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US Elections 2008: Debate the Issues

Which party are you voting for? (If you could vote...) Foreigners are welcomed.

  • Democratic Party (Obama/Biden...Your Democratic Congressman/Senator)

    Votes: 98 63.2%
  • Republican Party (McCain/Palin...Your Republican Congressman/Senator)

    Votes: 31 20.0%
  • Third Party (Green, Liberatarian...etc.)

    Votes: 7 4.5%
  • I'm disillusioned. It's all campaign rhetoric I won't even bother to vote...

    Votes: 19 12.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
  • 9,468
    Oh...More topics...

    Well ignore my Healthcare argument right now...I don't have the time yet to update it...=/
    Anyways I want to point out some controversial topics: Abortion, Race, Foreign Policy, Immigration. Who wants to talk about those?
    Also people from other countries how do you want the US Foreign Policies to look like? (How do you want the US to treat you? (>_>)

    Here...Ask Not What You Can Do For Barack Obama, Ask What Barack Obama Can Do For You! (NewsWeek): https://www.newsweek.com/id/161210/output/print

    Dear Young Americans:

    I won't tell you how special you are because you've heard it before. For the past nine months, the mainstream media have showered you with adulation. Before the Iowa caucuses, Barack Obama's campaign said you'd be his secret weapon, showing up for him like you'd never shown up for a presidential candidate before. Reporters didn't believe it; they'd seen that MTV special before, heard about the hidden youth vote and knew it never panned out.

    But you proved them wrong; you did pan out. You surprised the media, and the media like nothing more than a surprise. Since then it's been a nonstop lovefest—your reputation is secure as the most idealistic and engaged group of young people since the '60s, an optimistic lot who believe that Obama really is different from all the rest. You've made his rallies into cultural events, his candidacy into a movement. You've done what no one thought was possible: you've made politics seem cool again.

    I do not mean to suggest that asking questions of Obama will help him get elected. Some of them will probably hurt his chances. An Obama defeat is an outcome many of you cannot fathom and most of you would like to avoid. But if our generation fails to hold Obama to a higher standard in the final weeks of this campaign, it will most likely get what it deserves: a decidedly ordinary President Obama and a new generation's descent into cynicism. This would be a tragedy, for, in truth, there is one thing that makes our generation special. We still have the power to believe.

    The link is above :D
    Last edited:
  • 31
    • Seen Nov 27, 2008
    I just found this thread and figured I'd make my voice heard. I apologize in advance if I touch on any previous subjects (17 pages is a lot to back read, though I have read some)

    On the environment, sure there isn't much definitive evidence to support global warming. Add into the equation that we technically are still in the last ice age and while it peaked approximately 20,000 years ago, having the polar ice caps to the level that we do still indicates an ice age by definition, so therefore the melting of the ice caps and the increase in temperature may just be part of the normal cycle. However, it is my belief that whether there is global warming or not it would be best to act as if it were real. Realistically, what would that belief cause? An increase in "green" technologies for alternative fuels, renewable fuel sources, better fuel efficiency, etc. Doesn't sound like a problem to me. Whether global warming is real or not, research and technology such as that would certainly make it less of an issue should solid evidence eventually pop up instead of saying there's no proof, so therefore we don't have to worry until it's really a problem. There are many alternatives, unfortunately to implement them on a wide scale can be expensive. For example there is a facility in Texas called Petrosun that is creating "bioDesiel" from algae. Because of it's fast reproductive and growth rate they are able to produce the same amount of biofuel in days that would take corn or other agricultural fuel months to accomplish in far less space. The facility, unfortunately, is expensive to build and is a reason why it hasn't caught on as quickly as other biofuel methods. Brazil on the other hand is doing very well with producing ethanol from sugar cane. It is possible to make the switch, it's just a matter of commitment. Whether global warming exists or not, environmental issues need to be settled.

    Immigration is another issue that seemed to pop up frequently in this thread. My personal opinion is if people want to live in this country they can go through the legal process of citizenship. I don't believe that building the Great Wall of Texas, among the other ridiculous plans our government is forming (I saw an idea to build a large ditch across the southern border on the cover of a newsweek a few months back) will work at all. If people are determined to get in, they'll get in somehow, it's that simple. I'm not heartless. I feel for the people in other countries, so please no attacks on my character. While I currently live in the US I spent the first half of my life living in Russia. The US has a lot of potential, it just needs some time and effort to get back to what originally made it the great country it was first known for being.

    Which brings me to my thoughts on foreign policy. Stay out of everyone's business. The US spends so much time, money, and effort focused on what everyone else is doing and interfering with other countries when they don't feel that things are "right" in that country. Whether we're afraid other countries will get a leg up on us such as weapons of mass destruction and such, or they just don't have the same system of government. In my opinion, our interference is why there are so many countries out there that hate us and otherwise wish us harm.

    Other issues, mentioned above, Abortion I'm pro choice. Giving birth messes up a woman's body in ways they never mention in health class (not including the pain of child birth), she should have the right to choose if she wants her body to go through that or not. Race is too much of a deep seeded issue for too many people to just ignore it. Although a world where race doesn't matter to anyone is ideal, humans focus too much on differences for it to be overlooked anytime in the near future. Humans like to categorize things, put labels on them, arrange them in nice neat piles where everything is easily definable. That just doesn't happen with humans. A person does not define a race as much as a race defines a person. You are who you are regardless of race, ethnicity, sexual orientation etc. I've always looked at people for who they are and not take any of that into account. Despite too many people looking skin deep for now, I have hope that one day it won't matter, but in the meantime it does unfortunately.

    In the topic of gay marriages (speaking of sexual orientation) I say it should be allowed. Tax benefits, adoptions, etc. there are many benefits to being legally married and I don't see why a gay couple shouldn't have access to those rights. As to the marrage vs. civil union debate, what's in a name if it's the same thing in the eyes of the law (I personally am for the naming of marriage) as long as it's recognized by the government. A lesbian friend of mine moved to mass. just so she could marry her girlfriend. I went to the ceremony, very lovely. However, six months later they were divorced. Neither has any regrets though because they were happy enough to just be treated like any "normal" couple in both processes.

    There is a forgotten community in the LGBT and that the transsexual community. Laws that protect sexual orientation do nothing to protect sexual identity. Shortly after moving to the US I met a girl who I considered to be my best friend. She was a male to female transsexual in the process of transitioning. On multiple occasions she was fired from jobs when word somehow leaked out about who she was. She tried to sue for discrimination but there wasn't a lawyer around who would take her case saying that there were no laws that protected her. I won't go into details but she was eventually murdered walking back to her car in a park late one night, beaten to death by three people with a rock for no other reason than they discovered she was transgendered. Only one of them was sent to prison and it was only a 5 year sentience. It was never counted as a hate crime. Not all crimes are born from hate, I feel it is important to make a differentiation between a crime of hate and whatever other reasons (survival, greed, etc). I am a huge advocate for transsexual rights and laws that protect gender identity and sadly there aren't enough in this country.

    I am old enough to vote and my vote will be going towards Obama. I have carefully reviewed both candidates, the platforms they stand on, the policies they've promiced, and that is my educated decision. Of the two candidates, I feel that Obama has similar concerns of the issues that I care about the most. I will never say a bad word about McCain. He is a good person, he has done well for this country so far, and I do not doubt that he would make a fine president. I feel, however, that the situations that this country faces, Obama would make a better choice.

    Well, that rambled on a bit longer that I had hoped...
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    Guide of Darkness
  • 8,123
    I'm in a grey area. I don't want to see abortion becoming a form of contraception. Take precautions before hand. There are some you can take after hand. If they don't work, then oops. That's life. Put it up for adoption if you don't want it or feel you're not fit to parent.

    We can determine the sex of child prior to birth and we can determine disabilities. I fear that mainstream abortions could lead to selective births and many babies aborted simply because they're not exactly what the parents wanted. More and more mothers are already opting for unnecessary cesarian sections because of convenience even though they are actually more dangerous than the traditional route. (I'm not saying all c-sections are unnecessary. In many cases, they are. But, lots of new mothers are going for it when they don't need it and that is dangerous.)

    That said though, I think it should be allowed in instances of incest, rape, and other extreme cases. If the birthing process will harm and or even kill the mother for instance. I also think that it should only be done up to a certain point. Partial-birth and late-term abortions don't make a lot of sense to me. In one room you'll have a doctor aborting the baby and in the next room, they'll be trying to save a premature baby at the same stage in its development. So, which one is it?

    I don't have much to say here. I want equality for all.

    Foreign Policy
    I want a combination of the Democrat method and the Republican method. I don't think talking to the enemy will accomplish much, but it certainly couldn't hurt and would be much better than giving them the time-out treatment we're doing right now. However, we also shouldn't just wait around for something bad to happen.

    No problems with people entering the country. I have no problems with illegals wanting to work and make an honest living providing that they are trying to become legal. I think the process for making them legal citizens should be quicker. Living in Canada, having people who aren't paying taxes use our school and health care system for free bugs me. I want them here. They're valuable. But make them legal faster and have them start paying taxes. But, don't ship them away.
  • 1,669
    Today a radio interview that Sen. Obama did back in 2001 on Chicago Public Radio showed that he believed that the Supreme Court should of gotten into wealth redistribution during the Civil Rights era.

    I also came across an Associated Press web page that have political pumpkin stencils.
  • 2,010
    • Age 34
    • Seen Jun 2, 2014
    I can't bear to read YouTube comments anymore. This insane neo-McCarthyism that the McCain supporters are pushing for is crazy. Not to mention the way each side is so mutually terrified of the other is pretty scary in itself.
  • 9,468

    I can't bear to read YouTube comments anymore. This insane neo-McCarthyism that the McCain supporters are pushing for is crazy. Not to mention the way each side is so mutually terrified of the other is pretty scary in itself.

    Wow...What a coincidence I did say to Aura about the sad return of McCarthyism in the US with all of this talk about Obama being a "socialist" a while ago. The fact that he doesn't want a Full Single-Payer Universal Healthcare and balk at the idea of increased taxes does not make him a socialist. Oh my, this talk about the redistribution of wealth is just sad...and the fact that the Repubs and Dems are scared of each other is scary upon itself.

    Are you a true American? (Sorry for the Liberalism but all this talk about teh socialism made me post this up.)

    US Elections 2008: Debate the Issues


    Durandal of the Devic Era
  • 1,484
    • Seen Dec 30, 2016
    Unfortunately, The government feels like it has spent too much time and money to just leave Iraq alone. It wants to control it and its oil.

    The Irony of that is we've spent Billions over Billions of dollars in that war so much that the oil the government is after probably won't make up for it.


    Durandal of the Devic Era
  • 1,484
    • Seen Dec 30, 2016
    Why yes it does! But of course FOX will distort it to the point that Obama will say "I'm a terrorist & a socialist" XD *shot*

    What're you saying you'll be shot for? That's exactly what FoxNews will do. That's what they've been doing the entire election. I think it's ridiculous that people think that Obama is a terrorist because he's friends with that Ayers guy. They're not even really friends, they just both worked together in an education commitee for short while. But you know, FoxNews like to blow things out of proportion...


    provider of cake
  • 5,736
    XDDDDD You guys are funny.

    Seriously, what is your beef with FoxNews? ZOMG THEY SLANT RIGHT EVILLL! Need I point out that every other major news network slants to the left in a much more dramatic fashion? So you're saying it's fine that the liberal media can distort the news and give people one sided opinions, but when Fox tries to present a balanced view, that's wrong? Fox has no right to present alternate viewpoints?Hypocrisy at it's finest. If you want to talk about distortion, look at every other news network and tell me they don't distort the facts.

    You guys shouldn't be complaining at all...The majority of the country watches and is influenced by the liberal media. That being said, FoxNews should lay off the Ayers thing. There's plenty of other reasons why Obama shouldn't be elected =/

    EDIT: GREAT article here that everyone should read, talking about the current market situation.



    Durandal of the Devic Era
  • 1,484
    • Seen Dec 30, 2016
    XDDDDD You guys are funny.

    Seriously, what is your beef with FoxNews? ZOMG THEY SLANT RIGHT EVILLL! Need I point out that every other major news network slants to the left in a much more dramatic fashion? So you're saying it's fine that the liberal media can distort the news and give people one sided opinions, but when Fox tries to present a balanced view, that's wrong? Fox has no right to present alternate viewpoints?Hypocrisy at it's finest. If you want to talk about distortion, look at every other news network and tell me they don't distort the facts.

    You guys shouldn't be complaining at all...The majority of the country watches and is influenced by the liberal media. That being said, FoxNews should lay off the Ayers thing. There's plenty of other reasons why Obama shouldn't be elected =/

    EDIT: GREAT article here that everyone should read, talking about the current market situation.


    Actually i'm fully aware that all news networks distort ever5ything. which why i don't watch any of them anymore. Left-biased or Right-biased.
  • 2,010
    • Age 34
    • Seen Jun 2, 2014
    Yeah I don't exactly remember anyone saying that Fox News was conservative and every other news network was neutral. I'm pretty sure we understand that some of them are at least slightly biased. So the only person in the wrong here would be the one putting words in other people's mouths and claiming that every other outlet is liberal and only Fox News is neutral. But who would honestly do th--

    I don't believe everything I see on the news, because I know they are liberally biased and trying to get me to think differently than I do now. Oh wait! Solution! FOX NEWS! The only reason people hate it so much is that it's not liberally biased! They give you the news, and let you decide.

    Oh snap, son.


    provider of cake
  • 5,736
    Yeah I don't exactly remember anyone saying that Fox News was conservative and every other news network was neutral. I'm pretty sure we understand that some of them are at least slightly biased. So the only person in the wrong here would be the one putting words in other people's mouths and claiming that every other outlet is liberal and only Fox News is neutral. But who would honestly do th--

    Oh snap, son.

    You enjoyed that, didn't you? I can tell by that oh so pompous "Oh snap, son" at the end. Priceless.

    I still don't quite get your point, beyond that you think I'm trying to tell everyone that most major news networks are slanted to the left and FoxNews is the only one that stands out as a relatively balanced news source, slanting a bit to the right if anything. If that is indeed what you are saying, then yes, that is what I'm trying to tell everyone. Is it that far off from the truth? Do you honestly believe that the media isn't expressing it's own opinion in hopes of swaying you one way or another?

    If I'm confusing you, then let me set the record straight. I believe most of the news media is liberally biased. I believe that Fox News doesn't try to put spin on what they report, thus making them look more conservative then they actually are which is why people who have been influenced by other networks have a problem with them. Beyond all my dressed up words and such, that is what I truly believe. Take it or leave it. I'm not trying to put words in peoples mouths, I'm just expressing my opinion.


  • 0
    another long post

    On the issues Netto Azure brought up, here's where I stand:

    I'm completely torn on the abortion issue. This is not an issue for federal government intrusion let alone funding. I support completely pulling all federal funding for abortion, including defunding Planned Parenthood.

    I oppose affirmative action programs, which require preferential treatment of certain "minority groups" for college admissions, employment, apprenticeship tryouts and considerations, and the like.
    If the government really wanted "equal rights and opportunity", they wouldn't be imposing affirmative discrimination mandates. If people like Jennifer Gratz are supposed to benefit from affirmative discrimination, why was she victimized by it?

    Step up patrols and seal off our borders. No amnesty. While I believe there should be a path to legal citizenship, people who entered this country illegally should not be allowed to take this path-they should be deported. I also oppose granting government services to illegals. The establishment politicians tell us on how "the budget is strapped" and cut services to legitimate citizens, yet they extend these same services to illegals!
    According to Congressman Ron Paul, in his presidential campaign, he stated that amnesty would be "rewarding a lot of people for breaking our laws".

    Health Care
    The government has meddled in health care for too much and too long. The dramatic rise in health care costs is a result of this kind of meddling-especially with regulations mandating specific coverages in insurance policies, HMOs-which were imposed not from free-market demand, but from government mandates dating back to the Nixon administration.
    The government's push for everyone to have health insurance has artificially boosted demand for health care services, thereby pushing up costs while at the same time adding needless bureaucracy to the system.
    If "universal health care" is really the "only way out" like so many people are claiming-we need a plan that takes the HMOs and insurance companies OUT of the picture. (sort of like Dennis Kucinich's fully-government run plan-NOT the corporately-favored universal health insurance plans from Hillary Clinton, Mitt Romney, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and the like)
    In short, what we currently have is NOT a free-market health care system, but rather one that is corporately rigged and controlled by the government.

    Now, on to the rest of the election politics (long):
    Actually i'm fully aware that all news networks distort ever5ything. which why i don't watch any of them anymore. Left-biased or Right-biased.
    What I've noticed is that the media isn't necessarily "liberal" or "conservative", but pro-big government. Read this article from the late Harry Browne to better understand why.

    Unfortunately, The government feels like it has spent too much time and money to just leave Iraq alone. It wants to control it and its oil.
    All the "experts" on oil and gas tell us that we invaded Iraq to get access to oil because supposedly "we are running out of oil and nothing can be done about it". They are saying it's the same reason why there will also be war with Iran, and possibly Pakistan, Syria, and Russia!

    Obama claims to oppose the war in Iraq, but continues to vote to support continued funding for it. (same for Senator Carl Levin, who is up for re-election this year in Michigan-and is expected to win VERY easy. Levin also voted for the Big Wall Street Bailout claiming that "doing nothing was not an option" and "the meltdown would be worse". He also spouts rhetoric about opposing and wanting to put an end to the Iraq War, even accusing Bush of "blurring the difference between the war in Iraq and the War On Terror", but votes to continue funding the war anyway. Republican opponent Jack Hoogendyk isn't much better. I plan to vote for Scotty Boman [L-Detroit].)

    As for McCain and the Republicans accusing the Democrats (perhaps rightfully, sorry to say) of being "socialists", the GOP, especially under Bush have pushed for and got bigger government than ever before-especially with all the bailouts that we are told are "absolutely necessary" to "repurchase toxic mortgage assets from and recapitalize the banks" and "prevent another Great Depression" and "economic Armageddon". (Why must these defaulted mortgages be repurchased at government-approved inflated prices when they should be written off the balance sheet as losses? And I thought mortgages, as instruments of debt, were supposed to be liabilities, not assets.)
    All the more reason for me to stay away from the two-party stranglehold.

    I also find McCain to be an absolute hypocrite, especially on earmarks, adding to that the fact that he voted to insert more than $100 BILLION in earmarks into the $700 billion "Big Bailout".

    The two parties want us to think there are "major differences" between their opponent(s), yet when they get elected, officeholders from both parties vote for and agree on much of the same things.

    Both Obama and McCain support:
    • Imperialist nation-building wars, such as Iraq and soon Iran
    • Federal Reserve System and permanent inflation (right now to "prevent another Great Depression" and "stop this recession" which is caused by inflationary cheap credit in the first place and also to "reduce our trade deficit" caused by unfair trade laws and "save the housing market" which cannot be saved).
    • Artifical upwards price-fixing of stocks and housing, in the name of "preventing/ending a recession"
    • NAFTA, CAFTA, PNTR, WTO, and other unfair globalist trade policies
    • Participation in the United Nations, International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Bank, IPCC, WTO, ICC, WHO, and other globalist anti-national sovereignty organizations
    • Massive federal intervention into education, especially through NCLU and the "American Competitiveness Act" (more like "America Surrenders its Sovereignty Act")
    • More federal control of health care (both candidates claim differences, but their overall goal is essentially the same)
    • Further erosion of our national sovereignty and civil liberties, in the name of "national security/prevent another 9-11" (eg. PATRIOT ACT) and "global competitiveness"
    • "Campaign finance reform" which imposes onerous regulations on candidates (especially challengers), while doing nothing to address the real problem which is the campaign system favoring incumbents.
    • Suppression of economic activity and energy supplies through ratification of Kyoto and other "man-made global warming" treaties.
    • Continued endless growth in government spending and expansion of government power in violation of the Constitution.

    This November 4, I'm going to vote for Chuck Baldwin (T-Pensacola, FL). I don't care if it's a "wasted vote"-I'd rather waste my vote on someone whose principles I can actually agree with rather than someone who's supposedly "guaranteed to win" or is "the better candidate/lesser of two evils" and turns out to be no different than the previous office-holder or the other major party candidate.

    In Michigan, in addition to the Senate race I discussed earlier, there are also two ballot proposals-One is about medical marijuana, and Two is about embryonic stem cell research, as well as a State Supreme Court Race.

    Proposal 1 - Legislative initiative to allow under state law the medical use of marihuana

    The issue of legalization has got me divided, although I do support "alternative treatments" outside the government-pharmaceutical-corporate complex. Implications include the alleged weakness of provisions prohibiting "recreational use". I might abstain from voting on this proposal at all.

    Proposal 2 - Proposed constitutional amendment to permit with certain limitations stem cell research in Michigan
    Although I support the concept of embryonic stem cell research, there is no reason to have to amend the state Constitution—a key document outlining state government operations—in order to allow such research. I also oppose government funding for any medical research. There are already provisions in Michigan statutory law and Administrative Rules governing stem cell research-those provisions should be addressed and amended first before a Constitutional Amendment should ever come to the front.

    In addition, the numerous attack ads against this proposal and the rebuttal ads have dealt a great deal of confusion. With the increasingly negative campaign adding unnecessary confusion, there is too much at stake - and this is one of many issues that government should not intrude on - therefore I will vote NO this proposal.

    For the State Supreme Court race-incumbent Justice Cliff Taylor (GOP nominated, even though this part of the ballot is non-partisan) is up for re-election. His track record as Chief Justice has been controversial-accused numerous times of ruling in favor of corporate interests. He also has been slammed for using a state-provided car for private purposes, and was forced to surrender it because of the embarrassment. Even fellow Republican justices have spoke ill of him for corruption and abuse of power.
    The Michigan Democratic Party has nominated Wayne County Circuit Court Judge Diane Hathaway in the bid to oust Cliff Taylor. Like Proposal 2, this campaign has also become increasingly negative. Ads have been circulating criticizing Hathaway for giving a sex offender a "light sentence" and even claim the she is "unqualified".
    There is a third candidate, Robert Roddis, nominated by the Libertarian Party of Michigan. Roddis is an attorney practicing in Metro Detroit.
    Given the corruption under Taylor's leadership, the spotty track record of Judge Hathaway, and the confusing negative campaign, I will not be voting for either of the big-two candidates (Taylor and Hathaway).

    On the more local side, incumbent State Representative in 82nd District John Stahl (R-Arcadia Township) cannot run again because of term limits. Running for this open seat are Bill Marquardt, chair of the Lapeer County Democrat Party (D-Lapeer) and Kevin Daley, Arcadia Township Supervisor (R-Lum).
    In my Congressional House district (MI-10), incumbent Candice Miller (R) is facing opponents Robert Denison (D), Neil Stephenson (L-Chesterfield Twp), Candace Caveny (G-Lapeer). I have too many reservations of Miller's previous track record-and Denison is busy attacking her for being in 'lockstep' with Bush, even though she voted against the Big Bailout, which Denison also blasted her for such. Caveny is far too liberal for me to support.
    I'm going to vote for Stephenson. Like me, Stephenson is opposed to the Federal Reserve System and its shell game of keeping the markets propped up at any cost, the police surveillance state policies which have not improved our national security, and our foreign policy of "spreading democracy" overseas military empire. Stephenson also supports overhauling our job-killing business tax code.
    The big-two candidates aren't running much of a campaign-Miller is a rumored candidate for Governor in 2010 (Incumbent Jennifer Granholm is term-limited out, thank goodness.)

    4th Gen Matt

    Pokemon Onyx Creator
  • 545
    I don't agree that Obama should win. Not at all.

    I think that Obama has the better ideas. But.. he is way too inexperienced. You can't have 3 years experience and run a country! If he becomes president (which he probably will) then I believe he will epically phail.

    McCain, which is my favorite of the two candidates, has a crapload of expereience in politics, is a prisoner of war, which I respect. And his entire family has served in every U.S. war. Every single one!

    Honestly.. I think Obama is getting by on looks and because he will be the first African American president.


    True Justice

    Shichibukai: Bartholomew Kuma
  • 826
    I don't agree that Obama should win. Not at all.

    I think that Obama has the better ideas. But.. he is way too inexperienced. You can't have 3 years experience and run a country! If he becomes president (which he probably will) then I believe he will epically phail.

    McCain, which is my favorite of the two candidates, has a crapload of expereience in politics, is a prisoner of war, which I respect. And his entire family has served in every U.S. war. Every single one!

    Honestly.. I think Obama is getting by on looks and because he will be the first African American president.


    At our school debate today, one of the Democratic supporters commented saying that Abraham Lincoln was only a state legislator before he became President of the United States. And he is credited with successfully leading the nation out of the Civil War. So I believe Barack Obama is definately capable of accomplishing the change this country needs to fix the economy and the war in Iraq.

    And I find it arrogant that you believe that he will win the election because of "looks". I believe he is getting by because struggling middle class families want to see progress in Washington rather than the same Bush-McCain policies that have the crippled the economy to its current state.
  • 3,518
    • Age 32
    • Seen Nov 9, 2021
    Why yes it does! But of course FOX will distort it to the point that Obama will say "I'm a terrorist & a socialist" XD *shot*
    Well he has gone as far as saying he wants to spread the wealth around, if that's not borderline socialism, I don't know what is.