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Animal Crossing Designs


some things are that simple
  • 3,661
    • they/he
    • Seen Apr 16, 2022
    Woah, hey there! Didn't realize I had a blog :x So yes, it looks really bare and boring for now, but I'll get around to sprucing it up......eventually.


    I decided I wanted my first entry to be about my animal crossing designs! I had a lot of fun making outfits for my character, Obara (she's named after the book Obara, not the embarrassment that was show Obara) and wanted to get back into it. I've been sick in bed for a few days and thought now would be a great time to get back at it :D

    Here are examples of outfits I've already made. ALSO WARNING: I haven't managed to get screenshots working from my DS......so here are some crap quality photos for now.

    Mami from Madoka Magica

    Ash from Pokemon

    Hans from Frozen (with my character beautifully sporting my everyday face).

    Heartseeker Ashe from LoL and Captain Marvel from Captain Marvel

    Rogue from X-Men

    Officer Jenny from Pokemon

    Kuvira from Legend of Korra

    I've also made A LOT of the Disney princesses, but they're not my favorites so I didn't want to bother uploading them. Usually I have the character's hair as close as I can get it too, like with Mami. Buuut I lost all my photos, so I had to retake them with my messy hair.

    SO. I want to make more! Give me some characters you like (from anything, but preferably animation/video games) and if it's not insane, I'll give it a shot \o/

    For other fans of AC: do you bother with designing clothes? Or do you like designing houses/landscaping?

    Thanks to anyone who stops by~~~~

    Please, please, please make QR codes for these! They're much too precious to keep all to yourself! Also you should make a gallery in A&D with all of your pics! We'd love to host some of your designs (at least, that's where I put all of mine lol).

    To answer your question, I love designing new clothing! I think it's adorable and fun and I've even had some of my designs get super popular on tumblr and the like. I do enjoy house decorating as well, but the clothing design makes the pixel artist in me very satisfied, haha.
    Kirby;bt104610 said:

    Please, please, please make QR codes for these! They're much too precious to keep all to yourself! Also you should make a gallery in A&D with all of your pics! We'd love to host some of your designs (at least, that's where I put all of mine lol).

    To answer your question, I love designing new clothing! I think it's adorable and fun and I've even had some of my designs get super popular on tumblr and the like. I do enjoy house decorating as well, but the clothing design makes the pixel artist in me very satisfied, haha.

    I actually haven't tried that yet :x I'd like to though, I'll read more about it this weekend! And I didn't know this would count as being something I could post in A&D :o! I can definitely put together more of the designs I have, that sounds like it could be a lot of fun~

    Ooooh I'd love to see them :D I'll go stalk around the forum and see if I can find the thread you're talking about, unless you have another way I can see them? Yeah, I'm the same, designing in any capacity is fun in the game, but clothes take the cake!
    Oh you play Animal Crossing?? That's nice!! :D
    I haven't played a while, might be restarting me two games this summer... But hey, it would be nice to visit! :D