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[Original World] Legend of Padilla (Original Story)

Chapter Ten - Losers in Arms Part 3

Osiris lowered his finger as he heard vicious snarls and hoots emitting from the darkness. Thugs on the ground rumbled the cavern as every stood still, hands clenched on their weapons; Battle ready.

?It?s a Kredus,? Rami said as a large primate towered over the group with several others as tall as Osiris (who is 5ft 10in) surrounded the big one.
?How could our unit possibly have set off the Kredus to where they are this size?? Avery asked trying to whisper but it was clear he was in a state of panic.
?Everyone?? Rami said as the Kredus approached even closer. Osiris took his bracelets off as Avery pulled some gloves on. Everyone else stood a safe distance back as they armed themselves as well. The Kredus pounded on its chest vigorously as it slammed its fist on the ground. Stretching its arms out flexing it let out a deafening howl as it charged at Osiris full throttle. Stunned by the intensifying ferocity of the ape?s charge Rami stood stuck in place; Petrified. Osiris charged into Rami saving his life from a fatal jab that missed Rami?s body sent by the Kredus. The force from the blast shattered the ground creating a moderate sized hole.

Rami was in a dazed state as an inaudible Osiris yelled at him to get his attention. Osiris lifted Rami and draped one arm over both of his shoulders.

?Everyone run!? Osiris yelled breaking the blanket of silence. Soon all the Cadets began running down the caverns trying to escape to freedom. The Kredus however had other plans as they chased them down hot on their tails. Once Rami came back to his sense?s he reacted the same as everyone else, though for some reason he was too weak to run on his own. He held on to Osiris as they continued to hobble-run outside of the cave. A scream forced everyone to snap their attention toward it. One Cadet unfortunately tripped to her death. As she began to fall from her trip the Kredus immediately went in for the kill and lunged at her effortlessly. That action just motivated the other Cadet?s to run faster. Soon enough more of the Kredus began growing to about fifteen feet tall and every step they took shook the cave. A faint rumbling could be heard. Osiris, hobbling a long with Rami, turned his head around enough to see that the cave was collapsing, ?The cave is falling in on us! Keep running!? Osiris and the rest continued to run for freedom as the Kredus never gave up the chase. However, the collapsing of the cave proved to be fatal as it was falling faster than most could run. Several Kredus fell to their death by the many rocks crushing their bodies. Soon enough the cave exit was within arm?s reach as the group continued to bolt through the narrow tunneling system of the cavern. The moment the gang made it out of the cavern a large explosion of rubble and dust clouds protruded from the caves entrance. The force was large enough to send Osiris, Rami and a few others flying.

After nearly getting the wind knocked out of him Rami stood up and dusted himself off, ?Is everyone here? Is everyone okay,? The occasional yes, coughs and waves of the hand signaling safety was the only way the Cadets could answer Rami?s question, ?I think we are in the clear,? Rami said as he walked over to Osiris who was slightly struggling to get up.

?I?m fine, I?m fine,? He said but soon thereafter a faint growling and sharp snarling could be heard coming from the thick dust cloud near the exit. A large yellow and dark grey Kredus stood up from the rubble angrier than ever. Once it noticed Rami and Osiris it charged at them with no hesitation, ?Get out of here!? Osiris said to Rami as the Kredus had its fist balled up ready to strike the two. Osiris forcefully pushed Rami out of the away as the force from the blow sent Osiris flying several meters back. Without missing a beat however Osiris quickly pressed a trigger on his bracelets increasing their sizes. He quickly lodged them in the ground beneath him to stop himself from sliding. He soon pressed the yoyo trigger on the weapons as he stood back several feet with the weapons still lodged in the ground. Once he had a good enough grip on their handles and once he felt he was far enough back. He pressed the yoyo trigger again and forcefully reeled in by the weapons. He launched himself at the Kredus feet first as he plunged into the beast?s chest, delivering a blow just as fatal as the one he had received. Unfortunately, that was not enough to best the Kredus. The beast pounded its chest as it howled to the sky above. There was nowhere to escape to and the only way anyone would be safe is if the Kredus itself were killed, because it was far beyond calming down.

?Osiris no!? Rami said as Osiris paid him no mind and continued his fight with the beast. He aimed his weapon at the beast and began firing off laser rounds hoping some would do even the tiniest bit of damage, but with no luck the tough exterior of the Kredus proved to be a challenge in this battle. Osiris then activated the yoyo effect and began swinging the weapons around twirling them long enough to capture some control over them and the air surrounding them. Once he managed to find the current he utilized it to his advantage and swung his weapons in the direction of the Kredus. The speed and precision was enough to slice through the Kredus chest, but instead of the beast keeling over it just kept getting angrier. When Osiris swung at the Kredus another time the beast grabbed his weapon and forcefully pulled Osiris toward him. Osiris tried using the force from the pull to his advantage so that he could land on the Kredus feet first, however things did not go exactly as planned.

?Osiris!? all the cadets yelled as Osiris fell to the ground, blood protruding from his now stump of a leg. The Kredus hovered over him and raised its fist high in the air letting out a deafening roar. It soon brought them down ready to crush Osiris once and for all.
Corrections and Suggestions

Great parts

Update to Chapter Ten! 11/21/2017 Several grammatical issues and writing flow corrected due to some very helpful suggestions.
Chapter Eleven – Mistakes

"Coat most of the wound in V-essence," The words Osiris heard were echoic, muffled almost inaudible. His eyes were open, but he was not awake. He could see but he did not know what he was looking at. Everything around him was bright; eye squinting blindness.

"He's waking up," Someone had said as Osiris started regaining consciousness fidgeting his fingers.

"The procedure is not yet complete, sedate him," within an instant a sharp pain in Osiris's neck triggered his brain to put him in another trance. He stayed motionless and completely out of it.

Osiris's eyes opened from his deep slumber. It looked as though weights were attached to his lids because as he slowly began opening his eyes they would droop back down trying to bring him back to the sleep realm. Forcing himself to stay awake he observed his surroundings as nothing looked familiar to him; A feint ringing resonated in his ears. The room was grayish blue, the lights were bleeding bright white luminescence and he was covered in a grayish blue blanket wearing a white gown. Osiris adjusted his body as he slowly began to step out of the bed. He noticed a large two-way window to his right with a door next to it. Turning around a few pictures on the wall opposite the window caught his attention has he staggered to it. He heard a clanking noise echoing throughout the room but thought it was just the ringing in his ears and paid it no mind. Observing the pictures, he noticed they were X-rays of him. Some were waist up X-rays as others were waist down. It was the waist down pictures he paid the most attention to.

"Is…that my leg?" He said. His knees began rattling as he fell to the floor. He was still extremely weak. Looking at his legs his eyes widened as he lifted his gown just enough to see the metal contraption attached to his body, "Bionic surgery?" he began putting two and two together as the door to his room opened.

"Osiris!" Looking in the direction of the voice before Osiris could even make out who it was they were already by his side helping him up, "I came to check on you to see how you were doing. You shouldn't be out of bed at all."

"R-rami?" Osiris said looking at his friend surprised and almost scared even. He instantly hugged him the moment Rami helped him sit up right on the bed. Rami returned the hug with a tighter squeeze.

"You scared me. You scared us. We didn't think you'd make it," Rami said as he sat beside Osiris.

"What happened?" Osiris could not take his eyes off his now robot leg. He touched it in disbelief that it was real, or any of this for that matter.

"Long story or short story?" Rami asked half-jokingly.

"Spare me the details. I have a robot leg for ****s sake. Give me the short story," Osiris managed to break his gaze from his leg and stare into Rami's eyes, "Your eyes are lighter from what I remember," He said. Rami looked as though he was blushing but quickly brushed off the indirect compliment and went ahead to explain what had happened to his friend.

"Well the Kredus had bit clean through your leg. He devoured it, so we couldn't retrieve it, but do to your heroics we didn't want to leave you to bleed out and die. We immediately called for backup. I patched you up as best as I could, and we flew you back here and you have been in the Medical Ward ever since. Avery and I managed to take down the Kredus. You dealt a number on it surprisingly. Although we are happy you are alive…some of the higher ups are very disappointed with your decision…but I managed to pull a few strings…and well you are off the hook. They requested to speak with you the moment you woke up. That's why I am here," Osiris raised an eyebrow at Rami, not sure how to respond to his words. It was all too much to process. Getting up staggering a bit with the help of his friend Osiris hobbled over to a nearby desk that had his old uniform sprawled on top of it.

"How long have I been out?" Osiris had asked as Rami helped him get undressed but had to look away the moment Osiris was fully nude. Chuckling a little bit Osiris slipped on some underwear and patted Rami's shoulder, "You act like you haven't seen me naked before," Rami scoffed but did not respond to the statement.

"You have been out for a week, but you recovered faster than any of us had thought," Once Osiris put on the last pieces of his uniform Rami handed him some crutches and guided his friend to a large room. Black walls. Black floor. Black everything. The table was large enough to sit about twelve people but there were only five in the room when Rami and Osiris had entered.
The sound of Osiris's crutches hitting the cold black metal floor of the room echoed in the silence as all eyes were on him. Rami stood at the door in a salute position waiting to be dismissed. Scoping out the people in the room Osiris noticed only two familiar faces. Gozar, the man who took Osiris away from his parents…and Yasi Jhun, Queen of Reggs. Gozar had shooed Rami away as he left the room quickly. He then motioned for Osiris to sit as he hobbled over to a seat near the very end of the table where no one else was sitting. The other people in the room did not seem all to familiar. There was a woman sitting right next to Yasi with a mask over her face. Although it did not seem as though she was looking at Osiris, for some reason he felt her gaze resting upon him like snake eyes. The other people seemed like regular guards however.

"We have called you hear to discourage and praise your heroics in your first and I am afraid last mission as a cadet," Gozar had spoken.

"Last mission as a cadet?" Osiris responded at once ready to go off but was shut down instantly by Gozar with a wave of the hand as he continued to speak.

"As you can see we did everything we could to make sure that you would not die. Wasted a lot of precious resources and even went out of our way to give you a new limb in place of your well…digested one. Before you get snappy we have unanimously voted that it would be in your best interest and ours that you be moved to the Special Ops department. Specifically, assassinations and interrogations of all kinds," Gozar flashed a smile that stretched from cheek to cheek.

"Do I have a say in any of this?" Osiris asked only to be turned down by Yasi.

"You either accept the offer or be killed by my hand," Yasi looked at Osiris, no emotion in her face or words. Osiris stared right back at her understanding that she was not playing around. He began thinking about whether he should just be offed or if he should join the Special Ops. He was not given any proper options. He had cheated death so many times already that he felt if he denied their offer he would not be able to cheat death any longer, "Do note that since you are in Special Ops the only information you can distribute will only be to us and other Division leaders. No one else can know what you do or how you do it are we clear?" All eyes were on Osiris as he knew there was no backing out of this predicament. To wake up after a week, finding out you lost your leg, got a replacement and now are being forced to join a secret division or die if the request was denied just goes to show he could not talk his way out it. He wanted to think about other options, but he knew it was hopeless and a waste of time.

"What's my first task?" He said as Gozar flashed yet another sinister smile. Yasi even curled the side of her mouth, though it was faint it was visible enough to see she had developed a liking for Osiris. Knowing he had stepped in a big pile of **** he bit his tongue and awaited the new orders of his new lifestyle.
Chapter Twelve – Operation No Survivors

After Osiris got fitted for his gear he was off and headed to Western Odrea to the GlaverDales Inn; His mission to assassinate a potential threat to the Monarch Army. Osiris's outfit was the exact same black poncho, skin tight pants and skin-tight shoes he would wear in his Mourning Cloak days. He stood still as he stared at the outfit. A single tear trickling down his face as flashbacks struck his memories, specifically the death of his friend Arin and children who died in the lair as well. He soon began thinking about Cecile and that's when Rami had walked in on him. Osiris sniffled and quickly wiped his face dry before turning to face him. Rami looked at Osiris, the look he had gave him signaled Osiris that Rami knew something was wrong.

"Is everything all right?" Rami had asked as he handed Osiris a thin pen like device. Osiris took the device and eyed it confused as to what it was, "It's our way of discreetly keeping in touch with you."

"Oh," Osiris said as he placed it in his back pocket, "Everything is fine…just fine," Osiris could not control his emotions any longer as the wall beside him met his fist. The wall's surface scrapped his knuckles causing them to bleed faintly.

"Get a hold of yourself!" Rami said as he quickly ran to his aid and pulled out medical tape from his pocket tending to Osiris's wound.

"You just have that lying around?" Osiris said staring at his knuckles, then at Rami.

"Well you are a self-harming machine, so I have to be prepared whenever these days. I swear it's like looking after a child," Osiris scoffed as Rami winked at him. Their eyes gazed upon each other for a brief moment before Rami quickly looked away and focused his attention to the now wrapped hand. Although Rami was looking down it was obvious he was blushing. The subtle curves at the corners of his mouth gave it away. Osiris placed his hand on Rami's chest as you could hear his heart beating faster.

"For someone who is supposed to be the leader of a Division that literally goes on life threatening missions you sure do get nervous easily," Rami stared at Osiris as Osiris flashed him an innocent smile.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Rami tried playing it off.

"Oh is that so?" Osiris began leaning in closer to Rami their chests barely inches apart. Rami's breathing grew deep and heavy as Osiris set a gaze upon him that nearly hypnotized him. Osiris continued to lean in as their lips were almost touching. The moment Rami leaned in Osiris backed away and chuckled, "Get a hold of yourself," Osiris stuck a tongue out at Rami who at first looked confused, then upset but soon transferred that energy into a weak chuckle.

"You always knew how to toy with people's emotions. You are scheduled to leave in five minutes. You better hurry unless you want to deal with Gozar again," Osiris nodded as he smiled at Rami heading out the door. He turned around before completely leaving.

"If it makes you feel any better Rami…I wanted it just as much as you," with those words Osiris left the room leaving Rami alone with his thoughts. Rami sat down on a nearby bench placing his face in his hands letting out a deep sigh.

"If only you knew Osiris," Rami said staring out the door way.

The desert winds picked up and would have almost been crucial in Osiris's travel to the inn, had it not been for his luck he would have been stuck in a sandstorm, but he made it to a small town where Glaverdales Inn was located; Recron Town. The place seemed deserted though one read of a sign at the town entrance told Osiris otherwise.


Osiris took note of the sign and just in that moment he was paged. Taking the pen like device out of his pocket he pressed the button on the bottom of it and a landscaped style screen. Rami's face popped up on the screen. The signal seemed to be fading which Rami quickly noticed because he words were quick, sharp and simple.

"I don't have much time so listen carefully and listen good. The Inn keeper is one of us and he has been the keeper of GlaverDales for over twenty years. Talk to him and say you would like to book room three, he will say that room is booked then he will suggest room four to you, that is when you ask for room two instead. It is our secret code so he will know who you are and that you are the assassin sent to kill the man trying to tarnish our war plans. I can assure that you won't fuck this up so good luck to you," With that being said the transmission had ended and Osiris continued walking to the inn. From where he stood the inn looked to be the biggest building in town. It had just about three floors a large patio and even a spacious walkway that led to the entrance. As the sandstorm continued its brewing Osiris hurried in before he got more sand in his hair, eyes and nose. As he made it to the front counter he took note of the nearby bar lounge area and noticed a few people laughing to themselves over some drinks. The Innkeeper at the front counter eyed Osiris up and down as he was polishing his station. The interior of the inn was nothing but wood and dim lighting. Osiris had noticed a bell on the counter and although he saw that the Innkeeper was readily available he couldn't help himself and pressed the bell well over three times.

"Can you not see that I am here child?" The man said annoyed already with Osiris's antics.

"I'm sorry. I couldn't help myself. I am looking to book room three," The innkeeper eyed Osiris even more as he was skeptical of his request. He slouched his arm a crossed his counter and leaned in closer to Osiris; one eye squinted the other wide and fixed on him.

"That room is booked. How about you take room four," Without missing a bit Osiris followed his request with yet another request.

"How about room two?" The man had a faint smile appear on his face as he shook as head and gestured Osiris to follow him. Doing as told Osiris followed the man taking a look back making sure they weren't being followed. The man led them upstairs to the second floor and headed down a long hallway before stopping in front of room number 2. The Innkeeper looked around to make sure that the coast was clear before he began speaking to Osiris.

"So you are the one they sent huh...You guys seem to be getting younger and younger every time. Glad to see you are fighting for the better cause. Do you have any war wounds at least? I hope they didn't send in a greeny. I had to clean up a really bad mess the last guy had made," Osiris didn't know what the man meant by war wounds but soon it clicked in his head. He stuck out his right leg and lifted up his pant leg revealing the metal contraption that was a part of him. The Innkeeper let out a booming laugh and patted Osiris on the back, "Well that's a war wound if I aint ever seen one before," clearing his throat and regaining his composure the Inn keeper got down to business, "The man you are looking for is on the top floor in room twelve. From what I have seen he is an older looking fellow and hasn't left his room yet. He is a GBW Lieutenant and has been tipped off about some plans that the Monarchs had underway. Your mission to assassinate him, quietly and as clean as possible because I down want blood stained wood floors. It is not a good look for GlaverDales."

"Consider the job done. I'll let you know when the job is complete," Osiris smirked at the man as he began walking off.

"Oh one more thing. When you complete your task. Tell me that the room is too small and you are going to take your business elsewhere," and just like that the man left Osiris alone to prepare of this very first assassination mission.

"What have you gotten yourself into Osiris...exactly what are you doing right now?" He spoke to himself quietly.
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Chapter Thirteen – Frozen Heart

As Osiris made it to the room holding the man he had been tasked to kill, in the back of his mind he had some slight unease about the task handed to him. He stood in front of the door as the sandstorm could be heard pelting every inch of the exterior of the building. After about several minutes of Osiris gathering himself and preparing his mind for the bloodshed soon to come he mustered up the courage to slowly crack the door open just enough for him to peer inside. He saw someone laying down on a bed as he opened the door even wider to get a better view of his target. The man in question was an elderly man, definitely a few years past seventy by the looks of it. He did not look like a threat to no one not even himself. Osiris creeped forward as he man started snoring. The floor wooden floor beneath Osiris began creaking as he slowly pulled out a dagger from his side pouch. Placing the blade right in front of him sideways with the handle closest to his face he continued walking quietly being sure he was doing his best not to wake up his target. Several beads of sweat spilled off the sides of his forehead as he slowly placed the dagger on the back of the man's neck taking in a deep breath before he completed his task.

"If you are going to kill me then do it already?" Startled by the man's words Osiris jumped back pointing the dagger at him. The older gentleman got up from his sleeping position and sat on the edge of the bed facing Osiris, "I knew they would be sending someone after me sooner or later. I just didn't think it was going to be a mere child, how old are you boy?" Osiris hesitated not wanting to speak but his cover had already been blown, "Can you speak, are you stupid or something?"

"My name is Osiris," He said as he shot a nasty look at the man for calling him stupid, "I am fourteen, not that is of any concern to you," He clenched the dagger even harder trying to prevent his hands from shaking out of anticipation. The man reached for his nightstand and picked up a pair of glasses which he placed on his face; Osiris blade following every motion he made.

"You can put the blade down. Honestly, even If I wanted to kill you, under a contract of the spirits Vanutei cannot harm other Vanutei," Confusing flashed across Osiris's face.

"I am not a Vanutei, I am a Regg," Now confusion flashed over the man's face. He reached for the nightstand once more to switch on a light which brightened up the room a bit. Once the darkness had been casted out the details of both Osiris and the man were soon revealed to one another. Osiris pulled down his mask from his face as he took note of the dark green haired man and his circular glass lenses. He had a prominent receding hairline and slight wrinkles on scattered across his face. He was wearing a white dress shirt with a dark brown leather vest over it and dark brown dress pants. He again reached for his nightstand and grabbed a pipe that he lit and casually inhaled its smoke before smoothly exhaling.

"You…aren't a Vanutei. Then what is this that I am sensing? You have the essence of Vanutei but the appearance of a Regg. I know Vanutei aren't common in these parts but you do know what one is don't you?" The asked skeptical of Osiris's claim.

"Yea, yea I studied all the races. Vanutei are connected with the earth and can transform at will into giant stone like golems. Infant knowledge," The man chuckled at Osiris aware that he wasn't any normal kind of teenager.

"Do you know about Vanutei Essence?" Osiris shook his head as the Vanutei let out another chuckle.

"They sure are keeping you in the dark about a lot of things aren't they? I still do not know why they would send someone like you after me. I guess while I am hear I can tell you the reason the Monarch's want me dead, the real reason as to why they have hunted me down all these months is because I know the truth to how they are able to develop and create their weapons and what top secret energy they are using. You are stupid if you think you are fighting for some cause," The man inhaled again and blew some smoke near Osiris's face. Osiris remained still as he peered down at the man unfazed.

"Tell me what the secret is. Your days are numbered anyways, so you might as well explain it to me," Osiris felt a slight uneasy feeling, it was the same one he had received just before entering the room. It wasn't entirely noticeable but you could literally see a light bulb flashing above the man's head as if he had been contemplating and going over scenarios while Osiris was rambling.

"I finally have figured it out. Looks like the Monarch's know a lot more about the races than I have given them credit for. I have been able to kill every single person they have sent my way until now. Guess I have reached the end of the line," The man spoke as he walked up to Osiris, a faint grin on his wrinkled face.
"You have to tell me why you can't kill me," Osiris said as he clenched the blade even tighter whitening the tips of his knuckles.

"I have said enough…you'll figure it out…if you aren't a complete idiot," the man said.

"So that's it then huh?" Osiris bit his lip and gritted his teeth before maneuvering himself to where he was behind the man, "At least tell me your name," Osiris said as he pressed the blade against the man's neck.

"My name is Vernos Emmerscot," Vernos beckoned Osiris to come closer as he whispered something in his ear. A sickening skin tearing noise could be heard as Osiris shoved the full length of the blade in the side of Vernos's neck, "Pleasure to meet you Vernos," he quickly wrapped the nearby table cloth around the Vernos's neck so the blood wouldn't pool around his corpse. He knew from the start he shouldn't so trustful of the Monarchs, and now Vernos has raised his skepticism about the organization even more.

As Osiris stared at his hands he tried rubbing the blood off of his knuckles and had sudden flashbacks of his childhood when he would beat kids up for making fun of his race. Once he was able to wipe of the majority of the blood he retrieved the knife and wiped it off on Vernos's clothes before heading downstairs to the front desk. Osiris has only ever killed one person in his life before and that was when he had rescued Isis from the Monarch soldiers. From that moment till now killing another person never struck Osiris mind until it all the sunk in just like the blade that met Vernos's neck. Osiris slammed his back on Vernos's door inhaling and exhaling profusely. He slid down the door until he was squatted on the ground hugging his knees. His breathing fit continued as it gradually slowed down. Wiping tears from his face he regained his composure and continued his way downstairs. Not even looking at the man at the front desk he casually threw the keys at him.

"The room is too small. I'm taking my business elsewhere."

Before being able to make it back to the Monarch Academy Osiris had to awkwardly wait in the GlaverDales Inn for the sandstorm to subside before continuing his travel. Once he was able to continue he took his time getting their as he was having faint flash backs of the man he had killed; Vernos Emmerscot.

The moment he made it back to the academy he felt eyes from all over on him. He was the youngest person to be an assassin and the only youngest person to come back alive from killing Vernos. Mixed feelings of anger, jealousy and joy toward Osiris filled the academy. However he paid them no mind. He let them glare into his soul till they looked away, he just did not want to talk to anyone else. He headed to the debrief center where Gozar would be waiting for his news on how the assassination went.

"The target?" Gozar said as Osiris looked around making sure no one was watching or listening to them.

"Target eliminated," Gozar smiled as he shooed Osiris away. Osiris walked to his locker room. While he was walking down the hallway to the lockers the same images kept flashing in his head from his friends dead bodies to Vernos's dead body and deep down in his spirit, though it would not be obvious to the naked eye he knew that more and more blood would be shed by his hand…and his hand alone.

"Your back," A voiced called out to Osiris as he was just about to open his locker. Turning around he saw Rami and without even thinking he lunged forward at him pulled him into an embrace and pressed his lips against his own. Rami startled and confused let it happen. What felt like hours was only seconds before Osiris released Rami from his grasp, "I'm sorry...I-I just," Rami looked at Osiris and gave him a faint sympathetic smile. He then pulled Osiris toward him and returned the favor hugging him all the while.

When Rami had released his lips from Osiris's he stared at him in the eyes, "Get a hold of yourself," He said smiling.
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Finally caught up!

Have to say that I'm a fan of Rami and Osiris's relationship growing as it is. It would be nice to see a little more of their thoughts on how it changed, like how they're both okay going from childhood friends that hadn't seen each other in years to...well, they haven't really said what they are now, but they are something.

The one thing that was really weird to me was how the assassination went. Mainly how Osiris got the information he needed to get it started. I thought that when Osiris went to the Special Ops that he had to keep everything a secret, but Rami knew where he was going and what to say. And it was strange that the innkeeper was so open with details about who Osiris was killing. It's just weird that all that information was talked about so openly where anyone else could hear it.

Also, just a tip, but it was rather difficult to read chapter thirteen because there were no breaks between the paragraphs. I kept losing what line I was on.
CHAPTER UPDATE - Chapter 13's paragraphs have been evenly spaced out to avoid any kind of reading barriers people would face.
Chapter Fourteen – Skepticism or Conviction

Osiris was placed in a section of the academy separate from the other divisions, a section primarily for the special ops. No one talked to each other in the special ops unit either. Everyone was either too focused on their training or too focused on missions. Talking between one another was a rare case. They all ate separately, slept separately, they even bathed separately. Osiris decided to go with the flow. He was not allowed access to the other Divisions at all so he couldn't wonder off as freely as he wanted especially since having a mechanical leg now wandering surely wasn't the easiest thing. He decided to go to one of the workout rooms and lift some weights to keep himself physically fit. When making it to the room he noticed a girl with short hair tied into a small ponytail jump roping. Osiris stared at her fascinated by how fast she was able to jump.

When the girl had noticed he was staring she stopped jumping and turned to face him. Quickly looking away Osiris knew he had been caught and tried his hardest not to look back at her but knew she was still looking at him. He peeked back at her to see if she was still looking at him; She was.

"Yes?" Osiris said trying to act casual.

"Look I knew you were staring at me. You weren't exactly the sneakiest with it. It's okay though, most guys here stare anyways, a lot better than you at least," She giggled a bit as Osiris let out a weak laugh of embarrassment.

"Honestly I am surprise you guys speak around here. Everyone seems preprogrammed, robotic almost," The girl let out another chuckle as Osiris didn't join her this time in the laughter. HIs statement was as serious as ever.

"We are told to just focus on our work, but if you been here as long as some of us and do a diligent amount of good work on tasks you are assigned, most of the higher ups look the other way. I'm Ilia by the way and if my sources prove to be reliable you must be Osiris Naeem. A fourteen almost fifteen-year-old Regg, born and raised in Galvin city only to move to Hun city where you would spend a moderate amount of time with the Mourning Cloaks only to get involved with the government ****, betrayed by your parents and sent here to spend the rest of your days," Osiris stared at her baffled she knew his entire life story. He wanted to speak but only small spurts and stutters escaped his lips, "You are probably asking how I know so much, well around here I am expected to keep tabs on every single person in this facility. No matter how secretive someone might try to be no information can escape me," Osiris's ears perked up to Ilia's claim at being the all-knowing being.

"So you say you know a lot about the people here. I am assuming you know all about the missions they partake on then as well, correct?" She nodded, but her facial expression made it obvious she wanted to see where Osiris was going with this, "I had a recent mission. I had to...take someone out,"

"Assassinate Vernos Emmerscott, I know. Nice work by the way, I heard it was the cleanest killing yet," She added.

"Right. Anyways I wanted to know why there was so much talking during a mission where I am supposed to kill someone discreetly. Also, why did Rami know where I was. I thought only those in the special ops were supposed to keep tabs on their fellow ops members?" Just by looking at Osiris's face one could tell he was contemplating some hardcore scenarios in his head. Ilia scanned his posture for a moment seeing just exactly how she should go about asking the many questions he has.

"Well for starters, since you are new here and given your almost clean record, as well as losing your leg, they probably were trying to talk you through it as casually as possible to make sure that A. you got the job done effectively and B. you wouldn't have a psychological breakdown after completing the task. Aside from all that though I have no idea why there would be a lot of talking, even if it's a first mission. It does seem odd, but not uncommon. As for Rami-"

"Hey Ilia can I talk to you for a second," Gozar appeared out of nowhere with a look of pure frustration on his face. He tried to mask it all with a smile but ended up looking truly demented. Ilia flashed the 'I might be in trouble' eyes at Osiris who quickly took the hint and continued working out. Ilia hadn't returned for well over an hour and half before she walked back in the room as silent as can be. Osiris knew something had gone down because her whole personality changed, she looked almost frightened.

"Is everything okay?" Osiris said raising an eyebrow at her as she looked at him, eyes almost petrified. She tried shaking the fear out of her head as she put the jump rope back and headed out the door just after she handed a slip of paper to Osiris. The moment she had left Osiris opened the slip of paper and read what it said, his eyes almost as wide as Ilia's.

-'Not Safe To Talk Here. Meet Me In Corridor B Room X318 At 2100 Hours Sharp. Come Alone'-

It was clear something was going on in this facility. Osiris knew he was being kept in the dark about somethings but didn't know how bad it really was until he saw Ilia's face and how petrifyingly startled she was. After finishing his workout routine and hitting the showers he headed back to his room to put on a different change of clothes. He waited in his room staring at the ceiling waiting for the clock to hit just ten minutes before 2100 hours. The moment it did, Osiris slipped on his silent stepping foot shoes and crept his way to Corridor B. The entire hallway was dark, an ominous light however was coming from a room furthest down the hall. It wasn't enough light to light up the hallway but enough to make the room itself stand out. Osiris carefully tip toed to the room. He heard footsteps behind him, but it sounded as though they were walking away from him. He turned around and stood still like a statue to see if he was being followed. He began to hear chatter coming from the hall entrance from where he had just been. He quickly performed a smooth wall run as he was suspended up in the air hanging on to a rafter. Judging by the exterior of the hallway it seemed to be a wing of the facility that was still being constructed. Once the chatting subsided Osiris leaped down to solid ground gracefully and continued his pursuit to the room.

"Room X312. Room X314. Room X316...Ah! Room X318," He whispered as he quickly, carefully and silently opened the door. The light inside the room was enough to light up a good portion of the hallway with the door opened, but with the door closed it almost blended in, "Ilia?" Osiris spoke hoping the knowledgeable girl would make her presence known, but after about three minutes of calling her name Osiris started growing skeptical. He looked around the room searching for any clues. Metal Lockers, files scattered all over, all of which seem to be about people who have died in Monarch Academy, "Most causes of death seem to be unknown," Osiris said as he soon came across his own file. A large read stamped 'DECEASED' Plastered on the paper with the Cause of death section saying unknown. Osiris's heart began pounding and in that moment the lights cut out.
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Chapter Fifteen - Trapped In The Dark

When the lights had cut out Osiris didn't miss a second to remove his bracelets from his wrist and expand them instantly. He couldn't see anything so he had to fully rely on his sense of hearing to help him out. His eyes paced back and forth trying to make out any kind of foreign shape that wasn't in the room originally. With no luck he began to slowly make his way to the door whilst feeling around the room making sure he wouldn't run into anything or anyone. He heard a sharp noise zip past his ear followed by a sharp pain. Soon after multiple sharp noises began zipping past him all leaving pain behind as he knew he was being attacked. He began flinging his weapons trying to match the beat of the objects that had penetrated his skin but he had failed to find the exact rhythm. In the silence of the room though he had heard a soft step in the distance and that is when he pointed his weapon in the direction of the noise and fired it off hoping to take down the assailant. His weapon was halted however as a soft chuckle emanated from the darkness. Osiris reeled his weapon back in hoping the assailant would hold on to it. Luckily they did. Using the force from the reeling and the assailant as a counter weight he lunged forward at them while quickly placing his other weapon in front him. Soon thereafter a grotesque piercing noise could be heard as the unknown assailant was gasping for air.

"Who are you?!" Osiris had said as the lights soon cut back on and it was in fact Ilia who had pursued him only to be met by his weapon sharpened edge, "You set me up..." he continued as he dug the blade deeper into her lower abdomen.
"Y-you were asking t-too m-many questions..." she began gasping for air, "I was too t-t-talkative...I was tasked to eliminate you..."

"By who!" Osiris yelled again but quickly realized where he was and tried to keep his cool.

"I can't tell you, but since I am about to die...I can tell you that the Monarch isn't what it seems. The Reggs don't want to just be the superior race...they want to be the only race. You can't trust anyone around here. You have to be on your toes..." The moment Osiris noticed that Ilia's soul was slowly leaving her eyes he tried tapping her on the side of her cheek to see if she could offer anymore information.

"What aren't you telling me?"

"The Monarchs have an entire facility more than a dozen floors beneath the ground level dedicated to experimentation...how do you think you go your leg?" she struggled to move her hand to her face, but squeezing her eyes together with her fingers contact lenses fell out revealing mechanical eyeballs in her eyes, "I lost my eyes during a mission a while back...when I asked them how they were bale to make me see again, they said they used V-essence...they didn't go into further detail...but I had later found out that V-essence is a spiritual energy that Vanutei give off...it has amazing healing properties, but it can also be used for weapons and even used as a natural source of energy..." Osiris's eyes widened when he had heard the word 'V-essence' he began thinking back to the time he had encountered Vernos and was called a Vanutei. Putting two and two together he realized that the V-essence had become apart of his DNA after his leg surgery.

"So when I lost my leg...?" Ilia nodded as she spurt blood from her mouth.

"Its over for me...trust no one," within just several moments her eyes slowly shut as her body grew limp. Her eyes slowly fluttered shut as Osiris gently laid her down. Soon he heard noises coming from down the hall and knew if he was caught he'd be in trouble. Quickly looking around he saw an open vent and thought it was how Ilia had entered the room undetected. He careful climbed in the vent and navigated his way to a vacant area so he could casually get back to his room without looking suspicious. He quickly scanned each vent segment making sure that the coast was clear before he leaped out of the ventilation system. Once a guard had passed by the exit he wanted to take Osiris carefully opened the vent and gracefully landed on the floor below before jumping up and closing the vent the hurrying to his room.

When making it to his sanctuary he had looked at his body in the mirror and saw he had several needles lodged in his shoulders and one piercing out the side of his ear. He quickly pulled them out throwing them away as he began carefully applying ointment to his wounds. About an hour of so later he was laying in his bed staring at the ceiling. He had been playing back his whole entire life in his head, thinking about all the things he had gone through, the people he had met, the ones he had killed and the ones he had seen killed or already dead. He thought about his parent's for a brief moment before a rage had filled his gut. He quickly got up from his bed and began throwing things around his room in a fit of rage. Soon enough a knock on his door would stop him in his tracks before he took a deep breath and gathered himself. Walking to the door and opening it he would be met by Rami who looked behind Osiris and saw his room was in shambles.

"Is everything alright?" Rami said as Osiris quickly pulled him into his room closing the door behidn him and made out with him. Rami followed his lead as the two went to the bed and began undressing one another.

After about another hour or so the two had calmed down and Rami was redressing himself sitting at the foot of the bed as Osiris was laying on his back, half naked, staring at the ceiling again.

"I think I might be going crazy Rami," Osiris said as Rami had stopped slipping on his shoes to face him, "This world is so corrupt and I seem to attract death wherever I go...If it weren't for you...and me finally seeing you after all this time...I think I would already be dead," Rami revealed a weak smile as he turned to fully face Osiris.

"What makes you say that?" Rami had asked.

"I love you...Rami...honestly I do," Osiris blurted out. There was an awkward silence between the two as Rami tried to process the information Osiris had spewed out to him. However it didn't Rami long to return the favor.

"I love you too Osiris," Rami said as he reached for Osiris hand and pulled him into another kiss, "I am technically not allowed in this section of the facility after a certain time, but I had to see you...its quieter without you. Avery even admitted he misses you, go figure," Rami and Osiris let out a casual chuckle as Osiris went back to his serious state.

"I have to go down to the very last floor of this facility...I need to see whats down there," Rami eyes widened as he was shocked to hear Osiris say such a thing.

"How do you know about The Underground?" Rami said waiting for a answer as still eyes wide as ever.

"Ilia had almost led me to my death before she told me everything she could in her final hours alive...I wouldn't have killed her if I knew who she was...all this death...it's eating me up int he inside..."

"Ilia is dead?" Rami said slightly unfazed, "She said it herself she would die on her own accord...just didn't think it would be so soon," He put his head down placing a head on his chin as if pondering in his thoughts

"What do you know about...The Underground? I think that's what you just called it."

"I am not supposed to be telling you this...because my head might go on the chopping block here next, but it is the head interrogation facility. It is the Monarch's dirty secret kept from the rest of the world. Those who normally are sent there do not return. I used to be an interrogator before I became a division leader," Rami said.

"Do you think you can get me down there?" Osiris asked blatantly.

"Why would you want to go down there?" Rami looked at Osiris with skepticism.

"Ilia tipped me off about V-essence and the capturing of Vanutei. I must see it for myself," It was obvious Rami wasn't too thrilled about taking Osiris down to the bottom facility, but he knew once his mind was made up there was no changing it.

"Security is tight down there. Extremely tight. You have to either be a scientist or top in your division to even think about going down there freely...and even then nothing is guaranteed or even set in stone," Rami stated.

"How can I become top of my division? What do I need to do?" Just by looking into Osiris eye you could see the burning sensation of fire igniting his spirit.

"You have to take the highest job offer on the bulletin board. Back when me and Ilia were good friends, that is how she became top of your Division. The highest job offer, is always the hardest, most dangerous and life threatening offer, life and death are not guaranteed on either end."

"So that is what I will have to do," Rami's eyes widened when he heard Osiris's respond.

"You can't be serious why is this so important to you?"

"Because I want to know what is really going on around here and so should you!" Osiris had raised his voice to a point that silenced Rami. The two stared at each other deeply before Rami nodded and headed for the door.

"Around 0700 hours tomorrow is when a new bulletin appears. Scan it find the highest job offer and bring it to Gozar...the rest is self explanatory. On missions like this you are usually on your own and have to use your own means of defense and survival...so just don't die on me," Rami said.

"I promise you I will figure out what is really happening here," As soon as Osiris finished his sentence Rami left the room and closed the door. Osiris stayed up for the rest of the night mind still stuck in the past. He had just hoped that whatever it was that was actually going down around the facility he would be the one to bring it all to the light.
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It's pretty cool that you took my wondering about why everyone was so willing to talk the mission information over with Osiris and turned it into a way to get the plot moving. Seems like there's a lot more to this whole organization than what's just happening when Osiris first joins, and everything's messed up for the members too.

I'm worried about what Osiris is going to have for a mission that will let him reach the top of the division! If they thought that he couldn't handle his last one--since they gave him the extra help--Gozar might have a problem with Osiris taking on a mission for a higher-ranked member.

Few small grammar things.
Everyone was either too focused on their training or two focused on missions.

In the silence of the room though he had heart a soft step

within just several moments her eyes slowly shut as her body grew limp and she.
This sentence just kind of ends without finishing, describing what Ilia's body did.
Chapter Sixteen – The Start of it All

Osiris woke up before anyone in the facility. Took his shower, put his uniform on and made it to the bulletin board waiting for it to generate the available jobs. He stared at the digital clock above the board as its numbers soon struck 7 o'clock. The moment it did the list generated almost instantly. It was an electronic panel that listed the jobs available, their ranks, locations and reward. Osiris was almost overwhelmed by all that was in front of him. So much information, so many different jobs. However, Osiris had his heart set on one job and one job only. He quickly looked at the top of the list and pressed his hand on the job offer. The screen changed to the job he had requested as an electronic female voice spoke to him.

"You have requested a Capture mission. The Target is Victor Del Kuni. He is a Vanutei with a powerful aura. He has been located in Western Arila, known locations; Usually wandering the badlands. Do you choose to accept?" Osiris instantly hit the screen making sure it accepted, "Please enter in your name then place your hand on the center of the screen," Osiris did as told and placed his hand on the screen after entering in his name. A sharp stinging sensation pierced the flesh of his palm as he pulled his hand away only to see black writing on his hand. It was two circles side by side with a large X slashing through them both, "Thank you for your submission please show your marking to the nearest Admin and be on your way, have a nice day!" Soon the panel switched back to the main screen and displayed the available jobs again with the top job crossed out and Osiris' name placed at the end of it.

Osiris began walking to the briefing room entrance when he encounters Gozar. No words were exchanged between the two until Osiris lifted his hand revealing his mission to the admin. Gozar's eyes fluttered wide as he scanned Osiris up and down.

"Are you sure you can take on a mission like that? You still smell a bit green to me. Even with a mechanical leg I don't think you can take on Victor let alone capture him," Gozar said furrowing his eyebrows.

"Maybe you should approve my request and let me show you you're wrong," Gozar smirked at Osiris quick response to his subtle insult. Pulling out a scanner he palced it over Osiris's palm as the red light went green.

"There you are approved, there is a convoy waiting for you in the back, it'll take you to the border of Southern Arila. A hovercycle will be admitted to you once you reach the border, and after that you are on your own so prepare yourself," As Osiris was about to walk off Gozar grabbed his arm and stopped him, "You haven't been asking about your parent's as much as I thought you would. Aren't you worried about them?" Osiris tugged his arm away from Gozar and glared at him.

"If I was worried about them I would be asking about them. I don't care about them. They put me here, and took my life away," Osiris continued to walk off as he gathered the necessary items he would need for his mission. Items such as food, water, and his weapons.

"Wait are you just giving him the top mission Gozar? What the hell?! I've waited almost a year to finally be able to get a top mission and you're just handing it to this green ****head?"

"Is there a problem?" Osiris said turning to face a rather angry, burly female who nostrils were flaring. She walked over to him as a group of other special ops members followed behind her. All eyes were one Osiris.

"Yea there is a ****ing problem. Why do you get this mission? Why are you so eager after just arriving here not even a full month ago?" It was clear by her tone she was too impatient for an answer from Osiris, "You don't deserve it."

"And you do? Someone who gets heated over little things by a person she doesn't even know...and you call yourself the special ops?" Osiris began laughing, practically in the face of the female. She gritted her teeth and clenched her fist as she was ready to slug him. The moment her fist almost made contact with his face a sharp sound sliced the air causing everyone to be still. The woman yelled in agony as she held her stump of a hand slumping to the ground.

"That'll be enough," Gozar said wiping off his blade holding the girls hand in his own, "Take her to the infirmary. Let this be a reminder to you all, we are not savages, we are all in this together. If one person steps out of line," he held her hand in the air, blood dripping from its tips, "This is the price you will have to pay," Tossing the hand at one of the other members Gozar guided Osiris back into the room.

"You cut her hand off..." He said almost surprised.

"It had to be done. A lot of people do not like you here, go figure. I mean your mourning cloak bunch nearly killed quite a few of these people's parent's. I wouldn't be overly fond of you either if I was in their shoes, but I promised your mom and dad I would look after you very loosely, please do not make me break that promise," Osiris nodded slightly as a sudden shade of fear casted over his eyes. An ominous aura was emanating from Gozar and Osiris could somehow see it. Doing as he was told however Osiris headed to the briefing room, received the necessary information he needed and was on his way.

After about a good hour, Osiris had already been in the convoy and was dropped off. As he packed his things on the hovercycle he had been loaned he quickly drove off in hot pursuit of his target; Victor Del Kuni.

Pressing a view buttons on the dash panel of his hovercycle a picture of Victor popped up with a wall of text beside him.

"Victor Del Kuni; Roughly thirty-five years of age. Shaggy green hair, three scars that run vertically down his face...possibly slashed by a creature. The only known Vanutei who can kill other Vanutei...interesting," Osiris continued driving as he turned off the panel. The desert air was warm and dry with an occasional cold gust but nothing too promising.

After about two or more hours he had made it to the border of the badlands which lay right on top of the Southern Arila border. The badlands always gave off an ominous presence and only the truly stupid or intelligently suicidal would dare travel them alone; the perfect hiding spot for a man on the run. Osiris stopped at the border and filled his cycle with some fuel. He began chugging some water and noticed a cloth was hanging on the side of his cycle. He began tugging at it to see what it was when all of a sudden, he heard a large group of hisses coming from behind him. Slowly turning around, he tried to make out where the noise was coming from when he was soon met face to face with a large ground of Pulm.

The serpent feline beasts had their backs hunched and their heads low to the ground as they were ready to pounce on Osiris. However, he had his eyes fixed on the center Pulm for some odd reason. Something about its pattern perked his interest. Within that moment of his realization, the grey coated/orange spotted Pulm stopped its hissing and began to slowly approach Osiris as it too had a confused look on its face. Osiris was about to slowly back away until the Pulm began sniffing his face. It was the same height as Osiris on all fours, so you can imagine how big it must've been on its hind legs. As it continued to sniff Osiris face he stuck his hand out to pet it, the other pulms began snarling as the one Osiris was about to pet snapped at them letting them know everything was going to be okay.

The moment Osiris placed his hand on the fur of the Pulm lonely tears fell down either side of his face. In that moment he knew who he had encountered, after all this time, he knew who she was, "Isis?" The Pulm licked his face lovingly, "It's good to see you again girl."
Chapter Seventeen - Nomads

After about an hour or so of the two long lost friends catching up the atmosphere grew serious as the other Pulm's were growing tired and restless.

"I forgot how fast Pulm can grow, especially females, you are humungous," Osiris let out a innocent chuckle as Isis had tried to nudge him in the direction they were headed as if she wanted him to go. Nearly forgetting about his objective at hand Osiris followed Isis into the badlands, blindly heading into 'foreign waters'.

About 3 miles of quiet traveling, which was odd for the badlands, it must have been the fierce demeanor of Pulm's that kept the other creatures lurking at bay. Looking ahead Osiris saw a large cave entrance and thought back to the time he had lost his leg fighting off the ape like Kredus. His body began to tense up as Isis immediately knew something was wrong. She stopped in her tracks to check on her friend. Osiris nodded his head Assuring her he was fine and the group proceeded to keep walking. Once they made it to the cave entrance Osiris took a deep breath before entering as he walked in with the pack one by one down a large hallway. The hallway led to an overly spacious cavern and a man seemed to be sleeping next to a brightly lit fire. Isis nudged his arm as she looked worried about the man in front of the fire. Osiris picked up on Isis' emotions as he walked toward the limp man, before him. Crouching down to see if the body was dead Osiris' eyes began to water as a pungent smell of booze emanated from the man's skin. Followed by a deep grunted snore.

Osiris almost let out a few chuckles but managed to keep his composure.

"No worries...It looks like the guy had a few too many drinks is all...he'll be fine," Osiris nudged the man with his foot as something about his face peaked a sudden spark in his mind. Pulling out an electronic device he placed it next to the man's face as a picture of an identical looking man popped up on the screen. A smirk stretched across Osiris's face as he pulled the device away, "Well this seek and capture mission was easier than expected. You are coming with me Victor Del Kuni," Osiris began to reach for Victor as he felt a sudden shift in the air and immediately jumped to the side dodging a blow from what appeared to be a large stone arm. Victor stood up from where he had been laying down and faced Osiris. The large stone arm belonged to him but something seemed off.

"I knew they would eventually send another of you guys after me...but honestly do they think sending a Vanutei after me was smart? I broke my earthbound contract years ago. Inaros, my Terra spirit and I don't like being told what to do or being asked where to go. I've killed plenty of you in my life time and will gladly add you to my body count," Victor retracted his arm back and reverted it to its regular state.

He is able to turn parts of his body into his Terra form...that is rare... Osiris thought to himself as he reached for his weapon. He looked to Isis who was startled, but the moment she had made eye contact with him she calmed down and told the other Pulm to step back; A fight was underway.

"I am not interested in bloodshed, but I can assure you if you let me capture you I can break you back out, I am planning on leaving the Monarch very soon and I want to take them down once I have found a team of willing individuals. I've seen what they have done and can do...probably not all of it, but enough to know I am on the wrong side," Victor furrowed his eyebrows in skepticism toward Osiris's words. His eyes began to lightly glow a deep blue color. His face looked slightly scruffy, permanent frown, full beard, mustache and shaggy feathered head; His hair as green as emerald. He was wearing blackened parachute pants and had white bandages around his hands, wrists, and feet.

"So, you're going to use me as bait so they can test on me all over, again right? I am not going to be touched by a needle ever again so either you kill me," A large smoke cloud began swirling around victor as a sudden forced knocked Osiris all the way through the hallway and out the cave entrance. Skidding across the floor Osiris shuffled for his weapon. Once it was in his grasps he pierced the ground before him slowing himself down. Once he was able to stop himself he quickly got to his feet and placed his blades in front of him as he heard a large noise approach him. THUD! THUD! THUD! The cave entrance exploded from a large being that protruded from its entrance. A large stone golem with blue light radiating from the cracks in its skin towered over Osiris, "Or I Kill You!" A deranged sounding male voice with a divine echo boomed throughout the badlands. Osiris's eyes grew wide as a large fist was headed his way. Victor's Terra Form was roughly around forty-five feet in height compared to Osiris's five-feet-ten-inch body.

Osiris jumped out of the way of the punch just barely missing it as he tucked and rolled behind a pillar shaped rock.

"This isn't good, I have to figure out how to calm him down or knock him out. I heard rumors about the famous Blue Savage Inaros, but never knew how fast he actually was," Osiris heard more thudding as he dove out of the way of a fatal kick that turned the stone into sand, figuratively speaking of course. As Inaros charged up another punch Osiris pressed the yoyo trigger on his weapon and began twirling them around. Once Inaros's fist was close enough Osiris quickly flung his blades forward as they grappled onto the wrist of the stone giant. Osiris scaled Inaros's arm and made it toward the head and began slashing away with his blades. Inaros swatted at his neck knocking Osiris off. Pressing the yoyo trigger on his weapon again he fired it back at Inaros grappling his arm again. Osiris began swinging from Inaros's arm trying to tie up the stone beast with his metal strings.

Inaros managed to slug Osiris clean out of the sky and into the ground. Luckily Osiris landed in a large area of sand and not a boulder. Unfortunately, the initial hit from the fist hitting Osiris's body did enough damage as is. The moment the adrenaline began wearing off Osiris fell down from an upright position onto his knees gritting his teeth in agony from the pain.

"What the...?" Osiris said as he noticed his hand that was in the sand began glowing a whitish silver color. It was as if the ground itself was healing Osiris. He stood up as if he wasn't punched by a stone golem and got back into a fighting stance.

"You Vanutei are always crafty...being able to heal yourself wherever whenever thanks to mother earth. I mean honestly! When you have as much power and energy as me, you can heal yourself a lot more than what she can do for you," Inaros lunged at Osiris at lightning speed and aimed his foot him.

"I am not a Vanutei!" Osiris said as he tried to evade the foot coming his way but was soon knocked off his feet again.

"Of course, you are! Lying will get you nowhere!" Inaros was about to slam his fist on top of until Osiris shouted to the top of his lungs.

"Vernos says You win!" Inaros's fist stopped dead in its tracks as he quickly reverted back to his Herba Form, his regular form. His eyes wide, face struck with distraught. The air was tense, the mood had died down, tears soon began trickling down Victor's face.
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Interesting end to the last chapter there! Looks like Osiris is finding these new powers that he doesn't know that he has, or that he doesn't know what to do with them now that he has them.

It's also great to see Isis back. I liked how Osiris was with her as his friend.

Want to point out two little grammar things:

She stopping in her tracks to check on her friend
Should be "She stopped in her tracks..."

A smirked stretched across Osiris's face as he pulled the device away,
Should be "A smirk stretched across Osiris's face..."
Chapter Eighteen - Truce or Despair?

Osiris and Victor retired back to the main den of the cave. No words were spoken but tea was brewed in a large black kettle in which Victor was laying next to. He took a deep breath as he twirled a large spoon in the black kettle mixing around its innards. Osiris nodded his head at Victor understanding the situation at stake. Victor took a long deep sip of the tea he had poured himself and handed a cup to Osiris with a orange colored liquid in it.

"Its Gopaen berry tea. It is one of the sweetest berries in all of arila. When you squeeze its green skin orange juices excrete from its insides," Victor answered in response to Osiris facial expression toward the tea. He blew his cup and took a sip of the liquid. A warm glow radiated off of his face as he continued to drink the delicious tea.

"This is amazing," Osiris said as he downed the rest of the drink.

"It also has a small dab of Pulm venom which is known to have truth serum properties. You are going to tell me the truth about my father...Vernos Emerscott," The tension in the air grew thick and uncomfortable. Osiris rested his gaze in contact with Victor's as he knew he was in trouble now. There is no telling where the conversation could go.

"All I know is before I was sent on a mission to kill your father I was trying to get dirt on the Monarch organization. I have seen all I needed you but capturing you was the final key to my plan to figure out all of the Monarchs secret. You are number one on the most wanted radars in all the region. So of course me capturing you would have made my job so much easier. However, after meeting Vernos it is as if he knew what I was thinking before I could even say anything," Osiris elaborated about his missions and tasks.

"That sounds like dad," Victor revealed a weak smile as he wiped his face preparing for the waterworks again.

"Before I killed him he told me he knew I wanted to take down the Monarchs, and that you could help me, but you know of another girl who could help as well, Inue Vexen. She is an Altamone and an extremely crafty one who has a ultimate death wish with the Monarchs because of what they did to her family,"Osiris continued before stopping and exhaling a deep sigh, "I am sorry about your father," He looked at Victor who seemed to be playing back the information in his head.

"So because I managed to escape, and because I was a 'special' Vanutei, me leaving would've costed them years worth of research. They target the one last family member I have to see if I make a move so they can catch me again...will I ever escape that place?" He said asking a rhetorical question as Osiris looked to Isis who seemed to have been staring at him the entire time worried. He smiled at her and assured her that everything was fine. She purred back as she curled into a ball on the ground and decided to take a nap.

Osiris and Victor were talking for hours about how much they equally hate the Monarch.

"If I do this...you have to promise me the Monarch goes down," Victor said staring deep into Osiris's eyes almost intimidating him.

"It will take some time because they are ever expanding, but if the plan backfires I will make sure to release you from your holding cell but you are on your own from there," Osiris responded.

"I'll do it...I don't want to...but for my dad I'll have to. Inue is far from our current grasps. It will be smart for you to get the information you need...use me as bait and then get me the fuck out of there," Victor summed up the plan. Osiris looked at him and nodded, "Also one more thing, you say you aren't a Vanutei. Clearly by the hair you are a Regg, but why is it that your aura is large and radiates an almost silver cloud of light?"

"I believe it is what the Monarchs call V-essence. I remember them talking about it during my leg surgery and I've heard it mentioned several times after. I believe it is Vanutei life essence. You think it infused with my DNA mixing up what I was born as naturally?" Osiris asked.

"All I know is you have more Vanutei in your than you think. I know Vanutei aren't know for regenerating but that can most certainly do it if the right amount of essence or energy is applied. You have a tiny Terra spirit growing inside of you. You might be the first hybrid race to exist on this planet," Osiris's eyes widened as everything was now making sense to him. A determined expression appeared on his face as he looked at Victor. Without missing a beat he spoke fearlessly.

"It is time for us to take those sons of bitches down."

"I can't believe I am doing this," Victor responded as the two began walking out of the cave. Isis began following after Osiris but he had to halt her.

"I am sorry girl you have to stay here. If everything goes according to plan I will be back. We always manage to find each other," He nuzzled his face against hers as he walked outside with Victor to his motorcycle. Osiris brought our rope and let out a chuckle toward Victor who grunted deeply as he let Osiris tie him up onto the motorcycle and even drug him to knock him out. Osiris looked back at the cave before riding off down the path in which he came. Soon making it to the infamous Monarch Academy where the plan to snag and bag any information that can tarnish the Monarch is a go. And so the true war began.
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So Victor and Osiris are working together now. It's interesting how things change once more of the truth comes out.

And what a reveal! So the Monarch is making some sort of hybrids, right? Makes me think that a lot of the missions Osiris had been on were more planned than was originally thought. Like the Monarch wanted Osiris to get hurt enough that he needed surgery.

Noticed one thing:
He always manage to find each other,
That "he" should be a "we."
Chapter Nineteen - The Unveiling

Once Osiris had made it back to the Monarch Academy Facility everyone gawked in awe at the mission that he had completed. As Osiris passed up his fellow young Reggs he dragged Victor along the ground straddling him behind his back. Fortunately for victor he was knocked out cold and wouldn't feel anything until he woke up. As Osiris made it to Gozar's office he attempted to throw Victor at the foot of Gozar's desk but couldn't manage a throw that bold. He instead dragged him to the center of the room, lifted Victor as high as he possibly could and dropped him on the rug below. Gozar's looked impressed and almost scared when Osiris came back from the mission with only a few scraps and bruises.

"Y-you're back…?" Gozar said trying his hardest not to sound surprised.
"There is Victor Del Kuni. Now I would like to take him to the bottom floor,"
"Hey you can't just demand orders from me you little punk! You're lucky you-" Yasi Jhun had soon walked into Gozar's office stop him dead in his sentence. Osiris felt a heavy aura weighing on him the moment Yasi walked into the room.

"I hear you have been quite the...star recently, Osiris was it?" Yasi had her back to Osiris when she asked him the question, but turned around soon after finishing her sentence.
"You could say that," Osiris shrugged as he avoided Eye contact with the Monarch's Prime Leader.
"Honestly though, you have amazing ambition. I was actually coming to see you anyways after I met with Gozar, but now that you are here I might as well continue," She furrowed her eyebrows for a moment as Gozar immediately left the room as well as the two guards that came in with Yasi and closed the door behind them, "I want you to join our true interrogation. Given, interrogating isn't for everyone, but I believe you have the right skill set and strong will to persevere," She flashed him a soft smile as Osiris let out a deep breath.
"What would I have to do?" Osiris asked blatantly.
"Oh you know, get the answers out of whoever, whenever, and wherever I say. It is a unit directly under me training and control with benefits of having asking to everything in the facility minus my office as well as the armory of course. Just standard procedures. What do you say?" Yasi placed a hand on her hip as she stared down Osiris with eyes full of nothing but fire.
"Honestly do I have a choice?" Osiris said as Yasi almost let out a soft chuckle.
"Smart boy. Come with me then. Your material's have already been transported to your new room, also here," Yasi grabbed Osiris's hand and placed a device on it which pricked his finger extracted a small ounce of blood. The motion happened so quickly Osiris didn't have a chance to respond, "And now your blood his infused with your doors digital lock pad. Only you can open this door, for the ultimate privacy of course," Osiris placed his pricked finger in his mouth and began sucking on it trying to stop the bleeding while staring at Yasi who's Aura he could see.

Its black He said as his eyes widened from the mass of the color. Quickly gathering himself he followed Yasi out of the room.
"Please take Victor to a more suitable location," The guards grabbed Victor and hobbled him down the hall, "I will speak with you later," Yasi said to Gozar as she walked off with Osiris following her. The walk as a whole was quiet, chilling and uncomfortable. Osiris didn't want to address Yasi and he hopped she didn't want to address him. Once they made it to the elevators they both got in as Yasi pressed B6, "By the way, the rooms are in the heart of the Interrogation facility. They were once old holding cells, now they are just cells," Osiris couldn't stop staring at the deep black aura that surrounded Yasi. He tried his hardest not to give himself away.

As they exited the elevator clanks from the metal clamps in Yasi's hair scraping against one another echoed throughout the silence of B6. As she walked down the hall with Osiris tailing behind her every person who saw her stood in their tracks, backs straightened out saluting their Machina Queen. Once they made it to Osiris's cell room she gestured him to place his hand on the lock pad. Soon a rapid beeping noise could be heard before the door unlocked itself and opened. The room was a lot better than Osiris had hoped. Queen-sized bed, dark brown wooden floors, a large desk area as well as a window that had only the view of an interrogation room. So unfortunate soul was getting the living daylights beat out of them. Osiris continued to stare at the interrogation trying to show Yasi how unfazed he could be.

"Here is where you will be doing your own interrogating. One of my representatives will explain what information needs to be uncovered from the traitor, spy, or every day civilian. Once all information is gathered you report back to me with what you had uncovered. Even if you end up killing the man or woman, no bit of information is too small. Remember that," Yasi began walking out of Osiris's room before slightly turning her head around and staring at him out of the corner of her eyes.She softly let out a sly smile as she walked off down the hall out of scene.

"I wonder how Victor is holding up," Osiris spoke to himself quietly still weary of his surroundings. He had hardly seen any people down their to begin with. It was chilling, gray and nerve wracking.

Deciding to lay down Osiris thought it'd be best to get rest while he could. No telling what Yasi had in store for him. He laid down in the queen sized bed covering himself in thick ice blue sheets. He immediately clocked out and began snoring away. In the middle of the night however he began tossing and turning. Mumbling in his sleep as beads of sweat spilled off of his forehead. His breathing quickened as the tossing and turning continued.

Osiris... A voice called out to him from his slumber.

"Wha…?" Osiris muttered still barely awake to process anything.

Osiris! The once quiet voice soon boomed Osiris conscious.

As Osiris began regaining his vision the silhouette before him grew more visible until it was clear enough to tell who it was, "V-vernos?" Osiris gasped shocked to see the man before him.
"Of course its me. It's going to take a lot more than a knife to the throat to take me down. And they call that Inn a secret Monarch Facility...childs play. I don't have much time so I will make this brief. I am with you on shutting down the Monarchs...but also the Goliath Bird wing Corporation needs to be shut down as well," Vernos let out a soft cough before inhaling deeply and exhaling smoothly.

"Wait..how do you expect me to shut down the GBW?" Osiris asked.

"Join them after you leave the Monarch. I am a Lieutenant of the GBW and have been for years. Let them think you worked for me as a spy. Offer any kind of useful information you can to make them believe you work for me," Vernos began fading away as Osiris was knocked upside the head.

"Hey wake the hell up already. My gods man," One of the guards began to lift Osiris up after shaking him good one more time. Groaning from the punches Osiris woke up in a groggy state, "First 'gatty' of the day. The man once worked with Gozar on a confidential mission but instead led him into a trap stealing important blueprints and almost killing Gozar. Find out where he put the blueprints and we won't beat the shit out of you," Osiris nodded his head. He was seconds away from slugging the guard but had to keep his cool and his character in check. Once he was guided to the interrogation room he saw a man tied up to a chair hands cuffed to the arm rests. Osiris walked in the room facing the man and his muffled screams. Staring down the mans face the guard grew impatient and nudged Osiris gesturing him to get on with it.

"Where are the blueprints?" Osiris raised a fist and slugged the man hard in the face. The man just continued to scream, "Where. Are. The. Blue. Prints?" Osiris punched him square in the jaw. Blood splattered on the floor.

"There ya go...just like that," The guard said.
Update 1/31/2018

Chapters 17 and 18 have had errors in spelling and grammar corrected
Wow. What a violent job Osiris has now! But at least he's getting deeper in to the ranks of the Monarch. It'll help him take them down, along with the GBW. Hoping to see some exploration of how Osiris is handling all this, because a lot just keeps changing for him without him getting used to it.

And hope to see some more about Vernos and Victor. They both have some incredible powers that could affect Osiris, and I'm looking forward to seeing what more they have planned and how they'll do it.

Fortunately for victor he was knocked out cold and wouldn't feel anything
"Victor" needs to be capitalized here.

So unfortunate soul was getting the living daylights beat out of them.
"So" should be "no."
Chapter 20 - The Unveiling Pt. 2

One Month Later

The sound of a faucet splashing water and faint crying echoed throughout a white, dimly lit room. Heavy panting with a frantic tone darkened the mood. Osiris was scrubbing his hands vigorously trying to rid them of all the blood he could before exiting the washroom. Fear was written all over his face as he continued exhaling violently gritting his teeth spit flying out of his mouth.

"Get it off! Get it off! Get it off! Get if off!" He would say repeatedly as he continued scrubbing his hands, though no more blood was left to wash off. After about an hour or so of his panic attack Osiris fell to his knees and scooted his back up against a nearby wall. Resting his face in his hands he trying to gather himself before leaving the room. He thought that working directly underneath Yasi would make it easier to gather information but to his surprise it was a lot harder, "Victor was suppose to trust me...look at the mess I am in now...I can't kill another person...I...I can't do it," standing up from his spot. Osiris took in a deep as he left the room. Almost immediately a siren went off alerting all available personal to head to the Briefing room.

"Osiris!" A tall burly man boomed as he towered over Osiris with beady eyes, "I need you to man the station. It is not like anyone can get down here, but Yasi gave me orders and I'm just relaying them back to you. If you have a problem with it too damn bad. One of the GBW units has infiltrated a town we had under our control and we are taking it back," Osiris wondered why he wasn't asked or notified to go on the mission but before he could even consider asking the questions the man was off and headed out the facility, "Hold down the fort would ya Osiris?" the man spoke fully exiting leaving Osiris by his lonesome.

"You only get one shot at this," Osiris said as he hurriedly walked in the opposite direction. He was in search for the file room and felt this was the perfect moment; his first day off in nearly a month. He half thought about breaking Victor out but knew the area to was too secured, and too complex for himself to infiltrate it alone. He decided to instead gather as much intel as he could about the Monarchs and their secrets.

Walking down a dimly lit corridor, Osiris began following the signs leading him to the Research Room. He was soon halted by a few researcher's eyebrows furrowed staring at him skeptically.

"May I help you?" one of the men had said eyeing Osiris up and down.

"Actually no, Gozar sent one of his goons to tell me I am in charge while they are off recapturing their town. I am just inspecting the entire area. Just doing my job," Osiris tried his hardest to pull off a believable persona and to his surprise it worked.

"Well..in that case. Please continue with your duties sir. If you need any assistance from us we can surely help. Whenever...wherever," They walked out of sight down the hallway as Osiris proceeded to the Research Room. There was a keypad next to the door leading to the Research Room. Osiris dragged his fingers lightly across the characters displayed and and began thinking what the pin could be. He pressed the first button several times before it dinged saying the pincode was incorrect. Osiris closed his eyes and began thinking back to areas in his life that could give any hints and in that moment it struck him.
"Thank you Ilia," He said as he typed in X-3-1-8 into the keypad and a green light flickered opening the door to the room. The door closed behind him automatically as he was in awe by the millions of filing cabinets scattered throughout the warehouse of a room.

Osiris walked up to a large black cabinet that looked promising enough to catch Osiris's attention. Tracing his fingers along its cold, black metal exterior he pulled out the middle drawer and began fiddling his fingers through the millions of files. He soon came across a file with the title 'V-essence' as he quickly snatched it out and began reading it.

"V-essence is a substance obtained and harvested from Vanutei. It is strongest when harvested from a dead Vanutei but more beneficial if the Vanutei is alive and well. Though extracting the essence is a painful procedure I'm sure, the V-essence project has made it possible for Reggs to create an endless supply of energy, weapons, power beyond belief. Vanutei population has however decreased by twenty percent since last year. We may need to go easy on the harvesting this time around. Total Vanutei in lab, about one hundred ninety two, total Vanutei that have died ninety-eight," Osiris eyes widened as tears began to pour, he panicked as he continued to flip through the files seeing if he could find anything else. Switching cabinets he came across a file that said "Cannon of Essence: Project ES-Cannon" opening the file he saw blueprints for a giant cannon to be made and fired directly at Galvin city by using a V-essence energy beam," dropping that file he grabbed another file talking about the extinction of the races and began seeing the Monarch for what it truly is. He picked up all of the files and hurriedly put them all back where they belonged and headed out the door. He tried his hardest to keep a straight face but in that moment he knew he was in deep trouble. The air surrounding him was thin and his breathing quickened with faster exhales and inhales.


Osiris headed back to his barracks as he placed his head on his door before opening it. He began panning through his life again, every haunting moment over and over and over again. Taking a deep breath he entered the room and immediately felt the presence of someone else. Getting into his stance he was startled by Rami who playfully tackled him in the bed. The two began making out, letting the magic of the night take control of their souls.

After about an hour they calmed down and laid in bed next to each other diagonally.
"How'd you manage to get down here Rami?" Osiris asked curiously.
"That's not important," Rami chuckled lightly trying to change the topic. It was clear Osiris wasn't going to give up on his question either. He got up in a sitting position turning to face the still laying Rami. Not even a second later Rami broke.
"Since a large portion of my facility is off on that raid, I decided I'd take the day off and so did everyone else apparently," He smiled at Osiris who had a confused look on his face.
"Raid? They said they were getting the town or whatever back because the GBW invaded their territory…" Osiris raised another eyebrow in skepticism toward Rami.
"Yea that's what I meant to say. I don't know where raid came from," He let out a weak, guilty cackle as he tried to change the subject this time, "How have you been holding up?"
"Life is a lot harder than I thought it would be. It is like everyday is a death sentence I have to escape from within the past month...I have killed over eighty-four people during these interrogation...one of them had a kid, the other a newly wed. What are they trying to do to me?" Osiris placed his head in his hands and Rami scotted next to him with a worried face, but for some reason it didn't look like his worry was targeted toward a stressed Osiris, it was targeted toward something else entirely.