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Article: Arceus - Our One True Lord and Saviour

Arceus – Our One True Lord and Saviour

Arceus – Our One True Lord and Saviour

Join us as we worship our many-Plated majestic horse overlord!
I prefer this:
Spoiler: image might be big
[PokeCommunity.com] Arceus - Our One True Lord and Saviour
The author of this account, if they really attended this service, has chosen a fringe denomination to represent what lovers of Arceus are like. Unfortunately, the stereotypes perpetuated here will turn a lot of people away from The Hall of Origin, which is not Arceus wants for us. This division only serves Team Galactic, by moving us further towards a world without spirit.

The Arceus that I have come to know does not ask us to shout at the sky. This is not recorded in any of the ancient texts, which have been made available for reference at the Canalave library. Anyone who wishes to know more about our history may learn from these priceless manuscripts, and come to know Arceus in their own way.

When reading literature consider the use of metaphor however. Rather than understanding Arceus to literally have a thousand arms, with which it made the universe of Sinnoh with, a more modern interpretation is that the many arms are representative of Arceus' many powers. There are prominent scholars who also think the arms symbolize tools, such as it's move pool, possibly even Unown that it created too in order to assist it. It would be an oversimplification to think of Arceus as hatching from an egg as well, as we know Arceus cannot be bred. Think of the egg instead as a reference to the primordial state of things.

There is ultimately no rigid dogma on how to express one's love of Arceus' region. However, it is not the habit of anyone I personally know to dress up in ornate robes, despite the assertions in this article. It's generally kept very casual, we think it is important to remember Arceus accepts you however you are. Democracy and equality are important to us than hierarchy and status. Fundamentally to know Arceus is just a celebration of life, and the potential to create and change.

I personally enjoy visiting the Hall of Origin, which is a quiet and contemplative space, far from filled with screaming, it's a place for mediation. At most there may be the delicate note of an azure flute in the background. It's an angelic sound if you listen to it, and you do not have to necessarily be religious to experience the profound spiritual joy of Arceus' song. There we sit in a circle of friends and talk, and ask questions about our history, read and observe the beauty of our natural world.

The only multi-colored tablets I have ever seen carried by followers of Arceus are the elemental plates, and there is nothing weird about possessing them. They are practical and valuable held items that trainers commonly equip their Pokemon with in battle. At the Hall of Origin quantities of all 18 types are distributed to any visiting pokemon trainer daily based on their Pokemon's typing. These are gifts from our fellowship to aid young trainers on their quest to tame all of Arceus' creations.

This is not all we do to help the community. It is true that many of our fellowship hold dinners where we feed the hungry, which might be the food the author reported receiving. We also have a scholarship program to help send poor kids through trainer school who can't pay their tuition. We donate custom clothes for trainers, and give massages to abandoned and abused pokemon to raise their happiness, groom, heal and try to get them adopted. The Pokemon center and medical research is also sustained mostly by our donations. That is why it is free to anyone who enters it.

As a life long believer I had to set the record straight.
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pokecommunity daily doesn't update for months and now this happens

april fools to you, too
We were busy prepping for this!

(But also, we had an article in March anyway, and several in feb - not been that big a break. :<)

The author of this account, if they really attended this service, has chosen a fringe denomination to represent what lovers of Arceus are like. Unfortunately, the stereotypes perpetuated here will turn a lot of people away from The Hall of Origin, which is not Arceus wants for us. This division only serves Team Galactic, by moving us further towards a world without spirit.

The Arceus that I have come to know does not ask us to shout at the sky. This is not recorded in any of the ancient texts, which have been made available for reference at the Canalave library. Anyone who wishes to know more about our history may learn from these priceless manuscripts, and come to know Arceus in their own way.

When reading literature consider the use of metaphor however. Rather than understanding Arceus to literally have a thousand arms, with which it made the universe of Sinnoh with, a more modern interpretation is that the many arms are representative of Arceus' many powers. There are prominent scholars who also think the arms symbolize tools, such as it's move pool, possibly even Unown that it created too in order to assist it. It would be an oversimplification to think of Arceus as hatching from an egg as well, as we know Arceus cannot be bred. Think of the egg instead as a reference to the primordial state of things.

There is ultimately no rigid dogma on how to express one's love of Arceus' region. However, it is not the habit of anyone I personally know to dress up in ornate robes, despite the assertions in this article. It's generally kept very casual, we think it is important to remember Arceus accepts you however you are. Democracy and equality are important to us than hierarchy and status. Fundamentally to know Arceus is just a celebration of life, and the potential to create and change.

I personally enjoy visiting the Hall of Origin, which is a quiet and contemplative space, far from filled with screaming, it's a place for mediation. At most there may be the delicate note of an azure flute in the background. It's an angelic sound if you listen to it, and you do not have to necessarily be religious to experience the profound spiritual joy of Arceus' song. There we sit in a circle of friends and talk, and ask questions about our history, read and observe the beauty of our natural world.

The only multi-colored tablets I have ever seen carried by followers of Arceus are the elemental plates, and there is nothing weird about possessing them. They are practical and valuable held items that trainers commonly equip their Pokemon with in battle. At the Hall of Origin quantities of all 18 types are distributed to any visiting pokemon trainer daily based on their Pokemon's typing. These are gifts from our fellowship to aid young trainers on their quest to tame all of Arceus' creations.

This is not all we do to help the community. It is true that many of our fellowship hold dinners where we feed the hungry, which might be the food the author reported receiving. We also have a scholarship program to help send poor kids through trainer school who can't pay their tuition. We donate custom clothes for trainers, and give massages to abandoned and abused pokemon to raise their happiness, groom, heal and try to get them adopted. The Pokemon center and medical research is also sustained mostly by our donations. That is why it is free to anyone who enters it.

As a life long believer I had to set the record straight.
This is an excellent response, haha. Article worthy in itself tbh!