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4th Gen 4th Generation Travel Journal

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I just dropped my DS on the floor so I have lost saved progress which sucks, I guess it is a reminder for me to save regularly.
As I sit to pen this, it is snack time for my current team. We spent the better half of the last hour in Hearthome city making manifold flavors of Poffin. We're not serious about contests, but we do enjoy participating occasionally. My last team had an Articuno named Kouri who was well on her way to winning the master rank, but that's irrelevant.
We had a conversation during snack time about the Elite Four. I recalled that with my first team, it was very difficult. My Empoleon Poseidon did pretty much all the work. He was around lv.70 and almost everyone else was less than level 50. I still think it's a miracle that I won.
Anyway, we're nowhere near that point yet. Everyone's still less than lv.30. We have a full team now though, which is a step. This is the lineup:

Clyde the (shiny) Gligar lv.27
[PokeCommunity.com] 4th Generation Travel Journal

Griknot (pronounced GREE-no, it's French for Gible) the Gabite (eventually Garchomp) lv.28
[PokeCommunity.com] 4th Generation Travel Journal

Bea the Nidoqueen lv.27
[PokeCommunity.com] 4th Generation Travel Journal

Nick the Nidoking lv.27
[PokeCommunity.com] 4th Generation Travel Journal

Lucille the Rotom lv.27
[PokeCommunity.com] 4th Generation Travel Journal

Nolan the Drifblim lv.28
[PokeCommunity.com] 4th Generation Travel Journal

We're nowhere near getting our gold ranks (our term for beating the Elite Four) yet, but we've been making a solid effort. Everyone's getting along great, and training hasn't been too difficult yet. Snack time's about over, time to do a little more training, and maybe a contest or too.
Last edited:

Keyblade's Pearl Adventure

[PokeCommunity.com] 4th Generation Travel Journal

So I just decided, with Pokemon Bank/Transporter being released soon, I should begin to collect Pokemon from past generations that I can trade to Black/White to be transferred to X and Y. And what better game to start with than Pearl? Platinum would make for a faster playthrough, but I'm also replaying Pearl for the nostalgia.Without further ado, let's get this started.


The journey begins with Prof. Rowan asking me basic questions, although he really should be able to tell my gender by now.

I start in my room. I have a Wii there. I should upgrade it to a Wii U soon. Walking downstairs, my mother tells me that Barry is looking for me. Apparently it's an emergency.

I leave my house and go meet Barry at his house. He makes the decision for us to go Lake Verity to catch a legendary Pokemon. I don't own any Pokemon of my own, so that's definitely not happening. Then he threatens me with a 10 million dollar fine if I'm late. That jerk...

At the lake, Prof. Rowan and his assistant Dawn are just leaving. They leave behind a briefcase by accident. Checking it out, Barry and I are attacked by Starly! Somehow, the case pops open, revealing three Pokeballs. I choose one at random and send out a Chimchar to fight off the Starly.

Afterwards, Barry and I visit Sandgem Town to return the Pokemon. Instead, Rowan gives us the Pokemon and a Pokedex, telling us to catch every Pokemon ever. Yeah right.

Dawn teaches me how to catch a Pokemon, which I thought was common knowledge among trainers these days, and I catch a Shinx.

[PokeCommunity.com] 4th Generation Travel Journal


[PokeCommunity.com] 4th Generation Travel Journal


to be continued...

So I decided to restart my HG version last night since I'd traded all its pokemon to another game anyway. SO GUESS WHAT MY FIRST ENCOUNTER WAS.


Soon after my disbelief faded, I was flooded with dread:


I literally sat for five whole minutes in mental agony. To rub salt in the wound, this was reminiscent of my first ever shiny in Gold version years ago. Oh, what could have been.

*dies in corner*
I'm playing Platinum, I recently caught Giratina and now I am capturing Uxie.

I have a Porygon 2 and now I have the dubious disc I can upgrade him to Porygon Z so I will do that soon.

I am also preparing for the eighth gym which is my next thing to do :D

Pokemon Platinum - Mark's Attempt

My team:
[PokeCommunity.com] 4th Generation Travel Journal
[PokeCommunity.com] 4th Generation Travel Journal
[PokeCommunity.com] 4th Generation Travel Journal
[PokeCommunity.com] 4th Generation Travel Journal
[PokeCommunity.com] 4th Generation Travel Journal
[PokeCommunity.com] 4th Generation Travel Journal


Went to Iron Island and met with Riley.

Found a Shiny Stone and used it on Togetic to evolve into Togekiss.

Went to Route 215 and picked TM34 (Shock Wave) and taught it to Togekiss.

Went to Move Tutor and taught Togekiss Sky Attack & Aura Sphere.

Went training for the 6th gym in Canalave -- Byron.

While training in Iron Island -- I was about to rage. GOLBATS SPAM WITH CONFUSE RAAAAAAY D:<
I just caught Giratina. Distortion World has to be one of my favorite places in all Pokemon games. It was fairly easy, but so interesting, completely different from everything I've seen in POkemon games up until now.
Whole animation, wandering Cynthia/ Lake Trio and Cyrus, really felt alive, mysterious...just awesome.

My current team is

Noctowl lvl 49 (he turned out to be one piece of work, awesome Pokemon)

Empoleon lvl 48 or so (This guy can take literally anything, like a tank)

Luxray lvl 40+ (I really like this guy)

Mamoswine lvl 39 or so (one of my new favorite Pokemons, I really like it, how it looks, his attacks, and whats up with that speed lmao, awesomeness)

Gliscor lvl 30+ (I finally got him just recently and taught him Earthquake, killer combo, love this guy)

6th was supposed to be Buizel but I replaced him with Gabite. Now he is in PC cos I needed my almighty Rhyhorn the HM slave, but now I am rethinking which Pokemon to put as my 6th one, seeing how hard it is to raise Gabite.

Anyway, Im loving this game. About 50 hours of gameplay and counting :D
So I just started my new game on SoulSilver.
Character: Shiro - ♂ - Age: 13

My adventure starts in New Bark Town, where I was woken up at an early time to get to Prof. Elm's lab. When I was going in, I noticed a red-haired boy staring in through the windows. He was muttering to himself... Weird guy, I tell ya. Prof. Elm wanted me to carry a Pokémon with him, so he pointed me towards the machine holding 3 Pokéballs, an eager grin on his face. I chose Totodile.

Updated team:
[PokeCommunity.com] 4th Generation Travel Journal
Totodile - Lv 5 - ♂ - Umi

Before I left the lab, Elm asked me if I could go find out what his friend Mr. Pokémon was raving about this time. He had received the email before I came, and he had decided that this would be the perfect way to start my adventure in the Johto region. So I reluctantly agreed. When I left the lab, Lyra and her Marill came to greet me. With a brief chat, she left. She kinda creeps me out, if you catch my drift? I dropped into my house to let my mom know I was leaving. I told her I'd be back in a few days (she'd worry, either way, especially since a few days was kinda vague). She gave me my PokéGear and saw me off with a smile. I got Prof. Elm's number before I headed into Rt. 29. The trek to Cherrygrove City was not as hard as I thought it would be. I was rather surprised. After a good night's rest in the PokéCenter, I headed out the next morning, travelling into Rt. 30. I passed a house as I headed up. I thought it might be Mr. Pokémon's house, so I went inside. A bald man greeted me, too eager and happy that I visited his humble abode. He was not Mr. Pokémon, I decided as the creep handed me an Apricorn Box. I dashed out before he could say anything else. I continued heading up Rt. 30, when I finally reached another house. This better be it, I thought bitterly. I opened the door and headed inside...

Updated Team:
[PokeCommunity.com] 4th Generation Travel Journal
Totodile - Lv 7 - ♂ - Umi

To be continued... TOMORROW on 6/20/14
I've beaten Elite four in Platinum finally! I made a special topic about it on Pokemon Gaming general so you can check it out if you want. Im gonna slowly fill up the pokedex and do the extra staff, seems like there's quite a lot of it to do :D
Continued from Last Time...
Soul Silver

I opened the door and headed inside Mr. Pokémon's house. Immediately an older man ran up to me, nearly slamming his hip into the corner of his desk. "You must be Shiro! It was I who sent the mail to Prof. Elm. Here, let me get it for you," he said, and I was surprised how he could finish all that in one breath. He pulled me towards the seat on the other side of his desk. I eyed the other old man by Mr. Pokémon's desk. Was that the world famous Prof. Oak?! Mr. Pokémon walked back over to me, carefully holding an egg in his hands. "This is what I'd like Prof. Elm to look at. Prof. Elm is the best man for this!" he exclaimed. Slowly the other gramps stood up from his seat. He came over to me, more slowly than Mr. Pokémon had. "And with that, let me introduce myself. I am Pro-" "You ARE Prof. Oak! Dear Arceus and all that is holy!!" I squealed, happy to have met this amazing man. I sounded like a teenage girl. Prof. Oak blinked at me a few times. "Yes, yes. Anyways, now that that is all covered, I am going to give you this," he handed me a red device. "This is a Pokédex. It automatically records the data of Pokémon you've seen and caught. Its a high-tech encyclopedia!" I grinned in excitement. "I should be heading back to Goldenrod. I hope to see you again, Shiro." And with that, Prof. Oak left the house. I looked back over to Mr. Pokémon. He looked upset to have been forgotten so easily. "Anyways, I hope you are careful with this on your travels back to New Bark Town," he said, handing me the egg. I nodded and took my leave as well. As soon as I exited the building, my PokéGear begun to ring like crazy. I answered it, "Hel-" "Oh! Its terrible! Its horrible! You have to get back here! Come back right now, Shiro!!" It was Prof. Elm. I sighed, replying, "Yes, yes, Prof. Elm. I'll come back."

Updated Team:
"image removed"Totodile - Lv 8 - ♂ - Umi

As I left Cherrygrove City, a guy with red hair ran into me. "Hey! Watch where you're going, dude!" I yelled. Hey.... wait a second.... wasn't this the creep who was peering into Prof. Elm's lab before? "Hmph, you have a Pokémon from the lab? That Pokémon is too good for you," he sneered, I begun to retort, but he continued, "Don't you get what I'm saying? Well, whatever. I too have a great Pokémon. What, don't believe me? Then let's battle!"

"image removed" Lv 8 "image removed" Lv 5 "image removed"​

With some nicely placed Scratches, Umi was able to defeat this red-head's Chikorita. He must've stolen it from the lab, I deduced. So that must be what Prof. Elm was all worked up about. The boy scowled and put his Chikorita back into its ball. "Hmph! You want to know who I am? I'm going to become the greatest Pokémon trainer in the world!" he said before taking off. He didn't make it far, when he noticed he had dropped his Trainer Card. I picked it up off the ground and read his name out loud, "Gin, huh?" He made an angry sound while snatching it out of my hands. This time, he took off for real. I laughed lightly at his anger. He was kinda fun to anger. I headed back to Prof. Elm's lab. When I entered, a policeman looked at me. "Rule Number One! Whoever did it will come back to the crime. So you must be the one who did it?!" he declared. I blinked. That rule was totally bogus. There was no way that the boy would come back to New Bark Town. "No! It wasn't him!" Lyra shouted as she barged into the lab. "There was a red-haired boy who was looking into the lab." "Besides, I already got my Totodile. Why would I steal the Chikorita. I battled the boy who stole him," I said calmly. "You battled him? What was his name?" the policeman asked. I almost felt like covering for Gin and just pursue him myself, but I didn't feel like lying to the law today. "According to the Trainer Card I nearly stole, his name is Gin. It didn't have his last name." "Okay. Your information has helped. I must go investigate this red-haired individual," he said dutifully as he left.

After the mayhem had died down. I handed Prof. Elm the colorful egg. "So this was what he wanted to show me?" he asked, taking it. He was a lot gentler than Mr. Pokémon, but, of course, Mr. Pokémon was a crazy and eccentric nuttcase and Prof. Elm was professional... sometimes. "I'll check this egg out, then. My, Shiro, you and your Totodile look like you've grown a lot. Why don't you take the Gym Challenge? Who knows, you might even become the Champion! Or not, haha. Its not that easy. It takes a lot of work, but I think you can do it," he said, smiling at me. Then, he noticed the Pokédex that decided that now was the perfect time to nearly pop out of my bag. "Is that a Pokédex?!" he shouted, moving now to carefully put the egg down. Ah, he was going to go crazy, wasn't he? He was going to go all fangirly on me (hey, don't point out that I did it too, we're not going to mention that!). "Did Prof. Oak give you that? Oh gee, you are so lucky! He can see the potential in young trainers! Ah, I knew you were special. Haha, one of my neighbors is noticed by Prof. Oak. Haha! I must be pretty special too, then!" he said. He was laughing like a mad man. "Uh, sure. Whatever you say, man," I muttered. He seemed to calm down after a good ten minutes (by this time, I felt like leaving). He informed me that the next gym was in Violet City. I left when he started rambling about Prof. Oak again.

Lyra and her Marill met me out on Rt. 29. "Hey, I'm going to teach you how to catch a Pokémon. You better watch carefully!" she announced. After the annoying lesson (I already knew how to catch a Pokémon, but I might as well humor the girl), Lyra handed me 5 Pokéballs, "Here you go. Now you can catch Pokémon too!" I thanked her and we parted ways.

I had heard you could catch Spearow in the small accessible area in Rt. 46. You could get there through the gate in the Northern part of the route I was currently in. I headed into the grass and searched the area. Finally, I ran into what I wanted.

Updated Team:
"image removed"Totodile - Lv 9 - ♂ - Umi
"image removed"Spearow - Lv 3 - ♂ - Kumomaru

After that was all done, I passed through Cherrygrove City again and then into Rt. 30. I had some trainer battles with some random guys with lame Pokémon. A boy name Joey demanded I give him my number, and I ran quickly away while Umi sprayed water in his face. Rt. 30 faded into Rt. 31. I ran into a Bellsprout, and I caught it, knowing how good it would be to have a Grass-type eventually (or at least I damn hoped so).

Updated Team:
"image removed"Totodile - Lv 10 - ♂ - Umi
"image removed"Spearow - Lv 5 - ♂ - Kumomaru
"image removed"Bellsprout - Lv 3 - ♀ - Futaba

When I saw the gates to Violet City, I cried in joy.

To be continued... TOMORROW on 6/21/14
Continued from Last Time…
Soul Silver

Entering Violet City, I immediately headed to the Pokémon Center. I healed up my hardy team of 3. I heard that the Violet City Gym was a Flying-type Gym, and you could catch Mareep in the route below the city, Rt. 32. It took me a while to find the Wool Pokémon, but when I did, I was really happy. She was adorable!! I sent out Umi against her because I knew that she didn't know any Electric-type moves yet. Umi was careful in weakening her. I threw a Premier Ball at her (I had bought 10 Pokéballs, and this was my prize). It wiggled, but I caught her.

Updated Team:
"image removed" Totodile – Lv 11 - ♂ - Umi
"image removed" Spearow – Lv 7 - ♂ - Kumomaru
"image removed" Bellsprout – Lv 4 - ♀ - Futaba
"image removed" Mareep – Lv 6 - ♀ - Oritsu

After I was done that, and I had healed my team again, I went to the Pokémon Gym. A man stood on a platform. Was he the Gym Leader…? No, that couldn't be right. "Hey champ in the making. Sorry, Falkner isn't here. While you're waiting, why don't you head over to the Sprout Tower and take a try at the challenge?" he said. I sighed. Greeeeeeeeeeeat. I nodded at him and left the Gym, disappointed. I headed to the Pokémon Center to wait until nighttime. I heard you could catch Gastly in the Sprout Tower at night. When the sun had set and the moon had risen, I picked up my stuff and headed to the Sprout Tower. I looked up at the building, and a shiver went down my spine. The tower was swaying!! Was it really stable enough for me to go in?! I headed inside, biting the inside of my cheeks. There were a lot of people in here, though. Some of the monks watched the tower's center beam sway. I had heard a legend that the Sprout Tower's central beam was a very tall Bellsprout. It was probably not true, but it would explain why they worshipped Bellsprout. I headed towards the stairs leading to the next floor. Before I went up, a monk said to me, "Good luck, and keep faith." I nodded, mumbling something about crazy bald people. I hoped he didn't hear me, though. Up on the second floor, I looked around. A lot of Rattatta scurried around, but I ignored them, searching for a Gastly to make my own. Finally, the Gas Pokémon made its appearance. I fought him with Kumomaru because he was part Normal-type and thus unaffected by Gastly's Ghost-type moves. Kumomaru pecked at the big gas ball, and it seemed to weaken. I threw a ball at it, and it barely shook before I caught it.

Updated Team:
"image removed" Totodile – Lv 11 - ♂ - Umi
"image removed" Spearow – Lv 8 - ♂ - Kumomaru
"image removed" Bellsprout – Lv 5 - ♀ - Futaba
"image removed" Mareep – Lv 6 - ♀ - Oritsu
"image removed" Gastly – Lv 5 - ♂ - Seishen

After many battles with the monks in Sprout Tower (I swear, I hated those monks. I didn't hate Bellsprout because my Futaba was awesome, but I hated their Bellsprout), I reached the top. Hey! Was that Gin? I was about to yell out to him until I noticed the Elder was speaking with him. "You are indeed good, but you should take better care of your Pokémon," he said. Gin scoffed, disgusted. He walked away before he noticed me. He grumbled, "Hmph, he calls himself the Elder, but he was no match for my Pokémon. I won't battle you this time, Shiro." He left using the Magical Teleportation Rope. I walked up to the Elder, wondering if he was still up for a battle after getting his butt kicked by my red-headed pal (he would never admit to being my friend, but I loved tormenting him so much. I gained a sick sadistic pleasure from seeing his anger). The old monk looked up to me. "Are you here to test your power?" he asked. I nodded, petting Kumomaru's ball. He probably used a Bellsprout, I imagined. Kumomaru could win, then. "Yeah. Are you willing to battle? I noticed Gin was just here," I said. I wanted to battle him, but I might as well fake some sincerity for the pops. He smiled at me, "You are kind. I am ready, though. Lets battle!" I beat him a little to easily. Kumomaru beat his two Bellsprout, and Oritsu beat his Hoothoot with her newly learned ThunderShock. The Elder seemed happy, though, despite his loss. "Your Pokémon and you work well together. They seem to like your company. Here, take this Technical Machine. It contains Flash. May it illuminate your way," he said. He handed me the TM 70. I took it. "I hope you win at your gym battle, Shiro." I smiled and waved him good-bye. I could have easily used a Magical Teleportation Rope, but I opted out because those things made you spin, and I got motion sickness pretty easily. I healed up my Pokémon and headed towards the Gym.

To be continued… TOMORROW ON 6/22
Continued from Last Time…
Soul Silver

I had headed to the Gym, but before I even reached the door, I started to yawn. What time was it? I checked my PokéGear. Ugh, it was 1 am. I decided I'd head to the Gym in the afternoon when I was awake and my Pokémon had rested. That afternoon, I went into the Gym, opening those grand door. "Hey champ in the making, ready for some tips? Violet City's gym leader, Falkner, uses Flying-type Pokémon. They are super weak to Rock and Electric-type moves. Be careful, though. Grass and Bug-type Pokémon don't stand a chance against them. You ready? Then head up the platform and beat the two Gym Trainers to reach Falkner, the Elegant Master of Flying Pokémon!" he said. He was sure up-beat. I thanked him and headed up the platform. It shot up into the air to reach the arena that my Gym challenge would take place in. I beat the two trainers so easily, using both Umi and Oritsu. Seishen and Futaba sat these battles out. Futaba was weak to Flying-type, and Seishen only knew Ghost-type moves, which wouldn't affect the Flying-type Pokémon's secondary type, Normal. Kumomaru made an appearance in one battle, too. Finally, I came face to face with the blue haired man who I knew was Violet City's Gym Leader. Falkner smiled at me, "I am Falkner. I use the elegant Flying-type Pokémon. People say that a bolt of electricity can clip the wings of these birds. Well, I won't take such insults to my pride and joy! Are you ready, challenger?!" I nodded. "Sure am. My name is Shiro from New Bark Town," I stated. The judge stood between us. "May the battle begin. Challenger Shiro from New Bark Town vs Falkner, Violet City's Gym Master," he announced.

Updated Team:
[PokeCommunity.com] 4th Generation Travel Journal
Totodile – Lv 13 - ♂ - Umi
"image removed" Spearow – Lv 10 - ♂ - Kumomaru
"image removed" Bellsprout – Lv 6 - ♀ - Futaba
"image removed" Mareep – Lv 10 - ♀ - Oritsu
"image removed" Gastly – Lv 6 - ♂ - Seishen

I sent out Umi first. I wanted to save Oritsu for Falkner's more troubling Pokémon. Falkner sent out a Pidgey. The thing flew around Umi's head, ready for battle. "UMI, USE WATER GUN!" I ordered. Umi aimed at the Tiny Bird Pokémon, and a stream of water shot out of his mouth. Part of the torrent hit Pidgey, and it faltered in its movements. "Shake it off, Pidgey! Use Sand-Attack!" Falkner demanded. The Pidgey scratched sand into Umi's eyes, lowering his accuracy. I frown. "Umi, use another Water Gun!" I said. This spray, despite the sand in his eyes, was a direct hit, soaking the bird's wings and keeping him grounded. "Use Tackle!" the Gym Leader told his bird. It launched itself at Umi, and Umi was hit, unable to avoid it because the sand was bothering him. "One more Water Gun should do it, Umi! I believe in you!" Umi gave a war cry and shot a large stream of water at Falkner's Pidgey. It gave a shudder before fainting. "Good job, Pidgey. Take a rest," Falkner said. Before the Gym Leader could send out his next Pokémon, I withdrew Umi. I smiled at him through his Pokéball. I threw my Pokéball just as Falkner threw his. "Go Oritsu/Pidgeotto!" we shouted at the same time. My Mareep gave a happy cry, the electricity rippling through her wool. The Pidgeotto cooed. "Pidgeotto, use Gust, quickly!" its owner demanded. "Hit it with a Thunder Shock, Oritsu, before it can attack," I said. Oritsu charged up her attack, and before the Bird Pokémon could launch its attack, it was hit with her shocking attack. The Pidgeotto faltered before shaking it off. It was obviously hurt from that. "Oritsu, paralyze it with Thunder Wave!" I shouted. "Pidgeotto, use Roost!" The Pidgeotto settled down, healing some health. Oritsu's Thunder Wave hit just then, paralyzing the bird. "Shake it off, Pidgeotto. Use Gust!" Falkner ordered. "Oritsu, another Thunder Shock! End it!" I shouted. The Pidgeotto tried to obey its owner's order, but the paralysis was holding it still. Oritsu's powerful Thunder Shock. The Pidgeotto fell down, fainted. Falkner sighed. "You won fair and square, Shiro. Here is the Zephyr badge. It allows traded Pokémon up to Lv 20 obey you no matter what. You can also use the Hidden Move Rock Smash outside of battle. Here, this is from me. It is TM 51, and it contains Roost. It heals a Flying-type Pokémon's health and takes away its Flying-type for that turn," he said, handing me the shiny Zephyr badge. "If you are looking for the next Gym to challenge, I suggest heading to Azalea Town. Head down to Rt. 32, pass through the Union Cave, and come out in Rt. 33. Head West from there and you'll come upon Slowpoke Well. You'll see Azalea Town from there." He smiled and waved as I left the Gym. As soon as I was out the door, my PokéGear started ringing, giving off the ringtone for Prof. Elm. I sighed. Ugh, what this time?

Updated Team:
[PokeCommunity.com] 4th Generation Travel Journal
Totodile – Lv 14 - ♂ - Umi
"image removed" Spearow – Lv 10 - ♂ - Kumomaru
"image removed" Bellsprout – Lv 6 - ♀ - Futaba
"image removed" Mareep – Lv 12 - ♀ - Oritsu
"image removed" Gastly – Lv 6 - ♂ - Seishen

"image removed"

To be continued… TOMORROW ON 6/23
Continued from Last Time…
Soul Silver

My PokéGear sang the song of its people, and I saw that it was Prof. Elm. It better be important… I answered, "Hello, this is Shiro. What is it, Prof.?" I could practically hear the excitement in the older man's voice as he said, "Hey, hey, Shiro, we were thinking you could carry that egg with you. They say an egg hatches faster when a trainer carries it around. I can't give you the details on the egg just yet, but you should carry it." I sighed, massaging my temples. I guess I'd carry it until I got my 6th party member. "Sure, why the hell not," I mumbled. Prof. Elm practically squealed. I groaned at his excitement. "So where can I go pick this thing up at? I'm not heading back to you. I'm interested in heading off to Azalea Town for my next gym badge," I asked. Prof. Elm's grin was almost evident in his voice, "My assistant is waiting for you in the PokéMart. You can go get it from him." My eyes narrowed. "You already assumed I'd say yes?" Prof. Elm laughed nervously. "Ahahaha, anyways, I should get going. Thanks, Shiro! Let me know when it hatches, okay?" I sighed and gave him the affirmative as he hung up. I took a stop at the Pokémon Center first, and then I made my way to the PokéMart. When I opened the door to the blue roofed building, the man I knew as one of the professor's assistants waved at me. "Heeeey Shiro. So you did say yes!" he called. I walked over to him. "Yeah, yeah. Anyways, can I get that egg from you so I can start my way towards Azalea?" I said, holding out my hands with the 'gimme gimme' motion. He sighed, depressed that I didn't want to hear his story. He handed me the egg. It was colorful, I noted, actually studying it this time. I waved at the assistant and left him in a hurry. As I headed out the door, a woman dressed as a geisha came up to me. "Oh, so you hold the egg now. Ah, I see, so it was handed from Mr. Pokémon to Professor Elm and from Professor Elm to you. Please take care of that egg; its very important," she said, giving me no time to speak in between. I nodded dumbly. "Uh, sure lady. I'll take care of it until I get my 6th team member," I said. She gracefully bowed to me before leaving me, heading down the way I was going to go. I waited until I was sure I wouldn't run into her again before making my way down to Rt. 32, the route I had caught Oritsu in. As I was walking down, staring at my map as I did, a man stopped me. "Hey traveler! Oh, I see that is Violet City's gym badge. You must be a strong trainer. Here, I'll give you this as a memento of Violet City. It's a Miracle Seed. It powers up Grass-type moves," he said. I took it, thanking him. I ran away from him, worried that he might be some creepy mass murderer that I didn't know about. I headed further into the route, battling trainers as I went. Soon, though, Oritsu began to glow. What was this? Was she evolving?!

[PokeCommunity.com] 4th Generation Travel Journal
"image removed"
[PokeCommunity.com] 4th Generation Travel Journal

Updated Team:
"image removed" Totodile – Lv 15 - ♂ - Umi
[PokeCommunity.com] 4th Generation Travel Journal
Spearow – Lv 13 - ♂ - Kumomaru
"image removed" Bellsprout – Lv 10 - ♀ - Futaba
[PokeCommunity.com] 4th Generation Travel Journal
Flaaffy – Lv 15 - ♀ - Oritsu
[PokeCommunity.com] 4th Generation Travel Journal
Gastly – Lv 11 - ♂ - Seishen
"image removed" Egg - ???

My Mareep had evolved into a Flaaffy! I was so happy. I hugged her, and she gave a happy cry, wrapping her stubby arms around my arm. I giggled. We continued down Rt. 32, towards Union Cave. We came upon a house where the sign said "Free healings to weary travelers!" I let the woman heal my Pokémon. When I left the house, a rather large man spoke to me, scaring the living daylights out of me, "Hey, would you like to buy a Slowpoke tail? I'll sell you one for only $9999999! They are tasty and delicious!" I gagged, pushing him away. "No thank you. Even if I had that much money, I wouldn't even think of it," I said, grossed out. I left him there. I reached Union Cave. I stared at the entrance. It looked like it could crumble any moment. Well, here goes nothing, I thought, entering the dark cave.

"image removed"

To be continued… TOMORROW ON 6/25!!
My brother just beat the second gym leader in Pokemon Platinum. -_- He felt so proud of himself. {:3}
Oh Gosh, this is gonna be a huge update.

Continued from Last Time…
Soul Silver
The trip through Union Cave was annoying, to say the least. Umi had grown to level 18, but I stopped him from evolving. According to my Pokédex, if I kept him as a Totodile until level 20, he would learn Ice Fang. That seemed like a handy move since his Attack stat was higher than his Special Attack stat. Umi seemed sad that I wouldn't let him evolve since Oritsu had evolved earlier into a Flaafy. I pat his head. All these rock types were good for him and Futaba. Kumomaru and Oritsu would have to sit these out. Seishen tried his hardest, but he wasn't getting the hits he wanted and I could sense my Gastly's anxiety. I smiled at the Gas Pokémon, and its glaring grin spread, happy that I was so accepting. Union Cave seemed to span on forever with the random Zubat flying over my head and attacking (I swear, the whole cave had to be made of these and Geodude, it HAD to be) and the also random Hiker charging at me before challenging me to a battle. I had thought the Hikers all kept in contact with each other and could warn one another that a bratty boy (I had been called such by the first Hiker I had beat) was on his way. But noooooo, they didn't, so I had to face these losers. Finally, the light at the end of the tunnel was within sight. I headed towards it in an almost run. I pulled myself over the steep hill and out of the cave. A downpour greeted me. I groaned. Umi seemed delighted, but he was a little water idiot, so that was normal. I was challenged by YET ANOTHER Hiker before I finally saw the outskirts of Azalea Town. I noticed an older man staring down a man with a black shirt with a big red R on it. "Who are you!?" the older man demanded. The black shirted younger man scoffed. "Who are WE? We are the notorious Team Rocket!" he said, breaking into a shout as his last statement ended. He was one proud fellow. "Team Rocket? Hah! Team Rocket broke up three years ago after Red beat your boss," the older man said, asking for trouble. The Team Rocket Grunt (that's obviously what he had to be, a grunt, with those simple clothes) growled, angry at such an accusation. "We broke up? Well, we did, but now we have reunited to search out Giovanni and reach his goal again. Now…," he said, a dangerous look in his eyes, "SCRAM!" And with that, he shoved the older man away. The older gentleman fell over. He scrambled back up to his feet and ran off before the grunt could do any more damage to his now broken dignity. I slowly stepped out of the foliage, trying to act nonchalant so the grunt wouldn't think I had seen the whole ordeal. I walked by him, trying to not make eye contact. "No one should go into the Slowpoke Well. Its dangerous, after all. Aren't I a good Samaritan?" he said, proudly. I continued walking, ignoring the buffoon. As I went through Azalea Town, I saw both Slowpoke without their tails and Team Rocket Grunts guarding the gym and loitering around like monkeys. I went towards the edge of town where I heard a yell, "OLD KURT IS COMING FOR YOU!!! BE PREPARED!!! I AM READYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!" before an even older man with a graying head of hair burst out of the house I had just passed and ran past me (nearly tumbling me over in the process) and towards the Slowpoke Well. A little girl peeked her head out the door. "Wait, Grandpa! You can't do that!!" she said, obviously worried. I went to her, the sense of justice fueling my stupidity. "Hello. I'm Shiro. Who was that older man? And where is he going?" I said, bending down to her level. "Hmph. I'm Minami. That moron man that just ran off screaming is Grandpa Kurt. He went to Slowpoke Well to chase off Team Rocket. Ne, Shiro…," she said, biting her bottom lip. I made a sound of acknowledgement. "I'm worried about Grandpa. Could you go see if he's okay? You have Pokémon with you, right?" I nodded. Inwardly I sighed. Was I going to be a hero? Inside I knew I would. I replied to her, "Sure, Minami, I'll go see if Old Man Kurt needs some rescuing." She smiled and hugged me around the waist. That one action was enough to make it worthwhile. To see a little girl smiled at me was amazing. "Thank you, Shiro-oneesan!!" she said. I waved to her. I healed my Pokémon at the Pokémon Center before heading back over to the entrance of Azalea Town where the Slowpoke Well was situated. When I got there, the Team Rocket Grunt was no longer guarding its entrance. A faint groaning echoed from the depths of the well. I grumbled to myself, "Well, here goes nothing," as I went down the ladder and into the dark abyss known as the Slowpoke Well. My feet touched the ground after only a little bit of climbing. "Geez, that darkness makes you think its an endless hole… how disappointing," I said to myself, again. I was doing that a lot. The groan was louder now. "Hey! Who are you!?" an old crackly voice growled. I looked over and saw Old Man Kurt trying to pull himself to his feet while holding his lower back. "I'm… uh, are you okay gramps? Anyways, I'm Shiro. Minami sent me here to help you… and boy do you need helping," I said, the last part came out as a whisper to myself, again. Kurt's angry expression smoothed out when he realized I wasn't part of Team Rocket and I was no thug. "Oh, okay Shiro. I shouted at the grunt before we both took a tumble down the well. I've hurt my back. Rats! If I only had my old team with me… Anyways, show Team Rocket how gutsy you are in my place!" he said, handing me the job of taking care of Team Rocket. I nodded. Well, this would be good training for Azalea Gym. I needed Umi at level 20 anyways, and Kumomaru needed to get up levels because Azalea Gym was a Bug-type. I went into the deeper parts of the Slowpoke Well. I gazed in and saw more Slowpoke with tails. I frowned as I saw a figure approaching me. "Hey, who are you? That old man shouted at me and I fell down the well. Hey! I'm angry about this! Don't laugh!" he said. I couldn't help but laugh at his roughed up appearance. "Hey, I'll take my anger out on you! C'mon, let's battle!" he said, readying his Pokéball. Sure, why the hell not, I thought. After the battle, Umi grew to level 20 and learned Ice Fang. Then he began to glow. He was evolving.

[PokeCommunity.com] 4th Generation Travel Journal
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I grinned at Umi and patted his head. He snapped his jaw at the grunt. The grunt squealed in terror before running off, shouting, "EXECUTIVE PROTOOOOOOON!!!!" I raised a brow. We continued through Slowpoke Well. After another battle against a grunt, Kumomaru begun to glow this time.

[PokeCommunity.com] 4th Generation Travel Journal
"image removed"
[PokeCommunity.com] 4th Generation Travel Journal

Updated Team:
"image removed"Croconaw – Lv 20 - ♂ - Umi
[PokeCommunity.com] 4th Generation Travel Journal
Fearow – Lv 20 - ♂ - Kumomaru
"image removed" Bellsprout – Lv 18 - ♀ - Futaba
[PokeCommunity.com] 4th Generation Travel Journal
Flaafy – Lv 17 - ♀ - Oritsu
[PokeCommunity.com] 4th Generation Travel Journal
Gastly – Lv 17 - ♂ - Seishen
"image removed" Egg - ???

Kumomaru gave a loud cry, flapping his grand wings. I battled the last grunt before I came face to face with a man with turquoise hair. He looked like he had been expecting me. "You must be the one causing trouble for my grunts," he sneered. The cowering grunt I had first beat was hiding by his side. "And you must be Executive Proton, if that man's squealing told me anything," I replied haughtily. He grinned fiercely. "I am. I am known as the most frightening member of Team Rocket. Proton! I won't let you foil my plans. I'll defeat you and force you to give up your efforts," he said, obviously thinking he was going to win. I didn't think so. I had my newly evolved Croconaw and Fearow with me.

"image removed"

To be continued…???
Continued from Last Time…
Soul Silver
Proton seemed like a haughty bastard, so I was ready to mop the floor with him. He sent out his Zubat (I inwardly cringed at it, because Union Cave was still fresh in my mind) and so I threw out Oritsu's ball. She'd do good against a Flying-type like Zubat.

VS Executive Proton "image removed"​

Oritsu took down the Zubat with only one Thundershock. I was ready to break into hysterical laughter. Was Proton REALLY the scariest of Team Rocket? Was he all they had to offer? Hah! He growled and withdrew the Bat Pokémon. Next he threw out a Pokéball, releasing a Koffing. Maybe this would be a challenge? I thought, nearly laughing it off. The Poison Gas Pokémon puffed out some smoke, ready to take on Oritsu. While the two faced off, Oritsu's Thundershocks weren't doing as much damage as I had hoped. A huge puff of gas surrounded her, and she was poisoned by it. "Oritsu! Paralyze it with Thunder Wave!" I shouted, readying her ball. I'd withdraw her as soon as he was paralyzed. The Thunder Wave hit and I withdrew Oritsu right away. "Kumomaru, show him what you're made of!" I shouted, throwing out my Fearow's ball. The Beak Pokémon shrieked its war cry, and the Koffing faltered, unsure of himself in the face of the mighty Fearow. "Kumomaru, use Aerial Ace. It should be weak enough!" I ordered. A sharp slice of Kumomaru's beak and the Koffing fell. I had won. Proton looked shocked, as well as enraged. He growled, withdrawing his Pokémon. "Fine. You win this time. I won't forget this, though. You'll face my wrath again. We'll leave this time…," he said, and with that, Team Rocket left the Slowpoke Well. I went to check on the nearest Slowpoke as Old Man Kurt came in. "Ah, my back is feeling better now," how convenient, "and I see you've chased off Team Rocket. Let's head back to my place now." I nodded, and we headed to Kurt's house. Minami greeted us happily. I smiled, pleased. Kurt sat in his chair before turning to me. "I'm Kurt, as you know. I'm known as the Pokéball maker. I can turn Apricorns into Pokéballs. Would you like me to make some Pokéballs for you?" he said. I nodded. I gave him my 4 Pink Apricorns, and he informed me that it would take a day for the balls to be complete. Before I left their house, Minami gave me Old Man Kurt's PokéGear number. I dialed it into mine and saved it as Kurt-ojisan.. Finally, I went to the Pokémon Center for a nice night's rest. I would challenge the Gym Leader in the morning. After a good night's rest, I headed to the Gym. I read the sign, "Azalea Town Gym. Leader: Bugsy, The Walking Bug Pokémon Encyclopedia." With that, I headed inside. Getting to Bugsy required traveling along Spinarak-shaped platforms that climbed the webs. I reached Bugsy after defeating all the Gym Trainers. Bugsy was a young lad with lavender hair who looked like a girl because he was so young. He smiled at me cheerfully. "I'm Bugsy, Azalea Town's very own Gym Leader. My research is going to make me the authority on Bug-type Pokémon. Let me show you what I've learned!" he said. The gym announcer looked to me. I was grinning from ear to ear. I was going to win this easily. "I'm Shiro from New Bark Town. I already have one gym badge, the Zephyr badge. I'm ready when you are, Bugsy." I said arrogantly. Bugsy nodded to the announcer. "May the battle between the challenger Shiro from New Bark Town and Azalea Town's Gym Master Bugsy begin!" he said.

Updated Team:
"image removed" Croconaw – Lv 21 - ♂ - Umi
[PokeCommunity.com] 4th Generation Travel Journal
Fearow – Lv 21 - ♂ - Kumomaru
[PokeCommunity.com] 4th Generation Travel Journal
Bellsprout – Lv 18 - ♀ - Futaba
[PokeCommunity.com] 4th Generation Travel Journal
Flaafy – Lv 18 - ♀ - Oritsu
[PokeCommunity.com] 4th Generation Travel Journal
Gastly – Lv 17 - ♂ - Seishen
"image removed" Egg - ???

"Go Umi/Scyther!" we both shouted, throwing out our balls. My Croconaw snapped his jaw at the Mantis Pokémon. Scyther slashed her sharp blades in the air threateningly. "Scyther, use Swords Dance," the gym leader ordered. "Umi, use Ice Fang, quick!" I yelled. Umi charged at the Scyther as she sharpened her blades, readying for battle. Umi's fangs glowed blue with ice as he snapped at the Scyther. It caught one bladed arm, which she slashed out at Umi. "Scyther, use Slash while Croconaw is close!" Bugsy said expertly. He was young, but he knew how to battle. The bladed arm came down on Umi, but my Big Jaw Pokémon was faster and slid out of the way. With another snap of his Ice Fang catching the Bug Pokémon's torso, Scyther fell to one knee. "Scyhther, use U-Turn now!" Bugsy said. Scyther launched at Umi, smacking him in the body before jumping bag to Bugsy who returned him to send out a Metapod. The Metapod grunted, trying to intimidate Umi. Umi merely laughed at it. "Umi, use Ice Fang again," I ordered. Umi nodded and launched at Metapod. Metapod was unable to avoid Umi's head-on attack, and she was defeated in one hit. "Nice job, Metapod. Go, Kakuna!" Bugsy said, returning his fallen Metapod to send out his Kakuna. Another Ice Fang later and we were down to only Bugsy's Scyther. Bugsy sent out the wounded Mantis Pokémon. She gazed warily at Umi. She knew his power. "Scyther, use Slash!" Bugsy demanded. Scyther charged at Umi. I waited for when Scyther raised her blades and was open to order, "Umi, another Ice Fang and we'll win this!" Umi bit Scyther's open torso with another Ice Fang. Scyther shrieked and then fell. Bugsy stared in wonder. "Wow! You were amazing, Shiro! I respect you now. Here is the Hive Badge. It allows Pokémon up to level 30 obtained in trades obey you. It also allows you to use the Hidden Move Cut outside of battle. I hope you go far in your journey. The next gym I would recommend to you would be Goldenrod City. Make your way through Ilex Forest and you should be close. Be careful, though, I've heard people cry when faced with Whitney," he said. He handed me the red and black Hive Badge. I put it in my badge case. I waved at Bugsy and left the gym.

Updated Team:
"image removed" Croconaw – Lv 22 - ♂ - Umi
[PokeCommunity.com] 4th Generation Travel Journal
Fearow – Lv 21 - ♂ - Kumomaru
[PokeCommunity.com] 4th Generation Travel Journal
Bellsprout – Lv 18 - ♀ - Futaba
[PokeCommunity.com] 4th Generation Travel Journal
Flaafy – Lv 18 - ♀ - Oritsu
[PokeCommunity.com] 4th Generation Travel Journal
Gastly – Lv 17 - ♂ - Seishen
"image removed" Egg - ???

"image removed""image removed"

To be continued…???
Hi IvoryEarth. I am reading your entries for a while now. Actually, I am reading only bits of it, usually the beginning because my eyes strain too hard when I read a big paragraph. The thing is, you write very well. Rarely do I think of someone who is making stories online that they are good writers, so yeah that should tell you something. Anyway, as I said, you write very well, so I suggest you to start writing stories, like Pokemon adventures as you play the game. But not as Forum posts (you can do that as well of course) but as actually writings. With nice background, readable font, and less text per chapter, you could really do a great job. You could also add pictures every now and then and make books or whatnot, idki how it goes in writer's world.

Also few suggestions
-you can put more emotions into the dialogue, so one can see the connection between the trainer and their Pokemon.
-you can put in more story, doesnt necessarily have to be some in game stuff. Like if you're going through a route, you can make a small digression and add a short story about Pokemon, trainer, something.

Keep it up :)
Hi IvoryEarth. I am reading your entries for a while now. Actually, I am reading only bits of it, usually the beginning because my eyes strain too hard when I read a big paragraph. The thing is, you write very well. Rarely do I think of someone who is making stories online that they are good writers, so yeah that should tell you something. Anyway, as I said, you write very well, so I suggest you to start writing stories, like Pokemon adventures as you play the game. But not as Forum posts (you can do that as well of course) but as actually writings. With nice background, readable font, and less text per chapter, you could really do a great job. You could also add pictures every now and then and make books or whatnot, idki how it goes in writer's world.

Also few suggestions
-you can put more emotions into the dialogue, so one can see the connection between the trainer and their Pokemon.
-you can put in more story, doesnt necessarily have to be some in game stuff. Like if you're going through a route, you can make a small digression and add a short story about Pokemon, trainer, something.

Keep it up :)

Thanks! I'm glad you like it. I'll take your advice. I actually have written ahead of each part, and I've made it that Shiro isn't the playable character, because he meets up with Ethan in Goldenrod. But I'll take your advice and put more story and emotion into it. Maybe I'll break it up into more paragraphs, too, so it'll be easier to read rather than a big wall of text.
I love writing. It gives me some control and lets my imagination wander. When I write original stories, there is a lot more detail along with some background. I'll put some more of that into this, though.
Upon Sven's request, I have made my chapter a little shorter and broke them into paragraphs for easier reading.

Continued from Last Time…
Soul Silver

My team and I took a lunch break at the Pokémon Center and bought some bento lunches at the Pokémon Mart before heading towards Ilex Forest. I had heard it was a dangerous maze in there. I went towards the entrance to the forest, but I was stopped by Gin shouting for my attention. I turned to him. He was actually asking for my attention? Hm, for once. Well, it gave me another chance to poke fun at the irritable red-head.
I grinned at him. "Yo, Gin-chan~!" I said. He hissed, snatching my arm. "I heard Team Rocket was loitering around, but they aren't here anymore. You've been here longer than I have. Do you know what happened?" he said. He was panting, his cheeks red from trying to catch me before I went into the forest.
"Aww, Gin-chan, did you hurry so you could see me off~? HOW CUTE~" I said, using the arm he was grabbing to pull him into a bear hug. I wasn't gay, but I would give Gin hell and make him think I was. He stiffened in my hold, hissing. He didn't shove me away, though, because he was frozen in place. Ah, did I frighten him? He did seem like the kind of guy to freak out around people.
I let him go, saying, "Sorry, Gin. Didn't think you'd be the misanthrope type of person. Should've guessed, though, with your sour personality. I did see Team Rocket here. I beat their executive officer and they scrammed." He scowled. "Quit lying, loser," he growled. I pat his head, and he jerked away. He stepped away from me to avoid anymore touches and feels. "Aw, but I'm not lying, Gin. I really did kick that dude Proton's booty," I replied, putting my hands on my hips. His silver eyes narrowed in distaste, and my azure eyes lit up in joy. Ah, he was reacting just how I had hoped. His feathers were all ruffled.
"If you did, then show me in a battle," he demanded, holding out his Pokéball in challenge. I grinned, pulling out my Pokéball, silently accepting his challenge.

"image removed"VS Gin
[PokeCommunity.com] 4th Generation Travel Journal
[PokeCommunity.com] 4th Generation Travel Journal
[PokeCommunity.com] 4th Generation Travel Journal

First I sent out Umi against his Gastly. He snapped his jaws around the Gas Pokémon with a strong Bite attack, and it fainted in one hit. Umi gave a victorious cry, and I grinned at my Pokémon. "Good job, Umi!" I shouted. Next he sent out his Zubat. He flapped his wings and stared at Umi. I brought Umi back into his Pokéball and sent out Oritsu. She knew how to deal with stubborn Zubat. The Flaafy's wool sparked with electricity as she stared at the Zubat in challenge. Oritsu beat Gin's Zubat with two Thundershock attacks. Gin's last Pokémon was his starter. The Chikorita had evolved into a Bayleef. I withdrew Oritsu and sent out Futaba. My Bellsprout was part Poison-type, which was super effective against Grass-types. Being a Grass-type as well, Futaba would resist Bayleef's Grass-type moves. Besides that, I trusted her to win this. She might be small, but she had a good personality."Futaba, use Acid! Let's make him regret challenging us," I demanded. Futaba sent out a shot of poisonous acid at the Leaf Pokémon. He shuddered under its ooze. Futaba waved around, happy for having the chance to show her skills. I laughed, and Gin had Bayleef shoot a few Razor Leaf attacks at Futaba as she sent out more shots of Acid in return. Bayleef was panting within minutes, barely able to stand. With one last Acid attack, Bayleef fell and Futaba was victorious.
Gin scowled, putting Bayleef back into his ball without a word to him. "Hmph, sometimes when the weak are desperate they can become strong. I hate the weak. People, Pokémon, it doesn't matter. And when I see a weak group of people together like Team Rocket, it angers me. Just because they are in a group doesn't mean they are strong. If you were able to take them down alone, that proves it. Hmph, well, I'll leave you now," Gin said, leaving me and heading back towards the Pokémon Center.
I pet Futaba's head, and she waved around. After a stroke, she began to glow. Futaba was evolving!

[PokeCommunity.com] 4th Generation Travel Journal
"image removed"
[PokeCommunity.com] 4th Generation Travel Journal

Futaba was now a Weepinbell! I grinned at her and she gave me a dopey grin in return. I brought her back into her Pokéball and then headed into the Ilex Forest.

Updated Team:
[PokeCommunity.com] 4th Generation Travel Journal
Croconaw – Lv 23 - ♂ - Umi
[PokeCommunity.com] 4th Generation Travel Journal
Fearow – Lv 22 - ♂ - Kumomaru
[PokeCommunity.com] 4th Generation Travel Journal
Weepinbell – Lv 21 - ♀ - Futaba
[PokeCommunity.com] 4th Generation Travel Journal
Flaafy – Lv 20 - ♀ - Oritsu
[PokeCommunity.com] 4th Generation Travel Journal
Gastly – Lv 18 - ♂ - Seishen
"image removed" Egg - ???

"image removed""image removed"

To be continued… ???
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