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The PC Fitness Club


Doctor Lobotomy
  • 1,193

    The PC Fitness Center!

    This club is for anyone and everyone to join! If you want to get fit, enjoy exercise, are a body builder or just enjoy exercising this is the place for you. Feel free to discuss work outs and exercises here as well as nutrition and stretches! Anything fitness related is welcome for discussion! This club will be very member driven so feel free to contribute any exercise or workout program you'd like to share.

    1. Obey All forum and Club rules.
    2. Don't discourage or put people down.
    3. Be helpful to other members in the club.
    4. If you have a question about anything club related VM or PM CarefulWetPaint
    5. Be Active! ;)

    Member List:

    Sector Revenge
    Dark Azelf

    Sign Up:
    Why you're joining:

    Contributed Work outs:
    (These will rotate from weekly to bi monthly)
    Feel free to VM me or ask in this thread if you have a question about any of these workouts or what the exercises are.

    Hump Day Workout:

    Week 1 Hump day workout:
    Thrusters (40kilo barbell.)
    Sit Ups
    Push Ups

    No rest until you're finished.

    Gym Work out program:
    Credit To Dark Azelf For this one.

    Home Work out program:

    Little to no weight or gym equipment will be needed to complete this workout:
    Do Arms and legs twice a week, like the gym workout.

    3 Sets of:
    10 - 12 Push Ups alternating lifts
    10 - 12 Elevated Row
    10 - 12 Climbers Chin-Up
    10 - 12 Wall Handstand Push-Up

    10 - 12 Spiderman Jump Squat
    10 - 12 Straight Leg Deadlift
    10 - 12 Multi Direction Lunges
    10 - 12 Lateral Step Down

    Rest 60 seconds at the end of each circuit. (A circuit is 1 set of all the exercises.)

    Snowman Work out
    (Cold Climate Workout):

    Beginner Work Out
    This is for the people who haven't work out before/ for a long time:

    Beach Body Workout Female Version:

    Beach Body Male Version:

    Disabled Work out program:
    (Will add soon, contribute one if you wish)

    Core Blaster:

    3 sets of:
    45 second Plank
    12 each side cable crunch (If possible) Or
    12 each side Mason Twist
    12 hanging leg raises
    12 each side Bicycle Crunch
    15-25 seconds of L Sit (you dont need to hold for one go if you can't just make totally time 15 -25 seconds before finishing on it)
    2 Minutes at the end of each set.

    Wall Of FAME!


    Work Out Diets and Nutritrion:

    (Please contribute a good diet and nutrition if you know your stuff!)
    Dark Azelf's Cutting Diet (I need of a better name):

    FiOWNyas Paleo Diet Example:

    Healthy Recipes:
    Hamburgers with Mushroom Sauce

    Example/Form Videos or explanations:

    (Will put in explanations of any exercise not know to members here.)

    Member Activities:
    Nike+ GPS
    An App for the iPhone and iPod Touch


    Main Discussion Points:
    Do you have a nutrition plan or diet that you follow? If so what is it? Would you like to see more dietary talk in the club?

    How do you feel about working out/exercising with other people? Do you prefer doing it alone where no one can see you or do you prefer having other people with you? Why is this?

    Secondary Discussion Points:
    What is your fitness goal?
    What is your motivation to work out?

    User Bar:
    (Please Contribute if possible.)


    (If you contribute to the club your name will go here, if I forget you vm me.)
    Impo - The Nike+ GPS write up.

    Last edited:
    Username: NP
    Why You want to join: This looks pretty cool. (As with most of your clubs.)

    I've been working out on and off since freshman year. Usually working out becomes bigger for me in the summer. My biggest motivation is to be fit enough to do the sports and things I want to do.

    Right now, I'm doing the 6 Pack Summer Challenge along with some of my friends from track and marching band. It's been good so far, and it's free if you have the right equipment (but really, you could even use shoddy weights).

    Here is the site for that: 6weeksixpack .com

    By the way, seeing "Hump Day Workout," made my morning. xP
    Username: Kurui
    Why You want to join: To learn what I can do for working out being disabled and all. Light exercise is better than none, amiright?
    I'll join. Can't say I'm a huge fan of weight exercises but I love me some calisthenics. Main thing I'll be doing here is reading what other people do but I might find myself posting a bit here and there.

    Currently I'm doing the 100 pushup challenge, 200 situp challenge with decline situps, 200 squat challenge with one legged squats and 20 pullup challenge and trying to fit in some L-sits. I know that what I'm doing is not the best way to get results but the challenges are only 6 weeks long and they're fun. I'm also working on getting a handstand (as unsupported handstand pushups are a goal of mine) and doing some boxing and kicking drills (I'd hardly call it kickboxing seeing as I've never had any training in that and I do my punching and kicking separately.)

    I'd be really interested in seeing how people stretch as flexibility is something I'm quite keen to work on.
    Yay it's here!
    I want to join to promote healthiness, and I'll write up the app thing soon; right now I'm on my phone and I have to study for exams :/
    Thanks for the interest and input everyone. I would really appreciate if someone could help Kurui out by thinking up a workout for people with a disability.
    Remember this club is going to be very community based and any workout you would like to contribute will be put up on the front page in rotation! Challenge work outs like Juicys push up one will also be put up and rotate every two weeks.

    On that note today I added a gym work out for arms and legs, a home full body workout in which no weights are required, the hump day work out (use this one to challenge your body once a week so it doesnt get use to the same old same old, itll change every wednesday.) And also a beginners work out for people who dont really know how to get into fitness or want to take it easy for awhile until they get use to it.
    Also feel free to VM me if you want a scaled down version of any of the work outs if they are too difficult for you etc.
    Workouts you can do when you're disabled? I'm assuming that by disabled you mean you're in a wheelchair but your upper body works?

    I did a bit of a search and found some videos

    A guy in a wheelchair who does crunches.

    A guy using a pull down bar thing- I'm normally against these, normal pullups are better but I'm not sure if that's an option for you (Maybe you could, with help, get under lifted up to the bar, do your pullups and then get lowered into the wheelchair? I don't know at all and don't wanna pretend I know either).

    Another guy working out in a wheelchair.

    There's lots of videos and things to find online that you could potentially follow. What about dips? Put your wheelchair (Again, I'm just assuming you're in a wheelchair, I'm really not educated with this stuff) between the bars, grab them and do dips directly over your chair before lowering yourself back into it. Before you do anything though you'd want to consult a doctor or professional cuz they'd be more likely to know what can do damage.

    Home workout program
    10 -20 Push Ups
    10-20 Pull Ups
    10-20 Chin Ups
    10-15 Jump Squats
    10 -12 each leg Forward Lunges
    45 Second Plank
    45 Wall Squat

    Is it necessary to have pull ups, chin ups and push ups all in one go? I don't think the chin ups are needed at all, personally. You get enough arm workouts with the push ups and the pull ups and they're more rounded exercises anyway. Never really done lunges but I really should. No idea whether wall squat adds anything, not something I'd do but it could be good. I'd be more inclined to add L-sits (They can be done by hanging from a pull up bar as well) and if you can't do L-sits, try just lifting your knees up and holding them there.

    I've been doing poorly recently and am thinking of changing things up for myself but I'm considering something like this. Any comments would be appreciated ;) The aim is to keep it simple but also well rounded.

    Day 1
    Pull ups Yeah umm, I have no idea what I'd do for sets/reps.
    Sit ups I'm guessing around 3 sets for each exercise

    Day 2
    Push ups/Dips
    L-sits - 10 sets of holding it for 6 seconds is the plan for me.

    Naturally it would include stretching and cardio and a day of rest whenever needed. I read somewhere that the biggest mistake people make when working out is thinking that just because they can do more reps that they should add more. Apparently you should maintain a workout for a few weeks even when you feel you can do more as it helps get your body rested and solidifies the progress you have made, helping you out in the long run. For anyone interested I read that in 'Building the Gymnastic Body' by Coach Christopher Sommer. I'd recommend you do your own reading though and potentially correct any mistakes I make cuz that would really help me ;)
    Well I'm not exactly totally sure what her disability is but I'm sure they will help her and give her an idea, I'll definitely put them up on the front page so people have something to work with if they are in a wheelchair or have a similar disability.
    Definitely talk to a professional first though to make sure you dont hurt yourself!
    I think Kurui is more a special case though so I hope she can explain it a bit better for us and give us some more information to work with so we can figure something out for her :)

    Well its not REALLY necessary but they all work different muscle groups. It probably is a bit much (What does everyone else think) so I might just drop one of them out in the following days. Its really more just a guideline then anything with the high reps to get your more "cut" then "big".
    Personally I always do Wall Squat Holds, I think they do your hammies and quads, you definitely feel them though. I think I'll put L-Sits into the next home workout which Ill rotate probably every two weeks? Is that fine? The main reason Im going to rotate the workouts is because you need to continually challenge your body to adapt to get good results from working out (At least this is what I believe) and if you keep doing the same workout over and over again your body will just get use to it and you'll plateau. (Which is one of the reasons for the Hump Day Workout.)

    Okay well personally Im going to say give the one I put up a go, maybe just cut out the chin ups or pull ups. The change will definitely hit you hard and get your muscles thinking, "Time for us to be getting more stronger." Though don't do it all in one workout if you dont want to, seperate the arm work outs from the leg work outs?

    For your thing, To figure out that you should probably work out how many you can comfortably do, say 15 and then drop it back to say 8-10 and do 3 sets of them. Like find your max amount then only do half of it with proper form. (Make sure you have a grip outside your shoulder width, hands on your side of the bar, palms facing away from you. Make sure you extend your arms out fully so they are completely straight with no bend in them. And when doing the pull up make sure you get your chin above the bar.) If youre not doing weight squats I suggest doing jump squats are itll do another muscle group if you do.

    For day 2 perhaps challenge yourself and either make it elevated push ups or diamond push ups to make it a lil harder. Do the tricep dips as well though, Im thinking 3 sets or 12-15 reps for those two? Maybe only 8 if youre struggling with them.
    May I suggest doing step ups on day to as well, possibly dumbbell step ups if you have any dumbells to keep it a bit more fair on your legs?

    Heres a plan for you
    Monday: Do your day 1 workout
    Wednesday: Do the Hump Day Work out I put up xD
    Friday: Do your day 2 workout
    or something like that maybe?

    I will definitely think about reading that book though and get back to you once I do.

    Does anyone take any supplements or anything such as protein shakes etc?
    What is your fitness goal?
    My Fitness goal is to achieve an athletic body, and to be able to maintain it. That means sexymexy abs, and a little arms, too. Also to eat healthy, like leafy greens and the like.

    How long have you been working out for?
    I joined a gym roughly a month ago, and it's been kinda good. The frequency is roughly 3 times a week, for about an hour to an hour and a half.

    What is your motivation to work out?
    TO LOOK GOOD. I would post pics of sexy abs but I'm on my school laptop disables history deletion and I want that on my record o.o
    Username: Sector Revenge
    Why you're joining: Well I seem to work out every day. I love doing the pull ups and the sit ups. They are #1! Anyway...it wouldn't hurt to discuss fitness..right? haha I do have my own personal stuff so I don't really go to the gym...at all.
    My Goal is to look good as well Impo! (We are one in the same, best mentality ever!)

    Haha feel free to post "sexy pics" Im sure theres many PC members who would love to see it.

    Welcome Sector!
    I do all my working out at home as well since I have everything I need, tbh I have never stepped inside an actual gym before. Go figure.

    How many dead pull ups can you do?

    Also I added a new work out Core Blaster, I'd like some feedback on it and if you think its good/ what else could be added etc. Everyone please feel free to contribute some routines etc because they will be featured! :)

    Also The NIKE + GPS write up has been added to the first post, it was written up by our own Impo and I encourage anyone who can get the app to use it and give Impo a challenge!

    Oh and if someone wanted to write up a stretching/flexibility routine for the club that would be so amazing! Some dietary input would be awesome as well, I'm a bit lost when it comes to that :S
    Gym today! Ran 4 kilometers on the treadmill, 15 minutes on a cross runner, and then my weights.
    For some reason I almost died on the run, I'm getting too much stitches :s
    Interlink your hands and place them both behind your head with your elbows pointing to the sides. It expands your lungs out and helps relieve the discomfort of stitches.
    Interlink your hands and place them both behind your head with your elbows pointing to the sides. It expands your lungs out and helps relieve the discomfort of stitches.

    I would, but the gym is public, and that would look rather odd :s
    Eh, I'll do it anyway
    Stitches usually come up for me if I eat before exercising, so I suggest giving yourself at least an hour after eating before exercising. Mr Drakow was right about the arms behind your head, and make sure not to have heaps of water at once. Little sips are better then big gulps. I usually just power through stitches though no pain no gain!

    Drakow what kind of workouts do you do?
    Well its not REALLY necessary but they all work different muscle groups. It probably is a bit much (What does everyone else think) so I might just drop one of them out in the following days. Its really more just a guideline then anything with the high reps to get your more "cut" then "big".
    Personally I always do Wall Squat Holds, I think they do your hammies and quads, you definitely feel them though. I think I'll put L-Sits into the next home workout which Ill rotate probably every two weeks? Is that fine? The main reason Im going to rotate the workouts is because you need to continually challenge your body to adapt to get good results from working out (At least this is what I believe) and if you keep doing the same workout over and over again your body will just get use to it and you'll plateau. (Which is one of the reasons for the Hump Day Workout.)

    Okay well personally Im going to say give the one I put up a go, maybe just cut out the chin ups or pull ups. The change will definitely hit you hard and get your muscles thinking, "Time for us to be getting more stronger." Though don't do it all in one workout if you dont want to, seperate the arm work outs from the leg work outs?

    For your thing, To figure out that you should probably work out how many you can comfortably do, say 15 and then drop it back to say 8-10 and do 3 sets of them. Like find your max amount then only do half of it with proper form. (Make sure you have a grip outside your shoulder width, hands on your side of the bar, palms facing away from you. Make sure you extend your arms out fully so they are completely straight with no bend in them. And when doing the pull up make sure you get your chin above the bar.) If youre not doing weight squats I suggest doing jump squats are itll do another muscle group if you do.

    For day 2 perhaps challenge yourself and either make it elevated push ups or diamond push ups to make it a lil harder. Do the tricep dips as well though, Im thinking 3 sets or 12-15 reps for those two? Maybe only 8 if youre struggling with them.
    May I suggest doing step ups on day to as well, possibly dumbbell step ups if you have any dumbells to keep it a bit more fair on your legs?

    Heres a plan for you
    Monday: Do your day 1 workout
    Wednesday: Do the Hump Day Work out I put up xD
    Friday: Do your day 2 workout
    or something like that maybe?

    I will definitely think about reading that book though and get back to you once I do.

    Does anyone take any supplements or anything such as protein shakes etc?

    Thanks for the input. What I mean with chin ups being unnecessary to the workout was that, sure pull ups work your back muscles and push ups work your shoulders but they also work your arms and the chin ups might just be overkill there and not really add anything. That being said I don't know for sure so it was more of a discussion starter than anything. Also, when I said push ups I didn't just mean normal ones, I meant any variation of push up (Same for the other exercises). It was a reallllllllllllllllllly rough plan. I will probably start using jumping squats in my workouts though, they seem like quite a good idea and might actually make me enjoy squats and anything that gets me doing more cardio is a good thing.

    I'm currently torn between steady workouts and constantly changing things up as the arguments for both seem to make a lot of sense to me... But after thinking about it almost all day I think I'm leaning towards the steady workouts but as you said on irc it seems to be a really debatable subject. I hate how both sides seem to be defended by seemingly reputable sources, it just makes it more confusing. I'd be interested to read what everyone else thinks on this as well or how they approach routines.

    I don't take any supplements and I don't plan to, really. I should start including more protein in my diet though.
    I go on bike rides of varying lengths. The most I've cycled in one go is approximately 12 miles. I do 150 push ups on my knuckles and 150 crunches pretty much everyday. I also take karate lessons twice a week. Finally, I have started training with my katana in the back garden, roughly twice a week.
    Username: Spinosaurus
    Why you're joining: I love working out and body building, and since I plan on boxing and playing Baseball, I've been working out every day, albeit lightly due to exams. Though once they're finished I plan to go to the gym a lot with some of my pals.
    Juicy it's really you choice on whether you want to do steady work outs or not (Personally I change my routine bi-weekly, but I keep the same weight for 4 weeks.) If you chose to do a steady routine for a long period of time, I really suggest doing the hump day workout, as I think the little challenge will really help your results! Though this is just my opinion on the matter, I am sure other people would have other opinions on it as well. Might make this the clubs main topic point for awhile.

    Drakow do you do different variations of crunches or just the normal run of the mill ones? Knuckle push ups are intense on your wrists, I know why you do them ;) (totally for karate so you have less chance of hurting yourself when punching) Also they make your knuckles stronger as well. Training with a katana... AWESOME!!! What do you do with it? Just forms? or hit stuff?
    What karate do you learn??

    So you're a bodybuilder :O. What kind of routines do you do for body building?