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Forum Info: About the Scripts, Tutorials & Tools forum

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  • 971
    • Age 22
    • Seen Nov 28, 2022
    About the Scripts, Tutorials & Tools forum
    Welcome to the Scripts, Tutorials & Tools forum!
    This is the go-to place for scripts, whether they be for Pokémon Essentials or general utilities. You're also more than welcome to share other tools or programs here that aid in developing games, and tutorials for Pokémon Essentials or more general things like a programming language are also always appreciated!


    • Essentials Script: If you've made a script or set of scripts to enhance Pokémon Essentials, use this prefix.
    • Other Script: Not all scripts are specifically scripts for Essentials, but utilities that can still help with development. A Powershell script that makes images twice as big or small for instance, isn't an Essentials script but can still help other developers.
    • Essentials Tutorial: For tutorials that are specific to Pokémon Essentials, such as the most efficient way to create an event, you should use this prefix.
    • Coding Tutorial: As a major part of this forum is about coding, use this prefix if you'd like to teach something about coding. Whether that be good and bad practises or a rundown of a complete programming language.
    • Other Tutorial: Essentials tutorial and Coding tutorial don't capture every type of tutorial suitable for this forum, so you may use this prefix if the other tutorial prefixes don't quite describe your thread.
    • Tool: A program or website you created can be very helpful and popular to developers. To differentiate them from scripts (as they're typically closed-source and not meant for use in-game), use this prefix.
    • PBS: This is the data Pokémon Essentials uses. They're text files, but a lot of (different) people like to provide these, and especially with new releases, you might see a lot of them. If you want to release one or multiple PBS files, use prefix.


    Use an appropriate prefix for your thread.
    There are a couple prefixes or "tags" in this forum that help with organisation. Everybody benefits if your thread has a corresponding prefix, and it saves the moderators work to apply the correct prefix.

    Specify which versions/OSes you support.
    Especially with Pokémon Essentials, it's crucial information to know which versions are supported. It's safe to assume the latest version is supported for newly published scripts, but what about the previous major version? For programs, which operating systems are supported? And which browsers and devices does your website work with?

    Always include full credits.
    No matter how big or small a physical contribution someone made, always credit them. You don't need to credit someone for pointing out a mistake you made, but if they helped you through blood sweat and tears to get something working as intended, be considerate and credit them.

    Pokémon Essentials may not be included.
    With any and all releases, Pokémon Essentials may not be included, nor may a download link be provided. This means that spin-off kits like Essentials GS/DS/BW/EX are not allowed. You may, however, create "mods". These are only a set of scripts/graphics that are an add-on and not a direct replacement for Pokémon Essentials. An example of this is the BW2 Mod by shiney570.

    Provide instructions.
    Even if they're not always read, it would be nice if people who do want to ensure a proper install have instructions to reference. It's a small effort, but it can really make a difference.

    All global PokéCommunity rules apply in the Scripts, Tutorials & Tools forum, as do all Game Development rules.

    Written by [user]Marin[/user]. Feel free to contact for clarification.

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