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♥Tyler's Egg Farm♥ *~*Now Possibly Recruiting*~*

What should I consider the most when choosing another breeder?

  • HTML skills

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Money On the Game

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
sure since you traded with me yestraday
allright, could you please PM me for where you doing this and how I can access it....
yeah, it doesn't seem that many people want much to do with breedable Pokémon on my thread. i may end up taking them off so i can actually do some actual breeding...as soon as i get to Solaceon...lol
all right were working on the web page soon so we may have a webpage soon!!! :D

I'm gonna need to learn how to make a banner....
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all right were working on the web page soon so we may have a webpage soon!!! :D

I'm gonna need to learn how to make a banner....
Well, I'm leaving for the night! Anyone else wishing to apply please PM me the app located on this thread!!! :D


forgot to put that you could also mail the app to LDgamer who will send it to me to discuss ;)
i'm the head of the website

It'S coming soon should be ready be tormorrow 2/27/08 or thursday
anyone have suggestion for the site ?
i need all the breeders to send me a pm with their email adress for the site or somewhat of contact info and i need fc of all the breeders

I am making the site and all menbers get a sneak peek tomorrow
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attention jsut for two hours
the pokemon egg farm site will be on
please note it's in construction!!!!!!!!!!!
Can i join? i breed phiones, i breed milktanks and i breed porygons and eevees.
trust me, milktanks take ages to get eggs out of without dittos (they're ALL female)
well, I need people to please send their apps to me on the site right now....

as far as the webbie, could you please get a different picture for our site???(I'll go look for one now...)

I couldn't find an image to use...

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ok will find a better picture
but i need to take it down [the site]
Id like to be part of this
(I sent the app to tyler before the webbie was up.)
all right
Anyone have suggestion for the site or art?
hi. i'm interested in joining the team. i'm a rather experienced breeder with access to virtually any pokemon in the game and a few events. i also have taken a few photoshop classes, i'm not too bad at graphic design. my schedule is a bit tight at times, but i'll be as active as i can.
hi i want to join the team i have a lot of free time and i play pokemon every day so plz let me join!!!!!!
I can probably help in the art department. I know my way around photoshop and paint.NET. I can also modify pics to look like sketches or ink drawing. (thats what I did with my trainer card
this is what i will do
i will make a page for the public artworka nd a special page for you Jessie.