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[PKMN OPEN] The Pokémon Trainer Academy (T) [Best Veteran 4Q '11]

Kilik Chambers - Cafeteria

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Seems this girl was barely paying attention at all. She's tinkering with whatever machine she's building. What's she building it for anyway? Probably for Team Rocket's evil schemes. "Solar..." Kilik mumbled. He can't be too sure she's working for Team Rocket, but he still has to find any spies lurking around. "What the heck are you tinkering over there?" he asked the quiet girl as he took a bite of his food.

Is she too distracted? It's odd. All the more reason to see if she's working for Team Rocket. Everyone is a suspect. Wait... Wouldn't that make Kilik a suspect, too? Bah! He wouldn't be caught dead wearing their uniform. They can just go lie in a ditch.

Once classes are over, Team Rocket better watch their backs. They have a serious dog on their trail, & he ain't resting.

Kiki wandered into the cafeteria and looked around. A cluster of students was gathered at a large wall looking at something. Kiki also began to hear whispers of Team Rocket here and there, but paid them no mind. She spotted a familiar face and pounced, grabbed her friend Shawn into a hug.

"Shawn!! There you are! Where were you last night? What happened? Me and Andy ran into this weird girl with white hair, but she was mean. I found my dorm! Do you like my jacket? It's new! Here, could you hold Cynder for me? I'm hungry!" she said in a blur, thrusting the startled mouse into Shawn's arms an dashing away before he could even utter a protest, snatching up a plate of eggs.


Brian stopped in his dorm an saw a news report of the TM store blowing up and the Rocket spies. That sent chills down his spine. Spies, here? Posing as students? They could be anywhere! anyone! His grip tightened on Sprinkles, who was still pouting that he looked like a girl now, she Brian shivered. Leena, Duster, and even Sprinkles, who until now had acted like he hated Brian, looked at him with concern.

"Bri?" Duster asked.

"Hey, human, what's got you so worked up, hmm?" Sprinkles asked as well. Brian ignored them. Anyone... Even his friends? Could mark, or Valorie, or even Skye be spies here? Thyme scowled and bit his ear roughly.

"O-ow! Thyme, what was that for?!" Brian said, jumping with startlement. Thyme hissed at him

"Oi! Wake up Brian! Take a look around!" thyme said, gesturing at all the little groups of students that had formed, now giving each other long glances filled with mistrust.

"This is what the Rocket's want Brian, to make us all weak. T make us doubt each other. They work like Team Plasma did, through fear and deceit. They put wedges between friends and tear them apart. Then they take what they want." Thyme said knowingly. Brian nodded. Yeah... He needed to trust his friends now, more than ever.

"Yeah Thyme. Let's talk to everyone after class, ok?" Brian said after a moment. Then he set Sprinkles down and looked at the four pokemon.

"Thyme, Sprinkles, Duster, Leena, would you guys please find Valorie, Skye, Mark, Ciel, and anyone else you can think of? Ask them to come and meet up after class in Oak Town, at that Smoothie shop? You remember right Thyme?" Brian said quietly. Thyme nodded thoughtfully.

"Of course Brian. Come on now." Thyme said, walking away. Sprinkles growled and walked to Brian.

"I just started to like you and you send me away!?" he growled. Brian picked the eevee up and smiled warmly.

"Not if you don't want to go." he said, walking towards his class.
Daniel checked the hours once again. It was still early, but he liked to get early to class. He chewed his breakfast as he straightened his jacket, decorated with a tiny cute Entei drawing right above the student card. Fira, Draca and Argo put similar jackets on, just so they wouldn't get lost. As Daniel headed to get to the main building, he wondered what Practical batlling was about.
"Char char char?"(Wait, we have to work?!), asked Fira. "Tininini"(I think we will have to battle a lot), explained Draca. "Charchar, charmander"(Oh, Gary Oak, you magnificent ...), joked Fira with a jolly look, but was interrupted with Argo's "Treetreecko"(Watch your language! Gary might be hearing us).
Shawn Williams - Raikou Dorm - Cafeteria (again?)

It was safe to say that not only was Kiki ok from last night, but Shawn simply had no idea what happened within the last few moments. He went from heading towards where his first class was meeting to being jumped on and hugged by Kiki (which he enjoyed, except the impact kinda jarred him) to having Cynder thrust in his arms while she went to get breakfast. Looking down to the fire-type in his arms, while she was cute and all, his only thought running through his mind was "Please don't burn me". After all, some pokemon can easily ignite when angry or threatened. Anyways, focusing back to the here and now, he walks to an empty table to wait for Kiki.

From what she said, her and Andy had a run-in with Jen, that white-haired girl he met the other night. He hoped Andy was alright and wasn't injured like he was. He wondered what else they went through while he was out. He started to gently pet Cynder while he waited. Does Kiki know about their classes? Probably not. He'll tell her about them while she ate.

Posted from Pokecommunity.com App for Android
[PokeCommunity.com] The Pokémon Trainer Academy (T) [Best Veteran 4Q '11]

Roxas Jaden Asakura
Suicune dorms > Cafetaria.

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Roxas woke up in his bed as his heart skipped a beat. "W-What happened…?" Roxas blinked a few times and sat up. Strange enough he was still in his clothes but he wasn't wearing his Suicune jacket anymore. He was only in his black shirt and blue jeans. He searched around in his dorm for his Pokéballs but soon enough found Obilivio sitting against a wall and staring at him. "You passed out after the girl with her Pidget ran away." Obilivio sighed in return. "Jaden, Luna and I dragged you back here." Obilivio jumped up and walked towards the tv to pick up thrle remote.

"More important, take a look at this." Obilivio turned on the tv. Obilivio showed him what was on the news right now. "Team Rocket infiltrated the Pokémon trainer academy and attacked an item shop." the woman on the tv spoke. Roxas didn't believe what he was hearing. A rocket spy attacked the item shop in Oak town? One of his colleagues?!

Roxas's anger started to build inside him. "How does he or she dare to attack some innocent residents! This is ridiculous!" Roxas immediately stood up and pulled on his Suicune jacket. "Roxas wait!" Obilivio followed him. Roxas turned his head to hear what his Lucario has to say. "If you go to find him or her, you'll probably exposed as well. And… you don't want Alice to know you're a member of team rocket, right?" Obilivio went straight to the point and hitted Roxas deeply at his weak point. Ofcourse Roxas didn't want Alice to find out his real identity AND his real age… not after he kissed her yesterday, she wasn't ready for the truth.

"Look at you… that girl became your weakness." Obilivio was chuckling as he crossed his arm. Roxas turned his face to the door, and instead of blushing he seemed angry instead. "My weakness… makes me stronger." with these words he opened the door and closes it forward Obilivio's nose. He moved his legs towards the Cafeteria and sat down at a table without getting something to eat. He wasn't hungry at all and was just thinking there.

Lucia Francisco Bernavard - History/Mythology Class

Lucia finished up eating her breakfast and put away her plate and dishes. "Alright Roberto, we are heading to our first class. History and Mythology taught by... hm... Steven Yew. Haven't had him yet, so it should prove to be enlightening none the less. I suppose history of the region and such." She stated to the Scizor. "Try not to become too aggressive Roberto. They are students you know." The Scizor just grunted at those words. Lucia sighed at his attitude and glanced down at the room number yet again and headed off. The cafeteria was getting more crowded by this point and the classroom would at least be a bit quieter. She highly doubted that any students were in the room yet.

She neared the room and noticed as she traveled the halls that barely any students were walking about. Oh well, it just meant she could get situated that much easier. Once she found the room and headed in she noticed that the teacher was already in the room probably getting ready for the class. There was even a Gardevoir up there with him. Lucia made her way to a seat near the front and began to unpack her bags accordingly. Roberto meanwhile stood against a wall, crossing his arms and quickly glanced the teacher and his Gardevoir up and down. For the rest of the time after though he just stared ahead at the other wall.
[PokeCommunity.com] The Pokémon Trainer Academy (T) [Best Veteran 4Q '11] [PokeCommunity.com] The Pokémon Trainer Academy (T) [Best Veteran 4Q '11] ∣ Whitney Eli
[PokeCommunity.com] The Pokémon Trainer Academy (T) [Best Veteran 4Q '11]
[PokeCommunity.com] The Pokémon Trainer Academy (T) [Best Veteran 4Q '11]
[PokeCommunity.com] The Pokémon Trainer Academy (T) [Best Veteran 4Q '11]
[PokeCommunity.com] The Pokémon Trainer Academy (T) [Best Veteran 4Q '11]
[PokeCommunity.com] The Pokémon Trainer Academy (T) [Best Veteran 4Q '11]
[PokeCommunity.com] The Pokémon Trainer Academy (T) [Best Veteran 4Q '11]
[PokeCommunity.com] The Pokémon Trainer Academy (T) [Best Veteran 4Q '11]

Chapter Two: Part Five
Academic Training!

"Huh?" She glanced up for a second, blinking momentarily before the boy's words finally popped into her head. "Oh, uh, I'm almost done, I can show you, just gotta finish..." She was half-drowned out by the welder, as she began fusing the plates to the rest of the invention. "Just gotta... Weld the plates to cover the microchips... Aaaaaand... Done." She formed a big grin as she stood up from her chair, resting a foot on the seat. She grabbed one of the metal contraptions, stuck it to the bottom of her shoe, and strapped it in. She then switched feet and did the same with her other shoes. "Alright, ready?"

Pidge rested in her backpack, once more causing the wings to appear to be hers. She smiled and mumbled, "Alright, how does that movie go...? Oh, right. Click the heels together," she began to press the heels together, each time causing the shoes to beep, counting, "One, two, three!" At the third beep, she suddenly rose slightly off of the ground, a small whirring noise emitted from the devices under her shoes. "Check it out!" She grinned, and began to skate circles around the table. "Hover skates! Awesome, right!?"


Bryce arrived in the cafeteria along with crowd of students. He got in line, grabbed a plate of french toast and a glass of milk, then made his was to an empty table. Thank Arceus for that empty table, Bryce was in no mood for small talk, especially today. It was nerve racking just for him to get off the boat, now he's getting ready to start classes. Be it they aren't permanent but still. Bryce look around the cafeteria and saw a bunch of faces. The first that caught his eye was a girl showing off to some boy some sort of hover skates as she glided he way around a table.

Awesome! Bryce thought, giving a smile while still stuffing his face with french toast.

Other than that, nothing seemed to really draw Bryce's attention. Everyone was hanging around with their friends and seemed to be having a good time. Everyone was ready for today. Bryce, however, wasn't quite sure whether or not he was ready. Of course he wanted to be, but he just wasn't sure if he actually was. Nothing has been quite steady for him for the past five years. He'd been moving around all over the world, not really having a place to call home since his parents went missing. Bryce wasn't sure if this steady way of living would be too much for him. It would certainly be a change of pace. But who knows, maybe it will be for the best.

Gwen Deallus - Raikou dorm
[PokeCommunity.com] The Pokémon Trainer Academy (T) [Best Veteran 4Q '11] [PokeCommunity.com] The Pokémon Trainer Academy (T) [Best Veteran 4Q '11] [PokeCommunity.com] The Pokémon Trainer Academy (T) [Best Veteran 4Q '11]

Mark informed Gwen that there would be class lists posted up in the cafeteria. This was excellent as it would serve as a perfect excuse for Gwen to consume copious amounts of breakfast before class and even though she had given a bowl of poke-chow to Amber, Gwen was certain that the little carnivore wouldn't turn her nose up at some proper meat.

"Ah, the cafeteria well.. yeah that makes sense actually. I probably should have thought of that." said Gwen, slightly embarrassed.

Wondering if the two other Raikou dorm members would also be headed that way she added;

"Well then, I'll be off to the cafeteria, for some breakfast and a look at that list. How about you two? I'm guessing you both already know your classes?"

Gwen wondered absently whether either Mark or Iny would be in the same classes as her. It would certainly be useful if they were, and would give a good opportunity to get to know the members of her dorm a little better.
Excited and slightly nervous about what classes she would be allocated, she stood silent, but restlessly as Mark and Iny decided whether the three of them would be heading to the cafeteria together.
[PokeCommunity.com] The Pokémon Trainer Academy (T) [Best Veteran 4Q '11]
Valorie Ryder - Zane Alta's Classroom
A rather short'ish girl carrying a slightly bulging satchel entered Zane's classroom, carefully groomed for the oncoming day. She had taken great care to make sure there was no trace of the spaghetti sauce she'd been covered in the previous night. Looking around, Valorie was a bit confused at the empty classroom. Why, in such a populated school, would she ever manage to be /the/ first one there..? ...Disregarding the teacher of course. That being said, she made several steps inside before addressing Zane in a rather quiet voice. "This is Practical Battling, right..?" she asked, kind of wondering if she was in the wrong place or if class had been cancelled or something like that.

Hilda - Community Service and Vigilantism Classroom
Meanwhile, Hilda slipped inside her classroom, looking ever so busy with a bag stuffed full of various supplies in her arms. She was studying the contents, seemingly trying to count them as she moved over and had a seat on the teacher's desk in the room their class never, /ever/ used anyway and began to quietly organize the backpack's contents. Basic food and water, first aid, more first aid... As one could see, she was all set! There was barely enough room for pokemon! Hilda casually observed the few students that had already made it to her classroom, but did not opt to start conversation as she was still waiting for quite a lot of people. Now was preparation time.

Zayne Alta

Aura, through his sensory abilities, had noticed the approaching student long before she had actually arrived, so Zayne was not exactly surprised when a young girl walked into the now lightly decorated classroom. She looked around confusedly her gaze resting on Zayne and on Aura several times
She's probably trying to work out if I'm the teacher or a student supposed Zayne, few people in the school had actually realised he was a staff member on first glance, it would get annoying after a while but he could live with it for the time being.

"This is Practical Battling right?" she asked, seemingly unsure if she had arrived early, late or in the wrong class entirely. Zayne found the perplexed student rather amusing really, since he had a similar frame of mind being a new teacher.
"Yes, this is Practical Battling" Zayne answered her question "you're the first one here." Zayne wondered for a second if he should introduce himself to his student before deciding it was within the realms of acceptability
"I'm Zay... Mr. Alta and I'll be your teacher for this unit." glancing to his side he added "this is Aura, but he won't be sticking around too much longer".

the little mouse cocked her head. Why would she burn him? She liked him. H wasn't mean like some people.And the mouse could see her Mama liked him too. She cried happily and snuggled close to him.

"Quil! (Papa!)" she said happily, her back face all smiles.


Kiki ate her food as fast as possible then ran back to Shawn with an excited giggle. She spotted Cynder acting in the strangest way. She was being happy and affectionate to him, something she didn't do to anyone but her.Well, she seemed content so Kiki let Shawn hold her as long as he wanted.

"Hey! What classes are you in?" she asked slowly, not caring about her own classes. She would just go to his regardless of what they were.


Brian walked over and checked his class list, smiling. Those looked interesting, but History... He hated History. Bother.

"Let's go! I'm bored!" Sprinkles said with annoyance. He pet the young eevee and nodded, smiling and heading toward his first class. He stopped at thedoor, seeing Lucia already in there.

"Hi." he said politely before taking a desk on the other side of the room, holding the eevee close, who looked at Roberto with a sneer, then Lucia with curiosity, then the gardevoir with annoyance. He did not seem impressed.

Skye yawned, rubbing his hair back down. Pola, in her infinite child wisdom, had agitated Volca into Wild Charging her across the dorm. Thankfully, the polar bear was made of sterner stuff than she used to be, but it had still knocked her dizzy. So she slept on in his bag as he dressed. He sighed with relief. He was still here… for the moment.

"Skye, stop thinking."

Rama made this order from where he sat in Skye's chair. His fur stuck up every which way and his trademark smirk was nowhere to be seen. He looked horrible and probably knew it too. Skye held out his arms to brush him, but the Pokemon turned up its nose. "Not until you let it go."

"Yuh-you act luh-like it's thah-hah-hat easy."

"It's Cam," pointed out the Zorua. "You can't tell me you didn't expect to be slaughtered." Skye twitched. "Don't be such an idiot."

"I really don't think Skye wants to hear that from you of all Pokemon Rama," Ellie yawned, rolling onto her back. "Besides, your pride is what's keeping you looking like a Mareep with a paint job." He hissed at her. "Your mom's just worried Skye," she added, looking at her trainer's crestfallen expression. "She didn't exactly want you to come here. It's still safer than back home, various incidents or not."

The human smiled rather mournfully. 'Weh-he neh-need to geh-get stronger," he said softly. So they don't have to think things like that again.

Rama whistled. "Never thought I'd hear you say that, Skye."

Skye shrugged. "I-hi do-don't wah-want to luh-lose to Cam eh-anymu-more." He glanced at his Pokeballs and clipped them on. "Weh-we have a luh-lot of catching to do theh-hen." Rama smirked at this and padded over. Skye brushed his fur down, wincing at Rama's occasional shudders of pain. It looked like the Pokemon Center couldn't completely heal everything.

This task complete, he put a little money in his pocket and left his dorm room. He was off to a battling class, oddly enough. On his way out, a TV screen blared. Rama, who had been limping after him, snorted. "Well that sucks," he commented. "Can't buy anymore overpriced TMs." Skye hushed him, watching the screen intently.

Then he laughed, startling a few people. Skye shook his head. There wasn't much to be afraid of. Even if he couldn't beat Cam, he could hold off a few Rockets, whoever they may be. Though he wondered…

"Skye, there might be a time in this place where things go horribly bad. I do mean bad. You watch yourself, okay? You're the only kid in town I want taking this seat, Rangerhood or whatever first. So don't you and your mates go down, kay?"

Maybe his brother wasn't quite as insane as he thought.


Ciel had also seen the announcement. Unlike Skye, he was generally confused and upset. He could probably tell if there was a spy in the vicinity, but the idea of having to just felt all wrong. He buttoned his jacket. It wasn't exactly warm out today, even on an island. Momo let out a mewl from where she laid on the bed, tossing around in throes of sleep. Ciel managed a tiny giggle and returned her, placing her ball on his belt.

He paused for a moment. He had a class about… Berries today. Well, that sounded nice. Peaceful, quiet. Ciel hoped it wouldn't bring any dark thoughts about people while he was there. He didn't want to worry about such things. He just wanted to go to school and learn. Was that too much to ask for?

Knowing his luck, it probably was.


Thank Arceus there wasn't any teacher's meeting today.

After the serious mess that was the campus TM store getting blown up like somebody's fireworks show, all Ash really wanted to do was sleep like the dead. Sadly, she had to teach, so there went that idea. She brushed at her hair with a tired little smirk. Riley was sitting on the floor, eating apples. Pig of a mouse. How on earth was she going to cover her food expenses? Not cool, man.

"Come on, Miss I can go through anything including a paycheck," she ordered the mouse. "We have a class to teach, and you're helping." Riley bounced up at this, chasing her trainer out the door.

Today's lesson, at least to Ash anyway, was simple. She was going to teach these kids how to fight with a territorial disadvantage. That meant fighting with her own teammates. It was unlikely they would be able to beat them, but if a kid did happen to knock one of her Pokemon out…

Ash grinned to herself and put the black belt away. An Expert Belt could be useful to somebody in this school, there was no doubt about that.
Shawn Williams - Raikou Dorm - Cafeteria

As Kiki ran back to where he was, Shawn was surprised to see Cynder so affectionate with him. He chuckled as she snuggled up to him, gently stroking her fur all the while. When she cried out and smiled at the treatment he gave her, he couldn't help but grin wider at that. What he couldn't understand was why another trainer's pokemon would allow someone else to care for it. Maybe she really did trust him after all.

Shawn glanced up as Kiki asked about his classes. "Well," he began, "it looks like both of us are in the same classes this time. Our first class is Self-Defense and Intermediate Battling with someone named Ashara. After that, we have Pokemon Biology with Norman." He reclined a little in his chair, thinking about how the classes could go. "I'm pretty excited about showing others my pokemon, including my newest addition," he said, a hint of giddiness in his voice. He pulled one of the pokeballs off his belt and held it gently in his hand, tilting it to show Kiki what he had. "In this pokeball is a pokemon that may be my most prized capture thus far," he smiled as he quickly returned the pokeball to his belt.

Shawn returned his gaze to Kiki, "So how did everything go last night? What happened with that white-haired girl you and Andy were dealing with?".

Posted from Pokecommunity.com App for Android
"Oh, I'm actually scheduled for a Self Defense and Intermediate battling class. Pretty excited about that. Oh and I have a class relating to berrys and Poffin making! I might grab a quick snack at the Cafeteria. I might be running late pretty soon but I'm cool with walking with you two." Mark replied. He was very excited to go to this class... he wanted to learn more battling techniques from these various trainers, no matter how obscure. It was improving his skills very quickly. Iny was up for tagging along as well!

"Well then ladies, I'll lead the way to the Cafeteria!" Mark said as he headed out the door. If he was going to a self defense class he needed to be filled up after all...

Issac Milke - Volcanic cave -> Dorms

As Issac and C.J. made their way to the end of the cave, light shined illuminated the what was dark when they entered. Issac looked back at C.J.
"-No way. It's morning." Issac exclaimed as he grabbed for Coal's pokeball, withdrawing him. "We have to dart."

C.J. nodded at him as the two started to sprint out of the cave, Ax and Ace trailing behind.
"I am by far from prepared for the day!" Issac said to C.J. as the two descended down the mountain.
"It'll be fine." C.J. replied shortly. There was definitely tension from their disagreement earlier. "Not much further, here's the sign." C.J. pointed out as the passed the sign marking the entrance to the mountain path.

The two emerged from the mountain path and continued to the dorms at full pace stopping at the Raikou entrance. No further words were said. Issac nodded at C.J. and entered the building, making his way to his room without looking back.

I hope all this will blow over...

Issac entered his room and changed into fresh clothes.

Will have to shower later. Have to eat and get to class.
Lucia Francisco Bernavard - History/Mythology Class

Lucia had already taken out her notebook and appropriate pencils. Yes, she had to put on a good first impression. In fact, a good grade usually included what the teacher's personal opinion of a student was. Though... her luck changed for the worst as Brian came in. She could feel her body tense up at his presence. This would NOT be good. Not good at all. Out of all the students in the school that were squeezed into a classroom HE had to be in here!? Okay... no need to panic Lucia. No need, just take in deep calming breaths. All she had to do was focus on the teacher and on the board. No matter what Brian did or said she would NOT get angry. She couldn't afford it.

Roberto of course returned the glare the Eevee gave him, even moving a claw along his throat to make sure the little furball got the message. Yes, that Eevee tried to fight he would make sure to knock him out, that would teach the youngster some manners. Though, he would wait for the Eevee to attack first, it wouldn't look good to go ahead and punch him.
Steven Yew - The first students

Yew looked up from the papers he had in front of him as a student entered. He smiled and waved slightly, but his introduction was slightly interrupted by another student entering. Deciding that it was a hopeless cause, Yew sat back in his chair, watching the students with interest. The girl appeared to be an avid student, a notebook and pencil already in front of her. The boy, on the other hand, simply sat down. The eevee in his hands seemed to have a sort of rivalry with the girl's Scizor, which had found a nice spot on the wall. Yew smiled at this. Young rivalry was always fun. Hell, he'd feuded with the great Gary Oak a bit when the two first met! Well, that aside, Yew clicked a few keys on his laptop, bringing up the days notes, which would be presented via PowerPoint. He waited to turn on the overhead projector; there were still two students due. Tetra, on the other hand, had begun sketching the statue on Yew's desk to pass the time. Yew grinned as she did, for his Gardevoir was actually an amazing artist, a skill she seemed to have picked up on their travels. Yew laced his hands behind his head, leaning the chair back some. There wasn't a bell schedule to his extent of knowledge, so he would start the class as soon as all the students were present. Well, with some restraints... Yew didn't want to be waiting for a student that wasn't going to show up...

Kilik Chambers - Cafeteria

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This girl was barely even paying attention to Kilik. All her focus is on that contraption of hers. How did she get accepted into this academy? Does she battle? Oh, wait. She might be part of Team Rocket...but that seems unlikely. Kilik was paying no attention to the girl's work, focusing more on his nutrients on the plate. Breakfast, to be exact. It then struck Kilik that he doesn't know his schedule for the day yet. As soon as he finishes his breakfast, he'll get right to it.

Pretty soon, the girl finished her contraption. Oddly enough, she stood on her seat & switched shoes. Her Pidgeotto sat inside her backpack, giving her the look of an angel. That's when she tapped her heels three times before hovering, hover skating around the table. How does this help in battle? She's either brainy, if not nuts. "Cool, yes." Kilik lied. Really, Kilik has no concerns with appearances or entrances in a battle. All trainers are different, however. This one... Is she even a trainer?

This checks out. She can't be part of Team Rocket. She's too cheery. Though looks can be deceiving. Perhaps Kilik should best keep an eye on her, just to be safe. He began eyeing the cafeteria again, looking for anyone suspicious. Their's that red-head student. Maybe. Their's a bob-haired boy. Maybe not. Their's a blond student without breakfast, let alone plate. That's rather odd...

Without looking at the girl next to him, he stood up from the table & grabbed his plate. "If you'll excuse me..." Kilik said, leaving it at that as he walked towards the blond boy. Students usually get breakfast. Why not this one...?

"Mind if I sit here?" Kilik asked the student as he reached his destination. Time to interrogate this suspect.

ShinyDiamond: The sad part is, Kilik never got that brainy girl's name.
Iny Gage - Raikou dorms

"Awh, I got the berries class too but it's my first class..." She says slightly disappointed. "Would have been cool to have someone in there I knew but oh well. Maybe I still have a class with Gwen! Although, I don't think you wanna be with me, I seemed to have gotten the two boring classes" She says rolling her eyes.

"Anyway, I'm headed to the cafeteria too! I haven't eaten anything since I gotten here, I Feel like I could eat a truck." She whines a bit as she follows.

As Iny followed she was hoping she wasn't being too Annoying. She hardly knew anyone here yet so she wanted to make sure she made some quick friend but she felt like she was being a bit too pushy. It seemed like they were quite a bit older than her, especially with Gwen Being almost a head taller, So she hoped she wasn't bugging them too much.