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OK,I want my sig to be as big as posible,the text is Orange Meganium in gold letters,colour scheme orange,and an orange meganium at the side.
OK,I want my sig to be as big as posible,the text is Orange Meganium in gold letters,colour scheme orange,and an orange meganium at the side.

Do you understand what Clade just said? You need to fill out the formmmm! Here's a link to the first page. Why don't you read the rules, while you're there too

@ Clade: Wow, I really hope my shop doesn't become this busy with members like these ^

Amazing graphics, by the way. But why don't you try a new style? I think it could really help your reputation :3
Clour:Gold Lettrs,orange backround.
Text:Orange Meganium and undereath:paired with:.Ariana:.
um..Motsuko, could YOU help me with mine?

You mean a banner? As long as it isn't Pokemon related, then sure! n_n
But you'll have to request in my Showcase. I'm not going to post the link in Clade's shop, but it should be on the first page of Graphics and Photography. It's called "Graphics Journal".
Size - 450x165
Render / Stock -
[PokeCommunity.com] ✖clade's.requestSHOP✖
[PokeCommunity.com] ✖clade's.requestSHOP✖

Text -
Darkness The Umbreon And Psy The Espeon...
Color Scheme - Black,Grey,Purple And Pink
Avatar Size - 125x125
Other - Could You Put The Text On The Avvy Too?
Waah! I'm being attacked with requests! @.@

Motsuko: Lmao! XD I'm trying to learn smudging, but I can't find good smudge brushes. So I'm sticking with Akari's the sparkle style for now. :3

Erureido: Your request has been rejected since you have asked Motsuko to do your signature. He's like, a zillion times better at banners than I am so whatev. XD

Orange Meganium: Render, please. <_< I can't make a banner without renders. :D
Clade how many requests do you have to finish?
Erureido: Your request has been rejected since you have asked Motsuko to do your signature. He's like, a zillion times better at banners than I am so whatev. XD

Gah! Do people really think I'm that good?! I'm am certainly not as good as people say I am; and I'm not just saying that to be modest xD
I'm a beginner! lolol

Motsuko: Lmao! XD I'm trying to learn smudging, but I can't find good smudge brushes. So I'm sticking with Akari's the sparkle style for now. :3
I never quite figured how to do that style, yet.. =[
Maybe a certain graphics guy can explain it to me? *puppy eyes*
Wow... You're a excelent ...um... banner maker? Anyways i will give credit :)

Size 200X400
Render / Stock https://a1.vox.com/6a00c2251da79e8fdb00cd97261ad94cd5-500pi and https://www.arkeis.com/images/pokemonfactory/sceptile.png pleeeeeeeease
Text Toxic
Color Scheme Purple and Green galaxy ...like... thing :/
Avatar Size 120X120
Other: Can I have both Drapion and Sceptile on two different avatars please :D (Drapion on one and Sceptile on the other with there names...) Please do this and I will be soooooooooo greatful :D
Sorry Toxic, I already have three requests on my hands, which is the most I can take right now. Please request another time.
THanks a lot. It looks good except for one thing. The text in the banner looks a bit faint so if you can could you do something to make it better visable. Still if you are busy (with life and request) then I understand.

Still thanks a lot.
Bonne Matin clade! Actually, its not the Matin, so whatever. I should like a banner and avatar if you ish not very busy.

Size: The size of your display banners please, Im horrible with pixels.
Render / Stock:
[PokeCommunity.com] ✖clade's.requestSHOP✖

Color Scheme: Dark Greens and Blues
Text: Can you put Bone in the corner, but in larger main text Journey into the Valley
Avatar Size: Maximum
Other: I only want Bone (the little white guy) and his map on the avatar, so if you could cut the rest away that would be nice!

Well, thanks!
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