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Aerion [OOC + SU] Rated M


See You Space Cowboy
  • 3,393
    • Seen Aug 21, 2024


    Rated M; GM'd by Raikiri & Supervegeta

    [PokeCommunity.com] Aerion [OOC + SU] Rated M

    The World

    "Claims have been made about the decency of our world, yet history has proven us wrong, time and time again. Aerion wasn't born in chaos. We have made it thus."
    -Lord Robert of House Welm, Ethora​
    All is not well in the world of Aerion. The immense nation of Ethora is in turbulent times as its Houses feud amongst themselves following the sudden assassination of their king, which is gradually pushing the disjointed country to civil war. The frail land of Eveamoor struggles to maintain its integrity while it declines in economic collapse. The nations of Vanaheim and Falke, which have been at odds for centuries, are being slowly pushed to hostilities, and whispers have begun to be spoken of Vanaheim's mobilization for war. The countries of the south are slowly being entangled in their own quarrels, as Palaven and Raelus both seek to strengthen their influence in the region of Rolsten, with Ellessar attempting to maintain some order of stability among the nations, and Bredon being caught in the middle of the others' campaigns.

    Indeed, Aerion is in shambles, and should the nations that inhabit it continue along this path, the world would ultimately destroy itself. Some comprehend the peril this world faces, and some would have something be done about it. On the isle of Ekilore has existed a structure of colossal size (extending high into the clouds and being visible from all regions of Aerion) called the Tower of Oculus, which was built long before many histories were documented. There dwells the Monks of Ekilore, who have resided there for as long as people can remember. Although the nations by no means see eye to eye, generally all respect, or at least value, the opinion of the Monks, which come often in the form of prophecies or divinations. On the 1792nd year since the Founding of Civilization (FC), such a prophecy was formed. The Monks of Ekilore invited to their tower emissaries of each of the countries to hear their prophecy, one in which they say could alter the fate of the world.​


    Presented to you are two options, two roads to journey upon. One road begins on Ekilore, where you answer the summons of the Monks. This path will take you on a quest all across the lands, where you attempt to change the course of the world, and thereby save it. The fate of Aerion is very much in your hands.

    Yet in a world filled with strife is also presented the prospect of opportunity. For whatever purpose, be it gold, gods, guidance or glory (or whatever else your reason may be), you have recently begun travel with a group of mercenaries as they make their way through the land. You will accept contracts from clients, which could involve anything from slaying foul creatures, saving or protecting innocents, removing heads off individuals, and anything in between. Yet the life of a mercenary, especially in Aerion, may be more than it originally seems.​


    1. All RPC and PC rules apply.
    2. No godmodding or bunnying, unless given permission.
    3. This RP is rated M for Mature, and that implies that there will be blood, gore, and quite of bit of violence.
    4. Have good grammar and spelling, as well as correct length in posts. We will require RP Samples.
    5. Only one character is allowed per person. NPCs are for the GM's use only, unless specific permission is given.
    6. We do not accept reservations. You can post conveying your interest and we'll keep it in mind. However, this is not a first come, first served RP. Character Sheets will be open for about a week or so, depending interest, and then decisions will be given then. We also now accept reservations. Yes, this rule is very confusing. Just ignore it. Actually, don't ignore it. You'll just get bonus points for pointing it out. And a cookie. Medieval cookie.
    7. Keep on track with the storyline. Making your own subplot is fine, as long as you don't derail too far from the main story. If you do so, we may choose to remove you from the RP.
    8. Try to post at a reasonably consistent basis (based on the progression of the RP, of course). Obviously, your life takes priority, so if you know you are going to be absent, away, or unable to post for whatever reason, please let us know somehow so we do not drop you from the RP.
    9. Because of the RP, it is more than likely that characters will confront each other in combat. If/when those instances should arise, we expect maturity and poise in dealing with the way a fight should end up, whether by pre-agreement or general RPing etiquette.
    10. One of the most important things to do in this RP is to have fun. Arguments will not be tolerated (this is not to say that discussions are not allowed, in fact they are encouraged), but generally impeding the ability of one or others to have fun in this RP will be ground for said person to be removed.

    Character Sheet

    Age: (18+)
    Race: (You can be Human, Elf, or Dwarf.)
    Country of Origin: (You may be from any of the countries found on the map above. Country profiles are found in the section below, which has the information on the nations. We urge you to take a look at them before deciding where you hail from. Additional information can be provided through PM.)
    Appearance: (straight forward)
    Personality: (when evaluating the sheet, this section is probably the most important, and which might require the most work)
    History: (Your back story. We urge you to look at country profiles when making your history, but this being an original world, feel free to roam. If you would like to make up a House, or a town, feel free to do so. There are few, if any, limits, we impose here.)
    Weapon Preference: (Simply put, your preferred weapon of choice. Some countries specialize in certain types of weapon proficiencies, and that could factor into your choice. But do not think of it as a restriction. However, because of the rarity of magic in this world, if you choose to be proficient in that, you cannot be proficient in any other weapon. For everyone else, there are two options: One standard weapon, and one minor secondary one).
    RP Sample:
    Side: (Do you want to be a member of the Knights of Ekilore or the Mercenaries?)

    If you have any questions regarding your character, feel free to message Supervegeta or Raikiri and ask.

    Accepted Players



    Time Line (for reference)

    10,000 CE-> 1 CE = Creation Era

    0 CE = 0 HA as this date represents a change in eras.

    0 HA -> 3000 HA = Heroic Age

    3000 HA = 0 FC as this date represents a change in eras.

    0 FC-> 1792 FC (Current Date) = The Founding of Civilization​

    Country Profiles









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    Additional Information


    The Council of Nine

    The Church of One



    GM's Sign ups

    Supervegeta's Characters

    Varian Sigmund

    Ser Roland of the House of Grey

    Raikiri's Characters

    Cassandra "Cass" Alexandera

    Percival Grey, serving as the Hand of Robert Welm.
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    This looks incredible! Great detail and overall volume of information. Supervegeta + Raikiri = I must work on a SU when I get a free moment. Yay for today being RP catch-up day! :)
    I liked the old name better lol

    I debated with myself for long if I should try to join or not, but then I stumbled upon a picture of a red mage from ff I think and suddenly a character concept sprouted. I think I'll post what I have so far so you can say if this character would work or not at all :p

    Firstly, I want him to be feminine looking half-elf. I'll have a story for it. Is that ok? Secondly, he might be a bit of a comic relief, but I'll make sure he can be serious as well. Or at least if forced, hrrm. Thirdly, he'll have two imaginary/schizophrenicly made-up companions who he believe are fairy versions of Andal and Dabel. He believes that they are constantly waging a war for his loyalty and trying to make him choose right or wrong whenever such a choice appears. Which most often will lead to the character doing something unexpected or neither right or wrong, if I'm able to play this out in a good way. His favorite gods will be Tempus and Lumis, even though they are not part of the nine, because he thinks they are the most fair deities, making day and night work for everyone regardless of deeds or beliefs. Also, he'll wear a red cape and hat with a feather and be more or less involuntarily obsessed with gold.

    Please, grandpa and god, can I have him?

    This looks interesting. Sort of sandbox-ish. Humans, elves, and dwarves, eh? It's the plain race trinity! MAKES DECISION HARD TO MAKE. HRMMM...

    I am a bit curious about that Snowshire place and also Drakin. Those islands in the northern corners. Also, as the person before me hinted at, is it possible to roll as a branch, mixed-race or sub-race of the big three (I'm going to start calling the plain race trinity that because it's shorter)? I want to play something a little more wild and if I read correctly, this is a custom world. :P

    Also, what technological era is the world in? Is it a traditional medieval fantasy or is there industrial activity somewhere in the world? Are the religions just beliefs or do these gods actually exist in the world's universe, and is there the possibility of having a conglomeration of multiple religions for a character?

    Feel free to respond in a PM if you prefer that.
    May be interested.

    Having read through the whole thing, I wonder what vibe you're going for. Is it meant to be a grounded setting, or a "Just go along for the ride" one, where the rules are fast and loose? I'll have more questions, depending on the answer...

    This looks interesting. Sort of sandbox-ish. Humans, elves, and dwarves, eh? It's the plain race trinity! MAKES DECISION HARD TO MAKE. HRMMM...

    I am a bit curious about that Snowshire place and also Drakin. Those islands in the northern corners. Also, as the person before me hinted at, is it possible to roll as a branch, mixed-race or sub-race of the big three (I'm going to start calling the plain race trinity that because it's shorter)? I want to play something a little more wild and if I read correctly, this is a custom world. :P

    Also, what technological era is the world in? Is it a traditional medieval fantasy or is there industrial activity somewhere in the world? Are the religions just beliefs or do these gods actually exist in the world's universe, and is there the possibility of having a conglomeration of multiple religions for a character?

    Feel free to respond in a PM if you prefer that.

    Please reply to Pyro's questions in this thread, because I'm wondering too :p
    @RHCP- I see no problem with that character. In fact, I quite like him, so go for it. xD

    @Xlugon Pyro- Yes, if you wish you may become a half-breed of a race as well. That is allowed. The technology that of a traditional medieval world. If there are any more significant advancement than that, they would belong to the most advanced nations, though we won't be seeing much of that. However, there is also magic in this world, though as you notice through your reading of the histories of the nations (if you choose to do so) it is quite forbidden and even persecuted. Also, if you want to learn more about Snowshire and Drakin, feel free to read through the Vanaheim history, as that is that nation is the most connected to them.

    In terms of religions, the Great Raikiri and I have made it so that this world is quite spectacular, and there is much possibility for divine existence, to the extent that anyone of these religions could exist. However, it is also possible that none of them exist. This will become more apparent as the RP progresses. So it is possible for these gods to exist. And yes, a character may have multiple religions if you so choose, but as long as the mix makes sense, as in, two religions that preach opposite things might not work (although I don't think we have anything like that, so you're fine).

    @Lilizuki- If I understand your question correctly, we'd like to find some sort of middle path between the two, where the Rpers stick with the general story we outlined, but where they can also make up much of their own as well. This is, after all, an original world, and much can be thought of by the RPer.
    A RP GMed by both Raikiri AND Vegeta?

    Reserve me, please? >>; (I still need to finish another SU for another RP)
    MichaelaTheUchiha is reserved.

    As the divine Supervegeta has just notified me telepathically, we will accept a number of "reservations" but will only accepted the 10 we deem fit to be for the roleplay. We will likely start earlier however, since both he and I, the Great Raikiri, are impatient.
    Great, I'm impatient too. Please reserve me, then. I'll be a Knight of Ekilore, whenever I finish writing that history.
    I also get the impression that mercenaries and knights will be opposed to each other throughout the RP. I think the mercenary faction would better suit the character concept I have in mind, but I don't intend to play a character who's part of the antagonist faction (it's not my cup of tea). This character would unlikely to be an emissary given the ideology I have in mind for the character.
    Hey divinities, may I be reserved for a mercenary too? I've looked at a lot of old tapestries which gave me a idea for a character~!

    (still a work in progress)

    Name: Evelynn "the Dancing Sword" Tehyus
    Age: 25
    Gender: Female
    Race: Human
    Country of Origin: Eveamoor

    Appearance: Standing at about 5'9, weighing in about 138 pounds, Evelynn might of gained a bit more weight over the years, but she still considers herself to still stand at a respectable, healthy stance. Her skin is as smooth as a baby's bottom, color toned at a lightly tanned color. Her body is not all that skinny, but she does keep herself in a good enough shape to continue with her activities with relative ease. Her eyes are a light brown color, resembling the common pavement. She keeps her red hair in a braided ponytail that is supported by brown bands, and that drops all the way to her thighs. There is not much else to say about her natural appearance - like any other human, she has 5 slim fingers in each hand, her ears are not too pointy and not too small, her 5 toes on each foot are not too big, and her nose is not too big or small either.

    As for her attire, she traditionally wears two types of attires: one for a swift combat, and one for her leisurely entertaining dances. Both of these attires consists of light wear, since she greatly values great mobility. Her combat attire consists of her upper half of her body having a brown and golden lining breast plate on her chest, brown shoulder guards on each of her shoulders, as well as arm braces of the same color, braces on each of her forearms, towards her wrists, all decorated with her family's traditional sapphire jewel on each brace. On her bottom half, she wears a brown and golden lining skirt supported by a small yet thin belt. Underneath her skirt, she wears light brown tights that extends to her boots, which are long enough to reach her kneecaps.

    As for her dancing attire, her upper body consists of a brown top that covers her breasts, as well as brown braces that cover her forearm, all the way to her wrists. On her bottom half, she wears red, bloated, yet easy-to-move-in pants that is supported by a darker red belt that is decorated by a big red ribbon. On her feet, she wears dark-red lace that supports the helms of her feet so that she would not get scratched whenever she dances on rock-filled surface. She carries a big white, skinny blanket that she uses to catch the eye of the men she entertains for money. Deciptful it might be, but that's what you would have to do in a dog-eat-dog society.

    Personality: Evelynn is a young woman who derives from her own self-sense of entertainment. She would never do anything constructive unless she thinks ahead of the benefits for her. Benefits such as the money she could earn, or simply having a good enough time that even money can not buy - however, it would still be great if it could. Her detractors, either envious of her success or acrimonious of her flexible morality, have begun to use Evelynn as a symbol of what is wrong with the mercenary nature of Eveamoor. Evelynn dismisses her critics, saying that while her personal code of ethics is less ruthless than her competitors, "Everyone has a price".

    Often enough, outside of hunting, and mercenary jobbing, Evelynn can act quite reprehensible when it comes to earning her fortune. Evelynn acts as a bi-sexual flirt at times to sway her "chosen one" into making them feel so good that they would want to do anything for Eve. Eve proved herself successful with this time and time again with her dancing, and sometimes outside of dancing.

    As you get to know Evelynn better, Evelynn is rather enigmatic. She is sarcastic and witty, unintentionally even to the point of cruelty. Evelynn has a snide, sarcastic response to even the most serious subjects, and loves to tease the companions she befriended. However, Serene's sarcastic and harsh words are often well-founded, so she only uses them to express her disapproving opinions.

    In combat, Evelynn prefers swiftness, and the ability to try and outsmart her opponents. She can do whatever it takes to win - even taunt her opponents into making a fatal opening for her to capitalize on. Thus, Time and time again, Evelynn proves herself to not only be strong, but to be quite sly.

    Evelynn does believe in the gods and goddesses taught by her in the church of The Council of Nine, but at the same time, she does not believe that the divinity should not be an excuse for the deplorable living state one can live in - she's a woman that believes that to make your dreams come true, you have to make things happen yourself.

    History: Being born in a somewhat lower-middle class in the city of Yamcha, Eveamoor, Evelynn grew up in a society where corruption deception was imminent. She grew up in a family of three: her mother, her father, and her younger brother. Hunting and fighting was in Evelynn's blood - her family was from generations of such activities. It was the only way for her family to gain the fortune they own today.

    When Evelynn was 10 years old, her father, a veteran warrior who was a proud and famous warrior for the League of Warriors, taught Eve how to be strong, while her mother stayed at home to care for Eve's younger brother. Her father would usually take her to the nearby woodlands to hunt for boars, in an effort to teach her how to hunt. Other times, her father performed practice rounds with Evelynn to teach her how to fend for herself in the art of combat. She was mainly taught how to wield a broad-sword, since a lance was the main weapon of her family name. She was also taught how to wield a hand-axe too, since it was arguably the most versatile weapon when it came to hunting. However, Eve often sought the "easy way out" of her duties, which of course, according to her father, was quite foolish.

    As Eve turned 15, she, according to her family, became old enough to work under hire. She had no choice to comply, even after refusal. Hunting of course was her main job, as she worked under The Hounds hunting guild. Gaining as much money as she possibly could became a reoccurring theme for Eve, as she sought job, after job to do so. One day, after an unsuccessful hunt, Eve decided that hunting was too much of a bore for her - it did not pay her well, and everyone seemed to have a stick up their asses when it came to the quality of work. However, despite her complaints, this was the only thing she could do to earn her money for the moment.

    As Eve turned 18, even after job after job, her excitement was still not fulfilled. That was until after she listened to the playing of a lute that belonged to an old woman. It was strange - even from her current age, Evelynn could not explain why, but the music inspired her... she started to clap her hands, and move her body; it was dancing! Even if it was a low-brow dance, the dance was fun; was this the excitement that Evelynn desired?

    The answer to that question became known as she sown fabric together to create new clothing - it was new attire that was not for hunting, but for dancing. She recognized that from her father's bloodline of warriors, she knew that her father would probably not approve of her recent behaviors. So, to keep her family from knowing, she began to perform on the streets under a different name, "the dancing sword". As the dancing sword, she seduce the audience that watch her perform, and from the seduction, they offer her bits amounts of money. It was starting to become more than the fortune she gains as a hunter.

    Two years later when she turned 20 years old, her father one day put an end to her training. He decided it was time for Evelynn to become a full, successful warrior under the hire of the League of Warriors. Eve of course, did not enjoy this idea, but according to her father, as long as she was part of the Tehyus family, she had to act under a code of ethics that only a true warrior would understand. That was when Eve knew it was time to abandon her Tehyus name, and to confront her father.

    One day, Eve challenged her father in combat. Her father was quite surprised, since Eve's training was officially over, so it was unusual for her to challenge him to a friendly spar. However, Eve had other plans: this spar was more than friendly, because there would be stipulations. If she wins, then she would be able to finally live out on her own, training, and doing jobs that she would choose-not her father's. Her father was skeptical of the terms at first, but he finally agreed. The battle began. As the battle progressed, Eve knew that her father knew all of her moves, after all, it was her father that taught them to her. So, Eve decided it was time for a new strategy. It was then that Eve revealed to her father a new arsenal of moves - one that greatly resembles her dance steps. Her father thought it was strange - these were not the techniques that he passed on to Eve, so was it possible that Eve had grown into an adaptable warrior? There was no time for sudelty however, since this was, of course, a duel.

    Soon, Eve's lance was strewn away by her father, and thus, losing Eve the duel. Eve accepted defeat. However, her father recognized Eve finally accepting her honor and responsibility, which made him reconsider Eve's place upon this world. As a young woman, he thought it was indeed time for her to view the world on how she fits. He still prefers that Eve becomes a warrior, but, at the same time, he would not hold it against her if she prefers otherwise. That was when Eve told her dad the truth - she made dancing her profession as well as the art of hunting and combat. Her father wanted her to do the contrary, but he respected it. That was when her father gave Eve the family - jewels - two sapphires that was virtually priceless in the world. It was awarded to Eve's great grandfather after a great, yet very dangerous mercenary job he performed, and it was passed down from generation to generation. If Eve were to sell them, she, herself can become very rich. So much so that she can move on to a more comfortable society. However, he pointed out that her family had not sold the jewels for decades, since of course, it was what it defined the family. If Eve truly wants to get rid of her family name, it was right there in the palm of her hands. Eve did not respond to what she wants to do with these jewels, as she simply giggled.

    5 years later, Eve became 25 years old. She still lives with her family in Yamcha, but with her father retired due to his old age, so it was up to her and her younger brother to seek money for the family. Eve still hunts under some occasions, and even dances in her free time. She even became a bounty hunter for hire. Bounty hunting became her profession since, according to her, she "had a way of finding the people she loves". Tales came to Yamcha of her success, as one would state, "be sure to look for the dancing sword", and for the right price, she would take up the offer, as two jewels on her prospect shines with the sunlight.

    Weapon Preference: Evelynn uses her Broad-Sword in combat. She calls it "the singing blade" since, according to her, each time she uses her sword, it sounds like it signs to her. Not very understandable, but only Evelynn knows. Her secondary weapon is a hand axe, which she mostly uses this for hunting.

    RP Sample: From Arcanum


    Other: She's an actual bi-sexual. It'll be quite apparent.

    Side: Mercenary
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    @Miss Doronjo- You are reserved

    @Xlugon Pyro- No worries. This RP isn't necessarily divided into two sides that are protagonist and antagonist in nature. But it is true that the two groups will meet throughout the RP. The nature of those meetings will be explained as the RP progresses.
    I'd like to be reserved, please.

    How does magic work? Is it drawn from the aether? Do people need to use existing items to power it? Is it created through rituals? Are people born with it, or is it trained?
    @Miss Doronjo- You are reserved

    @Xlugon Pyro- No worries. This RP isn't necessarily divided into two sides that are protagonist and antagonist in nature. But it is true that the two groups will meet throughout the RP. The nature of those meetings will be explained as the RP progresses.

    Another question: What kind of beasts exist in Aerion, and more specifically, if I'm allowed to make up a creature and what are the limitations of the strengths and abilities of these beasts? This has nothing to do with my character's race in case there's any confusion on that front.
    @Lilizuki- Reserved

    Raikiri is more an expert on magic in the world, but I will answer what I can. As I understand it, you can be born with it or it can be trained, though training nowadays is hard to come by because of the rarity of it (that isn't to say that it is impossible, it is just hard). Generally, though, people may seek out tutelage because they have been born with it, so as to learn more. Magic can be increased in potency and capability through staves, staffs, or other wand-like weapons, but it is not required. (Again, the extent to which they exist will be further explained by Raikiri).

    @Xlugon Pyro- Both mythical and nonmythical beasts do exist in Aerion. Wolves and Bears are common in some areas, as well as many other animals we have in our world. Orcs, Trolls, demons, and other abomination-like beings are also present, but are not that common (though Orcs are). There are no werewolves or vampires, nor are there dragons present (we didn't want to be cliche). If you have something in particular you're looking for, PM myself or Raikiri later, we'll see if we can give the OK, or work something out.
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    @Xlugon Pyro- Both mythical and nonmythical beasts do exist in Aerion. Wolves and Bears are common in some areas, as well as many other animals we have in our world. Orcs, Trolls, demons, and other abomination-like beings are also present, but are not that common (though Orcs are). There are no werewolves or vampires, nor are there dragons present (we didn't want to be cliche). If you have something in particular you're looking for, PM myself or Raikiri later, we'll see if we can give the OK, or work something out.
    The creature I have in mind is completely original but I was looking more for a list of abilities that would go too far. As of right now I haven't fully developed the creature but if I do I'll let you know.
    @Red: You are reserved.

    Because Supervegeta forgot about you.

    I'd like to be reserved, please.

    How does magic work? Is it drawn from the aether? Do people need to use existing items to power it? Is it created through rituals? Are people born with it, or is it trained?

    Ah I was hoping someone would ask about magic. Supervegeta covered the basics very well considering our limited discussions on magic when developing the RP. I will summarize and explain the best I can without boring anyone.

    Origin and accessing magic: Magic is drawn from one of two places and subsequently has two names: Arcane and Divine. Arcane magic is drawn from one's spirit and the potential one has to command it is something you are born with. In this regard, not everyone is a candidate to to be a great wizard and a strong spirit to control the Arcane is something you have or not. Think of it as a natural gift or skill. That being said, it is difficult to control and is potentially very dangerous if one does not receive training. This danger has made many afraid of magic and is the core reason for a number of inquisitions and the widespread purging of mages in the land of Aerion (especially in the land of Ethora) leading to is rarity. However, Mage's guilds still exist and many students of Arcane magic go there to learn, control and develop their abilities.

    Divine magic is drawn from one's faith in a certain divine being, whether it is an established figure or not (meaning it is does not have to be one of the major figures from any religion and could be "made up"). Many Priests fall under this category for example. Divine magic is less dangerous and primarily used for healing and the like, though it can be used to curse others for example (if the patron deity is "evil" or "dark"). Divine magic is still fairly rare as to access it someone must have strong faith in a figure and like arcane magic be well trained.

    Staves and augmenting magic: Staves, rituals, and other tools can augment and strength magic. Staves are usually used to channel, strength and help control magic, rituals and ceremonies can focus or strengthen it and other tools like wands and books do exist and do much of the same as I just said.

    Rarity and use: Magic is increasingly rare because being a mage, wizard or any title is a stigma that often leads to imprisonment or worse death. People do not like magic for it disturbs the peace and is a constant threat. Magic is very powerful and power corrupts. Therefore, using magic in a public space is not a good idea for example, as you will likely be captured or killed on the spot by the townspeople or if you are lucky, the local town guard. Magic is often confined to the home or in the case of divine magic (which is generally more accepted), a church or shrine.

    However, Raelus is one country where Arcane magic is more accepted, as the government makes extensive use of the offensive properties of Arcane magic in its military conquests. In this regard, mages are more of a resource however.
    *reads rules and sees no reservations, reservations given anyway...* Can I have a reservation please? :P