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And so begins the worst week of my college career


  • 5,090
    Yesterday, I came home from college expecting to spend the whole weekend buckling down and finishing projects in a stress free environment from the safety of my own apartment. However, when I arrived, I discovered that, to my dismay, all the power had been shut off. This was the result of something that had been a problem for us for quite some time. My rent and utilities has, until very recently, been paid by a family friend who recently went to the hospital and had a mental breakdown. It's been really hard to just keep in the apartment the last 2 months because we had to figure out rent, but the problem I face now is a result of the fact that only he was on the electric bill account, and was having the bills sent to an PO box, so I don't have an account number even to try and pay the bill. We had given out notice at the beginning of the month anyway, but the plan was to move me after college was over for the summer. This came at THE WORST possible time. Now I don't know if I'll even be able to get all my work done and pass these classes! So, yeah. It's a pretty crappy situation. Thanks for listening.
    Where you do live? In the US everything is starting to get Wi-Fi enabled so you can go somewhere like a Starbucks or McDonald's and work.
    Oh no! :( I'm sorry to hear that, Necrum. I used to go to McDonald's and use their wifi during the school day when I needed something done since I didn't live close. Or if your school library is open, you could try that...unless your school wifi is terrible.
    Internet isn't my issue. Stress is. All I wanted was to come home and relax for a while before I had to work all weekend. And I wanted to work in a setting I was used to. But now I have to waste one day of work to move into my Grandma's place, and I have to work the rest of my weekend over there.
    This is the worse week of your college career because your family friend isn't paying your bills anymore? I don't know if I'm reading that right.
    It's the worst week of college for me because I'm having to move right when finals are about to happen and I have projects to do. It's eating valuable time. The events involving the family friend are merely what led to it.