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!*_*!Butterfree and Beautifly Fanclub!*_*!

What other colours could Beautifly's markings be?
Pink, Blue and a touch of red.
[PokeCommunity.com] !*_*!Butterfree and Beautifly Fanclub!*_*!

!!**Alex**!! *image removed*
Oh for Butterfree, I think they look quite nice the way they are, but if it needed an adjustment, this is what I would do: I would make Butterfree's body more of a lighter colour, Like teh one Ash's fell in love with.

<3 Nica--Agree's Butterfree shouldn't be left out
What other colours could Butterfree's markings be?
I like the idea of the shiny pink butterfree, that looked pretty cool. Btw, does anyone know the reason behind having the two Butterfrees in the Battle Frontier opening? I havent watched the whole season so I dont know but do the Butterfrees come back in an episode???

!!**Alex**!! *image removed*
Well, For them to appear in teh opening, they must have a significance, but nor have I watched them through. But I dont think they will be added to teh team. It may have just been a filler to make teh opening look pwetty. But those are teh only reasons why they would probably appear.

<3 Nica--As stumped as everyone else on why they would appear.
What other colours could Butterfree's markings be?
Oh Oh reckon that they could be more then just white and black =3
Maybe a tint of pink with blue for the outlining and for the inside of the wings it should purple eh kinda like a rainbow j/k.

[PokeCommunity.com] !*_*!Butterfree and Beautifly Fanclub!*_*!

Oh kawaii Beautifly<3333--

Kays poor Butterfree left out sozzies I'll start next post with some Butterfree talk^^

altarialover :t334:
Yeah Rene, you should keep track of teh pics you post.
Oh and cute pics Anime_girl78^^

<3 Nica--Such kawaii pics
Lolz yea since you posted it on the same page... yea but dont worry about it!
Anyhow here's a pic of Butterfree:
[PokeCommunity.com] !*_*!Butterfree and Beautifly Fanclub!*_*!

^Hmmm.. looking slightly evil there using that attack...

!!**Alex**!! *image removed*
Woah, weirdish pic, XD..Yeah it does look like it went upside down XD..
So that is Psychic right?

<3 Nica--Lurves that pic of Beautifly
Woah, weirdish pic, XD..Yeah it does look like it went upside down XD..
So that is Psychic right?

<3 Nica--Lurves that pic of Beautifly

Do you mean my picture? It is Butterfree combining I think it is Confusion (not sure there since I have only seen Japanese episode) and either gust or whirlwind to send those rose petals from roselia's petal dance back at Combusken.

!!**Alex**!! *image removed*
Woah that sounds awesome. It is a really pretty pic though. I cant get over teh pics beauty XD

<3 Nica--Teh ultimate Beautifly's
Woah, weirdish pic, XD..Yeah it does look like it went upside down XD..
So that is Psychic right?

<3 Nica--Lurves that pic of Beautifly
No, I don't think Beautifly use Psychic in that picture. Anyway, here's another picture of Beautifly:
[PokeCommunity.com] !*_*!Butterfree and Beautifly Fanclub!*_*!

May_Eevee :t133:
Lolz yea since you posted it on the same page... yea but dont worry about it!
Anyhow here's a pic of Butterfree:
[PokeCommunity.com] !*_*!Butterfree and Beautifly Fanclub!*_*!

^Hmmm.. looking slightly evil there using that attack...

!!**Alex**!! *image removed*
Oh yeah that Butterfree does look a bit evil-ish XD
Yeah so I sai I'd talk more about Butterfree so here is a new topic from stopping spamming--
If Butterfree and Beautifly weren't a Bug Type what other type could they be?

And I have a question...are we allowed to post pictures of Butterfree's and Beautifly's pre evolved forms?

*image removed*
Poor Kawaii Beautifly <333 ;;

altarialover :t334:

Oh yeah that Butterfree does look a bit evil-ish XD
Yeah so I sai I'd talk more about Butterfree so here is a new topic from stopping spamming--
If Butterfree and Beautifly weren't a Bug Type what other type could they be?

And I have a question...are we allowed to post pictures of Butterfree's and Beautifly's pre evolved forms?

*image removed*
Poor Kawaii Beautifly <333 ;;

altarialover :t334:
I am not sure. And nice picture you have, altarialover. I think it's hurt.
If Butterfree and Beautifly weren't a Bug Type what other type could they be?
Maybe Psychic.

May_Eevee :t133: