where a town lay. After we lay down hostilities, she actually seemed to find me quite interesting. Which I found annoying. She was a cat and cats are annoying in my book. Never understood how Vieve put up with them. Anyways, I took the time to try and get in touch with my friends. Assuming they too had made it through their first gate... With the ALLURBASES, communication was simple. I just realized that I didn't reply to let Candice know that I could reach the gate. I could just hope now that she had her computer on her. Or something sweet like the ALLURBASES, perhaps.

-- babelsEngineer [BE] opened memo on board OUT OF THE ASHES --
BE: Hey
BE: I made a new board, so that those strange other people won't be here
BE: I'd like a status report from everyone. We were supposed to play this game together, weren't we? But I'm pretty alone here. Except for a catlady who's going to take me to their leader. Or something
BE: Also, apparently I might be a prince of some kind. Fits me well, of course. I think it might be some aspect of the game
BE: Have you gone through your first gates? Please tell me you remembered to bring your computers. I... oh wait crap
BE: I didn't bring the computer I have SBURB installed on. Sorry Vieve, doesn't look like I can be your server until I get back to my house
BE: And I have no idea where my house is so I have no idea if I'm going to get it back
BE: And even if I do return home (if my house in this land can be called home) the imps have probably stolen it
BE: So yeah, I admit I made a mistake there
BE: But! Have you seen any cats? She mentioned pigs as well

VB: Nope, no cats here.

VC: I've actually got to agree with RT there :/ which makes me feel a bit weird
VB: Hm. Sorry.
BE: askdjhsdlkfjslkd you've gotta be kidding me!
VC: but Ricardo, I think it's important that we keep up with your progress! especially now that you can't see each other for forgetful reasons and stuff, right??
VC: but we can be quiet now and let you talk to your friends

VB: I'll be quiet as a mouse, if RT doesn't respond until one of the others do.
VB: Good boy. The board is all yours, Ricardo.
BE: It always was mine!!
BE: Whatever. Let's just... guys, and I mean MY guys. Just report, please


You may reply to Ricardo's new memo if you happen to read it.
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You make the process quick with your LIGHTWRATHER. A very efficient weapon, that is. So efficient that the pigs stop to marvel at it.

"Where did you buy that axe?" the important looking pig asks, kicking another pig in the stomach before he could ask the same question before him. "Is it expensive? Is it mass produced? It looks just like the thing we could use to cut away annoyingly hard tree stems! And it looks quick enough to be able to slash those fairies in half too!"

Some pigs that have gathered around the important one nod approvingly and are closing in on you with their hands raised. It seems like they want to take the LIGHTWRATHER away from you!

[S-HIGHLIGHT]==> Flee from the pigs or otherwise get out of this mess somehow. End up in a dirty city that looks like it was built for humans, but with stressed up pigs living there instead. You're free to make it up however you want and encounter whatever pigs or imps/ogres that you want.[/S-HIGHLIGHT]

When you have outsmarted or outrun or otherwise hid from the crazy pigs, a glowing creature the size of a Barbie doll appears in the air in front of you. It squeaks happily in a language you don't really understand, with a voice a bit too high pitched for you to really hear. She flies up to you and hands you a little present. It is a white pendant in a chain. On the pendant, a purple mark is, looking like a cat's face with a pair of huge boobs underneath...

[S-HIGHLIGHT]==> Who could possibly have given this to the fairy? Hmm? What's his name? Hmm? Just say the sprite's name out loud.[/S-HIGHLIGHT]
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Kefka just laughs at me. Well, he laughs until sand clogs his throat, causing him to cough up a lung in a highly comedic fashion. He frowns and starts talking again.

"I guess I have to tell you some things... before we massacre! Hahahaha. Let's see then... Didn't I tell you already? You are on your very own LAND. A planetoid in the MEDIUM, which is like space only better - if I'd fly up there, I could probably fly ANYWHERE and breathe without problem!"

He pauses to sigh and click his beak again. He seems...annoyed? I guess that's what he gets for being annoying all the time.

"You have a quest and I CAN HELP YOU DEVASTATE YOUR LAND! If you should choose to do that. But it could be a better idea to explore your land bit for bit, find the local population and learn from them more about your mission. MISSION, HAHAHA! More like a SUICIDAL OPERATION! Actually. Or if you want my help, I can kill you FOR YOU!"

Kefka is starting to freak me out. He starts to shudder, perhaps trying to fight an overpowering impulse to kill me. Or not to kill me. I'm not sure. But I do know that he's somewhat forced to be helpful, if a little uncooperative.

"Aaaahsjdk. Anyways, your friends are on their own planetoids, LANDS, spread around the center of the MEDIUM, called SKAIA. And SKAIA, baby, is where we ALL WANT TO GO!! Eventually. But if you end up there without understanding your ROLE, it won't do any good. So try to find out from the locals... who you are!"

Kefka grabs his head and turns away, mumbling about ignorant children. He seems to be done with being helpful.

"Hey! Uh...thanks!"

He just clicks at me with his back turned. I kinda...feel bad for him. But this really isn't a time to console ghost guides that may or may not want to kill me. So. Huh. This is the medium, I get that. And my land is some desert land called...Lodac? Yeah. And there are people here? Locals, he says...what do I look like....no...I messed that up. But I have to find out about a mission...and get to some place called SKAIA. So I guess it's like the heaven/final battle type thing, where I go with all maxed out stats and go hand to hand with the big bad guy, with my female sweethearts, the plucky comedic relief Ricardo, and possibly some cool ghost guys like Kefkasprite and Fluffriksprite. But before I can do that I gotta do this quest thing and do some major level grinding.

I start to head off when my necklace beeps. I quickly pull out my wallet, and then my computer.

-- babelsEngineer [BE] opened memo on board OUT OF THE ASHES --
BE: Hey
BE: I made a new board, so that those strange other people won't be here
BE: I'd like a status report from everyone. We were supposed to play this game together, weren't we? But I'm pretty alone here. Except for a catlady who's going to take me to their leader. Or something
BE: Also, apparently I might be a prince of some kind. Fits me well, of course. I think it might be some aspect of the game
BE: Have you gone through your first gates? Please tell me you remembered to bring your computers. I... oh wait crap
BE: I didn't bring the computer I have SBURB installed on. Sorry Vieve, doesn't look like I can be your server until I get back to my house
BE: And I have no idea where my house is so I have no idea if I'm going to get it back
BE: And even if I do return home (if my house in this land can be called home) the imps have probably stolen it
BE: So yeah, I admit I made a mistake there
BE: But! Have you seen any cats? She mentioned pigs as well

VB: Nope, no cats here.

VC: I've actually got to agree with RT there :/ which makes me feel a bit weird
VB: Hm. Sorry.
BE: askdjhsdlkfjslkd you've gotta be kidding me!
VC: but Ricardo, I think it's important that we keep up with your progress! especially now that you can't see each other for forgetful reasons and stuff, right??
VC: but we can be quiet now and let you talk to your friends

VB: I'll be quiet as a mouse, if RT doesn't respond until one of the others do.
VB: Good boy. The board is all yours, Ricardo.
BE: It always was mine!!
BE: Whatever. Let's just... guys, and I mean MY guys. Just report, please

BV: Bonjour
BV: I am past my first gate as well
BV: No animals of any sort have appeared
BV: Well. There were some flamingo imps but other than that, nothing.
BV: Kefkasprite said there were some natives here, and I see a village
BV: I'll let you know what turns up when I check it out

I pack up my laptop and head out to the village. Cats? Pigs? Are these locals really animals?

KEFKASPRITE seems to have calmed down for the time being. Ricardo is apparently still on his boat or something and quickly messages you back.

BV: Bonjour
BV: I am past my first gate as well
BV: No animals of any sort have appeared
BV: Well. There were some flamingo imps but other than that, nothing.
BV: Kefkasprite said there were some natives here, and I see a village
BV: I'll let you know what turns up when I check it out

BE: Vinnie! God, I'm glad you are alive
BE: Not overly happy, I just mean that it would be a shame if you were dead
BE: You know
BE: Flamingos you say? Underlings apparently take on the shape of whatever we mixed our Kernelsprite up with. What did you prototype? A garden flamingo or something?
BE: Go to your village! But be careful, because this catgirl here attacked me as soon as she saw me
BE: I wonder what animals you will have. Report back later!

Seems like Ricardo clearly sees himself as your leader.

If you go close to the village, you will see that it consists of stone towers with carved out rooms inside, and windows like holes in the wall. Some tents are also outside these rock-towers, both as market stalls and as houses.

As soon as a villager spots you, he will start babbling and run up to you, attracting more villagers until they surround you and try to push you towards the center of the village. They are certainly not human. They look like little red crocodiles on two legs, wearing hats or belts or vests of various colors and materials. Most of them also wear necklaces with colorful feathers or stones, giving them a rather tribal look.

Either, the villagers succeed with driving you to the main plaza, or you flee and enter the village some other way. KEFKASPRITE might or might not play a part in this.

No matter how you do, you will eventually reach or at least see the main plaza from where you are. There, a rust colored, wrinkled reptile with a feathery hat and far too many necklaces have now gathered other villagers and either talks to you or calls out in hope that you will hear him.

"Non-reptile! You are awaited! Legends have since long foretold of the boy from the skies who holds the right to this LAND and will return one day to free the tribes from our wars and teach us to live in peace again. The villagers speak of your appearance and it matches with the legends. They also speak of your red spirit companion, which also matches with the legends. If you truly are the HEIR, the Redspin tribe is yours to command. I have no doubt in the matter, but for the rest of the tribe to believe in you and become yours to command, you must aid us for a while first, showing us that your power is true."​

Yes, he did just say that there is a bunch of QUESTS in this village that you'll have to do it you want these reptiles' help in realizing that ROLE that KEFKASPRITE mentioned, and level up.

[S-HIGHLIGHT]==> Play this out. You may reach the plaza in any manner you like, bunnying any reptile beside the MONK on your way. You may also make underlings like IMPS or OGRES or BASILISKS appear, if you think it would serve your story well. And KEFKASPRITE is also yours to bunny.[/S-HIGHLIGHT]
As I approach the village, I can make out large stone towers, with hole-windows carved out. The sandstorm prevents further inspection, however. On the ground are tents...some are market looking and others apparently homes. It is very American-Indian looking. Native Americans? Yeah I think that's the right term. No signs of any villagers yet oh god what is that.

A bipedal crocodile comes out of nowhere. Not just any, run-of-the-mill bipedal crocodile, but a red one. He wears a very tribal looking necklace, covered in stones, what look like crocodile teeth, and feathers. Also, he is wearing a belt that looks suspiciously like my dad's like a sash across his chest.

"Greetings, non-reptile!" He says cheerfully. Apparently he talks too.

"Uh, hey reptile," I respond, "So I guess you are native to this land." He strokes his snout thoughtfully.

"Yes," he finally says, "I guess we are. Though I'm not sure if anything can be described as a non-native..." he spends several minutes contemplating this. From inside my necklace my computer beeps. It's probably Ricardo. It'll have to wait a bit, I guess.

"Hmmm...come to think of it..." he starts, "I've never seen you before. Who are you?"

Wow. Sherlock Holmes on the case.

"I'm Vinnie Valentine...uhh...the hero of this game!" Man, I feel like such a bad*ss saying that.

"Or, at least that's what the giant floating birdman told me."

The croc mulls this over in his head before something clicks.


I don't have the heart to tell him of his improper use of the word fast. Or the time really, because more crocs start coming out of the homes to see me. They start to "Ooh" and "Ahh" over me, and then one starts to talk about the elder. The others catch on and the all start raving about the elder. Jesus Christ I'm like their messiah or something. I decide to go along with them, seeing no harm in meeting an elder.

"Hey hey hey, calm down now. Hey! Hands off! No, don't take that....gimme that...hey!"

I finally get them off me.

"Let's just go see this elder guy, okay?" Reminding them of the elder seems to snap them back into focus.

"Oh, okay! Hey, lets show him the elder guys!"

I roll my eyes as they lead me through town. We pick up more crocs, and it seems the whole village is in the mix. Eventually we get to the center, and a really old looking crocodile looks up at the ruckus. He's got lots of necklaces and even an old hat on. The crocodile I met earlier speaks to him. After a few seconds of whispering, he looks at me again.

"Non-reptile! You are awaited! Legends have since long foretold of the boy from the skies who holds the right to this LAND and will return one day to free the tribes from our wars and teach us to live in peace again. The villagers speak of your appearance and it matches with the legends. They also speak of your red spirit companion, which also matches with the legends. If you truly are the HEIR, the Redspin tribe is yours to command. I have no doubt in the matter, but for the rest of the tribe to believe in you and become yours to command, you must aid us for a while first, showing us that your power is true."​

Okay this is by far the most helpful thing kefka has done for me. So uh, I am the Heir of the land...so like I inherit this place? Awesome. That's pretty cool I guess. And I'm supposed to be doing quests anyway right? I can level up some more, maybe increase my mangrit again. Wait where did that come from? Whatever.

"Okay, sounds cool. I'm the Heir alright. And yeah the feathery *sshole is my spirit guide. But, I don't know about any powers...I have my gunblade I guess, but I'm not like going around and casting magic or whatnot."

I can't hurt to do a few quests, and these might be important later on anyway.

"I'm the Heir alright."

At these words, the eyes of every red reptilian nearby widens and they start cheering at an incredibly loud level. The elder MONK nods and seems to want to bless you or something.

That's until KEFKASPRITE comes flying along, landing in the midst of it all and squashing a couple of crocs under his ghostly tail.

"That guy? The HEIR of LODAC? Give me a BREAK!!" He laughs maniacally. Then his face screws up for a bit. "Though it is true, he is the HEIR." He shakes his beak violently and hits himself in the head with his fist. "But I am the real HERO! KEFKASPRITE!! I will prove it to you and then the Redspin tribe shall be under MY command! MINE!!" Another laughter that gets mixed with various birdy noises from the beak.

The crocs back off with worried faces and the MONK looks from KEFKASPRITE to you. "You're saying you would be a better HERO for LODAC than the rightful HEIR?"

"ANYTIME!!" KEFKASPRITE laughs. "He said it himself, he doesn't have a single true power! While I... can do... THIS!!"

He flaps his wings and sends a stream of feathers through the crowd of reptilians. Some get pierced by the feathers and others get knocked back into the walls of the rocky towers. The crocs around them don't seem devastated though. They merely nod thoughtfully at the display of power.

Oh, and the sash around the first reptilian's chest? It actually is your DAD'S BELT.

[S-HIGHLIGHT]==> Why. Why did you prototype the Kefka figure? React.[/s_highlight]​
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