Can i offer you an event TRU Acreus For one of your Acreus from a different event?
It's the platinum new moon island darkrai.
I'd love to trade with you for your Pokepark Jirachi. I've been looking for a legit one for ages.
I can offer the following UT events for it:
DEOL Deoxys, EUSMR09 Regigigas (UK), Eigakan Shaymin, Gamestop Pichu, Tanabata Jirachi 08, Wishmaker Jirachi, Gamestop Jirachi, Crown Suicune, Crown Entei, Crown Raikou, Susumu Mew, Tru Arceus, Goon Scizor, 10 ANIV Bulbasaur, World09 Weavile, Pokepark Surskit, 10 ANIV Absol, Carlo Riolu, Festa Electabuzz, Shiny Ranger Manaphy, Shiny Faraway Island Mew, Eigakan Celebi, PC Charmander 2010, 7-11 Pikachu, SO2010 Jirachi, EST2010 Jirachi, VER2010 Jirachi, ETE2010 Jirachi, Mitsurin Celebi, Duking Shuckle, 10 ANIV Tyranitar, Satoshi's Pikachu, VGC10 Eevee (US, Spain, Germany, and Italy), Aura Mew, Jeremy Growlithe
If there's more on my list that you like, I'd also be interested in your 10 ANIV Espeon, 10 ANIV Umbreon, 10 ANIV Entei, Mystery Mew. Thanks!
*pokemonelite2000 image removed*CMT for:
| Horsea | Adamant | Sniper | Lv.1 UT |
No EVs
Bubble, Brine
*pokemonelite2000 image removed*
| Aggron | Adamant | Rock Head | Lv.100 |
240 Atk, 252 HP, 6 Speed
Metal Burst, Stealth Rock, Toxic, Earthquake
Would you be interested in a Flawless ditto for this? :D
I can trade tomorrow. My fc is in my sig.:)
I can trade in a little while, I'm SRing right now. It won't be long. ^_^Sounds good to me! Just let me know when you can trade. Thanks!
I'll take the one from TwilightBlade. :3Ok ditto, the OT is skythur, i got it from Crimsonstorm i think? awhile back, like last year. it is NN'd modest, but i can change it. ^^ i also have a Japanese flawless ditto, which is NN'd in american (idk why) that i got from twilightblade
I'll take the one from TwilightBlade. :3
Can you trade now? :3
:pink_laugh: I'll, like, clone and be right there-tte ba ne!Yes i can, be on in a flash.
sorry i couldnt resist the pun XD
I was actually going to get them checked first. x3 I always get all my pokemon checked before I add them.
*pokemonelite2000 image removed*
Walrein / OT: Gold, 07702
Relaxed, Ice Body
Lv 52. 220Hp/254Def/36SpD
Curse/Aqua Ring/Avalanche/Roar
I liked this, but since you don't have an AR to clone, I wasn't sure if you really wanted to trade it or not. :x
On now. I'll see you there. :3Hey i can trade now if you want to. My fc is In my sig:)
I'm giving you my lv50 newmoon island darkrai for your lv48 dialga.
Don't worry, I haven't forgotten or anything. The other trade involved my HG, but on Pearl I'm trying to RNG. I'll make a post telling you when I can trade asap. :3Let me know when you're available to trade, too, please!