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A retired RPer looking to unleash their creative side with a few ideas.

Snow Phoenix

The transient snowman
  • 982
    So it's been a while since I've RPed on forums as I've been tabletop RPing with friends. I'm looking to get back into it as a means of releasing my creativity. I don't have a lot of time during my weeks, but I do have more than enough time on my weekends. As such, I've been thinking about GMing an RP of my own. It's relatively easy for me to manage players and read through posts as a lot of my current work involves reading and managing basic tasks. Typing any post (including this post) is much more time consuming as I think heavily before anything I do and I am very meticulous. I may be thinking of looking for a co-GM who's more familiar with the current batch of RPers and to generally help run things smoothly.

    The current ideas that I have:

    1. A Pokerus outbreak RP in which players need to work together to explore the quarantined Kanto region in order to mass distribute the vaccine from Saffron City.

    2. A Journey-type RP in which players will explore the region that Kanto was at war with according to the popular Gen 1 war theory. I've had this idea before Sun and Moon, but I came up with a similar concept as those games. Basically, the "Gym" challenge is more of a right of passage for the residents. Each gym represents a part of the region's economy. For instance, the flying gym represents the emerging tourism industry. The players are actually from Kanto and have been asked to participate in the gym challenge as a means of improving the relationship between these two regions. So there's going to be a variety of conflicts among the citizens of the region and the players :D I actually already have a very rough map of the region designed and have a few regional varient Pokemon designed in the back of my head.

    3. The non-Pokemon RP. I developed this idea out of boredom while at work. The continent is divided into 4 parts based on the ideals of the people and with a playing card theme. This idea is also super fleshed out, but really lengthy to explain. The Hearts believe that you should follow after love, the Spades believe that you should be free to do whatever you desire, the Clovers believe that you should act according to what is natural, and the Diamonds believe that wealth is power. There's also a 5th emerging kingdom and I have a lot more fleshed into detailed as far as lore is concerned.

    Let me know if any of these sound particularly interesting or maybe if someone would like to co-GM with me :3
    The current ideas that I have:

    1. A Pokerus outbreak RP in which players need to work together to explore the quarantined Kanto region in order to mass distribute the vaccine from Saffron City.

    This sounds really interesting, and reminds me teensy bit of the Aroma region in Zeta/Omicron (though your goal was different). There's a lot of opportunity for drama, but also, heroism and courage. I'd totally join something like this

    Though I can't lie, the third option looks really cool as well, and it has a ton of potential.

    My lack of decent sleep is making it hard to properly explain myself in any depth, but yeah. I haven't done an RP in ages, and since I'm done school, it would be fun to get back into it.

    I definitely see the potential in all of these ideas. The first immediately differentiates itself from journey conventions by adding a larger, overarching conflict. Who would the characters be, in this case? Trainers, some more experienced than others, all less-experienced?

    Actually, this idea reminds me of a loose scenario I concocted a year or so ago and did nothing with, shocking no one. The gist under the cut:

    (It's not that important, considering you'd characterize Pokerus as explicitly dangerous for the purposes of the RP.)

    Your journey's pretty cool. Original map and region forms? Yes, please! I've always loved the concept of Pokemon Trainers as ambassadors. And expanding on a fan theory! I likey, I likey,

    Though, I'm a little confused by what you intend by the gyms representing parts of the economy; is it... metaphorical? Could you expound on this idea?

    For the third idea, I'm presuming it'd concern, like, political tension? It might be difficult to split up players in-between four/five alliances, if that's what you might have planned to do. If you have any additional info on the premise, I've love to see it. Playing cards are always a fun motif.

    And, of course, if you need any help developing stuff further or want a sexy-looking, custom OP, wink wonk, I'm here... lurking...
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    My lack of decent sleep is making it hard to properly explain myself in any depth, but yeah. I haven't done an RP in ages, and since I'm done school, it would be fun to get back into it.

    This was exactly why I wanted to start RPing again. I've hit a decent moment of stability and I'm out of school with a decent job :D


    I definitely see the potential in all of these ideas. The first immediately differentiates itself from journey conventions by adding a larger, overarching conflict. Who would the characters be, in this case? Trainers, some more experienced than others, all less-experienced?

    I wanted to leave the back story of the characters as much to the player as possible. So I'm leaving it as more or less anything reasonable. So nurses/doctors, those familiar with the area such as gym trainers or gym challengers, a survivalist expert, etc.

    (It's not that important, considering you'd characterize Pokerus as explicitly dangerous for the purposes of the RP.)

    I studied Microbiology in college :D So I'm designing Pokerus after a few different viruses that target nerves such as rabies and herpes. Bacteriology and Immunology are more my specialty so it'll be a little trickier.


    Your journey's pretty cool. Original map and region forms? Yes, please! I've always loved the concept of Pokemon Trainers as ambassadors. And expanding on a fan theory! I likey, I likey,

    Though, I'm a little confused by what you intend by the gyms representing parts of the economy; is it... metaphorical? Could you expound on this idea?
    I actually thought of a regional variant for Drowzee. A Water/Psychic type based physiologically more so off of Manatees, but inspired by mythological sirens.

    So different areas of the region specialize in different economical pursuits. Seymour, the old naval commander and self-proclaimed rival to Lt. Surge, resides in a harbor town which specializes in shipping goods and has a thriving fishing industry. His position as gym leader comes from his expertise as a sailor and knowledge of the fishing routes. Other gyms may be tied to mining or logging or some other important economical aspect of the region. It's what makes the gym challenge of the region a more cultural aspect. Challengers gets to explore these key aspects that make the region function and battle against those experienced in their fields.


    For the third idea, I'm presuming it'd concern, like, political tension? It might be difficult to split up players in-between four/five alliances, if that's what you might have planned to do. If you have any additional info on the premise, I've love to see it. Playing cards are always a fun motif.

    The third plot does involve political conflict and I honestly probably need to work on it more since I had originally planned for it to be a murder trial sort of thing. But, I don't really know if that would make a good RP. So it needs tweaking. The start of the RP would definitely involve the assassination of the Queen of Hearts who was having an affair with the Queen of Spades. The Queen of Clovers has put the Queen of Spades on trial and the Queen of Diamonds is treating the whole thing like a game. I had originally made both the rulers of Hearts and Spades as women and then decided to make them all powerful women. The Queen of Spades achieved her position by basically being the only person strong enough to kill the previous ruler and who also wanted it. The Queen of Hearts was elected as ruler through her charisma and pagentry. The Queen of Clovers leads the military and thus leads the country. The Queen of Diamonds is the one with enough money to afford the position. I hope that gives some insight as to what I may have planned though.

    In retrospect, this might make a better novel idea. I dunno.


    And, of course, if you need any help developing stuff further or want a sexy-looking, custom OP, wink wonk, I'm here... lurking...

    Maybe? I dunno :o. We didn't have these fancy formats when I RPed like 10-5 years ago. So I'm really lost :3.

    So I saw Kitty's post and got tired of using quotes. I'm going to stop using them :3

    1. I'm basing the virus off of viruses that like to travel through nerves. Silph Co ended up trying to improve the virus and market it. Team Rocket remnants made a poor attempt to steal the research while it was in a beta and the virus is released. The incomplete virus effects brain function and causes aggressive behavior in Pokemon. Aggressive behavior and increased muscle gain lead to really powerful and uncontrollable Pokemon. That was my idea anyways. Silph Co in this plot is sort of like BP and its oil spills. If that makes sense :3

    2. It's really not as massive as it sounds. NPCs will be relevant when needed. Seymour, for instance, will be relevant as a gym leader from the war times that kept his position afterwards. He won't be important, for instant, when the plot shifts to explore the emerging industries post-war. There's also spacial constraints as well. You can't jump from one side of the region to the other after all. So it should be manageable by shuffling around npcs and keeping space reasonable.

    3. I dunno. I could make it sandbox :3 In all honesty, I just don't think I've thought about it enough to actually consider it as an option. I apologize for the bait ><

    Feedback is overall appreciated. I apologize (again), but I think I need to save the third option for later when I've thought about it more.
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    @Snow Phoenix: I have to agree with you about the novel thing. TBH, it reminded me a bit of the different factions in Divergent, but in a good way. You can do a lot with opposing ideologies interacting and clashing with each other. Not saying it wouldn't make a good RP with some fleshing out, but yeah. You could be the next Veronica Roth, haha.

    I agree with giving as much freedom to the players as possible.

    My possible theory for the virus could be that it mutated or changed. Like, if a Pok?mon had it, and stops showing symptoms, everyone assumed it was gone. However, it wasn't, and later, it "came back" and showed its true colours. IDK, maybe I'm talking more about a bacterial illness ^^'
    I think I'll just be sticking to the Pokerus RP after all. There seems to be a lot of interest in it and it seems like the easiest to manage. I'll be basing Pokerus mostly off of Herpes virus since it would work the best. Herpes is easily the most successful virus because it has high survivability outside of the body, is easily transmitted by contact, and doesn't kill the host. I can also incorporate a few of y'all's suggestions as Herpes goes into dormancy by hiding in the genetic information of nerve cells. Viruses in general also mutate quite rapidly so I can have some fun there. I'll probably try having something out closer to the weekend.
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    hi, welcome back and sorry if you hate my avatar.

    1. A Pokerus outbreak RP.

    Interesting you are solely focusing on the effects Pokerus has on Pokemon. I actually thought this was going to be a gripping deconstruction of what was once a helpful game mechanic where you showcased the disastrous effects it can have on humans, since?correct me if I am wrong, for I am not an expert on biology?pathogens can have varying influences on different species. Like, what's harmless for one species is completely fatal for another.

    I personally love the idea of taking something that was once a simplified method for convenience and suddenly throwing ramifications onto it which suddenly leads to moral compromise. It provides a deeper insight onto the "why"?something that official Pokemon lore is significantly lacking in reason for. In a sense, this is similar to Junier's Paras pitch, where humans commercializes a resource that primarily benefits Pokemon but it gradually starts to screw over humans.

    Of course, that isn't to say I dislike your current idea as I do like how you want to expand on the virus through a scientific manner, and in a sense, you are still exploring the repercussions of people exploiting this virus. I suppose it's just black and white this set-up seems to me right now; there's clearly an evil, greedy organization who fucked up everything and now the players gotta deal with dangerous animals who aren't actually evil but rather the products of a tragedy that could have been easily avoided if humans weren't the REAL MONSTERS.

    Maybe that's the key word: tragedy. Something about this set-up could establish a compelling conflict that doesn't even have a proper answer, no clear bad guy to rightfully blame (not that you can't have an antagonist for the narrative). Like, what if Pokerus wasn't tampered by scientists but it began to reproduce exponentially because everybody was just farming that shit. Pokemon would still be seen as "dangerous", but the irony is that a majority of them are just domesticated pets. Obviously it'd be immoral to eradicate or quarantine all Pokemon, yet at the same time their very presence is causing problems for humans who are susceptible to the pathogen.

    But maybe this suggestion isn't optimal for a journey format and it is most likely convoluted, demanding a completely different setting and end-goal (a vaccine wouldn't really cause tension since there's a solid solution) just to accommodate. Still, this is just a suggestion that I hope offers more options.

    Snow Phoenix said:
    2. A Journey-type RP about economics.

    Gym representing the leader's field sounds interesting on paper, but this potentially feels like Gyms with a different kind of motif.

    That said, I am really fucking digging your concept here. If you can subvert the classic "fight Gym leader, get badge" format and thoroughly explore each individual gym leader's profession by offering a wide selection of objectives, we might get an amazing journey here. The end goal of our characters serving as ambassadors is also pretty solid, and MUCH better than trying to aim for the League to become Champion.

    That said, there are things I'm wondering about. Since your answer to Kitty's concerns about this being too massive implied you have a handle on how you're going to manage this RP as a GM. I'm curious if you have any inherent mechanics to help keep players in check and also encourage them to engage with the setting.

    Snow Phoenix said:
    3. The non-Pokemon RP.

    Political lesbian murder mystery is what i got out of this

    Unlike the other two, I have no idea how to approach this RP as a player. I swear to you, I am fully capable of going beyond Pokemon RPs.

    I feel like you're concerned about overloading players with lots of information dumps, given you stated that a lot of things have been fleshed out for this RP's lore yet it seems you are hesitant on providing everything in full. I feel like that might be a sign this work functions better as a traditional narrative as opposed to an interactive one. I don't think there's anything wrong with writing a novel though; the fact you came up with this during work gives me the impression you insincerely enjoy writing. Who's to say you're not able to run a RP while pursuing your own endeavors?
    hi, welcome back and sorry if you hate my avatar.

    Interesting you are solely focusing on the effects Pokerus has on Pokemon. I actually thought this was going to be a gripping deconstruction of what was once a helpful game mechanic where you showcased the disastrous effects it can have on humans, since?correct me if I am wrong, for I am not an expert on biology?pathogens can have varying influences on different species. Like, what's harmless for one species is completely fatal for another.

    I personally love the idea of taking something that was once a simplified method for convenience and suddenly throwing ramifications onto it which suddenly leads to moral compromise. It provides a deeper insight onto the "why"?something that official Pokemon lore is significantly lacking in reason for. In a sense, this is similar to Junier's Paras pitch, where humans commercializes a resource that primarily benefits Pokemon but it gradually starts to screw over humans.

    Of course, that isn't to say I dislike your current idea as I do like how you want to expand on the virus through a scientific manner, and in a sense, you are still exploring the repercussions of people exploiting this virus. I suppose it's just black and white this set-up seems to me right now; there's clearly an evil, greedy organization who ****ed up everything and now the players gotta deal with dangerous animals who aren't actually evil but rather the products of a tragedy that could have been easily avoided if humans weren't the REAL MONSTERS.

    Maybe that's the key word: tragedy. Something about this set-up could establish a compelling conflict that doesn't even have a proper answer, no clear bad guy to rightfully blame (not that you can't have an antagonist for the narrative). Like, what if Pokerus wasn't tampered by scientists but it began to reproduce exponentially because everybody was just farming that ****. Pokemon would still be seen as "dangerous", but the irony is that a majority of them are just domesticated pets. Obviously it'd be immoral to eradicate or quarantine all Pokemon, yet at the same time their very presence is causing problems for humans who are susceptible to the pathogen.

    But maybe this suggestion isn't optimal for a journey format and it is most likely convoluted, demanding a completely different setting and end-goal (a vaccine wouldn't really cause tension since there's a solid solution) just to accommodate. Still, this is just a suggestion that I hope offers more options.

    Gym representing the leader's field sounds interesting on paper, but this potentially feels like Gyms with a different kind of motif.

    That said, I am really ****ing digging your concept here. If you can subvert the classic "fight Gym leader, get badge" format and thoroughly explore each individual gym leader's profession by offering a wide selection of objectives, we might get an amazing journey here. The end goal of our characters serving as ambassadors is also pretty solid, and MUCH better than trying to aim for the League to become Champion.

    That said, there are things I'm wondering about. Since your answer to Kitty's concerns about this being too massive implied you have a handle on how you're going to manage this RP as a GM. I'm curious if you have any inherent mechanics to help keep players in check and also encourage them to engage with the setting.

    Political lesbian murder mystery is what i got out of this

    Unlike the other two, I have no idea how to approach this RP as a player. I swear to you, I am fully capable of going beyond Pokemon RPs.

    I feel like you're concerned about overloading players with lots of information dumps, given you stated that a lot of things have been fleshed out for this RP's lore yet it seems you are hesitant on providing everything in full. I feel like that might be a sign this work functions better as a traditional narrative as opposed to an interactive one. I don't think there's anything wrong with writing a novel though; the fact you came up with this during work gives me the impression you insincerely enjoy writing. Who's to say you're not able to run a RP while pursuing your own endeavors?
    This post was interesting and kind of inspiring in a certain sense.

    1. Science lecture warning.

    Bacteria will grow when they have food and an environment to grow in. Viruses, however, are incomplete and lack the required materials to reproduce by themselves. They need to infect cells in order to utilize their replication. So bacteria are more non-specific and can grow it multiple species with a variety of effects. Salmonella, for instance, is more or less the Chicken and Reptile equivalent of E. Coli. Viruses, however, tend to be VERY specific. Viruses contain very little material to begin with and so they only have a few receptors on their surfaces. Those receptors allow it to bind to cells and if it doesn't bind well enough then it can't infect. Pokerus is the Pokemon Virus and so it probably doesn't infect much else. And before someone mentions the case of Avian or Swine Flu, there's a reason why Influenza can target multiple hosts. I could go into it, but just know that it's a special snowflake.

    There's the science lecture as to why Pokerus will only infect Pokemon, however, each species of Pokemon will be effected differently. In general, I do like the idea of making the plot more complex though. As I can definitely see where I could make things more interesting.

    2. Admittedly. I really enjoyed my NPCs. My gym leaders, despite being economical leaders, were important to the conflicts in the RP. The first gym leader was a flying type user who represented the region's emerging tourism economy. She was a younger, Kanto-enthusiast who portrayed the younger generations ideals. I then had another older leader who actually initially refuses to allow the RPers to officially challenge her. She's not exactly racist towards the players, but she feels that she needs to represent the ideals of her people and she doesn't feel that they're ready to accept a relationship with Kanto.

    Well, it's not really that I had a strategy or method of containing the RPers. I just figured that NPCs weren't always going to be relevant 24/7, that there's a reasonable boundary that the RPers should respect in terms of setting, and that it's my duty as GM to "gently prod" players in the right direction :3. By an "un"reasonable boundary, I mean things like hopping from one side of the region to the other or something like inventing a really dry desert in the middle of a marsh.

    3. I'm always concerned with information dumps as I'm constantly coming up with ideas and sticking them together. In all honesty, I mostly just enjoy creating ideas. But, I feel that I am very inadequate to actually realize my creations. Writing is realistic and it's something that I can do. It's also insightful and can be quite constructive. So I don't sincerely enjoy writing in the sense that I enjoy it for what it is, but I do enjoy writing as something that I can do. If I could oversee production of a video game of my design, I would very much enjoy that. But, I cannot actually code or draw or anything :3 But, I can write.
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    I think I'll just be sticking to the Pokerus RP after all. There seems to be a lot of interest in it and it seems like the easiest to manage. I'll be basing Pokerus mostly off of Herpes virus since it would work the best. Herpes is easily the most successful virus because it has high survivability outside of the body, is easily transmitted by contact, and doesn't kill the host. I can also incorporate a few of y'all's suggestions as Herpes goes into dormancy by hiding in the genetic information of nerve cells. Viruses in general also mutate quite rapidly so I can have some fun there. I'll probably try having something out closer to the weekend.

    W00t! I'm pretty hyped for this; working on my character already, haha.
    Based both on the idea itself and the feedback you've received, I'm anticipating what you come up with! (And if you need any assistance with PC's brand of post formatting, feel free to hmu)

    I appreciate encouraging a variety of backgrounds. On the subjects of "nurses," I have the concept for just that (assuming you were alluding to the "Nurse Joys") that I'd be interested in revisiting!
    Based both on the idea itself and the feedback you've received, I'm anticipating what you come up with! (And if you need any assistance with PC's brand of post formatting, feel free to hmu)

    I appreciate encouraging a variety of backgrounds. On the subjects of "nurses," I have the concept for just that (assuming you were alluding to the "Nurse Joys") that I'd be interested in revisiting!

    I laughed because I was gonna go with a nurse, haha. I'll just turn her into a doctor then, and I think that should work just as well. Let's just say people are always gonna confuse her for a nurse...

    I've been wondering you guys get your SUs to look so fancy. I tried to beautify mine, but it was a fail whale.
    Funny coincidence! "Nurse" could actually carry two Pokemon-related connotation too, based on the Nurse Trainer Class from Gen. 5. I plan on keeping "Abigail's" role as a Center nurse and characterizing what that entails.

    I'll tell ya, I have a lot of ugly post formats still lying around. The best way to learn the trade atm is by quoting other people's messages and seeing how they're put together. Basic knowledge of general HTML/CSS also helps. Trust me, mine is VERY basic.
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    I've been wondering you guys get your SUs to look so fancy. I tried to beautify mine, but it was a fail whale.

    The best way to learn the trade atm is by quoting other people's messages and seeing how they're put together.

    Let me also confirm that this is the most efficient way of understanding PC's coding shenanigans. And like Junier, I also have absolutely no background in such technobabble but I think I'm getting decent.

    Still, I realize it might be pretty overwhelming since PC's CSS is all about stacking a bunch of BB codes on top of each other. So I think a helpful tip is to understand that the different wrap codes you might see for CSS ([DIV], [CSS-DIV] [CD]) have no difference?at least, not to the point where it matters for formatting. Thus you can use these to organize specific tags so it's less confusing to look at. I typically use [CD] for text and [CSS-DIV] for the entire box for my app/post, just as an example.

    Also, unless you really want to be super gimmicky, the best layouts are usually the simplest in both design and coding. Important aspects to keep in mind are color schemes and consistent borders. Text that's easy on the eyes is also more important than something that looks "cool".