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30 Days of Pokemon: Day 18 (and X/Y mini-rants)

Elite Overlord LeSabre™

On that 'Non stop road'
  • Team Aqua (GT 2024)
  • 10,165
    Day 18: Your Favorite Female Character



    Yes, Leaf is still the reigning champion. Her design and outfit are attractive and have stood the test of time (and three generations of games following her debut). She has a simple, uncluttered look without the bizarre hairstyles or odd outfits that have come after her.

    For a few months, she did have some serious competition with the new girl from X/Y because of some similar design traits, but then her official art came out and I noticed this:


    That part of her skirt with the huge pocket looks out of place and isn't a good fit with the rest of the outfit. She would have looked better with the pleated pattern being continuous on the enitre skirt. It doesn't ruin her design for me (since I'm pretty sure the pocket is going to be barely recognizable in the in-game character model) and she looks perfectly fine otherwise, but it does keep her from displacing Leaf in the #1 spot (X/Y girl comes in at #2).

    And while we're talking about X/Y...

    *Can we get the final evolutionary forms of the starters revealed? I find it impossible to choose a starter based on its first stage (see my entry on favorite starter). The Pokemon will spend the bulk of the game in its final form, so what it looks like in the early stages is relatively unimportant.

    *Guess what, folks? We have another region named after an automobile! Kalos is also the name of a car manufactured by South Korean automaker Daewoo. You may be familiar with the Daewoo Kalos, although by a different name - the Chevrolet Aveo. Unfortunately, the Kalos/Aveo is the very definition of "cheap piece of crap economy car" which means the Pokemon Region-Naming Council has really moved down-market since Unova (especially when you consider that many of the Nova SS models from the '60's and '70's were awesome). Damn. I was hoping they'd move up-market and name the new region after the Electra/Park Avenue or Roadmaster, not some econo-box. (Disclaimer: I am of South Korean descent, but some of the cars that hail from my birth country are quite bad.)

    *Riding a Pokemon? No, thanks. I would imagine the riding experience to be uncomfortable, and for it to become downright lethal in the event of a collision. That's one of those situations where I would really, REALLY rather have a Buick.
    o_O 1. become a fashion designer, 2. become a car salesman. rly, you should do one of those two, it's where your talents are fit, not on pokemon.