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A wild Comic Sans appeared!

Legendary Silke

[I][B]You like dragons?[/B][/I]
  • 5,925
    • Seen Dec 23, 2021
    (I think I messed up the image link, and I'm stuck with only a phone connection.)

    Comic Sans can be seen together with the most brilliant minds out there, in this particular presentation on the Higgs bison or something.

    I'm actually fine with that, considering the readability of the font used. Oh, and they probably also had a sense of humour.
    ...I don't get what you guys are talking about? I've certainly seen more blinding things on PC in my time. o_O;

    Anyway, the Comic Sans use in the press release by CERN was so disheartening. :'( Link to the article since it's not showing up in the blog post.