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It's not Am's problem, it's kind of yours. You repointed to non-free space somewhere along the line thus corrupting the map footer.
Hey all, I'm having a little trouble with the intro text. I'm using Advance Text to edit the intro text, but when I ran the game in vba, it showed a bunch of random letters and accents and whatnot after you enter the player's name. So I went into A-Text and looked at that part of the intro and this is what was there:


So I made a backup of my rom and deleted all of that text and opened the game in vba again. Now, the intro works properly, but it corrupted one of my maps. Does anyone know a way to fix this without corrupting a map?
Hey all, I'm having a little trouble with the intro text. I'm using Advance Text to edit the intro text, but when I ran the game in vba, it showed a bunch of random letters and accents and whatnot after you enter the player's name. So I went into A-Text and looked at that part of the intro and this is what was there:


So I made a backup of my rom and deleted all of that text and opened the game in vba again. Now, the intro works properly, but it corrupted one of my maps. Does anyone know a way to fix this without corrupting a map?

Change the repoint address in the .ini file to some free space that you will only use for A-Text. Try reserving some space at like 0xB00000 or something for it and don't allow anything else to be written there.
Change the repoint address in the .ini file to some free space that you will only use for A-Text. Try reserving some space at like 0xB00000 or something for it and don't allow anything else to be written there.

Okay I tried that, and now it's doing the same thing, but the messed up text isnt showing in A-Text.
Re-point!! what is that? I don't understand and iv'e looked through the TUT page but nothing explains what it means by re-point. I always just select the first one on the list when inserting a new map, is that whats causing all the problems? Also the method I use to delete all the maps is by simply placing a "-5" on the zero bank. This deletes all other maps, could this method be messing up the game as well?
Dude, you need stuff to go into FREE SPACE.
So in a hex editor find tons of FF's, which is FREE space. Anything else is USED BY THE GAME. Overwriting old data will CORRUPT your game. I think this is obvious, but of course there are newbies. To repoint in a hex editor, take your offset.
then split into 3
78 9A BC
then swap
BC 9A 78
then add 08 for "in the ROM"
BC 9A 78 08
This tells the game "load from here." How else is it going to know what to do? :)
Keep these tips in mind for anything computer related, overwriting old data is BAD
Re-point!! what is that? I don't understand and iv'e looked through the TUT page but nothing explains what it means by re-point. I always just select the first one on the list when inserting a new map, is that whats causing all the problems? Also the method I use to delete all the maps is by simply placing a "-5" on the zero bank. This deletes all other maps, could this method be messing up the game as well?
"Re-pointing", in other terms, redirects or tells the program/game to "start/end reading here!"

For example, If you have made a line of code that was too big for it's current space, it would tend to "overlap" one or two other lines of coding in the game. In this case, it creates a huge mess (or bug) within your game. This is where you try to start finding new space -- bigger+unused space, where your new line of code would fit perfectly without affecting other parts of the game.

Now when you find that new space, you want to tell the program to use that space... and telling the program to use that space is, yup, you've guessed it, repointing.

Once you find a free space, all you basically have to do is replace an old/previous "number" (like the one mentioned by sky) to the newly found free space "number". If there are multiple of those old numbers, you will have to repoint ALL of those numbers into the new one unless you would want to have more problems in the future.

It is also possible to overwrite a bunch of lines in the original game's data. However, the new data must have exactly the same size or length as the old one... so basically, you have to replace a sentence with a sentence just as long. No more, no less. Haven't done much into hacking the GBA roms, but that's the general idea.
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LOL. I just got Mind raped. Yes you are correct, I am a complete NOVICE. I have never hacked before in my life, I know nothing about computer programming or software engineering. This is my very first attempt to hack, and let me tell you its confusing lol. But as frustrating as it is, it's fun it honestly is. Which is why ask all these questions because I want to learn where i couldn't from the TUT. Again I really appreciate all the replies and help you guys are giving me.

Oh, and what HEX editor do you guys recommend?
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LOL. I just got Mind raped. Yes you are correct, I am a complete NOVICE. I have never hacked before in my life, I know nothing about computer programming or software engineering. This is my very first attempt to hack, and let me tell you its confusing lol. But as frustrating as it is, it's fun it honestly is. Which is why ask all these questions because I want to learn where i couldn't from the TUT. Again I really appreciate all the replies and help you guys are giving me.

Oh, and what HEX editor do you guys recommend?
Well, it IS confusing if you only read it. Much of this will make much more sense later when you're starting to get the hang of it. You'll realize soon enough what you are doing. XD give it time to sink in.

Any hex editor would work, actually... well ok, maybe not. But most recommendations you'd probably get would just come from that user's preference in searching, reading, or working with hexes. Some would find it easier/more comfortable to use this, some would find it easier/more comfortable to use that.

You can check (this) thread for what some people in here use specifically. But if i were you, just grab a random one (they all do the same thing) for now and get used to hex-editing itself. You can decide on what hex editor(s) you'd want to stay with later on when you already know about hex editing well.

I think there were one or two user-made hex editors from this community though, you might have to dig google for it.
Hi everyone!
I have a problem to find an offset and i don't know if you will be able to help me you find the offset I want is the raw of the trainer card, I have the offset of his palette (E99198) the offset of its tileset (E991F8) the offset of the background palette (00E991B8) I only need the of the 3 raw (front, back and background)
Thanks and hope you can help me.
Hey all, I'm having a little trouble with the intro text. I'm using Advance Text to edit the intro text, but when I ran the game in vba, it showed a bunch of random letters and accents and whatnot after you enter the player's name. So I went into A-Text and looked at that part of the intro and this is what was there:


So I made a backup of my rom and deleted all of that text and opened the game in vba again. Now, the intro works properly, but it corrupted one of my maps. Does anyone know a way to fix this without corrupting a map?

No matter where I repoint the data to, it always does the same thing. Right now I have it pointed to 0xB00000 and I'm still getting the same error. Any other ideas? I really need some help.
No matter where I repoint the data to, it always does the same thing. Right now I have it pointed to 0xB00000 and I'm still getting the same error. Any other ideas? I really need some help.

Advance Text is buggy as heck. It's repointing feature, for my experience, does not work. The reason why you got random characters is because A-Text overwrote the other text offsets of the nearby text.

Anyway, that problem only occurs if you go beyond the character limit A-Text provides. Like I said, it's repointing feature isn't working properly.

I suggest you start anew, since your maps crashed and all.
But if you really do need to edit the text and go beyond the character limit, then do this...

0. Save a back-up of your ROM.
1. Write your new text in XSE and compile it.
#dynamix 0x901000

#org @intro
= This will be the new text.\nNo need for lock or start or\lanything like that.
2. Open Advance Text and search for the text you wanted to edit. Take note of the "Text Offset" of that text.

3. Reverse that offset. In the example, 1C7017 will now be 17701C, and add 08, making it 17701C08.
4. Open your ROM with a hex editor and search(CTRL + F) for that reverse offset.

5. Once you've found that, replace it with the offset of your new text (on step 1). Reverse it as well, of course, so 901000 will now be 001090, and add 08, making it 00109008.

6. Save it, and test it out.

Note: If you don't know how to reverse an offset, here's how...
1C7017 -> 1C 70 17
Simply switch the first two and the last two digits.
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Hi, I got problems with tiles coruption, I have two maps, a small village and a route, I connected them, but when i enter the route, the house in the village corrupts , when i enter the house and exit the tiles are fine again.
[PokeCommunity.com] [ARCHIVE] Simple Questions (SEARCH BEFORE ASKING A QUESTION)

PS. cant seem to find the spoiler button :S
Hi everyone!
I have a problem to find an offset and i don't know if you will be able to help me you find the offset I want is the raw of the trainer card, I have the offset of his palette (E99198) the offset of its tileset (E991F8) the offset of the background palette (00E991B8) I only need the of the 3 raw (front, back and background)
Thanks and hope you can help me.

Turn on Logging in VBA-M and then open the trainer card. Then, save the log and learch through it for Lz77. Now you will see all of the things that have been decompressed, including the raws. You will just have to look at them in GBA Graphics Editor.

Hi, I got problems with tiles coruption, I have two maps, a small village and a route, I connected them, but when i enter the route, the house in the village corrupts , when i enter the house and exit the tiles are fine again.
[PokeCommunity.com] [ARCHIVE] Simple Questions (SEARCH BEFORE ASKING A QUESTION)

PS. cant seem to find the spoiler button :S

They aren't using the same tilesets. Within 7 tiles of the map connection, all tiles must be shared btween the two maps.


Is the code for spoiler.
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I've been having way too many problems this week T_T okay so now my map connections aren't working. I have the offsets right, and I checked and my connection isn't showing on any side of my map. For reference, I'm trying to connect my starting town to the first route (via bottom connection) and this is what my connection looks like:
Using the newest Advance map does this. To fix it, you need to maually change the connection offset and start fresh in free space.
sometimes... it just dont work lol (had it happen) just delete the connection and make it again (worked for me)

without knowing anymore, id try that...

my map connection was like walking into a wall... but i simply deleted the connection, in the header made the connction offset 00000000 and made a new connection... it worked... dont know why.
Hey guys! Im trying to make a FireRed hack where most of the trainer battles are doubles; I want to give Red two starters, is that possible, if so, how?
I may end up having the first strter hold a master ball and let him lose in a secret area of Pallet, xD
Hey guys! Im trying to make a FireRed hack where most of the trainer battles are doubles; I want to give Red two starters, is that possible, if so, how?
I may end up having the first strter hold a master ball and let him lose in a secret area of Pallet, xD

That, or just use another "givepokemon" command. Get creative with it.
sorry if this is already somewhere on here - the forum is still a bit tough for me to navigate.

I was wondering, when using songs, tiles, art what is the best way to give credit?

ex: I want to use a song from a movie/show in the pokemon game and want to use art I saw on google images - are those big "no no"s or is it doable?

~ thanks ^_^
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