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[Gen 3] Aron the World part 1: Hoenn Throw Down -- Emerald


Iron Armour Forever
  • 647
    Hi there, I'm SteC and this is:

    [PokeCommunity.com] Aron the World part 1: Hoenn Throw Down -- Emerald

    The Basics
    This is my first attempt at any kind of challenge in a long time. It's going to be a standard Solo Challenge with my boi Aron, but the main goal is to defeat every single kind of Pokémon from the regional Pokédex at least once. The scope of this undertaking will grow from clearing each successive version, region and eventually, generation with Hoenn Gen 3 as the starting point.

    Path to Domination
    The regions I intend to play in order.

    Hoenn --> Kanto --> Sinnoh --> Johto --> Unova --> Kalos --> Alola --> Galar --> Paldea

    The Rules
    Detailed explanation of my playthrough in the spoiler box.


    Some points to consider...
    This post serves as an introduction for my first travel journal with no regular posting schedule in mind. For the earlier games I intend to use only one hack to receive my Aron as a starter but otherwise, the games will be vanilla as ever. I also won't be stacking rules from other popular challenges until I get more comfortable with the games I've not touched in years. As for the Pokémon that can't actually be fought (Jirachi...?), I need to research on that some more. If there's a helpful database for not only catching but defeating every creature out there, I'd love to find out where they are, otherwise I'll be tracking my own data by hand. The determination is too strong!!

    First part of Emerald is... coming soon!
    Chapter 1 - Heck You, Imgur

    [PokeCommunity.com] Aron the World part 1: Hoenn Throw Down -- Emerald
    [PokeCommunity.com] Aron the World part 1: Hoenn Throw Down -- Emerald

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    Chapter 2 - Brawlhalla Awaits

    [PokeCommunity.com] Aron the World part 1: Hoenn Throw Down -- Emerald
    [PokeCommunity.com] Aron the World part 1: Hoenn Throw Down -- Emerald

    Brendan got beat at the cost of an additional reset for downing my Aron the first try. Plus my Pokédex stats at the beginning of this part of the game.
    Open the spoiler box to view the travel log for Chapter 2.

    Chapter 3 - Chika Chika Boom Boom

    [PokeCommunity.com] Aron the World part 1: Hoenn Throw Down -- Emerald
    Route 110...hit it, Solo:

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    Jumped in to this at the latest chapter (Gen III tag and pun grabbed me), its one of my favourite Gen III 'mons that I've somehow never used.
    I would say options 5, 6, 3, and 1 in that order!
    Chapter 4 - Elementary Results

    [PokeCommunity.com] Aron the World part 1: Hoenn Throw Down -- Emerald
    Recap from my last chapter.

    Old man Wattson had me beat, forcing me and Solo to toughen ourselves up a few levels. Deciding to explore the areas around Mauville City, I started taking names and cashing cheques around Route 117 'til I find something of worth.

    [PokeCommunity.com] Aron the World part 1: Hoenn Throw Down -- Emerald
    Wanda? Who tf is Wanda?

    I'll do you one better, why is Wanda?

    I need to wash my hands of this affair. What better way to do that than stop by the Mauville Game Corner and 'win' a Mudkip Doll with absolutely no effort, among other ados. Then I realised something...

    [PokeCommunity.com] Aron the World part 1: Hoenn Throw Down -- Emerald
    [PokeCommunity.com] Aron the World part 1: Hoenn Throw Down -- Emerald

    ...my Mach Bike! I can use it on Route 110 to rip it up with a bunch of trained Magnemites and Voltorbs. How awesomely BORING that no other Pokes were considered for this trek, which brings us full circle to the city gym. Solo's getting ticked now. There's also some brouhaha at the end of the cycle path about a record being kept for how well I can ride at the fastest time without colliding. That's a first for me, actually. Don't spoil anything for me, remember!

    Aha I used to love trying to beat the time with the Mach Bike. Apparently the fastest possible time is 9.15 seconds…given how long I spent on it, I'd like to say I got that but in truth I think I was at like 9.81

    I'm considering starting up Emerald myself, just can't decide between a mix of 'mons I haven't used before (that also don't get Megas in the remakes as I still have them sitting un-playeD), and a full gimmick 'mon team (Kecleon, Slaking, Spinda, Castform, Plusle & Minun, perhaps Ninjask & Nincada) but fitting in a HM slave alongside a full team is a bit tricky. Every time I see that cute little sprite I think about adding Aron though, despite not fitting any of those criteria.

    I read your full OP now and…wow. I don't have that level of commitment. Emerald was definitely the right game to pick though, as I believe with trainers the only Hoenn 'mon you'll not be able to defeat is whichever of Lati@s you don't choose.
    @Amore - I won't be able to fight both Eons? I'll be trying out Ruby/Sapphire later on to find any exclusives that were left out in Emerald. FireRed/LeafGreen will come next.
    @Amore - I won't be able to fight both Eons? I'll be trying out Ruby/Sapphire later on to find any exclusives that were left out in Emerald. FireRed/LeafGreen will come next.

    No, you get a choice of which one (its not immediately obvious when it happens, so look it up if you really want to know). But you can get all three of Kyogre, Groudon, and Rayquaza plus the Regi trio. So if you're leaning towards a specific one of Ruby or Sapphire (iirc there's at least one version exclusive from each missing from Emerald so you would need to do both), pick the Lati@s that doesn't appear there.
    Ah, I see. Thanks for the tip.

    No worries! One more I remembered - if you have a RS save and get it far enough in to be able to Mix Records, do that with your Emerald save and you can get swarms of version exclusives. So you can tick off a couple more Hoenn 'mons with your first Aron :)
    Is the Mix Record compatible between roms and emus because that's how I'm running my save.

    Also, next chapter is already in the bag. I'm giving it some time to stew first. :D
    Is the Mix Record compatible between roms and emus because that's how I'm running my save.

    Also, next chapter is already in the bag. I'm giving it some time to stew first. :D

    Oh, no idea. Might be worth looking up!
    Chapter 5 - The Buddy System

    [PokeCommunity.com] Aron the World part 1: Hoenn Throw Down -- Emerald

    Well hello there, my good people of PokéCommunity. We start this chapter with the sudden gridlock. 3 badges in, I realised I cannot go further without at least one HM to make progress. Solo needs a buddy - that's right, a buddy - and he needs one fast. And why's that?

    Chapter 6 - The Water/Lava is Lava/Water

    [PokeCommunity.com] Aron the World part 1: Hoenn Throw Down -- Emerald

    As usual, collapase the tag to reveal my latest antics.

    I would absolutely have taken Mimic, just for the lulz as until you face a Dragon-type or Ghost-type boss its not likely an opposing Pokémon is going to use a move super-effective on itself. I figured you would have an alright time against Flannery, but I guess Steel making you neutral to her is a problem, huh? I didn't realise the goggles are after that battle, I might have trouble as I was relying on my future Trapinch to beat her.

    You did better than me vs. Wattson, I did 10 resets and now I'm going to grind. Only got to Manectric once.
    Chapter 7 - NORM!

    [PokeCommunity.com] Aron the World part 1: Hoenn Throw Down -- Emerald

    By 'seen', you mean as in 'beaten,' right?

    Chapter 8 - Don't Say The 'S' Word

    [PokeCommunity.com] Aron the World part 1: Hoenn Throw Down -- Emerald

    The story so far... some idiot dyed the entire ocean a deep blue, and other stuff happened. Live from Dewford:

    It was Archie. Team Aqua took over the LIlycove Paint Factory and set it to pump straight into the sea!

    Route 119 up to Fortree is - I believe - still the longest in Pokémon. Or at least the longest in a straight line, as Sinnoh has a couple with corners in them. I am very happy for team Grovyle, just evolved mine - Leaf Blade is an awesome animation.

    Are you going to hunt for a Feebas back on that Route 119 before moving on?

    Also just a neat thing you might not remember, Cut can be used to eliminate grass patches both long and extra long. A time-consuming but cheaper way of being undisturbed once you've beaten everything on a route than using a Repel. Also just kinda neat.
    Come to think of it, Route 119 did seem long to me, so much so I had to backtrack to a Center to heal. I believe this is where the Feebas can be found in that one tile in the sea but I could be wrong. This is just a blind run without strategy so I can be surprised.