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Pokémon Odyssey: A New Beginning [T] [Best Veteran 4Q '12]

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Snype looked around at the damp room. He could see the previously flooded pathway and directed the Jolteon to the left. They would soon find themselves in the large room that they had been fighting in previously. At least now they had a checkpoint. All that was left was finding a way back up. The room was still soaking wet and the water was just up to their knees. Snype remained on Levina and looked around the room. He remembered the whole charade that the Madmen's men put on, offering them cake or something. Snype couldn't remember. The place looked like a party that was just crashed.

"Geez this place got wrecked. I guess the corpses got cleared out from the flood... At least we're making some progress now. Now we just have to retrace our steps." Snype said. It was still extremely dark in the room. He looked back at the entrance that they came from and saw another pathway. It wasn't much but it was the best they had to go with. He pet Levina on the head.

"Watch your step there. It's gonna be pretty slippery on the way back. Kehehe." Snype joked
Cape City

Before Paladin had time to react, his plan went awry. Somehow, most likely due to a mistake on someone else's part, Scar managed to build up Calm Mind and break free of the Psychic cocoon that Allora and Speculum had created. In a swift flurry of attacks, the Mienshao managed to get the whole building crumbling down, and managed to push Gallant and Speculum off of the building. This was bad. Very bad. Paladin, being slower than the other members of the Gold Tribe, went down with the building. He could see that Scar had escaped the building's collapse, and Allora had been rescued by Accatosh, leaving only him. Paladin tried to run for the edges, but he was too slow, and when the building underneath him gave way, he went tumbling down. He struggled as more and more concrete fell on top of him, burying him in the ruins.

Then, suddenly, a giant, overgrown arm forced its way through the rubble. It was followed by a second arm, and a head an torso. It was the giant Paladin, and he was no longer in a playing mood. He stoop up, shaking the rest of the rubble from his body, and noticed that Accatosh had forced a crumbling wall to fall towards that annoying pest called Scar. Paladin proceeded to use his foot to push the wall towards Scar even faster. The wall hit, though Paladin wasn't sure if it had crushed Scar or not. The impact of the wall also shook a nearby building, on which sat Penance Malum and one of his associates. Paladin rolled his deformed eyes when he realized that the two were boasting. "Hey!" He shouted at the two clowns. "Why don't you quit your talking and actually do something for a change?! Get down here!"

Cape City

"Oh, come on! Gimme a break," was all the Scrafty known as Hoodhide could think of saying as he looked on at the overpowered Typhlosion. The Inferno was now stronger than ever, with dark flames on his back and black holes for eyes. The sight of him intimidates Hoodhide greatly, but he stood his ground. That is, until the Inferno launched another Blast Burn. This one was far more ferocious than the last; it was dark just like the flames on his back, and far more hot. Hoodhide could feal the heat of the oncoming attack even from the distance at which he stood. "Run. Run! RUN!" Hoodhide screamed to the others. He hoped that most of them would do as he said, because he certainly did. He ran as much as his legs would carry him. He hopped on top of a building, and began running in the opposite direction. His plan was to avoid the Blast Burn, then come back to help the others.

The Blast Burn was devastating. As if the last attack hadn't been enough, this one would burn anything within ten feet of it to a crisp. Hoodhide did his best to avoid the black Blast Burn, which was aimed directly at him, as well as at the others in the same way as the last had been. Hoodhide jumped to the side, avoiding the initial attack, but the terrible pillar of flame began to follow him. It drifted to the side as he began to run for his life. He could feel his skin blistering from the heat of the nearby Blast Burn, his skin roasting, and the thing just kept getting closer.

This wasn't looking good.
Cape City

"Scar! Why not fight someone who CAN take you on?" A voice said to the Mienshao from behind him. He turned to address it, seeing two Pokemon facing him down to the side. He smirked, finding their confidence foolish, because in his mind they obviously didn't understand who he was dealing with. He had dealt with those who had similar dispositions in the past, and found that to kill one of such personality turned out to be the most rewarding. Scar was about to reply to the overconfident pair, but a quick warning from the two alerted the Sentinel to a fast-falling wall crumbling on top of him. He had no way of escaping in time as the wall was too large, so he made up his mind on how he would deal with it. He bent his knees, forming a stance as to gather his strength from his feet, and when he would jump, fling that momentum to his arms. As the wall approached, Scar stuck one hand out, while the other was positioned by his waste. He waited now, the wall crumbling right on top of him. He had to get it just right, right before the wall would land on top of him, so that the two forces would impact at precisely the height of their momentum. When it reached the point, Scar jumped up, forcing his arm he positioned back forward, and struck at a weakened-looking portion of the wall. The rest of the wall came crashing down upon the battlefield, the smoke and dust quickly rising, with Gallant only barely avoiding the wall himself.

However, using the Brick Break on that precise point of the wall, as well as using his legs to jump up with the attack, Scar now broke a hole through the wall as was jumping out the other end, with only a bit of blood drawn from his knuckles. But it didn't end there. He had purposefully used his legs to jump forward more, bursting into the air so that he could quickly go through the motion and transfer from one attack directly to the other. From a Brick Break air spell, he suddenly came tumbling down again with a Bounce, wasting no time in between the two attacks. He took the briefest of moments to scout out a potential target, thinking back upon the two Pokemon who had just appeared. He contemplated going after the Golduck, but figured he might have been fast enough to avoid the attack. Instead, he decided to go for the closer, slower Golurk, who seemed to be in a prime position for the attack. With a mischievous smile, Scar came tumbling down at a rapid rate right on top of the Paladin. If the attack would have successfully hit the giant Pokemon, even at his own weight, he would have been damaged with quite a bit of potency, as well as flung back quite a distance, allowing for Scar to prepare for a fight against the two other Pokemon, as well as any others who were around to survive the building collapse, including the Ninetales, Ditto, Sawk and the Salamence Gold Tribe members.


A sudden powerful burst of energy had erupted next to Zane. It came from the area where the Inferno was located. It didn't seem like anyone in that area would have been doing well by any means, giving the sudden exponential increase in the Typhlosion's power, almost unnaturally so. However, on another part of the city, a sudden building collapse quickly drew his mind to the possibility of another Sentinel battle. Though of that, he wasn't sure. Conflicted in the middle, Zane wondered where he should proceed next. A moment later, he heard a dreadful yell echo through the battle, calling for an opponent to fight.


Zane looked down at the crystal he wore around his neck, wondering which priority was his to deal with. The scream was of concern to him, but he was further away from that point to be able to help even if he could. The collapse building also presented a problem, but he wasn't certain either way who it was that was the cause, though he had an idea it could be a Sentinel. The surest choice was the closest to him. The Inferno. He began running closer to the area, already seeing scorch marks and burned buildings even if he wasn't in the immediate area of impact. Suddenly, a message was relayed into his mind, telling him he was needed back at the area where the collapsed building was. It was Scar.

"Damn it," Zane cursed to himself, now unsure where he should go. Scar was of dire concern, but he looked at who seemed to be causing the more substantial damage. Not just structurally, but to those around. The Inferno's power was devastating, and it only seemed to be growing. He knew if he left him alone now, it would only get worse for those who were there. Still, he had to stop each Sentinel, and the psychics were apparently going for Scar. He didn't like the choice, but it was the one that was made.

He took one more look back towards the devastation of the flames, and turned around, going to the location Scar was at. He would help free the Mienshao. He only hoped he wasn't making the wrong choice.
Levina ~ Tunnels
Levina stood still as she was completely blind in the flooded room. She growled a little as the water brushed up against her knees. Getting wet wasn't her favorite thing in the world but she could deal with it. Levina felt Snype pet the top of her head and make a comment about the corpses being washed away. "Hey make sure you don't touch the water." Levina stated then discharged a little bit of electricity into the water. The electric current danced through the water and lit up the area for a few seconds before dissipating.

"Your right but at least we might have found the way out. And if I slip you will be soaked. Hehe." Levina chuckled as she contemplated bucking Snype off into the water on purpose. Eventually she decided against it and took off down the passageway. Levina felt her feet slip out of under her every once in a while and stumbled; catching herself at the last minute.

"We are getting closer." Levina grinned as the sounds of battle began to get increasingly louder. Before they knew it, a light at the end of the tunnel could be seen. "Ok Snype. Ready to have to some fun and kick some Gold butt?"

Allora ~ Cape City
Allora cursed under her breath as Scar managed to get free from her grasp and attack her old mentor. "Gallant!" she managed to get out before she felt the ground beneath her feet break away. Allora didn't even have time to think before she was falling. She closed her eyes, waiting for impact, when she felt two claws wrap around her and lift her up. Allora opened her eyes to see Accatosh carrying towards the street. "T…thank you Accatosh." She called up to him as he dropped her. Landing gracefully on her feet, Allora spun around to see Accatosh catch a wall that was falling and Paladin bursting through the rubble. Her attention was drawn by a cocky voice that called out to the Sentinel. "Scar! Why not fight someone who CAN take you on?" It was Penance and one of his minions. Allora couldn't help but roll her eyes at the annoying Golduck. Just then Paladin pushed the heavy wall Accatosh was holding towards Scar. Unfortunately it wasn't enough to do anything as the Sentinel broke through the wall. Allora ran to get closer when she saw Scar heading to attack Paladin. "Oh no you don't!" Allora yelled as she used Psychic to catch the Meinshao, in mid-air, just inches away from hitting Paladin. "Take THIS!" She again screamed as she flew the Sentinel towards another building with great force and speed. If he hit, it would defiantly do some damage and maybe even break a bone or two.
Cape City

Before Paladin knew it, Scar had escaped from being squashed by the wall, targeting a weak spot on it to break through. Paladin only had time to curse before he found Scar right on top of him. The devious Sentinel had come down from his next attack and was heading straight for Paladin. In a swift attack which the Golurk had no time to dodge, Scar collided with Paladin's chest and Bounced straight off it. The last thing Paladin saw before being flung off into the distance was Scar floating still in mid-air, and being pushed into a nearby building due to a Psychic attack.

Paladin had never had this feeling before. In all his life, as far as he knew, he hadn't met anyone or anything with enough force to push him back this far. Paladin skidded along the dirt like a rock on water. A group of Ancients who happened to be in his path were knocked over like bowling pins. Finally, Paladin crashed through the first floor of a three-story building, destroying the wall that he crashed into and finally coming to a halt inside the house itself.

As Paladin regained consciousness, he found a mysterious figure hovering above him. "V...Veletra?" he stuttered. Indeed, it was the poisoned Mismagius. She struggled to stay up, grunting every now and then from the pain of the poison. "You didn't think I was g-gonna-urgh-stay over there with...S-Scar, did you?" She stuttered. "You need to get out of here, Veletra," Paladin said. He tried to sit up, but realized that a great pain in his back had all but paralysed him for the time being. "Argh!" He grunted as he lay back down. "Take th-these," Veletra said flatly, offering four Oran Berries. "I...can't, you must take them," Paladin ordered nobly, but Veletra shook her head. "Do not argue with me, Golurk. Take them." Paladin lifted his overgrown arm with some difficulty, taking the four Oran Berries and devouring them...somehow.

Just as Paladin began recovering, Veletra fell down. The Golurk sat up and turned to look at the Mismagius; she was barely breathing. "No...this is bad," he stated the obvious. Veletra chuckled slightly. "I'm fine now, Paladin. It's time for me to move on. I'm on-one hundred years o-old now, P-Paladin. Mismagius live for a ph-phenomenally long t-time." Veletra coughed for a moment, before speaking again, a distressed Paladin standing over her. "I-I've seen too many wars, Paladin. I d-don't want to be a part of this one," she finished.

Veletra's final words stayed heavy on Paladin's mind for a long time afterwards. Her last words were: "Beware of yourself." Then, finally, her breath gave out and she was dead.

Paladin was overcome with grief, and anger, and disappointment. They had gone all this way to save someone to whom Paladin owed his life, and she was now dead. He was grieving for Veletra, he was angry at whoever had done this to her, and he was disappointed in himself. He should have done better.

Then, suddenly, something snapped Paladin out of it. The voice...it was familiar. "I don't want to do this! If you value the life of these innocents then someone come fight me!!!" That was a voice which Paladin had not heard in a long time. Anger boiled up in his heart as he thought about who it might belong to.

Paladin left in a hurry. He took his flying position, retracting his hands and legs into his arms and torso, and taking off like a rocket. He crashed through two floors, eventually making it to the roof of the building. Looking beyond, he saw exactly what he'd expected to see...Sovereign.

The memories came rushing back to him as he stared at the monster Tyranitar. It was just a routine mission to the mountains, Paladin remembered. He, his former mentor and dear friend Gabe Kellan, and two other Gold Tribesmen had heard of a disturbance in the mountains, so they went to investigate. Mere moments after they had arrived, they were assaulted by a monstrous Tyranitar, the very Tyranitar that stood before him today. Sovereign had killed everyone but Paladin himself that day...he was responsible for Gabe's death. Paladin had once made a promise to himself, that if he ever found Sovereign again, he would put an end to him. And he was going to keep that promise. He knew he should head back to the Scar fight in order to help his comrades, but the combined anger of Veletra's death and seeing Sovereign again overcame compassion.

Paladin, still hovering above the ground, primed the power within him, boosting his thrust to maximum. At the top of his lungs, he screamed "SOVEREEEEEIGN!" before charging at the Tyranitar, crashing into him mid-flight. With the monster hit, Paladin reverted back to his normal form. "If it's a fight you want, it's a fight you'll get!"
Snype winced as he began to see a bit of light finally. It was noisy on the surface. He had no idea just how long the battle had been going on for. Now was the time to devise a plan to at least give the Silver Tribe a fighting chance. As cocky as Snype was, he knew how to pick his fights. It was one reason he loved playing dirty all of the time and by Arceus he was going to play dirty.

"Alright Levina. Lets not rush in to quickly. My expertise is stealth. We need to investigate what we're going against and figure out how to take them out. Rushing into a crowd of them might get us killed. I want to try and aim for their leaders one by one. If I can use Toxic on each of them without getting spotted, we might have a better chance at winning." Snype said.
Accatosh "Blitzkrieg" Corronis

Paladin who had become covered in rubble pulled himself out, and pushed the wall faster towards Scar, who unfortunately escaped, then he bounced off of Paladin pushing him quite a distance away from the group. Then a psychic attack hit Scar and through him into a wall. Accatosh found the irony amusing but kept his laughter to himself. Accatosh stood ready, then he heard not to far away Paladin's voice, shouting, "SOVEREEEEEIGN!" Accatosh could sense Paladin's anger towards this character Sovereign... that much was clear, Paladin didn't like him.

Accatosh shook his head returning to focus, he jumped into the air and launched a fire blast at Scar, who was pinned against a wall. he then launched himself into the air to give himself a strategic advantage and viewpoint.
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Hanso SharpEye

Hanso closed his eyes, brushing aside the urge to snap back at Vera as he looked out over the city again. This time, he was working on pinpointing a couple things: Sovereign, and maybe whatever made him impatient. It was easy work to locate the Tyranitar's mind. Doing one last general mental sweep, Hanso's eyes shot open. "I think a Sentinel's chaos form came out," he finally replied in a flat tone. "There's a concentrated spot of, eh, darkness, clouding the Sentinel's mind. Not sure, but it could be the Inferno."

Reaching out again, it took a little longer to find the other mind he was looking for. "Penance," Hanso relayed, forming his side of the telepathic channel. "Rather destructive day, isn't it. Either tell me if you have something planned already for Sovereign, or get me a competent Psychic that's free to help, someone who knows their way with the mind."

"Contacted someone," Hanso stated, "now we gotta get closer to Sovereign." The Tyranitar's location was fixed in his head; as the Gallade spoke, another mind appeared in the small area he now tracked. "Ah. Paladin just engaged him. Ready?" Hanso dropped his hand on Vera's shoulder in preparation for a teleport. When he got her assent, his eyes briefly glowed blue before they teleported.


The two Pokemon appeared at the base of a two-story building, yards away from Paladin and Sovereign but hidden around the corner. Looking around the corner, Hanso immediately said, "We may have to back up a bit."
Cape City

Scar grinned as he landed successfully on the giant Golurk. However, when he intended to use his body as a stepping stone towards his next attack, something had caught him in the air which prevented him from doing so. By the time he had realized that it was Psychic energy that grabbed him, he was no longer in any position to fight it, and thus, was flung away to a far building. Scar did his best to maneuver in mid-air, turning to face toward the building, and put all his might behind another Brick Break, destroying the immediate wall to help cushion his blow. Even though he did that, he still was unable to prevent himself from crashing now head-first into the building, and breaking through. He cursed to himself, but began to slowly move out of the building back towards the Gold Tribe members. He noticed blood at the corner of his mouth, as well as a throbbing pain on his shoulder. He shook it off, and proceeded outward, only to be met by a ferocious Fire Blast from the Salamence Blitzkrieg. Scar leaped out of the way, narrowly avoiding the bulk of the blast, but still getting seared by flames across his back. A burn mark made its way on the back of the same shoulder with the pain from the crash. He gritted his teeth from the pain, but the injuries were not nearly enough to cause him to falter.

Then, he began to prepare. He held both of his arms apart, one to the left, and another to the right. He primed a target, the Salamence in the sky, and combined his arms together, the two orbs of energy forming into one, larger one. He then unleash the Focus Blast, his target being the Salamence in the sky. He did not wait to see if the target hit, as he observed the two other Pokemon still around as well, and also the Ninetales. He prepared another set of energy, and shot at them with the same ferocity. However, once he released the attack, he was smashed into on his back with an Iron Head, the attacker being that of Zane Tyrael. Scar unleashed the two Focus Blasts into the air instead, missing his previous targets.

"I won't allow you to harm anyone else, Scar," Zane told the Mienshao. It took a bit of shaking off for the Sentinel to recover from the back pain, the back of his shoulder bruising from the hit. However, he gave little away that he had experienced much of the pain of a full-on Iron Head. Instead, he merely turned and smiled at Zane.

"Ah, Zane Tyrael joins the fray. Why don't you bring all of your Gold Tribe at me? It won't make a difference either way. You are, all of you, incapable of handling the task, no matter how much you think you can. I am a cut above the other Sentinels you have killed. Beserker and Noxious. Ignitus and Frost. They were strong in their own right, but they were just Pokemon." He extended his arms inward, pushing both knuckles against each other as he prepared a Calm Mind, in case more Psychic energy would be flung at him. "I am...more."
Accatosh "Blitzkrieg" Corronis

Accatosh's Fire Blast would hardly be considered a hit, it merely grazed Scar. then Scar launched a powerful focus blast at Accatosh's direction, the attack came at an average speed. instead of dodging the attack, Accatosh used Giga Impact, fused with protect and powered through the orb, sending little tendrils of the attack around him. Accatosh landed and walked over to where Zane and Scar were. Accatosh had a crafty and mysterious smile on his face, "you're hardly what people have said about you... a cut above? please, Auron is a cut above... you on the other hand..." Accatosh didn't finish his statement on purpose to make Scar think that he was saying that Scar was a cut below or worse.

Accatosh prepped himself with a Fire Blast, and a Draco blast attack, waiting for Scar to react potentialy violently towards Accatosh who would then strike the sentinel with his attacks.
Penance 'Madman' Malum

Penance whistled as the other Goldies gathered around. Paladin was angrily shouting, the others were slowly getting out of the rubble, Zane had finally arrived, and Hanso was shouting at him via a link he just set up. Quite a lot to take in, but he could roll with it.

Hanso, don't worry about that, Brynn should be on her way, keep a look out for her. With her being your sister you should have more of a drive NOT to die, right?

He smirked at the Mienshao, though a attack from a certain anxious Salamance just caused the Golduck to sigh. He dug his icy blades into the ground and crossed his arms as Scar got out of the rubble. "Yes... you are more Scar." He said slowly. "You don't think we see what is going on, do you? I must admit, without the other psychics busy trying to figure out this mess I myself would have been lost. But in a way, it does make sense... well, now that one someone thinks about it You know, the gold crystal and how it can negatively affect the silver crystal, especially considering the being himself that is hiding in that crystal. Though you probably don't know how it's happening right? How DID you come from being a respectful Goldy to... well a Silver...ry? Sorry still thinking up a good name to call the Silver Tribe, hehe. Even better, let me ask, how did you even end up under his control? You know I don't refer to Auron here, I think deep down in your memories, you remember who is really in control, you just don't have enough willpower to want to fight back. You are more than happy to let him take control and dance around like a puppet. It does make sense in a way, he can be a puppet master. If it wasn't for what we saw when Deluge was freed, we wouldn't have understood. Yes, Deluge was freed, but he killed him."

Penance paused there, "You know, you can be freed too. You spent more time with the crystal... so it'll be harder." He smirked, "But it can be done. The true you is in there somewhere, being held like Deluge was, and you'll be free soon enough. Thing is... this gold crystal will be more than enough to keep you safe. Scar... this goes one of two ways. You will be freed... or you will be killed. Depends on how much willpower you have. And if I know something." He winked. "I know that you have a urge to be as strong as you can be. Prove that strength Scar, break free."

He uncrossed his arms and pulled out his two ice blades. "Now then, I would say be ready... but that would be against the point."

Leon smirked, "Hehe, this ought to be good."

Penance nodded, "Indeed. Are you ready Scar?" He asked.

"Because we are." A deep voice called out. Around the Mienshao ported in various psychics who all began to shoot out powerful psychic attacks at the Mienshao's mind.

"Zane, get in there!" Penance called out. "We are not losing this one!" He glanced at the fighter, "Don't fight it Scar! Goldies, if you see a black smoke DO NOT let it get close to Scar! Fight it off however you can!"
Accatosh "Blitzkrieg" Corronis

Accatosh heard what Penance said, it didn't take long for him to realize what Penance was doing, planing to free Scar. Accatosh swallowed his attacks letting the remaining dragon energy escape through his nostrils as smoke.

Accatosh then closed his eyes and controlled his breathing. He focused on the Palkian energies and started to workout his own plan, he had learned from Paladin that if one was physically and mentally strong enough, one could use those energies to not only communicate, but to attack and trap their enemies. the energy it would take would be strenuous but not as much as Accatosh's physical and mental training with both Paladin and at the Academy.

Accatosh formed four tendrils of palkian energy and extended them towards Scar, considering that they were dealing with an elemental of sorts or an energy form of something it would be better to use these energies. the four tendrils were unable to be seen by the standard eye for the moment, only when he triggered the trap would they become visible. very few have the natural ability to see such energies, so Accatosh wasn't that worried. He then as a back up plan, formed an orb of the Palkian energies in front of him, it was visible because of the high concentration of energies, creating the a pink orb that was bright enough to illuminate the area with a pearly pink light. Accatosh opened his eyes, still controlling his breathing and focused on the tendrils and the orb in front of him, waiting for the time to strike.
Vera Fayos
Vera collapsed to her knees instantly, still i a weakened state coupled with the fact that she was not used to teleporting. It was a bizarre sensation.

"We may have to back up a bit." Vera realized how close they were to the fight and scrambled to get further back with Hanso. Once they were safe, Vera had to wonder.

"I am positive that is the intruder from earlier. He can fly, but is clearly a Ground Pokemon. is he one of yours?"

Vera observed the surroundings, and noticed a Furret barely breathing not far away. Did Sovereign do that? He couldn't have. He doesn't hurt civilians for no good reason. What is going on here?
Hanso SharpEye

Hanso, don't worry about that, Brynn should be on her way, keep a look out for her. With her being your sister you should have more of a drive NOT to die, right?

What. Dang right, Hanso thought to himself. "We'll need to talk sometime," he replied calmly, though in a neutral tone, before partially closing his side of the channel.

"I am positive that is the intruder from earlier. He can fly, but is clearly a Ground Pokemon. is he one of yours?"

The Gallade nodded. "Yes, Paladin of the Gold Tribe." How easy it was, at the moment, to continue acting like he was still of the Gold Tribe himself. How long, though, before Hanso decided which way he'd turn? He added, "And keep an eye out for a Gardevoir. Not Genevieve, one who likely won't be standing. Same height as me, mirror eyes. Chances are, she'll teleport in anyway, once she locates us." At the same time, Hanso was feeling more like the Blaziken could be a confidant.

"Hello, brother. Trouble, as usual?"

"Ya think? This'll be tougher than usual." As they spoke, Hanso set up a telepathic network to connect himself, Brynn, and Vera, then relayed images of his surroundings to his sister. "Tyranitar, with Dragon Blood and two alter-egos of sorts. One is some sort of prisoner who's had ten years inside Sovereign, and the other brings out his Outrage monster. You're hearing this, Vera, right?" The Gallade could feel Brynn already updating the network and its defenses to her higher standards.
Vera Fayos
"Loud and clear. There's a bit more to Sovereign than that though. I've been... keeping something from you. Varren... messed with Sovereign's memories. At least he claimed he was going to. He won't remember me." Vera was unnerved by this thought. Was it really so easy to forget your only friend? "The problem is, how do we bring out the monster?" Vera looked once again at the Furret on the ground. "He's being influenced by something. He's bloodthirsty right now. But he could have killed that Furret at any time. Instead he chose to wait for a fighter. He still remembers who he is, he is still in there. Maybe we can use that, try to make him remember me. The confusion in the midst of battle may be enough to bring it out." But what about Paladin? "How confident are you that Paladin can handle Sovereign?"
Daricka "Wildfire" Cambar

As the turbulent flames descended, even a fire-type like Daricka could almost feel the heat rolling off of the Blast Burn, and she could only imagine what it would feel like if she was hit. Instinct told her to flee for her life, but loyalty told her to stay and help her comrades. In the split second she had to decide, loyalty won the small conflict and the Infernape made a mad dash toward Hoodhide. It was time to show how Wildfire had gained her title.

As her feet pounded against the ground, the dark flames that flickered atop her head started to spread and wreathed about her body. Her already rapid pace rapidly increased as power surged through her as her Life Fire overflowed her reserves and her glowing oceanic blue eyes were the only visible part of her as the black flames completely encased her body. In the time it took to blink, she seemed to appear by Hoodhide's side, then she was lifting him up and over the impending danger of the Blast Burn as she jumped clear of the flames. She hesitated for a fraction of a moment to regain her footing, then she was off again with the Scrafty gripped in the iron grasp of her right arm. Her path leading her straight to Guardia as she bounded over the debris of buildings that were in her path. The moment the Zangoose was in the grip of her free hand and slung over a shoulder, Daricka did a 180 and ran back the way she had come until they were out of reach of the Blast Burn.

"Sorry for the rough ride," Daricka said as she set Hoodhide and Guardia down. "I was in a bit of a hurry." She didn't wait to see if they would say anything back before whirling around and running back toward The Inferno; she didn't want use these flames any longer than she had to, and the clock was ticking. Even as she was now, there wasn't any guarantee that she would be able to overpower The Inferno - or what The Inferno had now become. Still, not everything was about power.

Daricka's own envelope of black flames was barely visible against the backdrop of The Inferno's corrupted flames, and only the occasional faint flicker of midnight blue would give her away as she took a moment to slow her pace enough for her to briefly close her eyes and concentrate on a Calm Mind to regain the defenses she would need to fight against the behemoth before her. When she reopened her eyes, their shining bright blue would give no doubt to any close observer that she was not a part of the burning backdrop.

A swirling ball of energy rapidly started forming in her right hand, the flames wreathing her body flowing into and around the Focus Blast and adding their strength to it. There was no telling how powerful this dark creature was, but Daricka was confident that this attack would not be so easily blown away by another Flamethrower. And besides that, The Inferno should still be recovering from the last Blast Burn; if she was right, he wouldn't be at full power quite yet. Still, she had no way of judging his current recovery rate. For all she knew, he was already preparing another attack.

Doubt fled from her mind as the opportunity for retreat faded; the flame encased Focus Blast had reached a size a fair size larger than it would normally be, and she was within range to fire it. Barely dropping her pace, Daricka spun on her toes, using the moment from the spin to fling the Focus Blast at a blistering speed toward The Inferno. Digging her left foot into the ground, she pushed off to run around him to the right, Smaller, palm-sized versions of the Focus Blast already forming in both of her hands. She gripped both orbs of swirling energy in either of her hands then, like lightning, dashed in to strike at The Inferno with Close Combat, the miniature Focus Blasts adding extra power to her already devastating punches. As she weaved about him, constantly switching from one side to another in the event that he should throw an attack at her she would have a larger chance of escaping, she kept her tail behind her and out of his view.

The reason for this was revealed soon enough as her elongated tail suddenly whipped out from behind her back, wrapped around a pulsing orb of blue energy and dark flames. Like lightning, it flicked out to hold the Focus Blast at an angle opposite to that which Daricka was currently attacking from, and the fifth limb unraveled to fling the Focus Blast at the Inferno at a range that would be near impossible to counter.
Levina ~ Below Cape City
Levina stopped a ways from the opening to make sure that they weren't seen by those on the surface. "I agree with you on having a plan but my expertise is in blink-of-an-eye assassinations. Not sneaking around. So what would be the plan? I could use my speed to take a quick look around see what is going on up there. Or you could go up there and then while they are focused on you I can come from behind them and kill them. Otherwise, Snype old buddy, we might have to split up for a bit." Levina bent down to scratch her ear and then looked back at him. She knew they had a better chance of surviving if they stuck together but it would be hard because of their varying skills and abilities.

Allora ~ Cape City
Allora watched as many different Psychic Pokemon appeared and surrounded Scar. She wasn't sure what they were doing exactly but she could tell that they were assaulting his mind. Accatosh was close by and seemed to be in a deep trance. 'Was he helping the others? But Salamence don't have any psychic abilities…' Were the thoughts that rang out in Allora's mind. She wanted to ask him what he was doing but didn't want to break the trance he held.

After watching the event unfold, and knowing that Scar was pretty much detained, Allora took a moment to sit and catch her breath. The sounds of battle continued to sound out across the city. Involved in one of those battles was Paladin; wherever he ran off to. Allora closed her eyes and focused her psychic abilities on the city. One by one she slowly started to pin-point the locations of the battles and who was involved in them. Eventually she found Paladin and the monster of a Pokemon he was up against. "I hope you're alright. Be safe." Allora implanted these words in his mind.
Cape City

The Inferno had no chance to dodge the attacked that the Infernape was launching towards him. He brought up a wall of his dark, corrupted flames in the chance it would lessen the impact, but the bulk of the attack broke through either way, and pounded at his body from the front. When she got in closer for a Close Combat, the attacks too hit their mark, the body of the Inferno noticeably making a crunching sound as a few bones broke in certain areas. As Wildfire ended with a finale of her moves, by now Inferno had already dropped his arms and ended trying to block or dodge, as the Typhlosion realized no good would come of it, it seemed. They impacted him on all sides, causing immense damaged, which the Sentinel took, fresh scars, scrapes, burns and bruises forming all across his body. He bled from open wounds, and the charred black skin was present across his body.

But his eyes, the dark eyes that formed from the chaos form was still present. And the mighty Sentinel, after all the punishment his body was put under, was still standing. Guardia gasped as the smoke cleared to see the sight. The amount of damage he was put under would have easily killed a hundred Typhlosions. In fact, if he didn't have his eyes open, and was standing now, she would have assumed that he too was dead now. For half a minute, the Inferno merely stood there in silence, not moving a muscle. Guardia moved in a bit closer, trying to see what he was up to. The closer she got, the more she was beginning to think that he was already dead, or at least unconscious. A moment later, as his body was suddenly but slowly beginning to move again, his very movements appeared to be forced, as if he himself wasn't doing it any longer. Perhaps, Guardia thought to herself, he was already dead on the inside, and whatever this hold on his was clinging to the last bits of his life force to use it all up.

It seemed to be just that, but his following attack gave no indication that he had lost any of that immense power. Raising his bloody and burnt hands, the Inferno targeted the three Gold Tribe members before him: Wildfire, Hoodhide and Guardia. He opened his mouth, black smoke escaping from it before it turned to the dark fire that he now commanded. The same eruption of flames came out of his arms and back. They engulfed his body, and then expanded around him, forming an expanding ball of dark ember. The fire multiplied in size by the second, but continued to cling around the Typhlosion's body in a perfect circle, only increasing in size. There was moments where the flames pushed forward, claiming the debris of any surrounding objects or buildings, and forcing them to the flames. They were sucking them in, and the Typhlosion deliberately held them there. But Guardia knew that such an concentrated amount of energy could never be held for very long. She had an idea of what he was about to do.

"Oh no..." She said aloud to the other two. "He's...he's going to cause and explosion in the entire area! He's going to destroy Cape City!"


Scar picked up only in the last minute how Blitzkrieg cut himself off in the last second to launch a pair of blasts at him. Scar put his weight on his legs and leaped with all of his might out of the way, spinning into a roll as he avoiding the two attacks as they came for him. He looked back, the blasts burning through the buildings and leaving two large holes. He grinned, knowing if the attack had hit him, they would have been potent. Bits of rubble from his previous encounter with the crashed building had made their way across his shoulder, so he be began to wipe them out as the Golduck began to speak to him. Scar brushed himself off while he listened, raising an eyebrow while he listened to him.

"Gold crystal? Silver Crystal? Being? What in blazes are you talking about?" He asked him, as he finished brushing himself off, formed another stance to prepare an attack from him. Having no knowledge of what they spoke of, Scar dismissed it as some sort of distraction, though he couldn't quite grasp what it was meant for. That is, until the team of psychics approached and began their combined assault on his mind. At the moment they had begun their assault, Zane ran forward as well at Penance's call, and positioned himself close by. "What are yo-" Scar questioned, before the Pokemon around unloaded at him, bombarding his mental shields and collapsing them as they made their way inside of his mind. Scar struggled, falling to one knee as he tried to repel his attackers, to no use.

The familiar scene shifted, and for those who had been apart of the psychic infiltration team in his mind found themselves in the similar scene of the white blank room, with themselves on one side, and with Scar on the other. The being shrouded in darkness, like with Deluge, closely embraced the Mienshao inside of his mind, his grasp not willing to be easily loosened. Then once more, as before, the light of golden energy penetrated the white room, and the darkness loosed his grip, bringing one arm away from the Mienshao as the purification began. On the outside, Scar's eyes blackened for mere moments, and then began violently changing between those and normal ones. He struggled to repel the Psychic forces inside of him. But another, deeper side of him also struggled to remove the darkness that crept further inside of him. He couldn't explain it anymore. He didn't understand what he was supposed to be fighting. That which felt like the enemy now seemed to be doing more good than harm, and that which he clung to, the thoughts he had for years now, seemed like a nightmare put inside of him. He screamed. The Psychics continued.

As if on cue, the darkness which came as smoke began to approach in a rapid motion over the skies of Cape City. Zane noticed it, and called out to the others. "Here it comes!" He yelled, but the smoke came much too fast, and he wasn't sure if the others would get a chance to react. It's target set, the dark smoke fluttered towards the Mienshao in hopes of going inside of it. At the last moment, Zane threw his body in the way, and the smoke infiltrated inside of him. He fell from his jump on the ground, but quickly popped up and placed his arms on his head. His vision blurred, and his head felt like it was being split open. It was lurking, moving inside of him. He wasn't sure what it was, but it stung deeper and deeper. He could almost feel it physically moving in his brain. Then, everything went dark. His body on the outside collapsed, but his mind continued to wander, deeper and deeper. He suddenly found himself viewing a variety of scenes. Pokemon fighting, talking, laughing, crying. He recognized some, as some were his memories. Others he didn't remember seeing, but recognizing some inside. Then there were others, scenes he had never seen before, nor did he know who they were. Memories fluttered by his vision by the hundreds, if not thousands. Then suddenly they all stopped, and it was all brought to one memory.

Green plains, as far as the eye could see in one direction. Mountains providing fresh, cool air in the other. In the far back, the outline of a city was seen. A group young Pokemon were overseen by two older ones, while they fought with a larger one. He remembered this scene. It was he as a young Gold Tribe trainee. Guardia was with him then too. The exercise was the small group of trainees against a full-fledged veteran Gold Tribe member. The point of the exercise was to teach them about teamwork. But their opponent also turned out to be their teacher, Gallant, who was a Pokemon who gave no nonsense or breaks. Zane watched as the young Pokemon were thrown back, unable to do anything against the veteran Sawk.

"Come on, you maggots! Show me what you're made of!" He yelled at them. The younger Zane and the others once again charged, and once again were tossed back.

"Alright," the other Gold Tribe member said as he stepped forward, who was none other than the leader himself, Adam "Rey" Reed. He had taken the day off of his schedule to examine his daughter's progress in her training. Zane remembered how Guardia was so happy that he was coming to watch her. She wanted to impress him with his strength. Rey held up a hand to stop them from continuing. He looked across the group of young potential, and spoke up again. "Can anyone tell me how he beat you?"

"He's...too strong, too fast," the young Guardia piped up. "I'm not strong enough. Not yet." She said, panting.

"Hmm," Rey said, examining his daughter. "That is true. Perhaps individually, you aren't. But then again, the point of this exercise wasn't to beat the opponent to begin with. This was a team-building exercise, the first of many you will be apart of." Rey walked back and forth, examining each face as he walked passed them. "But the main reason that you did not win was belief."

"I believe!" Guardia quickly yelled, smiling. I know what I fight for, and I believe in it! I believe in myself too!"

"Belief doesn't come just in one form. You're not supposed to believe just in what you fight for, but also who you fight with." Guardia's smile dropped, and she tilted her head. The young Zane of the vision watched the leader and listened, as did the other young Pokemon. "Confidence is nice, but against a strong opponent, confidence can also be arrogance. Do not let pride guide you. But more importantly, never discredit those who stand beside you, no matter what. Any opponent can be defeated, any obstacle can be overcome, if those who fight against it fight as one, think as one, believe as one.

"That, is what is meant to be in the Gold Tribe. We are not elite warriors showing off our strength. We are a team, the greatest team because we all fight on the same page, and we trust and believe in each other. We are family. And that is a bond you should never break, no matter the circumstances."

Zane's vision blurred again, and the memory collapsed around him. He began blinking, and once again he was in Cape City. He watched as the dark smoke which penetrated his body had already began to dissapear out of his body, as if there was a negative effect of being inside of him. It traveled through the air in pieces, but didn't go far, as it slowly disintegrated into the atmosphere, leaving no traces behind. Meanwhile Scar was still struggling now with the psychics. But then, at once, he stopped screaming, and his body dropped to the ground.

Inside of his mind, the white room collapsed as the dark being that engulfed his body was finally destroyed by the combined efforts of the infiltration team and the gold light. No trace remained, as if it had all been purified.

The Nightmare is over for him. A voice said from inside of Zane's head, which felt as though someone had poked around up there. He grasped his head in pain, and observed the unconscious body of the Mienshao, the Sentinel. It appeared, hopefully, that he had been freed. Zane dropped onto the ground on his behind, catching his breath. They may have just won a great victory in the battle, but the war still commenced.
Penance 'Madman' Malum - Cape City

Penance gritted his teeth as he saw the psychics doing all they could against the Mienshao, for now he was waiting to see that black cloud coming. Once it came at them, then, he would go and attack it with all his might, he hoped that the Goldies would do that same, but that was besides the point. They would have to pull all the stops to ensure the Mienshao survived. It was all a plan that was coming together one part at a time.

The plan however, seemed to fall to pieces right as a black cloud sped down to Cape City. "Get ready! Do not let it reach him!" He shouted as he threw a Water Pulse at it. The cloud just easily dodged it and it was coming in fast! So fast that Penance already knew they were going to lose Scar. But it did at least bring down another Sentinel. They wouldn't have to waste time battling, but instead focusing on the other Sentinels now.

What did strike him as odd though was Zane. It seemed the goldy also had a plan in motion, albeit a stupid one as he jumped right in front of the smoke and fell down seemingly in pain. "Get on Zane! Get ready and if he makes any moves take him down!" Shouted Penance.

Leon was already in position and quickly moved toward the Bisharp. "Yeah, I know, he moves he gets his throat slit!" The dark type said with a smirk.

Penance glanced back and forth between the goldy and the sentinel. Finally there was a break as the psychics cried out and reeled back and the Mienshao fell to the ground. Zane gasped as the smoke exited his body and Penance had to smirk. "Good, psychics secure the Mienshao, double check his mental state and apply healing where need be, Leon get the gold crystal and get it to him."

The Weavile pulled off the crystal from the Bisharp's neck and proceeded to place it around Scar's. "There we go! Good as new!" He snickered.

Penance made his way over to Zane. "Hm.. stupid, very stupid, but clever too. Psychics, get him out of here, follow procedure 8."

The psychcis were too tired to port away, and instead supported the Mienshao and began to walk him out of the area.

"Now... to find the others and get more out of the way." He muttered. "Goldies, you best go with the psychics, keep the Mienshao safe at all costs! No exceptions, the information he has is paramount to this war! Zane, get up, I know you can. You're with me. Reports are in, that Typhlosion is generating a lot of power, we have to stop him. This one will have to die."
Hanso SharpEye

"Paladin wouldn't deserve Gold Tribe status if he couldn't stay alive for more than a few seconds," Hanso replied. "From what I have heard of him, Paladin will be fine. At the same time, I haven't seen him fight Sovereign before, and I should know when I say he won't get away unscathed by fighting alone."

While he was replying, a Gardevoir appeared a few feet away from Hanso and Vera. "Who is she?" Brynn asked curiously as she indicated the Blaziken, trying to hide the fact that her legs were shuddering.

Hanso caught his twin-sister before she fell and helped her sit against a wall. "A new acquaintance. Vera, meet Brynn. Brynn, meet Vera. Background checks later. We could keep Sovereign occupied longer if there was someone else to help Paladin. I don't know how long this'll take, and waiting isn't gonna help us."
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