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A Journey in Disguise - OOC thread

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Dragon King Extra Ordinaire
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    chapter 2 part 1 free post is up
    Egg moves are in bold
    All Egg moves are supposed to be very powerfull, but must all keep their effect, if there isn't much choice in egg moves, I will give you either a late game move, or a 80 power move, which will be considered more powerful, your egg moves won't be successful until later tough.

    Team Rocket Ranks:


    Falkner's Apprentice:

    A team rocket member, spying on the resistance. His team includes Ace the salamence, Doom the houndour, Scythe the Scyther, and Star the eevee. Currently in rocket city's training facility.

    Bugsy's Apprentice:

    "image removed"
    (????) Venonat
    lvl 6
    Moves: Tackle, Disable, Foresight, Supersonic, Psychic

    Whitney's Apprentice:

    "image removed"
    lvl 7
    Moves: Scatch, Growl, Sand Attack, Bounce

    *pokemonelite2000 image removed*
    lvl 4

    Morty's Apprentice:
    [PokeCommunity.com] A Journey in Disguise - OOC thread


    "image removed"
    (Maleficent) Misdreavus
    lvl 7
    Moves: Growl, Psywave, Spite, Sucker Punch

    Chuck's Apprentice:
    [PokeCommunity.com] A Journey in Disguise - OOC thread


    "image removed"
    lvl 6
    Moves: Tackle, Helping Hand, Fake Out, Foresight, Hi Jump Kick
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    Part 2:

    Jasmine's Apprentice:

    "image removed"
    (Zodiac) Skarmory
    lvl 6
    Moves: Peck, Leer, Sand Attack, Sky Attack

    Pryce's Apprentice:

    "image removed"
    (????) Shelder
    lvl 6
    Moves: Tackle, Withdraw, Ice Beam

    Clair's Apprentice:
    *image removed*

    "image removed"
    (Ryu) Dratini
    lvl 6
    Moves: Wrap, Leer, Thunder Wave, Extreme Speed

    Flannery's Apprentice:
    [PokeCommunity.com] A Journey in Disguise - OOC thread


    "image removed"
    (Voldemort) Chimchar
    lvl 7
    Moves: Scratch, Leer, Ember, Blaze Kick
    "image removed"
    (????) Spearow
    lvl 4
    Last edited:
    Shellder ftw(:

    Umm, i changed my starter like you asked (:
    but, i was wondering if you could take it off the wild pokemon in the sea thing. lol.
    Bah, I can't sprite, and there's no sprite in existence that looks anything like Lupin... Well, Cynthia sorta looks like him, but she's a girl...

    So I don't know how in the world I'm gonna do the trainer card... but hopefully I'll figure something out.

    Oh, and by the way, I don't know if you read my post, but Lupin's Misdreavus is nicknamed Maleficent.
    Hee hee, Sucker Punch, nice... it's like you also picked egg moves that fit in with the trainer.
    People please refrain from fighting a shellder, I will edit it with a new pokemon later.

    Oh, and if you can't find a good sprite, just make a custom one without a sprite I guess, if you know how to do that.

    Matching the trainer O_o Right... I did that on purpose! :D ^^ >.>
    So, for the first time in my life, I made a custom sprite.
    Guess what?

    PS crashes.

    anyway, what is wrong with Shellder? (Not that I was gonna fight one anyway, would be difficult with Voldy xD )

    [PokeCommunity.com] A Journey in Disguise - OOC thread

    there =]
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    O_o, same happenned to me, with ur.... well... rustborro gym post last night... :( I only saved it once in word halfway down, and I was so frustrated I turned off my computer and went to bed XD

    Well, Quicksand. has chosen shellder, since snorunt was a hoenn pokemon.
    Same happened to me when I was drawing for this halloween project of him, the drawing was due Thursday, but I just can't bring myself to star tit again -_-;;

    and that makes sense =] Well I'll try and make another amateur sprite before starting my post.
    Battle post should be up some time tomorrow.
    Right now, im too tired to continue. Its like almost 2 in the morning. lol.
    Here I made the sprite, and I had the card in my last post in an edit, but it kind of disappeared :S

    [PokeCommunity.com] A Journey in Disguise - OOC thread
    Just give me some time on my trainer card.
    Ditto. (I don't mean the Pokemon.) The good news is that I just looked at a bunch of trainer sprites, and I might be able to combine and tweak some of those sprites for my trainer card... though that of course will take time.

    EDIT: Well, I just went onto Pokecharms and found a sprite that looks quite similar to Lupin... what do you know... It's not perfect, but until I make that custom sprite and figure out how to make a card out of it, here is my trainer card:
    [PokeCommunity.com] A Journey in Disguise - OOC thread

    Yes, I decided to add a friend code, just for the heck of it. But I didn't pick the numbers at random. The first four numbers are Lupin's birthday, the next four are Yamiko's birthday, and the last four corresponds to the Black Cat Bandits--the number of members (6) and the Pokemon that mostly resembles a black cat (#197, Umbreon).
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    umm, i dont have a photobucket account. and it says i need one. >.>

    sorry, ive never made on of these before. >.>
    Dammit, why does this keep happening to me... First they take so friggin long to connect the internet, and now my friggin dog knocked my modem over. I just got internet, and I am also participating in other roleplays. (Zomg Luigi-a) So I'll edit the tc's in later. My primary focus right now is to finish my long overdue post for an rp (Wink Wink), and then rate your posts and post part three.
    My Trainer Card is in my sig. Sorry it is kinda crappy.
    Sounds like your having a magic pot of bad luck :s

    I'm still deciding wether I would like you to post in your overdue rp (wink wink) or post part 3 xD Hm, maybe I should send some good Karma over?
    I'll try to get it up tonight, if not tomorrow. I shan't let this sparkling light die out.
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