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Another Trainer Card Request Thread!

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No problem. Anyway, i'd hate to be a nag, but...could you do one with Mars too?

Background 1
Change Vaporeon to Flareon, Darkrai to Magmorter, and Cresselia to Electrive.

PLEASE!!! But if you can't, that is a-o-k.
'K Cobalt, it's done. This was a lot of fun to make, I might add!

[PokeCommunity.com] Another Trainer Card Request Thread!


Should be up to standard. Enjoy- and don't forget credit!
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SWEET!!! I love it, and thank you. It looks really great.
Well if it was good practice, how's about a dozen more? JK-ing, dude, but i do have 1 or two more requests, if that would be alright...if not, pm me...
I'll post 1 for now:
Regular card
Name: i think you know by now lol
Sprite: I'll supply one:
(it should be under attachments, if not pm me and i'll try again to get it to you)
Color: Background 3
Pokemon: Shaymin, Glaceon, Leafeon, Vaporeon
Um, could you maybe do contest ribbons? If you can see the trainer, i meant for her to be a contest master, so i hope you can. If not, Orange Islands.
THANK YOU AGAIN!!! i don't want to be a bother, so if you don't want to, then don't.
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I thank you very much! Like i said in our pm, I have only 2 more requests, but conact me with a pm when you want me to post them. The last to will be Amythest and Cobalt from my fic, and that is Viv, the girl to be introduced soon...want more info on my fic? PM me!
Righto, i'll keep my eyes peeled.
Also, this message was posted using the Internet Channel on my Nintendo Wii! If you post your Wii address with your request, I'll send you a mail on your Wii to tell you it's ready!
Can I have a Trainer card with Brock as the Sprite. Luxio, Staraptor, Torterra, Infernape, Alakazam and Floatzel. in Royal Blue if you can, or a greenish tone. FC and Trainer name are in my signature.
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Hey Aeon_Shadow Can I Have A trainer Card I Really Want One The Charecter Is Fire Reds Main Male Sprite And The Backgroud Colur Is Deep Red And The Pokemon Are Lucario,Blaziken,Blastoise,Mewtwo,Articuno,Glaceon Please Can Do It Please I Beg You

And Aeon_Shadow The Name Should Be Dark Wolf X And Badge Set Can You Do It Like 2 From Every Region
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(blaster used revive on thread)

I have another trainercard style

I'll send it to you

also Id like to see the edited version of my template

btw wolf-x or what ever your name is (cant see it right now) you might be able
to use the new trainercard that holds all badges
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