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A thread about ongoing projects related to Pokemon that I'm here for.


8th Sin - Apostasy
  • 61
    As I already hinted at when I went ahead & introduced myself, the projects I am working on are detailed enough for me to discuss & explain them a separate thread.

    Here's that thread, if you missed the original introductions, you may find it in New Users Chit Chat.

    First of all, the Extradex project. The premise of it is rather simple, take regions that didn't have their own pokemon lineup
    and design them one using whatever inspirations I feel are appropriate for the region in question. The first region I chose for this undertaking was
    Oblivia as its extensive lore practically begged to have multiple new designs introduced to it. Oblivia is also the chosen region for the second project I am going to discuss in more detail.

    The second region I would like to explore in this manner is none other than Orre itself, as its environment is rather ripe for a good desert-mountain region-based dex mixed with industrial & technological designs. I feel like adding Alola & a certain brand-new location that shall be based on the Palmyra Atoll into the mix because why not.

    As of currently, I have worked on about 70-80ish designs, with plenty more older concepts I've saved up for a decade & a half waiting their Extradex redesigns.

    Current Extradex progress:
    1. Oblivia (64/64 designs completed, currently being sprited)
    - Currently working on Crystal-style sprites in preparation for Poke Wilds mod support... eventually coming?
    2. Orre/ Orrean-Unovan Islands (2/?? designs completed)
    - divided into Orre, Alola, ??? Island (Palmyra Atoll IRL)
    3. Expanded Ultra Space/ The Zodiac Dex (10/?? designs completed)
    - currently heavily WIP, including the Zodiac Twelve, Arceus representing Aries in this group.

    This one project alone revitalized my love for Pokemon as a phenomenon as well as interest in RL wildlife & myths, though some people may find my insertion of finnish ancient mythology into my works as well as my interpretations somewhat obnoxious. And while sure, everyone's doing some version of creating fakemons...

    There's a pretty good reason those people do it, and that's because many of them find the premise of this series that precious. Now if only these people were as good with collaborating with each other as they are at being creative...


    As for the the second project I've been looking to tackle eventually, the fan game itself. To put the premise simply, it would be a retelling of the Oblivia storyline from a perspective of a trainer. The storyline would follow a similar structure to the original, with the additional twists as well as story beats being added to fit the scenario that the different perspective demands.

    The world itself would be more freeform compared to the mainline games, with story events serving as the main way of driving the plot as well as progression forward. Furthermore, the new pokemon would be introduced as unlockable extra content through optional side quests akin to SMT IV's Challenge Quests. Completing said quests would unlock various extra areas, pokemon & features for those who wish to seek them out, while those who wish to experience the base game as faithful to the original as it can be for a retelling wouldn't be force fed this new content.

    The pokemon lineup for this fan game would consist of Gen I-IV pokemon, the Oblivia Extradex as unlockable content as well as... story-related surprises. Oblivia is going to have its own "box legendaries".

    The engine would likely be a modified version of RPG Maker. Likely Pokemon Essentials with SMT-style skill system & UI modules replacing or adding to the features present.

    The gameplay itself would be modified with the goal of fusing Pokemon's simple combat with SMT's intense & dynamic battle mechanics for a new double & triple battle-based experience. Some of the many changes introduced by this would be retooled priority system with type affinities in mind, introduction of passives in the form of Talents into the learnset of Pokemon, the earlier-mentioned skill system & reworked Egg Group mechanics. This one is either going to make or break things, but I'm frankly tired enough of the status quo to attempt to go for it.

    I will definitely be making updates about this one in particular as I go. I will definitely seek to document my vision to a design document eventually. But it definitely isn't my main focus right now, as I have plenty of other problems to deal with, including working out how to host netgames for certain other games I give a flip about.
    As I already hinted at when I went ahead & introduced myself, the projects I am working on are detailed enough for me to discuss & explain them a separate thread.

    Here's that thread, if you missed the original introductions, you may find it in New Users Chit Chat.

    First of all, the Extradex project. The premise of it is rather simple, take regions that didn't have their own pokemon lineup
    and design them one using whatever inspirations I feel are appropriate for the region in question. The first region I chose for this undertaking was
    Oblivia as its extensive lore practically begged to have multiple new designs introduced to it. Oblivia is also the chosen region for the second project I am going to discuss in more detail.

    The second region I would like to explore in this manner is none other than Orre itself, as its environment is rather ripe for a good desert-mountain region-based dex mixed with industrial & technological designs. I feel like adding Alola & a certain brand-new location that shall be based on the Palmyra Atoll into the mix because why not.

    As of currently, I have worked on about 70-80ish designs, with plenty more older concepts I've saved up for a decade & a half waiting their Extradex redesigns.

    Current Extradex progress:
    1. Oblivia (64/64 designs completed, currently being sprited)
    - Currently working on Crystal-style sprites in preparation for Poke Wilds mod support... eventually coming?
    2. Orre/ Orrean-Unovan Islands (2/?? designs completed)
    - divided into Orre, Alola, ??? Island (Palmyra Atoll IRL)
    3. Expanded Ultra Space/ The Zodiac Dex (10/?? designs completed)
    - currently heavily WIP, including the Zodiac Twelve, Arceus representing Aries in this group.

    This one project alone revitalized my love for Pokemon as a phenomenon as well as interest in RL wildlife & myths, though some people may find my insertion of finnish ancient mythology into my works as well as my interpretations somewhat obnoxious. And while sure, everyone's doing some version of creating fakemons...

    There's a pretty good reason those people do it, and that's because many of them find the premise of this series that precious. Now if only these people were as good with collaborating with each other as they are at being creative...


    As for the the second project I've been looking to tackle eventually, the fan game itself. To put the premise simply, it would be a retelling of the Oblivia storyline from a perspective of a trainer. The storyline would follow a similar structure to the original, with the additional twists as well as story beats being added to fit the scenario that the different perspective demands.

    The world itself would be more freeform compared to the mainline games, with story events serving as the main way of driving the plot as well as progression forward. Furthermore, the new pokemon would be introduced as unlockable extra content through optional side quests akin to SMT IV's Challenge Quests. Completing said quests would unlock various extra areas, pokemon & features for those who wish to seek them out, while those who wish to experience the base game as faithful to the original as it can be for a retelling wouldn't be force fed this new content.

    The pokemon lineup for this fan game would consist of Gen I-IV pokemon, the Oblivia Extradex as unlockable content as well as... story-related surprises. Oblivia is going to have its own "box legendaries".

    The engine would likely be a modified version of RPG Maker. Likely Pokemon Essentials with SMT-style skill system & UI modules replacing or adding to the features present.

    The gameplay itself would be modified with the goal of fusing Pokemon's simple combat with SMT's intense & dynamic battle mechanics for a new double & triple battle-based experience. Some of the many changes introduced by this would be retooled priority system with type affinities in mind, introduction of passives in the form of Talents into the learnset of Pokemon, the earlier-mentioned skill system & reworked Egg Group mechanics. This one is either going to make or break things, but I'm frankly tired enough of the status quo to attempt to go for it.

    I will definitely be making updates about this one in particular as I go. I will definitely seek to document my vision to a design document eventually. But it definitely isn't my main focus right now, as I have plenty of other problems to deal with, including working out how to host netgames for certain other games I give a flip about.

    Hello again! The Meet & Greet section really isn't the best place to keep a project updates thread, it's more for getting to know new members better.

    I would recommend either somewhere in the Fan Games and ROMs sections, or/and the Art Studio.
    Problem with having it there is, you're not going to get any updates for a while since I have some SRB2-related unfinished business to attend to.
    I'm kinda screwed if I do, screwed if I don't, so...

    You can lock it now, and I'll return to the message board a year or two from now once that trash fire is dealt with, I guess. Though at that point it might be better to just use the YT channel I have in my back pocket to do the same thing since I probably have to scour two to three different smaller content maker discord channels during that time anyway. This is why I was hesitant to make an account here in the first place, the pros of hanging out on these places haven't usually outweighed the cons of being associated with them.
    Problem with having it there is, you're not going to get any updates for a while since I have some SRB2-related unfinished business to attend to.
    I'm kinda screwed if I do, screwed if I don't, so...

    You can lock it now, and I'll return to the message board a year or two from now once that trash fire is dealt with, I guess. Though at that point it might be better to just use the YT channel I have in my back pocket to do the same thing since I probably have to scour two to three different smaller content maker discord channels during that time anyway. This is why I was hesitant to make an account here in the first place, the pros of hanging out on these places haven't usually outweighed the cons of being associated with them.

    How would you posting this in another more proper section of the site matter with regard to updates?

    Also, locking the thread doesn't matter in this context, I'd be more inclined to simply move it to the correct place and let you do what you want with it whenever you'd like to. Because it still doesn't change the fact that the M&G section isn't the place for a project updates thread in general. I have no idea what you mean by trash fire in this context, as I'm only familiar with the PC forums. Also, what exactly are the cons to chatting with random people who like Pokemon? Cause aside from a very short list of rude former site users, I haven't seen anything at least around here that would cause any problems.