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24/f/New House & 13 years


☼ scourge of the Hoenn seas! ☼
  • 12,639
    HELLO FRIENDS it's 12am and i'm eating leftover pancakes after a badly-timed 6-hr nap and IT'S MY BIRTHDAY
    and, as of July 13, I've been on PC for 13 years. Oh boy lmao

    Been busy as hecke last few months. Ian and I bought a house?!! How adult of us. We can no longer afford avocados. Moving everything was hard and it's still not done but at least all of our stuff is here. My mom moved at the same time as we did and gave us a lot of her stuff too so now we own quality things, which is nice. Our yard is mostly weeds and gravel which sucks. And we got yelled at by the city for letting them get to high whoops. But the interior is all recently done and built to last!

    Decorating a house is a lot harder than I thought. I'm doing some furniture flipping on craigslist as we change things up to work in our new space. I also applied for a few jobs and got an interview with the one I didn't expect- I just emailed them my resume with a cover letter on the off chance that they would look at it. Still don't know if I'll get that job but it would be nice- a child development center like a mile away from our house!

    Ummm I'm still fat but I bought a bike for $40. I have bruises in my crotch now. We go swimming once a week or so and I got sunburnt to all hell on my ass lmao. I've been on a smoothie kick- I can put carrots in there, but we'll work up to kale. Maybe. I still haven't switched my meds over to a pharmacy near us so I'm running out lol whoops. I play Dragon Age now? Just Inquisition because my friend has it and we play it on the TV. I have no idea what's going on most of the time. We'll play the others as a group someday. I'm a big flirty Qunari lady who's makin eyes at Sera. Dorian and The Iron Bull are my best friends. In other media, The Adventure Zone is my fav ever and the McElroys are my bffs. I fuckin beat Magikarp Jump too lmao the need to properly complete is too strong tho.

    I'm kind of listless because on one hand there's so much to do I'm overwhelmed but on the other I have no real drive or goal so like. ??? But maybe once things settle down properly- our other friends move in, the college kids go back to school, our house isn't chaos- I'll be better? Who knows man lmao.

    Anyway, I'm sort of back now so what's up my dudes?
    hi anna! i've missed you <3 hope you had a great birthday and pcversary!!
    also congrats on new house :D let's chat sometime!
    wow HB to ya :)
    sorry I missed it, hope it was the best.

    Big giant congrats on the house, that's a big life step.

    LOL sunburned ass, haha.

    well gl with the house decorating and stuffs and see ya.
    Rukario;bt106425 said:
    wow HB to ya :)
    sorry I missed it, hope it was the best.

    Big giant congrats on the house, that's a big life step.

    LOL sunburned ass, haha.

    well gl with the house decorating and stuffs and see ya.
    it was pretty good!! and house is crazy ahaha ty <3

    sunburnt asses are NOT FUN let me tell u ;-;